mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 04:41:37 +03:00
For thread ids generated by spider itself, includes the name of the thread, for convenient identification.
592 lines
14 KiB
592 lines
14 KiB
/- spider
/+ libstrand=strand, default-agent, verb, server
=, strand=strand:libstrand
+$ card card:agent:gall
+$ thread thread:spider
+$ tid tid:spider
+$ input input:spider
+$ yarn (list tid)
+$ thread-form _*eval-form:eval:(strand ,vase)
+$ trie
$~ [*thread-form ~]
[=thread-form kid=(map tid trie)]
+$ trying ?(%build %none)
+$ state
$: starting=(map yarn [=trying =vase])
tid=(map tid yarn)
serving=(map tid [@ta =mark])
+$ clean-slate-any
$^ clean-slate-ket
$% clean-slate-sig
+$ clean-slate
$: %2
starting=(map yarn [=trying =vase])
running=(list yarn)
tid=(map tid yarn)
serving=(map tid [@ta =mark])
+$ clean-slate-1
$: %1
starting=(map yarn [=trying =vase])
running=(list yarn)
tid=(map tid yarn)
+$ clean-slate-ket
$: starting=(map yarn [trying=?(%build %find %none) =vase])
running=(list yarn)
tid=(map tid yarn)
+$ clean-slate-sig
$: starting=~
running=(list yarn)
tid=(map tid yarn)
+$ start-args
[parent=(unit tid) use=(unit tid) file=term =vase]
:: Trie operations
++ get-yarn
|= [=trie =yarn]
^- (unit =thread-form)
?~ yarn
=/ son (~(get by kid.trie) i.yarn)
?~ son
$(trie u.son, yarn t.yarn)
++ get-yarn-children
|= [=trie =yarn]
^- (list ^yarn)
?~ yarn
(turn (tap-yarn trie) head)
=/ son (~(get by kid.trie) i.yarn)
?~ son
$(trie u.son, yarn t.yarn)
++ has-yarn
|= [=trie =yarn]
!=(~ (get-yarn trie yarn))
++ put-yarn
|= [=trie =yarn =thread-form]
^+ trie
?~ yarn
trie(thread-form thread-form)
=/ son (~(gut by kid.trie) i.yarn [*^thread-form ~])
%= trie
%+ ~(put by kid.trie) i.yarn
$(trie son, yarn t.yarn)
++ del-yarn
|= [=trie =yarn]
^+ trie
?~ yarn
?~ t.yarn
trie(kid (~(del by kid.trie) i.yarn))
=/ son (~(get by kid.trie) i.yarn)
?~ son
%= trie
%+ ~(put by kid.trie) i.yarn
$(trie u.son, yarn t.yarn)
++ tap-yarn
|= =trie
%- flop :: preorder
=| =yarn
|- ^- (list [=^yarn =thread-form])
%+ welp
?~ yarn
[(flop yarn) thread-form.trie]~
=/ kids ~(tap by kid.trie)
|- ^- (list [=^yarn =thread-form])
?~ kids
=/ next-1 ^$(yarn [p.i.kids yarn], trie q.i.kids)
=/ next-2 $(kids t.kids)
(welp next-1 next-2)
^- agent:gall
=| =state
%+ verb |
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
spider-core +>
sc ~(. spider-core bowl)
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card _this)
:_ this
++ on-save clean-state:sc
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
=+ !<(any=clean-slate-any old-state)
=? any ?=(^ -.any) (old-to-1 any)
=? any ?=(~ -.any) (old-to-1 any)
=^ upgrade-cards any
(old-to-2 any)
?> ?=(%2 -.any)
=. tid.state tid.any
=/ yarns=(list yarn)
%+ welp running.any
~(tap in ~(key by starting.any))
|- ^- (quip card _this)
?~ yarns
[~[bind-eyre:sc] this]
=^ cards-1 state
(handle-stop-thread:sc (yarn-to-tid i.yarns) |)
=^ cards-2 this
$(yarns t.yarns)
[:(weld upgrade-cards cards-1 cards-2) this]
++ old-to-1
|= old=clean-slate-ket
^- clean-slate-1
1+old(starting (~(run by starting.old) |=([* v=vase] none+v)))
++ old-to-2
|= old=clean-slate-any
^- (quip card clean-slate)
?> ?=(?(%1 %2) -.old)
?: ?=(%2 -.old)
:- ~[bind-eyre:sc]
:* %2
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?: ?=(%spider-kill mark)
(on-load on-save)
=^ cards state
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
%spider-input (on-poke-input:sc !<(input vase))
%spider-start (handle-start-thread:sc !<(start-args vase))
%spider-stop (handle-stop-thread:sc !<([tid ?] vase))
(handle-http-request:sc !<([@ta =inbound-request:eyre] vase))
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ path (on-watch:def path)
[%thread @ *] (on-watch:sc t.path)
[%thread-result @ ~] (on-watch-result:sc i.t.path)
[%http-response *] `state
[cards this]
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?+ path (on-peek:def path)
[%x %tree ~]
``noun+!>((turn (tap-yarn running.state) head))
[%x %starting @ ~]
``noun+!>((has-yarn running.state (~(got by tid.state) i.t.t.path)))
[%x %saxo @ ~]
``noun+!>((~(got by tid.state) i.t.t.path))
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ wire !!
[%thread @ *] (on-agent:sc i.t.wire t.t.wire sign)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card _this)
=^ cards state
?+ wire (on-arvo:def wire sign-arvo)
[%thread @ *] (handle-sign:sc i.t.wire t.t.wire sign-arvo)
[%build @ ~] (handle-build:sc i.t.wire sign-arvo)
[%bind ~] `state
[cards this]
:: On unexpected failure, kill all outstanding strands
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- (quip card _this)
%- (slog leaf+"spider crashed, killing all strands: {<term>}" tang)
(on-load on-save)
|_ =bowl:gall
++ bind-eyre
^- card
[%pass /bind %arvo %e %connect [~ /spider] %spider]
++ new-thread-id
|= file=term
:((cury cat 3) file '--' (scot %uv (sham eny.bowl)))
++ handle-http-request
|= [eyre-id=@ta =inbound-request:eyre]
^- (quip card _state)
?> authenticated.inbound-request
=/ url
(parse-request-line:server url.request.inbound-request)
?> ?=([%spider @t @t @t ~] site.url)
=* input-mark i.t.site.url
=* thread i.t.t.site.url
=* output-mark i.t.t.t.site.url
=/ =tid (new-thread-id thread)
=. serving.state
(~(put by serving.state) tid [eyre-id output-mark])
=+ .^
/(scot %p our.bowl)/[q.byk.bowl]/(scot %da now.bowl)/json/[input-mark]
?> ?=(^ body.request.inbound-request)
=/ body=json
(need (de-json:html q.u.body.request.inbound-request))
=/ input=vase
(slop !>(~) (tube !>(body)))
=/ =start-args
[~ `tid thread input]
=^ cards state
(handle-start-thread start-args)
[cards state]
++ on-poke-input
|= input
=/ yarn (~(got by tid.state) tid)
(take-input yarn ~ %poke cage)
++ on-watch
|= [=tid =path]
(take-input (~(got by tid.state) tid) ~ %watch path)
++ on-watch-result
|= =tid
^- (quip card ^state)
++ handle-sign
|= [=tid =wire =sign-arvo]
=/ yarn (~(get by tid.state) tid)
?~ yarn
%- (slog leaf+"spider got sign for non-existent {<tid>}" ~)
(take-input u.yarn ~ %sign wire sign-arvo)
++ on-agent
|= [=tid =wire =sign:agent:gall]
=/ yarn (~(get by tid.state) tid)
?~ yarn
%- (slog leaf+"spider got agent for non-existent {<tid>}" ~)
(take-input u.yarn ~ %agent wire sign)
++ handle-start-thread
|= [parent-tid=(unit tid) use=(unit tid) file=term =vase]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ parent-yarn=yarn
?~ parent-tid
(~(got by tid.state) u.parent-tid)
=/ new-tid (fall use (new-thread-id file))
=/ =yarn (snoc parent-yarn new-tid)
?: (has-yarn running.state yarn)
~| [%already-started yarn]
?: (~(has by starting.state) yarn)
~| [%already-starting yarn]
=: starting.state (~(put by starting.state) yarn [%build vase])
tid.state (~(put by tid.state) new-tid yarn)
=/ pax=path
~| no-file-for-thread+file
(need (get-fit:clay [our q.byk da+now]:bowl %ted file))
=/ =card
:+ %pass /build/[new-tid]
[%arvo %c %warp our.bowl %home ~ %sing %a da+now.bowl pax]
[[card ~] state]
++ handle-build
|= [=tid =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ =yarn (~(got by tid.state) tid)
=. starting.state
(~(jab by starting.state) yarn |=([=trying =vase] [%none vase]))
~| sign+[- +<]:sign-arvo
?> ?=([?(%behn %clay) %writ *] sign-arvo)
=/ =riot:clay p.sign-arvo
?~ riot
(thread-fail-not-running tid %build-thread-error *tang)
?. ?=(%vase p.r.u.riot)
(thread-fail-not-running tid %build-thread-strange >[p q]:u.riot< ~)
=/ maybe-thread (mule |.(!<(thread !<(vase q.r.u.riot))))
?: ?=(%| -.maybe-thread)
(thread-fail-not-running tid %thread-not-thread ~)
(start-thread yarn p.maybe-thread)
++ start-thread
|= [=yarn =thread]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ =vase vase:(~(got by starting.state) yarn)
?< (has-yarn running.state yarn)
=/ m (strand ,^vase)
=/ res (mule |.((thread vase)))
?: ?=(%| -.res)
(thread-fail-not-running (yarn-to-tid yarn) %false-start p.res)
=/ =eval-form:eval:m
(from-form:eval:m p.res)
=: starting.state (~(del by starting.state) yarn)
running.state (put-yarn running.state yarn eval-form)
(take-input yarn ~)
++ handle-stop-thread
|= [=tid nice=?]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ yarn=(unit yarn) (~(get by tid.state) tid)
?~ yarn
~& %stopping-nonexistent-thread
[~ state]
?: (has-yarn running.state u.yarn)
?: nice
(thread-done u.yarn *vase)
(thread-fail u.yarn %cancelled ~)
?: (~(has by starting.state) u.yarn)
(thread-fail-not-running tid %stopped-before-started ~)
~& [%thread-not-started u.yarn]
?: nice
(thread-done u.yarn *vase)
(thread-fail u.yarn %cancelled ~)
++ take-input
|= [=yarn input=(unit input:strand)]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ m (strand ,vase)
?. (has-yarn running.state yarn)
%- (slog leaf+"spider got input for non-existent {<yarn>} 2" ~)
=/ =eval-form:eval:m
thread-form:(need (get-yarn running.state yarn))
=| cards=(list card)
|- ^- (quip card ^state)
=^ r=[cards=(list card) =eval-result:eval:m] eval-form
=/ out
%- mule |.
(take:eval:m eval-form (convert-bowl yarn bowl) input)
?- -.out
%& p.out
%| [[~ [%fail %crash p.out]] eval-form]
=. running.state (put-yarn running.state yarn eval-form)
=/ =tid (yarn-to-tid yarn)
=. cards.r
%+ turn cards.r
|= =card
^- ^card
?+ card card
[%pass * *] [%pass [%thread tid p.card] q.card]
[%give ?(%fact %kick) *]
=- card(paths.p -)
%+ turn paths.p.card
|= =path
^- ^path
[%thread tid path]
=. cards (weld cards cards.r)
=^ final-cards=(list card) state
?- -.eval-result.r
%next `state
%fail (thread-fail yarn err.eval-result.r)
%done (thread-done yarn value.eval-result.r)
[(weld cards final-cards) state]
++ thread-fail-not-running
|= [=tid =term =tang]
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ =yarn (~(got by tid.state) tid)
:_ state(starting (~(del by starting.state) yarn))
=/ moz (thread-say-fail tid term tang)
?. ?=([~ %build *] (~(get by starting.state) yarn))
:_(moz [%pass /build/[tid] %arvo %c %warp our.bowl %home ~])
++ thread-say-fail
|= [=tid =term =tang]
^- (list card)
:~ [%give %fact ~[/thread-result/[tid]] %thread-fail !>([term tang])]
[%give %kick ~[/thread-result/[tid]] ~]
++ thread-http-fail
|= [=tid =term =tang]
^- (quip card ^state)
=- (fall - `state)
%+ bind
(~(get by serving.state) tid)
|= [eyre-id=@ta output=mark]
:_ state(serving (~(del by serving.state) tid))
%+ give-simple-payload:app:server eyre-id
^- simple-payload:http
:_ ~ :_ ~
?. ?=(http-error:spider term)
((slog tang) 500)
?- term
%bad-request 400
%forbidden 403
%nonexistent 404
%offline 504
++ thread-fail
|= [=yarn =term =tang]
^- (quip card ^state)
::%- (slog leaf+"strand {<yarn>} failed" leaf+<term> tang)
=/ =tid (yarn-to-tid yarn)
=/ fail-cards (thread-say-fail tid term tang)
=^ cards state (thread-clean yarn)
=^ http-cards state (thread-http-fail tid term tang)
[:(weld fail-cards cards http-cards) state]
++ thread-http-response
|= [=tid =vase]
^- (quip card ^state)
=- (fall - `state)
%+ bind
(~(get by serving.state) tid)
|= [eyre-id=@ta output=mark]
=+ .^
/(scot %p our.bowl)/[q.byk.bowl]/(scot %da now.bowl)/[output]/json
:_ state(serving (~(del by serving.state) tid))
%+ give-simple-payload:app:server eyre-id
(json-response:gen:server !<(json (tube vase)))
++ thread-done
|= [=yarn =vase]
^- (quip card ^state)
:: %- (slog leaf+"strand {<yarn>} finished" (sell vase) ~)
=/ =tid (yarn-to-tid yarn)
=/ done-cards=(list card)
:~ [%give %fact ~[/thread-result/[tid]] %thread-done vase]
[%give %kick ~[/thread-result/[tid]] ~]
=^ http-cards state
(thread-http-response tid vase)
=^ cards state (thread-clean yarn)
[:(weld done-cards cards http-cards) state]
++ thread-clean
|= =yarn
^- (quip card ^state)
=/ children=(list ^yarn)
[yarn (get-yarn-children running.state yarn)]
|- ^- (quip card ^state)
?~ children
=^ cards-children state $(children t.children)
=^ cards-our state
=/ =^yarn i.children
=/ =tid (yarn-to-tid yarn)
=: running.state (del-yarn running.state yarn)
tid.state (~(del by tid.state) tid)
:_ state
%+ murn ~(tap by wex.bowl)
|= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]]
^- (unit card)
?. ?& ?=([%thread @ *] wire)
=(tid i.t.wire)
`[%pass wire %agent [ship term] %leave ~]
[(welp cards-children cards-our) state]
++ convert-bowl
|= [=yarn =bowl:gall]
^- bowl:spider
:* our.bowl
(yarn-to-tid yarn)
(yarn-to-parent yarn)
++ yarn-to-tid
|= =yarn
^- tid
=/ nary (flop yarn)
?> ?=([@ *] nary)
++ yarn-to-parent
|= =yarn
^- (unit tid)
=/ nary (flop yarn)
?> ?=([@ *] nary)
?~ t.nary
++ clean-state
!> ^- clean-slate
2+state(running (turn (tap-yarn running.state) head))