add new benchmark and improve benchmarking in general.

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-05-10 23:23:41 -07:00
parent ef0de4fa35
commit 052cee932a
13 changed files with 158 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ import Control.Exception
-- These have fully qualified names by default since, IMO, exception handling requires this.
data VtyException
= VtyFailure String -- | Uncategorized failure specific to vty.
= VtyFailure String -- ^ Uncategorized failure specific to vty.

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import Codec.Binary.UTF8.Width
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String ( decode )
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ type DisplayString = Seq.Seq (Char, Word)
-- todo: increase the number of encoded bytestring formats supported.
data Image =
-- A horizontal text span is always >= 1 column and has a row height of 1.
-- | A horizontal text span is always >= 1 column and has a row height of 1.
{ attr :: !Attr
-- All character data is stored as Char sequences with the ISO-10646 encoding.
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ data Image =
, output_width :: !Word -- >= 0
, char_width :: !Word -- >= 1
-- A horizontal join can be constructed between any two images. However a HorizJoin instance is
-- | A horizontal join can be constructed between any two images. However a HorizJoin instance is
-- required to be between two images of equal height. The horiz_join constructor adds background
-- filles to the provided images that assure this is true for the HorizJoin value produced.
| HorizJoin
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ data Image =
, output_width :: !Word -- >= 1
, output_height :: !Word -- >= 1
-- A veritical join can be constructed between any two images. However a VertJoin instance is
-- | A veritical join can be constructed between any two images. However a VertJoin instance is
-- required to be between two images of equal width. The vert_join constructor adds background
-- fills to the provides images that assure this is true for the VertJoin value produced.
| VertJoin
@ -95,13 +97,13 @@ data Image =
, output_width :: !Word -- >= 1
, output_height :: !Word -- >= 1
-- A background fill will be filled with the background pattern. The background pattern is
-- | A background fill will be filled with the background pattern. The background pattern is
-- defined as a property of the Picture this Image is used to form.
| BGFill
{ output_width :: !Word -- >= 1
, output_height :: !Word -- >= 1
-- The combining operators identity constant.
-- | The combining operators identity constant.
-- EmptyImage <|> a = a
-- EmptyImage <-> a = a
@ -135,7 +137,17 @@ instance Show Image where
instance Monoid Image where
mempty = empty_image
mappend = (<->)
instance NFData Image where
rnf EmptyImage = ()
rnf (Translation s i) = s `deepseq` i `deepseq` ()
rnf (ImagePad s i) = s `deepseq` i `deepseq` ()
rnf (ImageCrop s i) = s `deepseq` i `deepseq` ()
rnf (BGFill !w !h) = ()
rnf (VertJoin t b !w !h) = t `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
rnf (HorizJoin l r !w !h) = l `deepseq` r `deepseq` ()
rnf (HorizText !a s !w !cw) = s `deepseq` ()
-- A horizontal text image of 0 characters in width simplifies to the EmptyImage
horiz_text :: Attr -> DisplayString -> Word -> Image
horiz_text a txt ow

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | The Picture data structure is representative of the final terminal view.
-- This module re-exports most of the Graphics.Vty.Image and Graphics.Vty.Attributes modules.
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ module Graphics.Vty.Picture ( module Graphics.Vty.Picture
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Image hiding ( attr )
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Word
-- | The type of images to be displayed using 'update'.
@ -44,6 +46,9 @@ data Picture = Picture
instance Show Picture where
show (Picture _ image _ ) = "Picture ?? " ++ show image ++ " ??"
instance NFData Picture where
rnf (Picture c i b) = c `deepseq` i `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
-- | Create a picture for display for the given image. The picture will not have a displayed cursor
-- and the background display attribute will be `current_attr`.
pic_for_image :: Image -> Picture
@ -65,6 +70,10 @@ data Cursor =
| Cursor Word Word
instance NFData Cursor where
rnf NoCursor = ()
rnf (Cursor !w !h) = ()
-- | Unspecified regions are filled with the picture's background pattern. The background pattern
-- can specify a character and a display attribute. If the display attribute used previously should
-- be used for a background fill then use `current_attr` for the background attribute. This is the
@ -79,3 +88,6 @@ data Background = Background
, background_attr :: Attr
instance NFData Background where
rnf (Background !c !a) = ()

test/BenchImageFuzz.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module BenchImageFuzz where
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty.Debug
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Image
import Verify
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
rand :: Arbitrary a => IO a
rand = head <$> sample' arbitrary
random_image w h = do
SingleAttrSingleSpanStack i _ _ _ <- rand
return i
random_picture w h = pic_for_image <$> random_image w h
bench_0 = do
vty <- mkVty
DisplayRegion w h <- display_bounds $ terminal vty
let pictures = replicateM 100 (random_picture w h)
bench ps = do
forM ps (update vty)
shutdown vty
return $ Bench pictures bench

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module BenchNoDiffOpt where
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Graphics.Vty
import Verify
import Control.Concurrent( threadDelay )
import Control.Monad( liftM2 )
@ -19,10 +20,13 @@ bench_0 = do
setStdGen fixed_gen
vty <- mkVty
DisplayRegion w h <- display_bounds $ terminal vty
let image_0 = char_fill def_attr 'X' w h
let image_1 = char_fill def_attr '0' w h
flip_out vty 300 image_0 image_1
shutdown vty
let images = return $ (image_0, image_1)
image_0 = char_fill def_attr 'X' w h
image_1 = char_fill def_attr '0' w h
bench d = do
flip_out vty 300 image_0 image_1
shutdown vty
return $ Bench images bench
flip_out vty n image_0 image_1 =
let !p_left = pic_for_image image_0

View File

@ -5,18 +5,21 @@
module BenchRenderChar where
import Graphics.Vty
import Verify
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
bench_0 = do
vty <- mkVty
DisplayRegion w h <- display_bounds $ terminal vty
let test_chars = take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
forM_ test_chars $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = test_image_using_char test_char w h
out_pic = pic_for_image test_image
update vty out_pic
shutdown vty
let test_chars = return $ take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
bench d = do
forM_ d $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = test_image_using_char test_char w h
out_pic = pic_for_image test_image
update vty out_pic
shutdown vty
return $ Bench test_chars bench
test_image_using_char c w h
= vert_cat $ replicate (fromIntegral h)
@ -25,9 +28,11 @@ test_image_using_char c w h
bench_1 = do
vty <- mkVty
DisplayRegion w h <- display_bounds $ terminal vty
let test_chars = take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
forM_ test_chars $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = char_fill def_attr test_char w h
out_pic = pic_for_image test_image
update vty out_pic
shutdown vty
let test_chars = return $ take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
bench d = do
forM_ d $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = char_fill def_attr test_char w h
out_pic = pic_for_image test_image
update vty out_pic
shutdown vty
return $ Bench test_chars bench

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module BenchVerticalScroll where
import Graphics.Vty hiding ( pad )
import Verify
import Control.Concurrent( threadDelay )
import Control.Monad( liftM2 )
@ -12,11 +13,10 @@ import System.Environment( getArgs )
import System.IO
import System.Random
bench_0 = do
let fixed_gen = mkStdGen 0
setStdGen fixed_gen
mkVty >>= liftM2 (>>) run shutdown
return $ Bench (return ()) (\() -> mkVty >>= liftM2 (>>) run shutdown)
run vt = mapM_ (\p -> update vt p) . benchgen =<< display_bounds (terminal vt)

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ verify_inline \
Bench \
Bench2 \
BenchRenderChar \
benchmark \
Test \
Test2 \
yi_issue_264 \
@ -28,9 +26,8 @@ $(shell mkdir -p objects )
# TODO: Tests should also be buildable referencing the currently installed vty
GHC_ARGS=--make -i../src \
-package parallel \
-package deepseq- \
-package deepseq- \
-hide-package transformers \
-hide-package monads-tf \
-package QuickCheck \
-ignore-package vty \
../cbits/gwinsz.c ../cbits/set_term_timing.c ../cbits/mk_wcwidth.c \

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Verify ( module Verify
, module Control.DeepSeq
, module Test.QuickCheck
, succeeded
, failed
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO )
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.IORef
@ -83,3 +86,6 @@ instance Random Word where
in (toEnum i, g')
data Bench where
Bench :: forall v . NFData v => IO v -> (v -> IO ()) -> Bench

View File

@ -8,12 +8,43 @@ import Verify
import Data.List ( delete )
all_colors :: [Color]
all_colors =
[ black
, red
, green
, yellow
, blue
, magenta
, cyan
, white
, bright_black
, bright_red
, bright_green
, bright_yellow
, bright_blue
, bright_magenta
, bright_cyan
, bright_white
] ++ map Color240 [0..239]
all_styles :: [Style]
all_styles =
[ standout
, underline
, reverse_video
, blink
, dim
, bold
-- Limit the possible attributes to just a few for now.
possible_attr_mods :: [ AttrOp ]
possible_attr_mods =
[ set_bold_op
, id_op
[ id_op
] ++ map set_fore_color_op all_colors
++ map set_back_color_op all_colors
++ map set_style_op all_styles
instance Arbitrary Attr where
arbitrary = elements possible_attr_mods >>= return . flip apply_op def_attr
@ -32,7 +63,9 @@ data AttrOp = AttrOp String (Attr -> Attr)
instance Eq AttrOp where
AttrOp n0 _ == AttrOp n1 _ = n0 == n1
set_bold_op = AttrOp "set_bold" (flip with_style bold)
set_style_op s = AttrOp "set_style" (flip with_style s)
set_fore_color_op c = AttrOp "set_fore_color" (flip with_fore_color c)
set_back_color_op c = AttrOp "set_back_color" (flip with_back_color c)
id_op = AttrOp "id" id
apply_op :: AttrOp -> Attr -> Attr

View File

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ data UnitImage = UnitImage Char Image
instance Arbitrary UnitImage where
arbitrary = do
SingleColumnChar c <- arbitrary
return $ UnitImage c (char def_attr c)
a <- arbitrary
return $ UnitImage c (char a c)
instance Show UnitImage where
show (UnitImage c _) = "UnitImage " ++ show c
@ -51,11 +52,11 @@ instance Arbitrary SingleRowSingleAttrImage where
-- IdImage which has a height of 0. If this is to represent a single row then the height
-- must be 1
single_column_row_text <- resize 128 (listOf1 arbitrary)
attr <- arbitrary
a <- arbitrary
return $ SingleRowSingleAttrImage
( fromIntegral $ length single_column_row_text )
( horiz_cat $ [ char attr c | SingleColumnChar c <- single_column_row_text ] )
( horiz_cat $ [ char attr c | (SingleColumnChar c, attr) <- single_column_row_text ] )
data SingleRowTwoAttrImage
= SingleRowTwoAttrImage

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Main where
import Graphics.Vty
import qualified BenchImageFuzz
import qualified BenchNoDiffOpt
import qualified BenchRenderChar
import qualified BenchVerticalScroll
@ -16,12 +17,15 @@ import Data.List
import System.Environment
import System.Posix.Process
import Verify
main = do
args <- getArgs
let benches = [ ("no-diff-opt-0", BenchNoDiffOpt.bench_0)
, ("render-char-0", BenchRenderChar.bench_0)
, ("render-char-1", BenchRenderChar.bench_1)
, ("vertical-scroll-0", BenchVerticalScroll.bench_0)]
, ("vertical-scroll-0", BenchVerticalScroll.bench_0)
, ("image-fuzz-0", BenchImageFuzz.bench_0) ]
help = forM_ benches $ \(b,_) -> putStrLn $ "--" ++ b
case args of
["--help"] -> help
@ -31,21 +35,23 @@ main = do
then args
else map fst benches
-- drop the dash-dash "--"
results <- forM args' $ \(_ : _ : b) -> do
case lookup b benches of
Just f -> bench b f
Nothing -> fail $ "No benchmark named " ++ b
results <- forM args' $ \(_ : _ : b_name) -> do
case lookup b_name benches of
Just b -> bench b_name b
Nothing -> fail $ "No benchmark named " ++ b_name
print results
return ()
bench b f = do
putStrLn $ "starting " ++ b
start_times <- getProcessTimes
bench b_name b = do
putStrLn $ "starting " ++ b_name
Bench b_data_gen b_proc <- b
b_data <- b_data_gen
start_times <- b_data `deepseq` getProcessTimes
b_proc b_data
end_times <- getProcessTimes
let user_time = userTime end_times - userTime start_times
system_time = systemTime end_times - systemTime start_times
putStrLn $ "user time: " ++ show user_time
putStrLn $ "system time: " ++ show system_time
return (b, user_time, system_time)
return (b_name, user_time, system_time)

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ description:
-- the test suites require >= 1.17.0
cabal-version: >= 1.14.0
build-type: Simple
data-files: README,
@ -634,12 +634,14 @@ executable vty-benchmark
build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5,
Cabal == 1.17.*,
deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.4,
mtl >= && < 2.2,
parallel >= 2.2 && < 3.3,
parsec >= 2 && < 4,
QuickCheck >= 2.4,
random == 1.0.*,
terminfo >= 0.3 && < 0.4,