Philip Monk f2c43edc99
naive: make bitlengths explicit
Also switches everything to ropsten by default, including ivory pill.
Batches work on ropsten now.

Also adds +tx as a hacky development tool to create text for metamask to
sign and then turn that into a batch.  A useful reference for bridge and
aggregator work.
2021-04-27 22:58:19 -07:00

280 lines
6.6 KiB

/- eth-watcher
/+ ethereum, azimuth, naive, default-agent, verb, dbug
/* snap %eth-logs /app/azimuth/logs/eth-logs
=/ last-snap :: maybe just use the last one?
%+ roll `(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)`~ ::snap
|= [log=event-log:rpc:ethereum last=@ud]
?~ mined.log
(max block-number.u.mined.log last)
=, jael
++ app-state
$: %1
whos=(set ship)
logs=(list =event-log:rpc:ethereum)
+$ poke-data
$% :: %listen
[%listen whos=(list ship) =source:jael]
:: %watch: configure node url
[%watch url=@ta]
+$ tagged-diff [=id:block diff:naive]
:: TODO: is `dat` supposed to be a 32-byte hash? I guess so
++ verifier
^- ^verifier:naive
|= [dat=@ v=@ r=@ s=@]
?: (gth v 3) ~ :: TODO: move to jet
=/ result
%- mule
=, secp256k1:secp:crypto
%- address-from-pub:key:ethereum
%- serialize-point
(ecdsa-raw-recover dat v r s)
?- -.result
%| ~
%& `p.result
++ topics
|= ships=(set ship)
^- (list ?(@ux (list @ux)))
++ data-to-hex
|= data=@t
?~ data *@ux
?: =(data '0x') *@ux
(hex-to-num:ethereum data)
++ run-logs
|= [nas=^state:naive logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum)]
^- [(list tagged-diff) ^state:naive]
?~ logs
?~ mined.i.logs
$(logs t.logs)
=^ raw-effects nas
=/ =^input:naive
?: =(azimuth:contracts:azimuth address.i.logs)
=/ data (data-to-hex data.i.logs)
=/ =event-log:naive
[address.i.logs data topics.i.logs]
[%log event-log]
?~ input.u.mined.i.logs
[%bat *@]
=/ len (met 3 u.input.u.mined.i.logs)
=/ fun
(rsh [3 (sub len 4)] u.input.u.mined.i.logs)
?. =(0x2688.7f26 fun)
[%bat *@]
[%bat (end [3 (sub len 4)] u.input.u.mined.i.logs)]
=/ res (mule |.((%*(. naive lac |) verifier nas input)))
?- -.res
%& p.res
%| ((slog 'naive-fail' p.res) `nas)
=/ effects-1
=/ =id:block [block-hash block-number]:u.mined.i.logs
(turn raw-effects |=(=diff:naive [id diff]))
=^ effects-2 nas $(logs t.logs)
[(welp effects-1 effects-2) nas]
++ to-udiffs
|= effects=(list tagged-diff)
^- =udiffs:point
%+ murn effects
|= tag=tagged-diff
^- (unit [=ship =udiff:point])
?. ?=(%point +<.tag) ~
?+ +>+<.tag ~
%rift `[ship.tag id.tag %rift rift.tag]
%keys `[ship.tag id.tag %keys [life crypto-suite pass]:tag]
%sponsor `[ship.tag id.tag %spon sponsor.tag]
++ jael-update
|= =udiffs:point
^- (list card:agent:gall)
?: & ~ :: XX
:- [%give %fact ~[/] %azimuth-udiffs !>(udiffs)]
|- ^- (list card:agent:gall)
?~ udiffs
=/ =path /(scot %p ship.i.udiffs)
:: Should really give all diffs involving each ship at the same time
:- [%give %fact ~[path] %azimuth-udiffs !>(~[i.udiffs])]
$(udiffs t.udiffs)
++ start
|= [state=app-state our=ship dap=term]
^- card:agent:gall
=/ args=vase !>
:+ %watch /[dap]
^- config:eth-watcher
:* url.state =(%czar (clan:title our)) ~m5 ~h30
(max launch:contracts:azimuth last-snap)
(topics whos.state)
[%pass /wa %agent [our %eth-watcher] %poke %eth-watcher-poke args]
=| state=app-state
%- agent:dbug
%+ verb |
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
:_ this :_ ~
^- card:agent:gall
[%pass /eth-watcher %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] %watch /logs/[dap.bowl]]
++ on-save !>(state)
++ on-load
|= old=vase
=+ !<(old-state=app-states old)
=? old-state ?=(%0 -.old-state)
%= old-state
- %1
%+ turn logs.old-state
|= =event-log-0
event-log-0(mined ?~(mined.event-log-0 ~ `mined.event-log-0))
`this(state ?>(?=(%1 -.old-state) old-state))
++ app-states $%(app-state-0 app-state)
++ app-state-0
$: %0
whos=(set ship)
logs=(list =event-log-0)
+$ event-log-0
$: $= mined %- unit
$: log-index=@ud
topics=(lest @ux)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
?: =(%noun mark)
?+ q.vase !!
~& [%rerunning (lent logs.state)]
=^ effects nas.state (run-logs *^state:naive logs.state)
:_ this :_ ~
[%pass /eth-watcher %agent [our.bowl %eth-watcher] %watch /logs/[dap.bowl]]
=. logs.state snap
$(mark %noun, vase !>(%rerun))
?: =(%eth-logs mark)
=+ !<(logs=(list event-log:rpc:ethereum) vase)
=. logs.state logs
$(mark %noun, vase !>(%rerun))
?. ?=(%azimuth-poke mark)
(on-poke:def mark vase)
=+ !<(poke=poke-data vase)
?- -.poke
%listen [[%pass /lo %arvo %j %listen (silt whos.poke) source.poke]~ this]
=. url.state url.poke
[[(start state [our dap]:bowl) ~] this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)
?< =(/sole/drum path)
?> ?=(?(~ [@ ~]) path)
=/ who=(unit ship)
?~ path ~
`(slav %p i.path)
=. whos.state
?~ who
(~(put in whos.state) u.who)
:_ this :_ ~
(start state [our dap]:bowl)
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek
|= =path
?: =(/x/nas path)
?: =(/x/logs path)
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
?. ?=([%eth-watcher ~] wire)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?. ?=(%fact -.sign)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
?. ?=(%eth-watcher-diff p.cage.sign)
(on-agent:def wire sign)
=+ !<(diff=diff:eth-watcher q.cage.sign)
?: ?=(%disavow -.diff)
[(jael-update [*ship id.diff %disavow ~]~) this]
=. logs.state
?- -.diff
:: %history loglist.diff
%history (welp logs.state loglist.diff)
%logs (welp logs.state loglist.diff)
=? nas.state ?=(%history -.diff) *^state:naive
=^ effects nas.state
%+ run-logs
?- -.diff
:: %history *^state:naive
%history nas.state
%logs nas.state
[(jael-update (to-udiffs effects)) this]
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def