start refactoring input layer into a nice interface structure

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-12-21 23:22:49 -08:00
parent e994b3b5dc
commit b3013245fd
5 changed files with 54 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ void vty_set_term_timing(void)
trm.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &trm);

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@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Input
import Graphics.Vty.Output
import Graphics.Vty.Picture
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
@ -69,7 +71,9 @@ data Vty = Vty
update :: Picture -> IO ()
-- | Get one Event object, blocking if necessary.
, next_event :: IO Event
-- | The output interface. See `Output`
-- | The input interface. See 'Input'
, input_iface :: Input
-- | The output interface. See 'Output'
, output_iface :: Output
-- | Refresh the display. Normally the library takes care of refreshing. Nonetheless, some
-- other program might output to the terminal and mess the display. In that case the user
@ -91,14 +95,17 @@ mkVty = mkVtyEscDelay defaultEscDelay
-- \todo move input init into terminal interface
mkVtyEscDelay :: Int -> IO Vty
mkVtyEscDelay escDelay = do
term_info <- Terminfo.setupTermFromEnv
t <- output_for_current_terminal
reserve_display t
(kvar, endi) <- initTermInput escDelay term_info
intMkVty kvar ( endi >> release_display t >> release_terminal t ) t
input <- input_for_current_terminal escDelay
out <- output_for_current_terminal
reserve_display out
intMkVty input out
intMkVty :: IO Event -> IO () -> Output -> IO Vty
intMkVty kvar fend out = do
intMkVty :: Input -> Output -> IO Vty
intMkVty input out = do
let shutdown_io = do
shutdown_input input
release_display out
release_terminal out
last_pic_ref <- newIORef Nothing
last_update_ref <- newIORef Nothing
@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ intMkVty kvar fend out = do
>> readIORef last_pic_ref
>>= maybe ( return () ) ( \pic -> inner_update pic )
let gkey = do k <- kvar
let gkey = do k <- readChan $ event_channel input
case k of
(EvResize _ _) -> inner_refresh
>> display_bounds out
@ -150,8 +157,9 @@ intMkVty kvar fend out = do
return $ Vty { update = inner_update
, next_event = gkey
, input_iface = input
, output_iface = out
, refresh = inner_refresh
, shutdown = fend
, shutdown = shutdown_io

View File

@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ module Graphics.Vty.Input ( Key(..)
, Modifier(..)
, Button(..)
, Event(..)
, initTermInput
, Input(..)
, defaultEscDelay
, input_for_current_terminal
, input_for_name_and_io
@ -15,11 +17,12 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Console.Terminfo
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
import System.Environment
import System.Posix.Signals.Exts
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Posix.IO (stdInput)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
-- Right, I'm mostly guessing on these details. So, as far as I can figure:
@ -45,6 +48,13 @@ import System.Posix.IO (stdInput)
defaultEscDelay :: Int
defaultEscDelay = 10000
-- | Set up the current terminal for input.
-- This determines the current terminal then invokes 'input_for_name_and_io'
input_for_current_terminal :: Int -> IO Input
input_for_current_terminal escDelay = do
term_name <- getEnv "TERM"
input_for_name_and_io escDelay term_name stdInput
-- | Set up the terminal for input. Returns a function which reads key
-- events, and a function for shutting down the terminal access.
@ -71,26 +81,29 @@ defaultEscDelay = 10000
-- * IEXTEN disabled
-- - extended functions are disabled. Uh. Whatever these are.
initTermInput :: Int -> Terminal -> IO (IO Event, IO ())
initTermInput escDelay terminal = do
attr <- getTerminalAttributes stdInput
input_for_name_and_io :: Int -> String -> Fd -> IO Input
input_for_name_and_io escDelay term_name term_in = do
terminal <- Terminfo.setupTerm term_name
attr <- getTerminalAttributes term_in
let attr' = foldl withoutMode attr [ StartStopOutput, KeyboardInterrupts
, EnableEcho, ProcessInput, ExtendedFunctions
setTerminalAttributes stdInput attr' Immediately
setTerminalAttributes term_in attr' Immediately
-- TODO: pass Fd to set_term_timing
let classify_table = classify_table_for_term terminal
(eventChannel, shutdown_input) <- initInputForFd escDelay classify_table stdInput
(eventChannel, shutdown_event_processing) <- initInputForFd escDelay classify_table term_in
let pokeIO = Catch $ do
let e = error "(getsize in input layer)"
setTerminalAttributes stdInput attr' Immediately
setTerminalAttributes term_in attr' Immediately
writeChan eventChannel (EvResize e e)
_ <- installHandler windowChange pokeIO Nothing
_ <- installHandler continueProcess pokeIO Nothing
let shutdown_input' = do
return $ Input
{ event_channel = eventChannel
, shutdown_input = do
_ <- installHandler windowChange Ignore Nothing
_ <- installHandler continueProcess Ignore Nothing
setTerminalAttributes stdInput attr Immediately
return (readChan eventChannel, shutdown_input')
setTerminalAttributes term_in attr Immediately

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@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ import System.Posix.IO ( fdReadBuf
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
data Input = Input
{ event_channel :: Chan Event
, shutdown_input :: IO ()
data KClass
= Valid Key [Modifier]
| Invalid
@ -141,11 +146,11 @@ initInputForFd escDelay classify_table input_fd = do
noInputThreadId <- forkIO $ noInputThread
-- TODO(corey): killThread is a bit risky for my tastes.
-- H - somewhat mitigated by sending a magic terminate character?
let shutdown_input = do
let shutdown_event_processing = do
writeChan inputChannel '\xFFFD'
killThread noInputThreadId
killThread eventThreadId
killThread inputThreadId
return (eventChannel, shutdown_input)
return (eventChannel, shutdown_event_processing)
foreign import ccall "vty_set_term_timing" set_term_timing :: IO ()

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@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ assert_events_from_syn_input table input_spec expected_events = do
let max_duration = sum [t | Delay t <- input_spec] + min_detectable_delay
event_count = length expected_events
(output_fd, input_fd) <- createPipe
(output, shutdown_input) <- initInputForFd test_esc_sample_delay table output_fd
(output, shutdown_event_processing) <- initInputForFd test_esc_sample_delay table output_fd
events_ref <- newIORef []
let write_wait_close = do
synthesize_input input_spec input_fd
threadDelay min_detectable_delay
threadDelay min_detectable_delay
closeFd input_fd
closeFd output_fd