mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 14:17:18 +03:00
yet more optimization of serialize_cap_op
Ignore-this: d8e926915c354cd50f7fd201484d4125 darcs-hash:20100114040815-f0a0d-b30bdbbfdf0c11ed8cc661a46f92ca95ece1a2b6.gz
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,11 +61,6 @@ apply_param_ops cap params = foldl apply_param_op params (param_ops cap)
apply_param_op :: [CapParam] -> ParamOp -> [CapParam]
apply_param_op params IncFirstTwo = map (+ 1) params
-- | range is 0-based offset into cap_bytes and count
{-# INLINE ptr_at_offset #-}
ptr_at_offset :: CapExpression -> Word8 -> Ptr Word8
ptr_at_offset cap !offset = fst ( cap_bytes cap ) `plusPtr` ( fromEnum offset )
cap_expression_required_bytes :: CapExpression -> [CapParam] -> Word
cap_expression_required_bytes cap params =
let params' = apply_param_ops cap params
@ -77,7 +72,7 @@ cap_ops_required_bytes ops = do
return $ sum counts
cap_op_required_bytes :: CapOp -> Eval Word
cap_op_required_bytes (Bytes _ c) = return $ toEnum $ fromEnum c
cap_op_required_bytes (Bytes _ _ c) = return $ toEnum c
cap_op_required_bytes DecOut = do
p <- pop
return $ toEnum $ length $ show p
@ -160,12 +155,13 @@ serialize_cap_ops :: MonadIO m => OutputBuffer -> CapOps -> EvalT m OutputBuffer
serialize_cap_ops out_ptr ops = foldM serialize_cap_op out_ptr ops
serialize_cap_op :: MonadIO m => OutputBuffer -> CapOp -> EvalT m OutputBuffer
serialize_cap_op out_ptr ( Bytes offset ( W8# byte_count ) ) = do
serialize_cap_op out_ptr ( Bytes !offset !byte_count !next_offset ) = do
(cap, _) <- ask
let src_ptr = ptr_at_offset cap offset
let !i = I# ( word2Int# byte_count )
liftIO $! memcpy out_ptr src_ptr ( toEnum $! i )
return $! out_ptr `plusPtr` i
let ( !start_ptr, _ ) = cap_bytes cap
!src_ptr = start_ptr `plusPtr` offset
!out_ptr' = out_ptr `plusPtr` next_offset
liftIO $! memcpy out_ptr src_ptr byte_count
return out_ptr'
serialize_cap_op out_ptr DecOut = do
p <- pop
let out_str = show p
@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
type BytesLength = Word8
type BytesOffset = Word8
type CapBytes = ( Ptr Word8, Word )
type CapBytes = ( Ptr Word8, CSize )
data CapExpression = CapExpression
{ cap_ops :: !CapOps
@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ type CapParam = Word
type CapOps = [CapOp]
data CapOp =
Bytes !BytesOffset !BytesLength
Bytes !Int !CSize !Int
| DecOut | CharOut
-- This stores a 0-based index to the parameter. However the operation that implies this op is
-- 1-based
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ data CapOp =
deriving ( Show )
instance NFData CapOp where
rnf (Bytes offset c) = rnf offset >| rnf c
rnf ( Bytes offset count next_offset ) = rnf offset
rnf (PushParam !_pn) = ()
rnf (PushValue !_v) = ()
rnf (Conditional c_expr c_parts) = rnf c_expr >| rnf c_parts
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ literal_percent_parser = do
_ <- char '%'
start_offset <- getState >>= return . next_offset
inc_offset 1
return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes start_offset 1] []
return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes start_offset 1 1] []
param_op_parser :: CapParser BuildResults
@ -286,11 +285,11 @@ bytes_op_parser :: CapParser BuildResults
bytes_op_parser = do
bytes <- many1 $ satisfy (/= '%')
start_offset <- getState >>= return . next_offset
let !c = toEnum $ length bytes
let !c = length bytes
!s <- getState
let s' = s { next_offset = start_offset + c }
setState s'
return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes start_offset c] []
return $ BuildResults 0 [Bytes start_offset ( toEnum c ) c ] []
char_const_parser :: CapParser BuildResults
char_const_parser = do
@ -301,10 +300,10 @@ char_const_parser = do
return $ BuildResults 0 [ PushValue char_value ] [ ]
data BuildState = BuildState
{ next_offset :: Word8
{ next_offset :: Int
inc_offset :: Word8 -> CapParser ()
inc_offset :: Int -> CapParser ()
inc_offset n = do
s <- getState
let s' = s { next_offset = next_offset s + n }
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