Ignore-this: db643dff6f295a4d363b4e8634a8393a

This commit is contained in:
coreyoconnor 2009-11-08 23:05:21 -08:00
parent 0aa8302ff0
commit 7f75f0d0af
6 changed files with 73 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
-- | A display attribute defines the Color and Style of all the characters rendered after the
@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ data Attr = Attr
, attr_back_color :: !(MaybeDefault Color)
} deriving ( Eq, Show )
instance Monoid Attr where
mempty = Attr mempty mempty mempty
mappend attr_0 attr_1 =
Attr ( attr_style attr_0 `mappend` attr_style attr_1 )
( attr_fore_color attr_0 `mappend` attr_fore_color attr_1 )
( attr_back_color attr_0 `mappend` attr_back_color attr_1 )
-- | Specifies the display attributes such that the final style and color values do not depend on
-- the previously applied display attribute. The display attributes can still depend on the
-- terminal's default colors (unfortunately).
@ -65,6 +72,18 @@ data FixedAttr = FixedAttr
data Eq v => MaybeDefault v = Default | KeepCurrent | SetTo !v
deriving ( Eq, Show )
instance Eq v => Monoid ( MaybeDefault v ) where
mempty = KeepCurrent
mappend Default Default = Default
mappend Default KeepCurrent = Default
mappend Default ( SetTo v ) = SetTo v
mappend KeepCurrent Default = Default
mappend KeepCurrent KeepCurrent = KeepCurrent
mappend KeepCurrent ( SetTo v ) = SetTo v
mappend ( SetTo _v ) Default = Default
mappend ( SetTo v ) KeepCurrent = SetTo v
mappend ( SetTo _ ) ( SetTo v ) = SetTo v
-- | Abstract data type representing a color.
-- Currently the foreground and background color are specified as points in either a:

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ data DisplayAttrDiff = DisplayAttrDiff
, fore_color_diff :: DisplayColorDiff
, back_color_diff :: DisplayColorDiff
deriving ( Show )
instance Monoid DisplayAttrDiff where
mempty = DisplayAttrDiff [] NoColorChange NoColorChange
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ data DisplayColorDiff
= ColorToDefault
| NoColorChange
| SetColor !Color
deriving Eq
deriving ( Show, Eq )
data StyleStateChange
= ApplyStandout
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ data StyleStateChange
| RemoveDim
| ApplyBold
| RemoveBold
deriving ( Show, Eq )
display_attr_diffs :: FixedAttr -> FixedAttr -> DisplayAttrDiff
display_attr_diffs attr attr' = DisplayAttrDiff

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@ -12,64 +12,51 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Bits ( (.&.), complement )
import Data.IORef
import Data.Monoid ( mappend )
type AttrChange v = State DisplayAttrDiff v
type AttrChange v = State Attr v
back_color :: Color -> AttrChange ()
back_color c = modify $ flip mappend ( DisplayAttrDiff [] NoColorChange ( SetColor c ) )
back_color c = modify $ flip mappend ( current_attr `with_back_color` c )
fore_color :: Color -> AttrChange ()
fore_color c = modify $ flip mappend ( DisplayAttrDiff [] ( SetColor c ) NoColorChange )
fore_color c = modify $ flip mappend ( current_attr `with_fore_color` c )
apply_style :: Style -> AttrChange ()
apply_style s = modify $ flip mappend ( DisplayAttrDiff ( diff_for_apply_styles s )
apply_style s = modify $ flip mappend ( current_attr `with_style` s )
remove_style :: Style -> AttrChange ()
remove_style s = modify $ flip mappend ( DisplayAttrDiff ( diff_for_remove_styles s )
remove_style s_mask = modify $ \attr ->
let style' = case attr_style attr of
Default -> error $ "Graphics.Vty.Inline: Cannot remove_style if apply_style never used."
KeepCurrent -> error $ "Graphics.Vty.Inline: Cannot remove_style if apply_style never used."
SetTo s -> s .&. complement s_mask
in attr { attr_style = SetTo style' }
diff_for_apply_styles :: Style -> [ StyleStateChange ]
diff_for_apply_styles !s
| s == 0 = [ ]
| ( s .&. standout ) /= 0 = ApplyStandout : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement standout ) )
| ( s .&. underline ) /= 0 = ApplyUnderline : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement underline ) )
| ( s .&. reverse_video ) /= 0 = ApplyReverseVideo : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement reverse_video ) )
| ( s .&. blink ) /= 0 = ApplyBlink : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement blink ) )
| ( s .&. dim ) /= 0 = ApplyDim : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement dim ) )
| ( s .&. bold ) /= 0 = ApplyBold : ( diff_for_apply_styles $! s .&. ( complement bold ) )
| otherwise = error "diff_for_apply_styles: impossible style mask"
put_default_attr :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m ) => TerminalHandle -> m ()
put_default_attr t = do
bounds <- display_bounds t
d <- display_context t bounds
marshall_to_terminal t ( default_attr_required_bytes d )
( serialize_default_attr d )
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( state_ref t ) $ \s -> s { known_fattr = Just $ FixedAttr default_style_mask Nothing Nothing }
diff_for_remove_styles :: Style -> [ StyleStateChange ]
diff_for_remove_styles !s
| s == 0 = [ ]
| ( s .&. standout ) /= 0 = RemoveStandout : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement standout ) )
| ( s .&. underline ) /= 0 = RemoveUnderline : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement underline ) )
| ( s .&. reverse_video ) /= 0 = RemoveReverseVideo : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement reverse_video ) )
| ( s .&. blink ) /= 0 = RemoveBlink : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement blink ) )
| ( s .&. dim ) /= 0 = RemoveDim : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement dim ) )
| ( s .&. bold ) /= 0 = RemoveBold : ( diff_for_remove_styles $! s .&. ( complement bold ) )
| otherwise = error "diff_for_remove_styles: impossible style mask"
default_all :: AttrChange ()
default_all = modify $ flip mappend ( DisplayAttrDiff remove_all_styles ColorToDefault ColorToDefault )
remove_all_styles :: [ StyleStateChange ]
remove_all_styles =
[ RemoveStandout
, RemoveUnderline
, RemoveReverseVideo
, RemoveBlink
, RemoveDim
, RemoveBold
put_attr_change :: MonadIO m => TerminalHandle -> AttrChange () -> m ()
put_attr_change :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m ) => TerminalHandle -> AttrChange () -> m ()
put_attr_change t c = do
return ()
bounds <- display_bounds t
d <- display_context t bounds
mfattr <- liftIO $ known_fattr <$> readIORef ( state_ref t )
fattr <- case mfattr of
Nothing -> do
marshall_to_terminal t (default_attr_required_bytes d) (serialize_default_attr d)
return $ FixedAttr default_style_mask Nothing Nothing
Just v -> return v
let attr = execState c current_attr
attr' = limit_attr_for_display d attr
fattr' = fix_display_attr fattr attr'
diffs = display_attr_diffs fattr fattr'
marshall_to_terminal t ( attr_required_bytes d fattr attr' diffs )
( serialize_set_attr d fattr attr' diffs )
liftIO $ modifyIORef ( state_ref t ) $ \s -> s { known_fattr = Just fattr' }

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@ -27,24 +27,24 @@ import Data.IORef
import Data.Word
import Data.String.UTF8 hiding ( foldl )
import System.IO
data TerminalHandle where
TerminalHandle :: Terminal t => t -> TerminalState -> TerminalHandle
TerminalHandle :: Terminal t => t -> IORef TerminalState -> TerminalHandle
terminal_state :: TerminalHandle -> TerminalState
terminal_state (TerminalHandle _ s) = s
state_ref :: TerminalHandle -> IORef TerminalState
state_ref (TerminalHandle _ s_ref) = s_ref
new_terminal_handle :: forall m t. ( MonadIO m, Terminal t ) => t -> m TerminalHandle
new_terminal_handle t = liftM (TerminalHandle t) initial_terminal_state
new_terminal_handle t = do
s_ref <- liftIO $ newIORef initial_terminal_state
return $ TerminalHandle t s_ref
data TerminalState = TerminalState
{ -- | The current terminal display attributes or Nothing if they are not known.
current_attr :: Maybe FixedAttr
known_fattr :: Maybe FixedAttr
initial_terminal_state :: MonadIO m => m TerminalState
initial_terminal_state = return $ TerminalState Nothing
initial_terminal_state :: TerminalState
initial_terminal_state = TerminalState Nothing
class Terminal t where
-- | Text identifier for the terminal. Used for debugging.
@ -269,7 +269,8 @@ span_ops_required_bytes d y in_fattr span_ops =
span_op_required_bytes :: DisplayTerminal d => d -> FixedAttr -> SpanOp -> (Word, FixedAttr)
span_op_required_bytes d fattr (AttributeChange attr) =
let attr' = limit_attr_for_display d attr
c = attr_required_bytes d fattr attr' (display_attr_diffs fattr fattr')
diffs = display_attr_diffs fattr fattr'
c = attr_required_bytes d fattr attr' diffs
fattr' = fix_display_attr fattr attr'
in (c, fattr')
span_op_required_bytes _d fattr (TextSpan _ _ str) = (utf8_text_required_bytes str, fattr)

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@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ instance Terminal Term where
-- Output the byte buffer of the specified size to the terminal device.
output_byte_buffer _t out_ptr out_byte_count = do
liftIO $ hPutBuf stdout out_ptr (fromEnum out_byte_count)
if out_byte_count == 0
then return ()
else liftIO $ hPutBuf stdout out_ptr (fromEnum out_byte_count)
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
foreign import ccall "gwinsz.h c_get_window_size" c_get_window_size :: IO CLong

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@ -855,8 +855,9 @@ inline_test_0 = Test
putStrLn "line 0."
put_attr_change t $ back_color red >> apply_style underline
putStrLn "line 1."
put_attr_change t $ default_all
put_default_attr t
putStrLn "line 2."
putStrLn "line 3."
release_terminal t
return ()
, print_summary = putStr $ [$heredoc|