2013-12-26 21:43:25 -05:00

408 lines
9.4 KiB

/* f/dash.c
** This file is in the public domain.
#include "all.h"
/* _ds_mate(): u2_yes iff `xip` binds to `cor`.
static u2_bean
_ds_mate(u2_noun xip, // retain
u2_noun cor) // retain
u2_noun dac, bat, pet;
u2_as_trel(xip, &dac, &bat, &pet);
// Very important for performance that we mate top-down.
// Reason: duplicates are much more common in shallower
// batteries, and duplicate comparison is always slow.
if ( u2_nul != pet ) {
u2_noun axe = u2_h(pet);
u2_noun led = u2_t(pet);
u2_noun ruc = u2_frag(axe, cor);
if ( (u2_none == ruc) || (u2_no == _ds_mate(led, ruc)) ) {
return u2_no;
return u2_sing(bat, u2_h(cor));
/* _ds_scan(): linear search for matching chip.
static u2_noun // discover
_ds_scan(u2_noun pug, // retain
u2_noun cor) // retain
while ( u2_nul != pug ) {
u2_noun i_pug = u2_h(pug);
if ( u2_yes == _ds_mate(i_pug, cor) ) {
return i_pug;
pug = u2_t(pug);
return u2_none;
/* u2_ds_find(): find chip by core, or none.
u2_weak // senior
u2_ds_find(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun cor) // retain
if ( u2_no == u2_dust(cor) ) {
return u2_none;
} else {
u2_rail bas_r = u2_wire_bas_r(wir_r);
u2_noun pug = u2_cs_find(bas_r, u2_wire_des_r(wir_r), 0, u2_h(cor));
u2_noun out;
if ( u2_none == pug ) {
out = u2_none;
else out = _ds_scan(pug, cor);
#if 0
if ( (u2_none == out) && (u2_none != pug) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "half match\r\n");
return out;
/* _ds_good_cop()::
static u2_bean
_ds_good_cop(u2_noun cop)
c3_w i_w = 0;
while ( i_w < 4 ) {
if ( u2_yes == u2_stud(cop) ) {
return u2_yes;
if ( u2_no == u2_stud(u2_h(cop)) ) {
return u2_no;
cop = u2_t(cop);
return u2_no;
/* _ds_good_bud()::
static u2_bean
_ds_good_bud(u2_noun bud)
u2_noun p_bud, q_bud;
if ( _0 == bud ) {
return u2_yes;
else if ( (u2_no == u2_as_cell(bud, &p_bud, &q_bud)) ) {
return u2_no;
if ( (u2_nock_bone == p_bud) && (_0 == q_bud) ) {
return u2_yes;
if ( (u2_nock_frag == p_bud) && (u2_yes == u2_stud(q_bud)) ) {
return u2_yes;
if ( u2_nock_hint == p_bud ) {
return u2_yes == u2_dust(u2_t(bud)) ? _ds_good_bud(u2_t(u2_t(bud))) : u2_no;
else return u2_no;
/* _ds_good_pic()::
static u2_bean
_ds_good_pic(u2_noun pic)
if ( u2_nul == pic ) {
return u2_yes;
} else {
u2_noun i_pic, t_pic;
u2_noun pi_pic, qi_pic;
if ( (u2_no == u2_as_cell(pic, &i_pic, &t_pic)) ||
(u2_no == u2_as_cell(i_pic, &pi_pic, &qi_pic)) ||
(u2_no == u2_stud(pi_pic)) )
return u2_no;
else return u2_yes;
extern void u2_lo_show(c3_c* cap_c, u2_noun nun);
/* _ds_chip(): fabricate chip from clue and core.
static u2_weak // senior
_ds_chip(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun clu, // retain
u2_noun cor) // retain
u2_rail bas_r = u2_wire_bas_r(wir_r);
u2_noun bud_clu, cop_clu, pic_clu;
if ( (u2_no == u2_as_trel(clu, &bud_clu, &cop_clu, &pic_clu)) ||
(u2_no == _ds_good_bud(bud_clu)) ||
(u2_no == _ds_good_cop(cop_clu)) ||
(u2_no == _ds_good_pic(pic_clu)) )
return u2_none;
else {
u2_noun dac, bat, pet;
/* disc: dac
if ( u2_none == (dac = u2_rx(bas_r, u2_t(clu))) ) {
return u2_none;
#if 1
/* battery: bat
if ( u2_none == (bat = u2_rx(bas_r, u2_h(cor))) ) {
u2_rz(bas_r, dac); return u2_none;
#if 0
/* bat: battery
// Important to reuse existing battery even if it does not match
// the whole chip - since battery is a comparison key, we don't
// want duplicates, which compare slowly.
if ( u2_nul == pug ) {
bat = u2_rx(bas_r, u2_h(cor));
else {
u2_noun i_pug = u2_h(pug);
bat = u2_rx(bas_r, u2_h(u2_t(i_pug)));
if ( u2_none == bat ) {
u2_rz(bas_r, dac); return u2_none;
/* trunk: pet
if ( _0 == bud_clu ) {
pet = u2_nul;
else {
while ( _10 == u2_h(bud_clu) ) {
bud_clu = u2_t(u2_t(bud_clu));
if ( _1 == u2_h(bud_clu) ) {
pet = u2_nul;
else {
u2_atom axe = u2_t(bud_clu);
u2_noun ruc = u2_frag(axe, cor);
u2_noun led;
if ( u2_none == ruc ) {
// u2_err(wir_r, "clu", clu);
u2_rz(bas_r, dac); u2_rz(bas_r, bat); return u2_none;
} else {
if ( u2_none == (led = u2_ds_find(wir_r, ruc)) ) {
u2_lo_show("clu", clu);
u2_rz(bas_r, dac); u2_rz(bas_r, bat); return u2_none;
pet = u2_rc(bas_r, u2_rx(bas_r, axe), u2_rx(bas_r, led));
return u2_rt(bas_r, dac, bat, pet);
/* u2_ds_mine():
** Register and/or save core.
u2_noun // transfer
u2_ds_mine(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun clu, // retain
u2_noun cor) // transfer
u2_noun bas_r = u2_wire_bas_r(wir_r);
if ( u2_no == u2_dust(cor) ) {
return cor;
} else {
u2_noun pay = u2_t(cor);
u2_noun bat = u2_h(cor);
u2_noun pug = u2_cs_find(bas_r, u2_wire_des_r(wir_r), 0, bat);
u2_noun xip, bat_xip;
u2_noun gop;
if ( u2_none == pug ) {
pug = u2_nul;
if ( u2_none == (xip = _ds_scan(pug, cor)) ) {
gop = u2_rc(bas_r, (xip = _ds_chip(wir_r, clu, cor)), u2_rx(bas_r, pug));
if ( u2_none == gop ) {
return cor;
} else {
bat_xip = u2_h(u2_t(xip));
#if 0
c3_c* xip_c = u2_ho_cstring(xip);
fprintf(stderr, "!%s - lent %d\r\n", xip_c, u2_ckb_lent(gop));
gop = u2_cs_save(bas_r, u2_wire_des_r(wir_r), 0, bat_xip, gop);
u2_noun poo = u2_cs_find(bas_r, u2_wire_des_r(wir_r), 0, bat_xip);
_ds_scan(poo, cor);
u2_rz(bas_r, gop);
else {
bat_xip = u2_h(u2_t(xip));
if ( bat_xip != bat ) {
u2_noun cyr = u2_rc(wir_r, bat_xip, u2_rx(wir_r, pay));
if ( u2_none == cyr ) {
return cor;
else {
u2_rz(wir_r, cor);
return cyr;
else return cor;
/* _ds_leap(): formula from name and chip.
static u2_weak // senior
_ds_leap(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun xip, // retain
const c3_c* tam_c) // retain
u2_noun dac = u2_h(xip);
u2_noun pic = u2_t(dac);
while ( u2_nul != pic ) {
u2_noun i_pic = u2_h(pic);
u2_noun t_pic = u2_t(pic);
if ( u2_yes == u2_sing_c(tam_c, u2_h(i_pic)) ) {
return u2_t(i_pic);
else pic = t_pic;
return u2_none;
/* u2_ds_look():
** Produce hook formula from core, or u2_none.
u2_weak // produce
u2_ds_look(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun cor, // retain
const c3_c* tam_c) // retain
u2_noun xip = u2_ds_find(wir_r, cor);
if ( u2_none == xip ) {
return u2_none;
else {
c3_l axe_l = _1;
while ( 1 ) {
u2_noun fol = _ds_leap(wir_r, xip, tam_c);
if ( u2_none == fol ) {
u2_noun pet = u2_t(u2_t(xip));
if ( _0 == pet ) {
// printf("no joy - %s\n", tam_c);
return u2_none;
else {
u2_axis pax = u2_h(pet);
c3_assert((u2_ax_dep(axe_l) + u2_ax_dep(pax)) <= 30);
axe_l = u2_ax_peg(axe_l, pax);
xip = u2_t(pet);
else {
if ( _1 != axe_l ) {
return u2_rt(wir_r, u2_nock_flac,
u2_rc(wir_r, u2_nock_frag, axe_l),
else return fol;
/* u2_ds_fire():
** Fire formula from core.
u2_weak // produce
u2_ds_fire(u2_wire wir_r,
u2_noun cor, // retain
const c3_c* tam_c) // retain
u2_noun fol = u2_ds_look(wir_r, cor, tam_c);
if ( u2_none == fol ) {
return u2_none;
else {
u2_noun pro = u2_nk_nock(wir_r, u2_rx(wir_r, cor), fol);
u2_rz(wir_r, fol);
return pro;