2018-06-07 14:42:50 -07:00

464 lines
13 KiB

:: /app/collection/hoon
/- hall, *collections
/+ hall, rekey, colls
/= cols /: /===/web/collections /collections/
:: things to keep in sync, unique by date:
:: collections: files, circles,
:: topics: files, circles, notify
:: comments: files, notify
:: filepaths:
:: /web/collections/my-coll.config
:: /web/collections/my-coll/some.topic
:: /web/collections/my-coll/some/1.comment
:: notification circles:
:: ~.collections_blog-date new/changed post notifications
:: ~.collections_blog-date__post-date new/changed comments notifications
:: XX belongs back in zuse
++ pack :: light path encoding
|= {a/term b/path} ^- knot
%+ rap 3 :- (wack a)
(turn b |=(c/knot (cat 3 '_' (wack c))))
++ pick :: light path decoding
=+ fel=(most cab (sear wick urt:ab))
|=(a/knot `(unit {p/term q/path})`(rush a fel))
=> |%
++ move (pair bone card) :: all actions
++ poke ::
$% {$hall-action action:hall} ::
{$collections-action action:api} ::
== ::
++ card ::
$% {$info wire ship term nori:clay} ::
{$poke wire dock poke} ::
{$pull wire dock $~} ::
{$warp wire sock riff:clay} ::
{$quit $~} ::
== ::
=, wired
=, space:userlib
|_ {bol/bowl:gall upd/@da}
++ prep ::< prepare state
::> adapts state.
::REVIEW this seems like not the ideal place to get the ford update
|= old/(unit @da)
^- (quip move _..prep)
=^ mow ..prep
ta-done:(ta-update:ta (fall old *@da))
[mow ..prep(upd now.bol)]
++ now-id
:: HACK "sanitized" now for id use, can't get mistaken for file with extension in url
`@da`(sub now.bol (div (dis now.bol ~s0..fffe) 2))
++ poke-noun
|= a=$@(?(~ @da) [p=@da q=@da])
^- (quip move _+>)
~& %poked
=< ta-done
?~ a
(ta-create:ta ['a description' publ=& visi=& comm=& xeno=& ~])
?@ a
(ta-submit:ta [`our.bol a] 'a topic' ~['with contents'])
(ta-comment:ta [`our.bol p.a] q.a now-id ~['a comment' 'yo'])
++ writ
|= {wir/wire rit/riot:clay}
^- (quip move _+>)
[~ +>]
::TODO watch for file changes. create on new files, update on change, delete
:: on remove. we want to watch /web/collections recursively if possible,
:: or /web/collections/[col] for each collection and then
:: /web/collections/[col]/[top] for each topic as they get created.
:: if the action is for another ship, send it on
++ check-proxy
|= act=action:api ^- ?
?- -.act
:: do this tall form
?($submit $comment)
?!((is-us col.act))
?($create $delete $delete-topic $delete-comment $resubmit) |
++ is-us
|= a/coll-full
^- ?
?~ host.a
=(u.host.a our.bol)
:: need to figure out a more nuanced way to do this for cross-ship
++ ignore-action
|= act=action:api ^- ?
?- -.act
?($create $delete $delete-topic $delete-comment $resubmit)
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) |
~|([%unauthorized -.act src.bol] !!) :: what about the authors?
?($submit $comment)
=/ col (~(get by cols) col.act)
?~ col &
?: (team:title our.bol src.bol) | ::REVIEW this is implicit yes?
?: publ.conf.u.col
(~(has in mems.conf.u.col) src.bol) :: not on blacklist
!(~(has in mems.conf.u.col) src.bol) :: is on whitelist
++ make-their-dock
|= act=action:api
^- dock
?- -.act
?($create $delete $delete-topic $delete-comment $resubmit)
~|(%cant-create-on-their-ship !!)
?($submit $comment)
[(need host.col.act) %collections]
++ poke-collections-action
|= act=action:api
^- (quip move _+>)
?: (check-proxy act)
=/ out
:_ ~
:- ost.bol
:^ %poke
(make-their-dock act)
[%collections-action act]
=< ta-done
?- -.act
$create (ta-create:ta +.act)
$submit (ta-submit:ta +.act)
$resubmit (ta-resubmit:ta +.act)
$comment (ta-comment:ta +.act)
$delete (ta-delete:ta +.act)
$delete-topic (ta-delete-topic:ta +.act)
$delete-comment (ta-delete-comment:ta +.act)
++ ta
|_ moves/(list move)
++ ta-this .
++ ta-done [(flop moves) +>]
++ ta-emit |=(mov/move %_(+> moves [mov moves]))
++ ta-emil |=(mos/(list move) %_(+> moves (welp (flop mos) moves)))
++ ta-hall-action
|= act=action:hall
%- ta-emit
:^ ost.bol %poke / ::TODO wire, handle ++coup.
:+ [our.bol %hall] %hall-action
++ ta-hall-actions
|= act=(list ?(~ action:hall)) ^+ +>
?~ act +>
?~ i.act $(act t.act)
$(act t.act, +> (ta-hall-action i.act)) ::TODO group at all?
:: %performing-actions
++ ta-create
::|= {wat/kind:api cof/config}
|= cof/config
^+ +>
::XX unhandled kind
(ta-write /config now-id %collections-config !>(cof))
++ ta-submit
|= {colful/coll-full tit/cord wat/wain}
:: if host is null or we are host
=/ top/topic [tit src.bol wat]
(ta-write /topic [col.colful now-id] %collections-topic !>(top))
++ ta-resubmit
|= {colful/coll-full wen/@da tit/cord wat/wain}
?: (new-topic col.colful wen) ta-this ::REVIEW error?
=/ top/topic [tit src.bol wat]
(ta-write /topic [col.colful wen] %collections-topic !>(top))
++ ta-comment
|= {colful/coll-full top/@da com/?(~ @da) wat/wain}
^+ +>
:: if not for our ship, then proxy
?~ com $(com now-id) :: new comment
=; res/$@(~ _+>.$) ?^(res res +>.$)
%+ biff (ta-get-topic col.colful top)
|= [^ cos=(map @da {@da comment}) ~]
=/ old/{@da comment}
(fall (~(get by cos) com) [now-id src.bol wat])
?. =(who.old src.bol) ..ta-comment ::REVIEW error?
%^ ta-write /comment
[col.colful top com]
[%collections-comment !>(`comment`+.old(wat wat))]
++ ta-get-topic
|= {col/time top/@da} ^- (unit topicful)
%+ biff (~(get by cols) col)
|= [^ tos=(map @da topicful) ~]
(~(get by tos) top)
++ ta-get-comment
|= {col/time top/@da com/@da} ^- (unit [@da comment])
%+ biff (ta-get-topic col top)
|= [^ cos=(map @da {@da comment}) ~]
(~(get by cos) com)
++ ta-delete
|= colful/coll-full
^+ +>
:: if not for our ship, then proxy
=+ (~(get by cols) col.colful)
?~ - ta-this ::REVIEW error?
=. ta-this (ta-remove /config col.colful %collections-config)
=/ cyc (circle-for col.colful)
=. ta-this (ta-hall-action %delete cyc `'Collection deleted')
=/ tops=(list [top=@da topicful]) ~(tap by tops.u)
|- ^+ ta-this
?~ tops ta-this
=. ta-this $(tops t.tops)
(ta-delete-topic-inf 'Collection deleted' col.colful i.tops)
++ ta-delete-topic
|= {colful/coll-full top/@da} ^+ ta-this
:: if not for our ship, then proxy
=+ (ta-get-topic col.colful top)
?~ - ta-this ::REVIEW error?
(ta-delete-topic-inf 'Topic deleted' col.colful top u)
++ ta-delete-topic-inf ::REVIEW name
|= {inf/@t col/time top/@da tof/topicful}
=. ta-this (ta-remove /topic [col top] %collections-topic)
=/ cyt (circle-for-topic col top)
=. ta-this (ta-hall-action %delete cyt `inf)
=/ coms=(list [com=@da @ comment]) ~(tap by coms.tof)
|- ^+ ta-this
?~ coms ta-this
=. ta-this $(coms t.coms)
(ta-remove /comment [col top com.i.coms] %collections-comment)
++ ta-delete-comment
|= {colful/coll-full top/@da com/@da} ^+ +>
:: if not for our ship, then proxy
=+ (ta-get-comment col.colful top com)
?~ - ta-this ::REVIEW error?
(ta-remove /comment [col.colful top com] %collections-comment)
:: %writing-files
++ ta-full-path
|= $@(col=time [col=time $@(top=@da [top=@da com=@da])])
%+ weld base-path
?- +<
@ (weld (dray /[%da] col) /collections-config)
{@ @} (weld (dray /[%da]/[%da] col top) /collections-topic)
{@ @ @} (weld (dray /[%da]/[%da]/[%da] col top com) /collections-comment)
++ ta-write
|= [wir=[term ~] loc=?(@ {@ @} {@ @ @}) cay=cage] ^+ +>
=/ pax (ta-full-path loc)
:: if the wire is /config, we make a latest.hoon
%- ta-emil
?: =(wir /config)
=/ latest-pax
%+ weld
%+ scag
%- dec
%- lent
:~ :- ost.bol
[%info (weld wir pax) our.bol (foal pax cay)]
:- ost.bol
[%info latest-pax our.bol (foal latest-pax [%hoon !>(latest-post:colls)])]
:_ ~
:- ost.bol
[%info (weld wir pax) our.bol (foal pax cay)]
++ ta-remove
|= [wir=[term ~] loc=?(@ {@ @} {@ @ @}) mar=mark] ^+ +>
=/ pax (ta-full-path loc)
?> =(mar -:(flop pax))
%+ ta-emit ost.bol
[%info (weld wir pax) our.bol (fray pax)]
:: %applying-changes
++ ta-update
|= wen=@da
=. upd wen
=/ cos ~(tap by cols)
|- ^+ ta-this
?~ cos ta-this
=. ta-done $(cos t.cos)
=+ `[col=@da collection]`i.cos
=? ta-this (gth mod.conf upd)
(ta-change-config col conf)
=/ tos ~(tap by tops)
|- ^+ ta-this
?~ tos ta-this
=. ta-done $(tos t.tos)
=+ `[top=@da topicful]`i.tos
=? ta-this (gth mod.info upd)
(ta-change-topic col top info)
=/ mos ~(tap by coms)
|- ^+ ta-this
?~ mos ta-this
=. ta-done $(mos t.mos)
=+ `[com=@da cot=[mod=@da comment]]`i.mos
=? ta-this (gth mod.cot upd)
(ta-change-comment col top com cot)
++ ta-change-config
|= {col/time @da new/config}
^+ +>
:: if we don't have it yet, add to hall.
=/ old !(new-config col) ::TODO keep old configs in state
?. old
(ta-hall-create col new)
:: update config in hall.
=/ nam (circle-for col)
%- ta-hall-actions :~
:: ?: =(desc.new desc.u.old) ~
[%depict nam desc.new]
:: ?: =(visi.new visi.u.old) ~
[%public visi.new our.bol nam]
:: (hall-permit nam & (~(dif in mems.new) mems.u.old))
:: (hall-permit nam | (~(dif in mems.u.old) mems.new))
++ ta-change-topic
|= {col/time wen/@da @da top/topic}
^+ +>
=/ new (new-topic col wen)
=? +>.$ new
=/ cos (~(got by cols) col)
(ta-hall-create-topic col wen +.conf.cos)
(ta-hall-notify col wen ~ new wat.top)
++ ta-change-comment
|= {col/time top/@da wen/@da @da com/comment}
^+ +>
=/ new (new-comment col top wen)
(ta-hall-notify col top `wen new wat.com)
:: %hall-changes
++ ta-hall-create
|= {col/time cof/config}
^+ +>
=+ nam=(circle-for col)
(ta-hall-configure nam cof)
++ ta-hall-create-topic
|= {col/time top/@da cof/config}
^+ +>
=+ nam=(circle-for-topic col top)
=. +>.$ (ta-hall-configure nam cof)
%- ta-hall-action
::NOTE %source also subs to local config & presence, but
:: that generally won't result in visible notifications.
:^ %source (circle-for col) &
(sy `source:hall`[our.bol nam]~ ~)
++ ta-hall-configure
|= [nam=term cof=config] ^+ +>
^+ +>
%- ta-hall-actions :~
[%create nam desc.cof ?:(publ.cof %journal %village)]
?.(visi.cof ~ [%public & our.bol nam])
[%source %inbox & (sy `source:hall`[our.bol nam]~ ~)]
(hall-permit nam & mems.cof)
++ ta-hall-notify
|= {col/time top/@da com/(unit @da) new/? wat/wain}
^+ +>
%- ta-hall-action
=- :+ %phrase [[our.bol tar] ~ ~]
[%fat [%text wat] [%lin | msg]]~
^- {tar/name:hall msg/cord}
:: put post id and title in post message
=/ lin %- crip
;: weld
(scow %da top)
%- trip
=< tit.info
%- need
(ta-get-topic col top)
:: this can't be the best way to switch on top v com?
?~ com
[(circle-for col) lin]
[(circle-for-topic col top) lin]
++ hall-permit
|= [nam=term inv=? sis=(set ship)]
?~ sis ~
[%permit nam inv sis]
++ circle-for
|=(col/time (pack %collection (dray /[%da] col)))
++ circle-for-topic
|=({col/time top/time} (pack %collection (dray /[%da]/[%da] col top)))
++ base-path (en-beam:format byk.bol(r da+upd) /collections/web)
++ new-config
|= col/time
^- ?
=/ pax :(weld base-path (dray /[%da] col) /collections-config)
?=(~ [fil]:.^(arch %cy pax))
++ new-topic
|= {col/time top/@da}
^- ?
=/ pax :(weld base-path (dray /[%da]/[%da] col top) /collections-topic)
?=(~ [fil]:.^(arch %cy pax))
++ new-comment
|= {col/time top/@da com/@da}
^- ?
=/ pax
:(weld base-path (dray /[%da]/[%da]/[%da] col top com) /collections-comment)
?=(~ [fil]:.^(arch %cy pax))