This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-10-13 03:01:53 -07:00
parent dc749015b7
commit 424e6a858d
8 changed files with 38 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ import System.Console.Terminfo
import System.Posix.Signals.Exts
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Posix.IO ( stdInput
, fdReadBuf
, setFdOption
, FdOption(..)
import Foreign ( alloca, poke, peek, Ptr )
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ initTermInput escDelay terminal = do
extract_cap = first (getCapability terminal . tiGetStr)
caps_classify_table = map_to_legacy_table [(x,y) | (Just x,y) <- map extract_cap caps_table]
caps_classify_table = map_to_legacy_table [(x,y) | (Just x,y) <- map extract_cap keys_from_caps_table]
term_event_classify_table = concat $ caps_classify_table : ansi_classify_table
term_event_classifier = classify term_event_classify_table

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@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ map_to_legacy_table = map f
f _ = error "no mapping for mouse or resize events"
-- | classify table directly generated from terminfo cap strings
caps_table :: [(String, Event)]
caps_table =
keys_from_caps_table :: [(String, Event)]
keys_from_caps_table =
[ ("khome", EvKey KHome [])
, ("kend", EvKey KEnd [])
, ("cbt", EvKey KBackTab [])

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Verify ( module Verify
, module Control.Monad
, module Test.QuickCheck
, module Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers
, module Text.Printf
, succeeded
, failed
, result
@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Property hiding ( Result(..) )
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as Prop
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO )
import Text.Printf
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import Control.Applicative hiding ( (<|>) )

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@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ import qualified Data.String.UTF8 as UTF8
import Test.QuickCheck.Property
import Verify
-- A list of terminals that should be supported.
-- This started with a list of terminals ubuntu supported. Then those terminals that really could
-- not be supported were removed.
-- not be supported were removed. Then a few more were pruned until a reasonable looking set was
-- made.
terminals_of_interest =
[ "vt100"
, "vt220"

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
import Verify
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Terminal
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Control.Exception ( try, SomeException(..) )
@ -22,47 +23,6 @@ import Data.Word
import Numeric
-- A list of terminals that ubuntu includes a terminfo cap file for.
-- Assuming that is a good place to start.
terminals_of_interest =
[ "wsvt25"
, "wsvt25m"
, "vt52"
, "vt100"
, "vt220"
, "vt102"
, "xterm-r5"
, "xterm-xfree86"
, "xterm-r6"
, "xterm-256color"
, "xterm-vt220"
, "xterm-debian"
, "xterm-mono"
, "xterm-color"
, "xterm"
, "mach"
, "mach-bold"
, "mach-color"
, "linux"
, "ansi"
, "hurd"
, "Eterm"
, "pcansi"
, "screen-256color"
, "screen-bce"
, "screen-s"
, "screen-w"
, "screen"
, "screen-256color-bce"
, "sun"
, "rxvt"
, "rxvt-unicode"
, "rxvt-basic"
, "cygwin"
, "cons25"
, "dumb"
-- If a terminal defines one of the caps then it's expected to be parsable.
caps_of_interest =
[ "cup"

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
import Verify.Data.Terminfo.Parse
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Terminal
import Verify
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromJust )
@ -13,48 +14,8 @@ import Data.Word
import Numeric
-- A list of terminals that ubuntu includes a terminfo cap file for.
-- Assuming that is a good place to start.
terminals_of_interest =
[ "wsvt25"
, "wsvt25m"
, "vt52"
, "vt100"
, "vt220"
, "vt102"
, "xterm-r5"
, "xterm-xfree86"
, "xterm-r6"
, "xterm-256color"
, "xterm-vt220"
, "xterm-debian"
, "xterm-mono"
, "xterm-color"
, "xterm"
, "mach"
, "mach-bold"
, "mach-color"
, "linux"
, "ansi"
, "hurd"
, "Eterm"
, "pcansi"
, "screen-256color"
, "screen-bce"
, "screen-s"
, "screen-w"
, "screen"
, "screen-256color-bce"
, "sun"
, "rxvt"
, "rxvt-unicode"
, "rxvt-basic"
, "cygwin"
, "cons25"
, "dumb"
-- If a terminal defines one of the caps then it's expected to be parsable.
-- TODO: reduce duplication with terminfo terminal implementation.
caps_of_interest =
[ "cup"
, "sc"
@ -80,7 +41,6 @@ from_capname ti name = fromJust $ Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr n
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = do
parse_tests <- concat <$> forM terminals_of_interest ( \term_name -> do
putStrLn $ "testing parsing of caps for terminal: " ++ term_name
mti <- liftIO $ try $ Terminfo.setupTerm term_name
case mti of
Left (_e :: SomeException)

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
module VerifyUsingMockInput where
import Verify hiding (classify)
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Terminal
import Graphics.Vty hiding (resize)
import Graphics.Vty.Input
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Data
@ -46,12 +48,15 @@ assert_events_from_input_block table input_spec expected_events = do
input <- newChan
output <- newChan
forkIO $ write_input_spec_to_chan input input_spec
handle (\(e :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) ->
return $ failed { reason = show expected_events ++ " -> " ++ show e }
) $ do
inputToEventThread classifier input output
out_events <- replicateM (length expected_events) (readChan output)
return $ out_events ?== expected_events
inputToEventThread classifier input output
-- H: all events are available in output channel
-- TODO: switch to using explicit control events. Currently the channel is passing around a
-- magic FFFX characters
-- TODO: use STM channel
let collect_events = handle (\(e :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> return [])
((:) <$> readChan output <*> collect_events)
out_events <- collect_events
return $ out_events ?== expected_events
write_input_spec_to_chan :: Chan Char -> InputSpec -> IO ()
write_input_spec_to_chan chan [] = writeChan chan '\xFFFD'
@ -62,15 +67,21 @@ write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Delay t : input_spec')
verify_simple_input_block_to_event :: Property
verify_simple_input_block_to_event = do
-- Ouch! 16 is as high as this can go without taking far too long. :-\
Positive block_length <- resize 16 $ arbitrary
block_event_pairs <- vectorOf block_length $ elements $ simple_chars
let input = [Bytes $ concatMap fst block_event_pairs]
events = map (\(k,ms) -> EvKey k ms) $ map snd block_event_pairs
morallyDubiousIOProperty $ assert_events_from_input_block simple_chars input events
verify_keys_from_caps_table :: String -> Result
verify_keys_from_caps_table term_name = succeeded
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return
[ verify "basic block generated from ansi table to event translation"
[ verify "basic block generated from single ansi chars to event translation"
, verify "keys from caps table are parsed to the same key"

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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ test-suite verify-using-mock-terminal
deepseq >= 1.1 && < 1.4,
mtl >= && < 2.2,
text >= 0.11.3,
utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
vector >= 0.7
@ -253,6 +254,7 @@ test-suite verify-eval-terminfo-caps
test-module: VerifyEvalTerminfoCaps
other-modules: Verify
build-depends: vty,
Cabal == 1.18.*,
@ -364,6 +366,7 @@ test-suite verify-parse-terminfo-caps
other-modules: Verify
build-depends: vty,
Cabal == 1.18.*,