make the start of a silly rouge like game

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-10-24 14:40:48 -07:00
parent 635f971c2b
commit 0620fdc350
4 changed files with 148 additions and 60 deletions

test/Rouge.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module Main where
import Graphics.Vty
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Writer
import System.IO
import System.Random
data Dude = Dude Int Int
deriving (Show,Eq)
data World = World
{ dude :: Dude
, level :: Level
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Level = Level
{ start :: (Int, Int)
, end :: (Int, Int)
, geo :: Array (Int, Int) LevelPiece
deriving (Show,Eq)
data LevelPiece
= EmptySpace
| Rock
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Game = RWST Vty () World IO
main = do
vty <- mkVty
level_0 <- mkLevel 0
let world_0 = World (Dude (fst $ start level_0) (snd $ start level_0)) level_0
(_final_world, ()) <- execRWST (play >> view_world) vty world_0
shutdown vty
mkLevel _difficulty = do
level_width <- randomRIO (10,15)
level_height <- randomRIO (10,15)
start <- (,) <$> randomRIO (2, level_width-3) <*> randomRIO (2, level_height-3)
end <- (,) <$> randomRIO (2, level_width-3) <*> randomRIO (2, level_height-3)
let geo = array ((0,0), (level_width, level_height))
[((x,y),p) | x <- [0..level_width-1], y <- [0..level_height-1],
let p = if (x == 0 || x == level_width-1) || (y==0 || y==level_height-1)
then Rock
else EmptySpace
return $ Level start end geo
image_for_geo EmptySpace = char (def_attr `with_back_color` green) ' '
image_for_geo Rock = char (def_attr `with_fore_color` white) 'X'
pieceA = def_attr `with_fore_color` red
dumpA = def_attr `with_style` reverse_video
play = do
done <- process_event
unless done play
process_event = do
k <- ask >>= liftIO . next_event
if k == EvKey KEsc []
then return True
else do
case k of
EvKey (KASCII 'r') [MCtrl] -> ask >>= liftIO . refresh
EvKey KLeft [] -> move_dude (-1) 0
EvKey KRight [] -> move_dude 1 0
EvKey KUp [] -> move_dude 0 (-1)
EvKey KDown [] -> move_dude 0 1
_ -> return ()
return False
move_dude dx dy = do
vty <- ask
world <- get
let Dude x y = dude world
(w, h) <- gets (snd . bounds . geo . level)
put $ world { dude = Dude (min (w - 2) $ max 1 (x + dx))
(min (h - 2) $ max 1 (y + dy))
view_world :: Game ()
view_world = do
Dude x y <- gets dude
the_level <- gets level
let dude_image = translate x y (char pieceA '@')
let (geo_width, geo_height) = snd $ bounds (geo the_level)
geo_image = vert_cat [ geo_row | y <- [0..geo_height-1],
let geo_row = horiz_cat [ i | x <- [0..geo_width-1],
let i = image_for_geo (geo the_level ! (x,y))
info = string def_attr "Move with the arrows keys. Press ESC to exit."
let pic = pic_for_layers [info, translate 0 1 dude_image,translate 0 1 geo_image]
vty <- ask
liftIO $ update vty pic

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Graphics.Vty
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Word
import System.IO
main = do
vt <- mkVty
DisplayRegion w h <- display_bounds $ terminal vt
putStrLn $ show $ DisplayRegion w h
play vt 0 1 w h ""
pieceA = def_attr `with_fore_color` red
dumpA = def_attr `with_style` reverse_video
play :: Vty -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
play vt x y sx sy btl = do update vt (current_pic x y sx sy btl)
k <- next_event vt
case k of EvKey (KASCII 'r') [MCtrl] -> refresh vt >> play vt x y sx sy btl
EvKey KLeft [] | x /= 0 -> play vt (x-1) y sx sy btl
EvKey KRight [] | x /= (sx-1) -> play vt (x+1) y sx sy btl
EvKey KUp [] | y /= 1 -> play vt x (y-1) sx sy btl
EvKey KDown [] | y /= (sy-2) -> play vt x (y+1) sx sy btl
EvKey KEsc [] -> shutdown vt >> return ()
EvResize nx ny -> play vt (min x (nx - 1))
(min y (ny - 2))
_ -> play vt x y sx sy (take sx (show k ++ btl))
current_pic :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String -> Picture
current_pic x y sx sy btl = pic_for_image i
where i = string def_attr "Move the @ character around with the arrow keys. Escape exits."
<-> char_fill pieceA ' ' sx (y - 1)
<-> char_fill pieceA ' ' x 1 <|> char pieceA '@' <|> char_fill pieceA ' ' (sx - x - 1) 1
<-> char_fill pieceA ' ' sx (sy - y - 2)
<-> iso_10646_string dumpA btl

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@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ import Test.SmallCheck.Series
max_block_size :: Int
max_block_size = 16
forEachOf :: (Show a, Testable m b) => [a] -> (a -> b) -> Property m
forEachOf l = over (generate (\n -> take n l))
data InputEvent
= Bytes String -- | input sequence encoded as a string. Regardless, the input is read a byte at a time.
| Delay Int -- | millisecond delay
@ -78,34 +81,36 @@ write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Delay _t : input_spec') = do
writeChan chan '\xFFFE'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec'
newtype EventBlock event = EventBlock ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)])
newtype InputBlocksUsingTable event
= InputBlocksUsingTable ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)])
instance Show (EventBlock event) where
show (EventBlock g) = "EventBlock(*->*)"
instance Show (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
show (InputBlocksUsingTable _g) = "InputBlocksUsingTable"
instance Monad m => Serial m (EventBlock event) where
instance Monad m => Serial m (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
series = do
n :: Int <- localDepth (max max_block_size) series -- what elements to select from the table
return $ EventBlock $ \table -> concat (take n (permutations table))
return $ InputBlocksUsingTable $ \table -> concat (take n (permutations table))
verify_simple_input_block_to_event :: Property IO
verify_simple_input_block_to_event = forAll $ \(EventBlock block_gen) -> do
let simple_input_seq = block_gen simple_chars
input = Bytes $ concat [s | (s,_) <- simple_input_seq]
events = [e | (_,(k,ms)) <- simple_input_seq, let e = EvKey k ms]
verify_simple_input_block_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> do
let input_seq = gen simple_chars
input = Bytes $ concat [s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
events = [e | (_,(k,ms)) <- input_seq, let e = EvKey k ms]
monadic $ assert_events_from_input_block simple_chars [input] events
verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event :: Property IO
verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event = forAll $ \(EventBlock block_gen) ->
over (generate (\n -> take n terminals_of_interest)) $ \term_name -> monadic $ do
terminal <- setupTerm term_name
let table = caps_classify_table terminal keys_from_caps_table
input_seq :: [(String, Event)] = block_gen table
input_bytes = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
input = intersperse (Delay defaultEscDelay) input_bytes
events = [e | (_,e) <- input_seq]
verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminals_of_interest $ \term_name -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm term_name
let table = caps_classify_table term keys_from_caps_table
input_seq = gen table
events = [e | (_,e) <- input_seq]
keydowns = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
input = intersperse (Delay defaultEscDelay) keydowns
assert_events_from_input_block (map_to_legacy_table table) input events
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ testProperty "basic block generated from a single ansi chars to event translation"

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@ -561,6 +561,24 @@ executable vty-interactive-terminal-test
utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
vector >= 0.7
executable vty-rouge
main-is: Rouge.hs
hs-source-dirs: test
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
build-depends: vty,
base >= 4 && < 5,
mtl >= && < 2.2,
parallel >= 2.2 && < 3.3,
text >= 0.11.3,
utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
vector >= 0.7
executable vty-benchmark
main-is: benchmark.hs