mirror of
synced 2025-01-06 23:16:29 +03:00
append /view to the existing subscription paths to "wrap" the possibly empty path segment of the session name.
472 lines
12 KiB
472 lines
12 KiB
/* eslint-disable max-lines */
import React, {
} from 'react';
import useTermState from './state';
import { useDark } from './join';
import api from './api';
import { Terminal, ITerminalOptions, ITheme } from 'xterm';
import { FitAddon } from 'xterm-addon-fit';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import { Box, Col, Reset, _dark, _light } from '@tlon/indigo-react';
import 'xterm/css/xterm.css';
import {
Belt, Blit, Stye, Stub, Tint, Deco,
pokeTask, pokeBelt
} from '@urbit/api/term';
import bel from './lib/bel';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components';
type TermAppProps = {
ship: string;
const makeTheme = (dark: boolean): ITheme => {
let fg, bg: string;
if (dark) {
fg = 'white';
bg = 'rgb(26,26,26)';
} else {
fg = 'black';
bg = 'white';
// TODO indigo colors.
// we can't pluck these from ThemeContext because they have transparency.
// technically xterm supports transparency, but it degrades performance.
return {
foreground: fg,
background: bg,
brightBlack: '#7f7f7f', // NOTE slogs
cursor: fg
const termConfig: ITerminalOptions = {
logLevel: 'warn',
convertEol: true,
rows: 24,
cols: 80,
scrollback: 10000,
fontFamily: '"Source Code Pro", "Roboto mono", "Courier New", monospace',
fontWeight: 400,
// NOTE theme colors configured dynamically
bellStyle: 'sound',
bellSound: bel,
// allows text selection by holding modifier (option, or shift)
macOptionClickForcesSelection: true
const csi = (cmd: string, ...args: number[]) => {
return '\x1b[' + args.join(';') + cmd;
const tint = (t: Tint) => {
switch (t) {
case null: return '9';
case 'k': return '0';
case 'r': return '1';
case 'g': return '2';
case 'y': return '3';
case 'b': return '4';
case 'm': return '5';
case 'c': return '6';
case 'w': return '7';
default: return `8;2;${t.r%256};${t.g%256};${t.b%256}`;
const stye = (s: Stye) => {
let out = '';
// text decorations
if (s.deco.length > 0) {
out += s.deco.reduce((decs: number[], deco: Deco) => {
/* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line */
switch (deco) {
case null: decs.push(0); return decs;
case 'br': decs.push(1); return decs;
case 'un': decs.push(4); return decs;
case 'bl': decs.push(5); return decs;
default: console.log('weird deco', deco); return decs;
}, []).join(';');
// background color
if (s.back !== null) {
if (out !== '') {
out += ';';
out += '4';
out += tint(s.back);
// foreground color
if (s.fore !== null) {
if (out !== '') {
out += ';';
out += '3';
out += tint(s.fore);
if (out === '') {
return out;
return '\x1b[' + out + 'm';
const showBlit = (term: Terminal, blit: Blit) => {
let out = '';
if ('bel' in blit) {
out += '\x07';
} else if ('clr' in blit) {
out += csi('u');
} else if ('hop' in blit) {
if (typeof blit.hop === 'number') {
out += csi('H', term.rows, blit.hop + 1);
} else {
out += csi('H', term.rows - blit.hop.r, blit.hop.c + 1);
out += csi('s'); // save cursor position
} else if ('put' in blit) {
out += blit.put.join('');
out += csi('u');
} else if ('klr' in blit) {
//TODO remove for new backend
out += csi('H', term.rows, 1);
out += csi('K');
out += blit.klr.reduce((lin: string, p: Stub) => {
lin += stye(p.stye);
lin += p.text.join('');
lin += csi('m', 0);
return lin;
}, '');
out += csi('u');
} else if ('nel' in blit) {
out += '\n';
} else if ('sag' in blit || 'sav' in blit) {
const sav = ('sag' in blit) ? blit.sag : blit.sav;
const name = sav.path.split('/').slice(-2).join('.');
const buff = Buffer.from(sav.file, 'base64');
const blob = new Blob([buff], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
saveAs(blob, name);
} else if ('url' in blit) {
} else if ('wyp' in blit) {
out += '\r' + csi('K');
out += csi('u');
//TODO remove for new backend
} else if ('lin' in blit) {
out += csi('H', term.rows, 1);
out += csi('K');
out += blit.lin.join('');
} else if ('mor' in blit) {
out += '\n';
} else {
console.log('weird blit', blit);
// NOTE should generally only be passed the default terminal session
const showSlog = (term: Terminal, slog: string) => {
// set scroll region to exclude the bottom line,
// scroll up one line,
// move cursor to start of the newly created whitespace,
// set text to grey,
// print the slog,
// restore color, scroll region, and cursor.
term.write(csi('r', 1, term.rows - 1)
+ csi('S', 1)
+ csi('H', term.rows - 1, 1)
+ csi('m', 90)
+ slog
+ csi('m', 0)
+ csi('r')
+ csi('u'));
const readInput = (term: Terminal, e: string): Belt[] => {
const belts: Belt[] = [];
let strap = '';
while (e.length > 0) {
let c = e.charCodeAt(0);
// text input
if (c >= 32 && c !== 127) {
strap += e[0];
e = e.slice(1);
} else if ('' !== strap) {
belts.push({ txt: strap.split('') });
strap = '';
// special keys/characters
if (0 === c) {
term.write('\x07'); // bel
} else if (8 === c || 127 === c) {
belts.push({ bac: null });
} else if (13 === c) {
belts.push({ ret: null });
} else if (c <= 26) {
let k = String.fromCharCode(96 + c);
//NOTE prevent remote shut-downs
if ('d' !== k) {
belts.push({ ctl: k });
//TODO for new backend
// belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'ctl', key: k } });
// escape sequences
if (27 === c) { // ESC
e = e.slice(1);
c = e.charCodeAt(0);
if (91 === c || 79 === c) { // [ or O
e = e.slice(1);
c = e.charCodeAt(0);
/* eslint-disable max-statements-per-line */
switch (c) {
case 65: belts.push({ aro: 'u' }); break;
case 66: belts.push({ aro: 'd' }); break;
case 67: belts.push({ aro: 'r' }); break;
case 68: belts.push({ aro: 'l' }); break;
case 77: {
const m = e.charCodeAt(1) - 31;
if (1 === m) {
const c = e.charCodeAt(2) - 32;
const r = e.charCodeAt(3) - 32;
//TODO re-enable for new backend
// belts.push({ hit: { r: term.rows - r, c: c - 1 } });
e = e.slice(3);
default: term.write('\x07'); break; // bel
} else if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) { // a <= c <= z
belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: e[0] } });
} else if (c === 46) { // .
belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: '.' } });
} else if (c === 8 || c === 127) {
belts.push({ mod: { mod: 'met', key: { bac: null } } });
} else {
term.write('\x07'); break; // bel
e = e.slice(1);
if ('' !== strap) {
belts.push({ txt: strap.split('') });
strap = '';
return belts;
export default function TermApp(props: TermAppProps) {
const container = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
// TODO allow switching of selected
const { sessions, selected, slogstream, set } = useTermState();
const session = sessions[selected];
const dark = useDark();
const setupSlog = useCallback(() => {
console.log('slog: setting up...');
let available = false;
const slog = new EventSource('/~_~/slog', { withCredentials: true });
slog.onopen = (e) => {
console.log('slog: opened stream');
available = true;
slog.onmessage = (e) => {
const session = useTermState.getState().sessions[''];
if (!session) {
console.log('default session mia!', 'slog:', slog);
showSlog(session.term, e.data);
slog.onerror = (e) => {
console.error('slog: eventsource error:', e);
if (available) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (slog.readyState !== EventSource.CLOSED) {
console.log('slog: reconnecting...');
}, 10000);
set((state) => {
state.slogstream = slog;
}, [sessions]);
const onInput = useCallback((ses: string, e: string) => {
const term = useTermState.getState().sessions[ses].term;
const belts = readInput(term, e);
belts.map((b) => { // NOTE passing api.poke(pokeBelt makes `this` undefined!
//TODO pokeBelt(ses, b);
app: 'herm',
mark: 'belt',
json: b
}, [sessions]);
const onResize = useCallback(() => {
// TODO debounce, if it ever becomes a problem
}, [session]);
// on-init, open slogstream
useEffect(() => {
if (!slogstream) {
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
return () => {
// TODO clean up subs?
window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize);
}, [onResize, setupSlog]);
// on dark mode change, change terminals' theme
useEffect(() => {
const theme = makeTheme(dark);
for (const ses in sessions) {
sessions[ses].term.setOption('theme', theme);
if (container.current) {
container.current.style.backgroundColor = theme.background || '';
}, [dark, sessions]);
// on selected change, maybe setup the term, or put it into the container
useEffect(() => {
let ses = session;
// initialize terminal
if (!ses) {
// set up terminal
const term = new Terminal(termConfig);
term.setOption('theme', makeTheme(dark));
const fit = new FitAddon();
// start mouse reporting
// set up event handlers
term.onData(e => onInput(selected, e));
term.onBinary(e => onInput(selected, e));
term.onResize((e) => {
//TODO re-enable once new backend lands
// api.poke(pokeTask(selected, { blew: { w: e.cols, h: e.rows } }));
ses = { term, fit };
// open subscription
api.subscribe({ app: 'herm', path: '/session/'+selected+'/view',
event: (e) => {
const ses = useTermState.getState().sessions[selected];
if (!ses) {
console.log('on blit: no such session', selected, sessions, useTermState.getState().sessions);
showBlit(ses.term, e);
quit: () => { // quit
// TODO show user a message
if (container.current && !container.current.contains(ses.term.element || null)) {
set((state) => {
state.sessions[selected] = ses;
return () => {
// TODO unload term from container
// but term.dispose is too powerful? maybe just empty the container?
}, [set, session, container]);
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={dark ? _dark : _light}>
<Reset />