Library-wide trailing whitespace cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2017-01-21 22:21:58 -08:00
parent a69c4b8a04
commit ba2b6356ea
49 changed files with 291 additions and 316 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- Copyright 2009 Corey O'Connor
module Codec.Binary.UTF8.Debug
module Codec.Binary.UTF8.Debug
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String ( encode )

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.Sequence
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
instance NFData a => NFData (Seq a) where
rnf = \v -> rnf' (viewl v)
rnf = \v -> rnf' (viewl v)
rnf' EmptyL = ()
rnf' (a :< r) = rnf a >| rnf' (viewl r)

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ writeCapOp DecOut = do
p <- pop
forM_ (show p) $ tell.writeWord8.toEnum.fromEnum
writeCapOp CharOut = do
pop >>= tell.writeWord8.toEnum.fromEnum
pop >>= tell.writeWord8.toEnum.fromEnum
writeCapOp (PushParam pn) = do
readParam pn >>= push
writeCapOp (PushValue v) = do
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ writeCapOp (PushValue v) = do
writeCapOp (Conditional expr parts) = do
writeCapOps expr
writeContitionalParts parts
writeContitionalParts [] = return ()
writeContitionalParts ((trueOps, falseOps) : falseParts) = do
-- (man 5 terminfo)
@ -137,4 +137,3 @@ writeCapOp CompareGt = do
v1 <- pop
v0 <- pop
push $ if v0 > v1 then 1 else 0

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@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ instance Show CapExpression where
hexDump = foldr (\b s -> showHex b s) ""
instance NFData CapExpression where
rnf (CapExpression ops !_bytes !str !c !pOps)
rnf (CapExpression ops !_bytes !str !c !pOps)
= rnf ops `seq` rnf str `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf pOps
type CapParam = Word
type CapOps = [CapOp]
data CapOp =
data CapOp =
Bytes !Int !Int -- offset count
| DecOut | CharOut
-- This stores a 0-based index to the parameter. However the operation that implies this op is
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ data CapOp =
| PushParam !Word | PushValue !Word
-- The conditional parts are the sequence of (%t expression, %e expression) pairs.
-- The %e expression may be NOP
| Conditional
| Conditional
{ conditionalExpr :: !CapOps
, conditionalParts :: ![(CapOps, CapOps)]
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ data CapOp =
instance NFData CapOp where
rnf (Bytes offset byteCount ) = rnf offset `seq` rnf byteCount
rnf (PushParam pn) = rnf pn
rnf (PushValue v) = rnf v
rnf (Conditional cExpr cParts) = rnf cExpr `seq` rnf cParts
rnf (PushValue v) = rnf v
rnf (Conditional cExpr cParts) = rnf cExpr `seq` rnf cParts
rnf BitwiseOr = ()
rnf BitwiseXOr = ()
rnf BitwiseAnd = ()
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ instance NFData ParamOp where
rnf IncFirstTwo = ()
parseCapExpression :: String -> Either ParseError CapExpression
parseCapExpression capString =
parseCapExpression capString =
let v = runParser capExpressionParser
"terminfo cap"
"terminfo cap"
in case v of
Left e -> Left e
Right buildResults -> Right $ constructCapExpression capString buildResults
@ -113,21 +113,21 @@ constructCapExpression capString buildResults =
, sourceString = capString
, paramCount = outParamCount buildResults
, paramOps = outParamOps buildResults
in rnf expr `seq` expr
type CapParser a = Parsec String BuildState a
type CapParser a = Parsec String BuildState a
capExpressionParser :: CapParser BuildResults
capExpressionParser = do
rs <- many $ paramEscapeParser <|> bytesOpParser
rs <- many $ paramEscapeParser <|> bytesOpParser
return $ mconcat rs
paramEscapeParser :: CapParser BuildResults
paramEscapeParser = do
_ <- char '%'
incOffset 1
literalPercentParser <|> paramOpParser
literalPercentParser <|> paramOpParser
literalPercentParser :: CapParser BuildResults
literalPercentParser = do
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ literalPercentParser = do
paramOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults
= incrementOpParser
= incrementOpParser
<|> pushOpParser
<|> decOutParser
<|> charOutParser
@ -179,16 +179,16 @@ conditionalOpParser = do
_ <- char '?'
incOffset 1
condPart <- manyExpr conditionalTrueParser
parts <- manyP
parts <- manyP
( do
truePart <- manyExpr $ choice [ try $ lookAhead conditionalEndParser
, conditionalFalseParser
, conditionalFalseParser
falsePart <- manyExpr $ choice [ try $ lookAhead conditionalEndParser
, conditionalTrueParser
return ( truePart, falsePart )
let trueParts = map fst parts
@ -208,10 +208,10 @@ conditionalOpParser = do
return $ BuildResults n'' [ Conditional cond condParts ] pOps
manyP !p !end = choice
manyP !p !end = choice
[ try end >> return []
, do !v <- p
, do !v <- p
!vs <- manyP p end
return $! v : vs
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ conditionalEndParser = do
incOffset 2
bitwiseOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults
= bitwiseOrParser
<|> bitwiseAndParser
<|> bitwiseXorParser
@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ bitwiseXorParser = do
return $ BuildResults 0 [ BitwiseXOr ] [ ]
arithOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults
= plusOp
<|> minusOp
= plusOp
<|> minusOp
plusOp = do
_ <- char '+'
@ -282,10 +282,10 @@ literalIntOpParser = do
return $ BuildResults 0 [ PushValue n ] [ ]
compareOpParser :: CapParser BuildResults
= compareEqOp
<|> compareLtOp
<|> compareGtOp
<|> compareLtOp
<|> compareGtOp
compareEqOp = do
_ <- char '='
@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ bytesOpParser = do
charConstParser :: CapParser BuildResults
charConstParser = do
_ <- char '\''
charValue <- liftM (toEnum . fromEnum) anyChar
charValue <- liftM (toEnum . fromEnum) anyChar
_ <- char '\''
incOffset 3
return $ BuildResults 0 [ PushValue charValue ] [ ]
data BuildState = BuildState
data BuildState = BuildState
{ nextOffset :: Int
incOffset :: Int -> CapParser ()
incOffset n = do
@ -339,10 +339,9 @@ data BuildResults = BuildResults
instance Monoid BuildResults where
mempty = BuildResults 0 [] []
v0 `mappend` v1
v0 `mappend` v1
= BuildResults
{ outParamCount = (outParamCount v0) `max` (outParamCount v1)
, outCapOps = (outCapOps v0) `mappend` (outCapOps v1)
, outParamOps = (outParamOps v0) `mappend` (outParamOps v1)

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ wcswidth :: String -> Int
wcswidth = sum . map wcwidth
-- XXX: Characters with unknown widths occupy 1 column?
-- Not sure if this is actually correct. I presume there is a replacement character that is output
-- by the terminal instead of the character and this replacement character is 1 column wide. If this
-- is not true for all terminals then a per-terminal replacement character width needs to be

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-- - The constructors in "Graphics.Vty.Image.Internal" should not be used.
-- - 'Image's can be styled using 'Attr'. See "Graphics.Vty.Attributes".
-- See the vty-examples package for a number of examples.
-- @
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-- 'shutdown' vty
-- 'print' (\"Last event was: \" '++' 'show' e)
-- @
-- Good sources of documentation for terminal programming are:
-- - <>
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module Graphics.Vty ( Vty(..)
, module Graphics.Vty.Picture
, DisplayRegion
, Mode(..)
import Graphics.Vty.Prelude
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
-- when another update action is already then it's safe to call this on multiple threads.
-- \todo Remove explicit `shutdown` requirement.
data Vty = Vty
data Vty = Vty
{ -- | Outputs the given Picture. Equivalent to 'outputPicture' applied to a display context
-- implicitly managed by Vty. The managed display context is reset on resize.
update :: Picture -> IO ()
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ data Vty = Vty
, refresh :: IO ()
-- | Clean up after vty.
-- The above methods will throw an exception if executed after this is executed.
, shutdown :: IO ()
, shutdown :: IO ()
-- | Set up the state object for using vty. At most one state object should be
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ intMkVty input out = do
maybe (return ()) innerUpdate mPic
let gkey = do k <- atomically $ readTChan $ _eventChannel input
case k of
case k of
(EvResize _ _) -> displayBounds out
>>= return . (\(w,h)-> EvResize w h)
_ -> return k
@ -169,4 +169,3 @@ intMkVty input out = do
, refresh = innerRefresh
, shutdown = shutdownIo

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ data Attr = Attr
instance Monoid Attr where
mempty = Attr mempty mempty mempty
mappend attr0 attr1 =
mappend attr0 attr1 =
Attr ( attrStyle attr0 `mappend` attrStyle attr1 )
( attrForeColor attr0 `mappend` attrForeColor attr1 )
( attrBackColor attr0 `mappend` attrBackColor attr1 )
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ magenta= ISOColor 5
cyan = ISOColor 6
white = ISOColor 7
-- | Bright/Vivid variants of the standard 8-color ANSI
-- | Bright/Vivid variants of the standard 8-color ANSI
brightBlack, brightRed, brightGreen, brightYellow :: Color
brightBlue, brightMagenta, brightCyan, brightWhite :: Color
brightBlack = ISOColor 8
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ defaultStyleMask :: Style
defaultStyleMask = 0x00
styleMask :: Attr -> Word8
styleMask attr
styleMask attr
= case attrStyle attr of
Default -> 0
KeepCurrent -> 0
@ -224,4 +224,3 @@ instance Default Attr where
-- set to brightMagenta.
currentAttr :: Attr
currentAttr = Attr KeepCurrent KeepCurrent KeepCurrent

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Graphics.Vty.Attributes.Color where
import Data.Word
-- | Abstract data type representing a color.
-- Currently the foreground and background color are specified as points in either a:
-- * 16 color palette. Where the first 8 colors are equal to the 8 colors of the ISO 6429 (ANSI) 8
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Data.Word
-- * 240 color palette. This palette is a regular sampling of the full RGB colorspace for the first
-- 224 colors. The remaining 16 colors is a greyscale palette.
-- The 8 ISO 6429 (ANSI) colors are as follows:
-- 0. black
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Word
-- If the terminal reports <= 16 colors then the 240 color palette points are only mapped to the 8
-- color pallete. I'm not sure of the RGB points for the "bright" colors which is why they are not
-- addressable via the 240 color palette.
-- addressable via the 240 color palette.
-- If the terminal reports > 16 colors then the 240 color palette points are mapped to the nearest
-- points in a ("color count" - 16) subsampling of the 240 color palette.
@ -48,4 +48,3 @@ import Data.Word
-- Seriously, terminal color support is INSANE.
data Color = ISOColor !Word8 | Color240 !Word8
deriving ( Eq, Show, Read )

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@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ rgbColor r g b
| r <= 255 && g <= 255 && b <= 175 = Color240 213
| r <= 255 && g <= 255 && b <= 215 = Color240 214
| r <= 255 && g <= 255 && b <= 255 = Color240 215
| otherwise = error (printf "RGB color %d %d %d does not map to 240 palette."
| otherwise = error (printf "RGB color %d %d %d does not map to 240 palette."
(fromIntegral r :: Int)
(fromIntegral g :: Int)
(fromIntegral b :: Int))

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-- earlier.
-- For all directives:
-- @
-- string := \"\\\"\" chars+ \"\\\"\"
-- @
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-- @
-- \"map\" term string key modifier_list
-- where
-- where
-- key := KEsc | KChar Char | KBS ... (same as 'Key')
-- modifier_list := \"[\" modifier+ \"]\"
-- modifier := MShift | MCtrl | MMeta | MAlt

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@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Debug.Image
import Graphics.Vty.Span
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
rowOpsEffectedColumns :: DisplayOps -> [Int]
rowOpsEffectedColumns ops
rowOpsEffectedColumns ops
= Vector.toList $ spanOpsEffectedColumns ops
allSpansHaveWidth :: DisplayOps -> Int -> Bool
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ allSpansHaveWidth ops expected
spanOpsEffectedRows :: DisplayOps -> Int
spanOpsEffectedRows ops
= toEnum $ length (filter (not . null . Vector.toList) (Vector.toList ops))
type SpanConstructLog = [SpanConstructEvent]
data SpanConstructEvent = SpanSetAttr Attr
@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ data MockWindow = MockWindow Int Int
regionForWindow :: MockWindow -> DisplayRegion
regionForWindow (MockWindow w h) = (w,h)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data ImageOp = ImageOp ImageEndo ImageEndo
type ImageEndo = Image -> Image
debugImageOps :: [ImageOp]
debugImageOps =
debugImageOps =
[ idImageOp
-- , renderSingleColumnCharOp
-- , renderDoubleColumnCharOp

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ data DisplayColorDiff
-- | Style attribute changes are transformed into a sequence of apply/removes of the individual
-- attributes.
data StyleStateChange
data StyleStateChange
= ApplyStandout
| RemoveStandout
| ApplyUnderline

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ infixr 4 <->
-- | An area of the picture's bacground (See Background) of w columns and h rows.
backgroundFill :: Int -> Int -> Image
backgroundFill w h
backgroundFill w h
| w == 0 = EmptyImage
| h == 0 = EmptyImage
| otherwise = BGFill w h
@ -104,21 +104,21 @@ char a c =
in HorizText a (TL.singleton c) displayWidth 1
-- | A string of characters layed out on a single row with the same display attribute. The string is
-- assumed to be a sequence of ISO-10646 characters.
-- assumed to be a sequence of ISO-10646 characters.
-- Note: depending on how the Haskell compiler represents string literals a string literal in a
-- UTF-8 encoded source file, for example, may be represented as a ISO-10646 string.
-- UTF-8 encoded source file, for example, may be represented as a ISO-10646 string.
-- That is, I think, the case with GHC 6.10. This means, for the most part, you don't need to worry
-- about the encoding format when outputting string literals. Just provide the string literal
-- directly to iso10646String or string.
iso10646String :: Attr -> String -> Image
iso10646String a str =
let displayWidth = safeWcswidth str
in HorizText a (TL.pack str) displayWidth (length str)
-- | Alias for iso10646String. Since the usual case is that a literal string like "foo" is
-- represented internally as a list of ISO 10646 31 bit characters.
-- represented internally as a list of ISO 10646 31 bit characters.
-- Note: Keep in mind that GHC will compile source encoded as UTF-8 but the literal strings, while
-- UTF-8 encoded in the source, will be transcoded to a ISO 10646 31 bit characters runtime
@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ string = iso10646String
utf8String :: Attr -> [Word8] -> Image
utf8String a bytes = utf8Bytestring a (BL.pack bytes)
-- | Renders a UTF-8 encoded lazy bytestring.
-- | Renders a UTF-8 encoded lazy bytestring.
utf8Bytestring :: Attr -> BL.ByteString -> Image
utf8Bytestring a bs = text a (TL.decodeUtf8 bs)
-- | Renders a UTF-8 encoded strict bytestring.
-- | Renders a UTF-8 encoded strict bytestring.
utf8Bytestring' :: Attr -> B.ByteString -> Image
utf8Bytestring' a bs = text' a (T.decodeUtf8 bs)
@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ charFill _a _c 0 _h = EmptyImage
charFill _a _c _w 0 = EmptyImage
charFill a c w h =
vertCat $ replicate (fromIntegral h) $ HorizText a txt displayWidth charWidth
txt = TL.replicate (fromIntegral w) (TL.singleton c)
displayWidth = safeWcwidth c * (fromIntegral w)
charWidth = fromIntegral w
-- | The empty image. Useful for fold combinators. These occupy no space nor define any display
-- attributes.
emptyImage :: Image
emptyImage :: Image
emptyImage = EmptyImage
-- | pad the given image. This adds background character fills to the left, top, right, bottom.
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ pad 0 0 0 0 i = i
pad inL inT inR inB inImage
| inL < 0 || inT < 0 || inR < 0 || inB < 0 = error "cannot pad by negative amount"
| otherwise = go inL inT inR inB inImage
-- TODO: uh.
go 0 0 0 0 i = i
go 0 0 0 b i = VertJoin i (BGFill w b) w h
@ -299,4 +299,3 @@ resizeHeight h i = case h `compare` imageHeight i of
LT -> cropBottom h i
EQ -> i
GT -> i <-> BGFill (imageWidth i) (h - imageHeight i)

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ clipText txt leftSkip rightClip =
-- * a cropped image
-- * an empty image of no size or content.
data Image =
data Image =
-- | A horizontal text span has a row height of 1.
{ attr :: Attr
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ data Image =
-- required to be between two images of equal height. The horizJoin constructor adds background
-- fills to the provided images that assure this is true for the HorizJoin value produced.
| HorizJoin
{ partLeft :: Image
{ partLeft :: Image
, partRight :: Image
, outputWidth :: Int -- ^ imageWidth partLeft == imageWidth partRight. Always > 0
, outputHeight :: Int -- ^ imageHeight partLeft == imageHeight partRight. Always > 0
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ data Image =
-- | The empty image
-- The combining operators identity constant.
-- The combining operators identity constant.
-- EmptyImage <|> a = a
-- EmptyImage <-> a = a
-- Any image of zero size equals the empty image.
| EmptyImage
deriving (Eq, Generic)
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ ppImageStructure inImg = go 0 inImg
= "CropTop("++ show outputWidth ++ "," ++ show topSkip ++ "->" ++ show outputHeight ++ ")\n"
++ go (i+1) croppedImage
pp _ EmptyImage = "EmptyImage"
instance NFData Image where
rnf EmptyImage = ()
rnf (CropRight i w h) = i `deepseq` w `seq` h `seq` ()
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ imageHeight CropBottom { outputHeight = h } = h
imageHeight CropTop { outputHeight = h } = h
imageHeight EmptyImage = 0
-- | Append in the Monoid instance is equivalent to <->.
-- | Append in the Monoid instance is equivalent to <->.
instance Monoid Image where
mempty = EmptyImage
mappend = vertJoin
@ -302,4 +302,3 @@ vertJoin i0 i1
h1 = imageHeight i1
h = h0 + h1
vertJoin _ _ = error "vertJoin applied to undefined values."

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- | The inline module provides a limited interface to changing the style of terminal output. The
-- intention is for this interface to be used inline with other output systems.
-- intention is for this interface to be used inline with other output systems.
-- The changes specified by the InlineM monad are applied to the terminals display attributes. These
-- display attributes effect the display of all following text output to the terminal file
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-- @
-- putStr \"Not styled. \"
-- putAttrChange_ $ do
-- backColor red
-- backColor red
-- applyStyle underline
-- putStr \" Styled! \"
-- putAttrChange_ $ defaultAll
@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ applyStyle s = modify $ flip mappend ( currentAttr `withStyle` s )
-- | Attempt to remove the specified 'Style' from the display of the following text.
-- This will fail if applyStyle for the given style has not been previously called.
-- This will fail if applyStyle for the given style has not been previously called.
removeStyle :: Style -> InlineM ()
removeStyle sMask = modify $ \attr ->
removeStyle sMask = modify $ \attr ->
let style' = case attrStyle attr of
Default -> error $ "Graphics.Vty.Inline: Cannot removeStyle if applyStyle never used."
KeepCurrent -> error $ "Graphics.Vty.Inline: Cannot removeStyle if applyStyle never used."
SetTo s -> s .&. complement sMask
in attr { attrStyle = SetTo style' }
in attr { attrStyle = SetTo style' }
-- | Reset the display attributes
defaultAll :: InlineM ()

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@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
-- Some terminfo capabilities specify millisecond delays. (Capabilities are how terminfo describes
-- the control sequence to output red, for instance) This is to account for the slow speed of
-- hardcopy teletype interfaces. Cause, uh, we totally still use those.
-- The output encoding of colors and attributes are also rife with issues.
-- == See also
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-- suspended if the output terminal cannot keep up. I presume this has little effect these
-- days. I hope this means that output will be buffered if the terminal cannot keep up. In the
-- old days the output might of been dropped?
-- "raw" mode is used for input.
-- * ISIG disabled

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ compile table = cl' where
-- produced.
-- The test verifyFullSynInputToEvent2x verifies this.
-- H: There will always be one match. The prefixSet contains, by definition, all
-- prefixes of an event.
-- prefixes of an event.
False ->
let inputPrefixes = reverse $ take maxValidInputLength $ tail $ inits inputBlock
in case mapMaybe (\s -> (,) s `fmap` M.lookup s eventForInput) inputPrefixes of

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ parseEvent = do
logMsg $ "remaining: " ++ show remaining
unprocessedBytes .= remaining
return e
_ -> mzero
_ -> mzero
dropInvalid :: InputM ()
dropInvalid = do

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@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ specialSupportKeys =
-- * kcbt - back tab
-- * kc1 - keypad left-down
-- * kc3 - keypad right-down
-- * kdch1 - delete
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ specialSupportKeys =
-- * kcud1 - down
-- * kend - end
-- * kent - enter
-- * kf0 - kf63 - function keys

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- | Input mappings for ANSI/VT100/VT50 terminals that is missing from terminfo.
-- Or that are sent regardless of terminfo by terminal emulators. EG: Terminal emulators will often
-- use VT50 input bytes regardless of declared terminal type. This provides compatibility with
-- programs that don't follow terminfo.
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ navKeys3 =
-- | encoding for shift plus function keys
-- According to
-- According to
-- *
@ -84,4 +84,3 @@ classifyTable =
, functionKeys1
, functionKeys2

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@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ data Mode = Mouse
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data Output = Output
{ -- | Text identifier for the output device. Used for debugging.
{ -- | Text identifier for the output device. Used for debugging.
terminalID :: String
, releaseTerminal :: forall m. MonadIO m => m ()
-- | Clear the display and initialize the terminal to some initial display state.
-- | Clear the display and initialize the terminal to some initial display state.
-- The expectation of a program is that the display starts in some initial state.
-- The expectation of a program is that the display starts in some initial state.
-- The initial state would consist of fixed values:
-- - cursor at top left
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ data Output = Output
, getModeStatus :: forall m. MonadIO m => Mode -> m Bool
, assumedStateRef :: IORef AssumedState
-- | Acquire display access to the given region of the display.
-- Currently all regions have the upper left corner of (0,0) and the lower right corner at
-- Currently all regions have the upper left corner of (0,0) and the lower right corner at
-- (max displayWidth providedWidth, max displayHeight providedHeight)
, mkDisplayContext :: forall m. MonadIO m => Output -> DisplayRegion -> m DisplayContext
-- | Ring the terminal bell if supported.
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ initialAssumedState = AssumedState Nothing Nothing
data DisplayContext = DisplayContext
{ contextDevice :: Output
-- | Provide the bounds of the display context.
-- | Provide the bounds of the display context.
, contextRegion :: DisplayRegion
-- | sets the output position to the specified row and column. Where the number of bytes
-- required for the control codes can be specified seperate from the actual byte sequence.
@ -134,16 +134,16 @@ writeUtf8Text = writeByteString
-- | Displays the given `Picture`.
-- 0. The image is cropped to the display size.
-- 0. The image is cropped to the display size.
-- 1. Converted into a sequence of attribute changes and text spans.
-- 2. The cursor is hidden.
-- 3. Serialized to the display.
-- 4. The cursor is then shown and positioned or kept hidden.
-- todo: specify possible IO exceptions.
-- abstract from IO monad to a MonadIO instance.
outputPicture :: MonadIO m => DisplayContext -> Picture -> m ()
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ writeOutputOps dc initialAttr diffs ops =
(0, mempty, diffs)
in out
writeOutputOps' (y, out, True : diffs') spanOps
= let spanOut = writeSpanOps dc y initialAttr spanOps
out' = out `mappend` spanOut
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ writeSpanOp dc (RowEnd _) fattr = (writeDefaultAttr dc `mappend` writeRowEnd dc,
-- needs to be translated to column, row positions.
data CursorOutputMap = CursorOutputMap
{ charToOutputPos :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
cursorOutputMap :: DisplayOps -> Cursor -> CursorOutputMap
cursorOutputMap spanOps _cursor = CursorOutputMap
@ -239,18 +239,18 @@ cursorOutputMap spanOps _cursor = CursorOutputMap
cursorColumnOffset :: DisplayOps -> Int -> Int -> Int
cursorColumnOffset ops cx cy =
let cursorRowOps = Vector.unsafeIndex ops (fromEnum cy)
(outOffset, _, _)
= Vector.foldl' ( \(d, currentCx, done) op ->
(outOffset, _, _)
= Vector.foldl' ( \(d, currentCx, done) op ->
if done then (d, currentCx, done) else case spanOpHasWidth op of
Nothing -> (d, currentCx, False)
Just (cw, ow) -> case compare cx (currentCx + cw) of
GT -> ( d + ow
, currentCx + cw
, False
, False
EQ -> ( d + ow
, currentCx + cw
, True
, True
LT -> ( d + columnsToCharOffset (cx - currentCx) op
, currentCx + cw
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ cursorColumnOffset ops cx cy =
-- | Not all terminals support all display attributes. This filters a display attribute to what the
-- given terminal can display.
limitAttrForDisplay :: Output -> Attr -> Attr
limitAttrForDisplay t attr
limitAttrForDisplay t attr
= attr { attrForeColor = clampColor $ attrForeColor attr
, attrBackColor = clampColor $ attrBackColor attr
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ limitAttrForDisplay t attr
clampColor Default = Default
clampColor KeepCurrent = KeepCurrent
clampColor (SetTo c) = clampColor' c
clampColor' (ISOColor v)
clampColor' (ISOColor v)
| contextColorCount t < 8 = Default
| contextColorCount t < 16 && v >= 8 = SetTo $ ISOColor (v - 8)
| otherwise = SetTo $ ISOColor v
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ limitAttrForDisplay t attr
| contextColorCount t < 8 = Default
| contextColorCount t < 16 = Default
| contextColorCount t <= 256 = SetTo $ Color240 v
| otherwise
= let p :: Double = fromIntegral v / 240.0
| otherwise
= let p :: Double = fromIntegral v / 240.0
v' = floor $ p * (fromIntegral $ contextColorCount t)
in SetTo $ Color240 v'

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Monoid
data TerminfoCaps = TerminfoCaps
data TerminfoCaps = TerminfoCaps
{ smcup :: Maybe CapExpression
, rmcup :: Maybe CapExpression
, cup :: CapExpression
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ data DisplayAttrCaps = DisplayAttrCaps
, enterDimMode :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterBoldMode :: Maybe CapExpression
-- kinda like:
-- fdWriteBuf will throw on error. Unless the error is EINTR. On EINTR the write will be retried.
fdWriteAll :: Fd -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ sendCapToTerminal t cap capParams = do
- terminfo does not support some features that would increase efficiency and improve compatibility:
- * determine the character encoding supported by the terminal. Should this be taken from the LANG
- environment variable?
- environment variable?
- * Provide independent string capabilities for all display attributes.
- todo: Some display attributes like underline and bold have independent string capabilities that
- should be used instead of the generic "sgr" string capability.
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ reserveTerminal termName outFd = liftIO $ do
-- if set foreground is not set then all color changing style attributes are filtered.
msetaf <- probeCap ti "setaf"
msetf <- probeCap ti "setf"
let (noColors, useAlt, setForeCap)
let (noColors, useAlt, setForeCap)
= case msetaf of
Just setaf -> (False, False, setaf)
Nothing -> case msetf of
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ reserveTerminal termName outFd = liftIO $ do
Nothing -> (True, True, error $ "no fore color support for terminal " ++ termName)
msetab <- probeCap ti "setab"
msetb <- probeCap ti "setb"
let set_back_cap
let set_back_cap
= case msetab of
Nothing -> case msetb of
Just setb -> setb
@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ reserveTerminal termName outFd = liftIO $ do
return t
requireCap :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Terminfo.Terminal -> String -> m CapExpression
requireCap ti capName
requireCap ti capName
= case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr capName) of
Nothing -> fail $ "Terminal does not define required capability \"" ++ capName ++ "\""
Just capStr -> parseCap capStr
probeCap :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Terminfo.Terminal -> String -> m (Maybe CapExpression)
probeCap ti capName
probeCap ti capName
= case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr capName) of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just capStr -> Just <$> parseCap capStr
@ -207,11 +207,11 @@ parseCap capStr = do
Left e -> fail $ show e
Right cap -> return cap
currentDisplayAttrCaps :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m )
=> Terminfo.Terminal
currentDisplayAttrCaps :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m )
=> Terminfo.Terminal
-> m DisplayAttrCaps
currentDisplayAttrCaps ti
= pure DisplayAttrCaps
currentDisplayAttrCaps ti
= pure DisplayAttrCaps
<*> probeCap ti "sgr"
<*> probeCap ti "smso"
<*> probeCap ti "rmso"
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ currentDisplayAttrCaps ti
foreign import ccall "gwinsz.h vty_c_get_window_size" c_getWindowSize :: Fd -> IO CLong
getWindowSize :: Fd -> IO (Int,Int)
getWindowSize fd = do
getWindowSize fd = do
(a,b) <- (`divMod` 65536) `fmap` c_getWindowSize fd
return (fromIntegral b, fromIntegral a)
@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ terminfoDisplayContext tActual terminfoCaps r = return dc
-- | Portably setting the display attributes is a giant pain in the ass.
-- If the terminal supports the sgr capability (which sets the on/off state of each style
-- directly ; and, for no good reason, resets the colors to the default) this procedure is used:
-- directly ; and, for no good reason, resets the colors to the default) this procedure is used:
-- 0. set the style attributes. This resets the fore and back color.
-- 1, If a foreground color is to be set then set the foreground color
-- 2. likewise with the background color
-- If the terminal does not support the sgr cap then:
-- if there is a change from an applied color to the default (in either the fore or back color)
-- then:
@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ terminfoWriteSetAttr dc terminfoCaps prevAttr reqAttr diffs = do
(styleToApplySeq $ fixedStyle attr) of
-- only way to reset a color to the defaults
EnterExitSeq caps -> writeDefaultAttr dc
foldMap (\cap -> writeCapExpr cap []) caps
-- implicitly resets the colors to the defaults
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
$ displayAttrCaps
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
$ displayAttrCaps
$ terminfoCaps
(sgrArgsForState state)
@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ terminfoWriteSetAttr dc terminfoCaps prevAttr reqAttr diffs = do
writeColorDiff setBackColor (backColorDiff diffs)
-- implicitly resets the colors to the defaults
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
$ displayAttrCaps terminfoCaps
(sgrArgsForState state)
`mappend` setColors
colorMap = case useAltColorMap terminfoCaps of
False -> ansiColorIndex
True -> altColorIndex
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ ansiColorIndex (ISOColor v) = fromEnum v
ansiColorIndex (Color240 v) = 16 + fromEnum v
-- | For terminals without setaf/setab
-- See table in `man terminfo`
-- Will error if not in table.
altColorIndex :: Color -> Int
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ altColorIndex (Color240 v) = 16 + fromEnum v
{- | The sequence of terminfo caps to apply a given style are determined according to these rules.
- 1. The assumption is that it's preferable to use the simpler enter/exit mode capabilities than
- the full set display attribute state capability.
- the full set display attribute state capability.
- 2. If a mode is supposed to be removed but there is not an exit capability defined then the
- display attributes are reset to defaults then the display attribute state is set.
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ reqDisplayCapSeqFor caps s diffs
( False, _ ) -> EnterExitSeq $ map enterExitCap diffs
-- If not all the diffs have an enter-exit cap and there is no set state cap then filter out
-- all unsupported diffs and just apply the rest
( True, False ) -> EnterExitSeq $ map enterExitCap
( True, False ) -> EnterExitSeq $ map enterExitCap
$ filter (not . noEnterExitCap) diffs
-- if not all the diffs have an enter-exit can and there is a set state cap then just use
-- the set state cap.
@ -469,9 +469,8 @@ styleToApplySeq s = concat
, applyIfRequired ApplyDim dim
, applyIfRequired ApplyBlink bold
applyIfRequired op flag
applyIfRequired op flag
= if 0 == (flag .&. s)
then []
else [op]

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-- | Initialize the display to UTF-8.
-- | Initialize the display to UTF-8.
reserveTerminal :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m ) => String -> Fd -> m Output
reserveTerminal variant outFd = liftIO $ do
let flushedPut = void . fdWrite outFd
@ -112,4 +112,3 @@ xtermInlineHack :: Output -> IO ()
xtermInlineHack t = do
let writeReset = foldMap (writeWord8.toEnum.fromEnum) "\ESC[K"
outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString writeReset

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Image
import Control.DeepSeq
-- | The type of images to be displayed using 'update'.
-- | The type of images to be displayed using 'update'.
-- Can be constructed directly or using `picForImage`. Which provides an initial instance with
-- reasonable defaults for picCursor and picBackground.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ addToBottom p i = p {picLayers = picLayers p ++ [i]}
-- | Create a picture for display for the given image. The picture will not have a displayed cursor
-- and no background pattern (ClearBackground) will be used.
picForImage :: Image -> Picture
picForImage i = Picture
picForImage i = Picture
{ picCursor = NoCursor
, picLayers = [i]
, picBackground = ClearBackground
@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ picForImage i = Picture
-- The picture will not have a displayed cursor and no background apttern (ClearBackgroun) will be
-- used.
-- The first 'Image' is the top layer.
picForLayers :: [Image] -> Picture
picForLayers is = Picture
picForLayers is = Picture
{ picCursor = NoCursor
, picLayers = is
, picBackground = ClearBackground
-- | A picture can be configured either to not show the cursor or show the cursor at the specified
-- character position.
-- character position.
-- There is not a 1 to 1 map from character positions to a row and column on the screen due to
-- characters that take more than 1 column.

View File

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ buildSpans image outRegion = do
outOps <- MVector.replicate (regionHeight outRegion) Vector.empty
-- \todo I think building the span operations in display order would provide better performance.
-- However, I got stuck trying to implement an algorithm that did this. This will be considered
-- as a possible future optimization.
-- as a possible future optimization.
-- A depth first traversal of the image is performed. ordered according to the column range
-- defined by the image from least to greatest. The output row ops will at least have the
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ buildSpans image outRegion = do
-- all unspecified columns.
-- The images are made into span operations from left to right. It's possible that this could
-- easily be made to assure top to bottom output as well.
-- easily be made to assure top to bottom output as well.
when (regionHeight outRegion > 0 && regionWidth outRegion > 0) $ do
-- The ops builder recursively descends the image and outputs span ops that would
-- display that image. The number of columns remaining in this row before exceeding the
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ addMaybeClipped CropTop {croppedImage, topSkip} = do
skipRows += topSkip
addMaybeClipped croppedImage
addMaybeClippedJoin :: forall s . String
addMaybeClippedJoin :: forall s . String
-> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
-> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
-> Lens BlitState BlitState Int Int
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ addMaybeClippedJoin name skip remaining offset i0Dim i0 i1 size = do
case state^.skip of
s -- TODO: check if clipped in other dim. if not use addUnclipped
| s > size -> put $ state & skip -~ size
| s == 0 -> if state^.remaining > i0Dim
| s == 0 -> if state^.remaining > i0Dim
then do
addMaybeClipped i0
put $ state & offset +~ i0Dim & remaining -~ i0Dim

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ data SpanOp =
-- | a span of UTF-8 text occupies a specific number of screen space columns. A single UTF
-- character does not necessarially represent 1 colunm. See Codec.Binary.UTF8.Width
-- TextSpan [Attr] [output width in columns] [number of characters] [data]
{ textSpanAttr :: !Attr
, textSpanOutputWidth :: !Int
, textSpanCharWidth :: !Int
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ splitOpsAt inW inOps = splitOpsAt' inW inOps
, Vector.cons (Skip (w - remainingColumns)) (Vector.tail ops)
RowEnd _ -> error "cannot split ops containing a row end"
-- | vector of span operation vectors for display. One per row of the output region.
type DisplayOps = Vector SpanOps
@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ instance Show SpanOp where
-- All spans are verified to define same number of columns. See: VerifySpanOps
displayOpsColumns :: DisplayOps -> Int
displayOpsColumns ops
displayOpsColumns ops
| Vector.length ops == 0 = 0
| otherwise = Vector.length $ Vector.head ops
@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ effectedRegion ops = (displayOpsColumns ops, displayOpsRows ops)
-- | The number of columns a SpanOps effects.
spanOpsEffectedColumns :: SpanOps -> Int
spanOpsEffectedColumns inOps = Vector.foldl' spanOpsEffectedColumns' 0 inOps
spanOpsEffectedColumns' t (TextSpan _ w _ _ ) = t + w
spanOpsEffectedColumns' t (Skip w) = t + w
spanOpsEffectedColumns' t (RowEnd w) = t + w
@ -135,4 +134,3 @@ columnsToCharOffset cx (TextSpan _ _ _ utf8Str) =
in wcswidth (take cx str)
columnsToCharOffset cx (Skip _) = cx
columnsToCharOffset cx (RowEnd _) = cx

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import System.Environment( getArgs )
import System.IO
import System.Random
bench0 = do
bench0 = do
let fixedGen = mkStdGen 0
setStdGen fixedGen
vty <- mkVty def
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ bench0 = do
shutdown vty
return $ Bench images bench
flipOut vty n image0 image1 =
flipOut vty n image0 image1 =
let !pLeft = picForImage image0
!pRight = picForImage image1
wLeft 0 = return ()

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ bench0 = do
shutdown vty
return $ Bench testChars bench
testImageUsingChar c w h
testImageUsingChar c w h
= vertCat $ replicate (fromIntegral h)
$ horizCat $ map (char defAttr) (replicate (fromIntegral w) c)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import System.Environment( getArgs )
import System.IO
import System.Random
bench0 = do
bench0 = do
let fixedGen = mkStdGen 0
setStdGen fixedGen
return $ Bench (return ()) (\() -> mkVty def >>= liftM2 (>>) run shutdown)
@ -49,13 +49,12 @@ pad :: Int -> Image -> Image
pad ml img = img <|> charFill defAttr ' ' (ml - imageWidth img) 1
clines :: StdGen -> Int -> [Image]
clines g maxll = map (pad maxll . horizCat . map (uncurry string))
clines g maxll = map (pad maxll . horizCat . map (uncurry string))
$ fold (length . snd) (lengths maxll g1) (nums g2)
where (g1,g2) = split g
benchgen :: DisplayRegion -> [Picture]
benchgen (w,h)
benchgen (w,h)
= take 2000 $ map ((\i -> picForImage i) . vertCat . take (fromEnum h))
$ tails
$ clines (mkStdGen 80) w

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.ControlStrings
import System.Console.Terminfo
main = do
terminal <- setupTermFromEnv
terminal <- setupTermFromEnv
controlTable <- init_controlTable terminal
putStrLn $ "ANSI terminal show cursor string: " ++ show cvis
putStrLn $ "Current terminal show cursor string: " ++ show (showCursorStr controlTable)

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ main = do
play vty sx sy
play :: Vty -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
play vty sx sy =
play vty sx sy =
testScreen = pic {
pCursor = NoCursor
, pImage = box 10 10 }
@ -31,6 +31,5 @@ box w h =
vertLine = renderFill attr '|' 1 (h - 2)
horizLine = corner <|> renderHFill attr '-' (w - 2) <|> corner
centerArea = vertLine <|> renderFill attr 'X' (w - 2) (h - 2) <|> vertLine
horizLine <-> centerArea <-> horizLine

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ all : $(VERIF_TESTS)
$(TESTS) :
$(TESTS) :
@echo running test $@
@mkdir -p results/$@
( ghc $(GHC_PROF_ARGS) $@ \
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $(TESTS) :
.PHONY: interactive_terminal_test
interactive_terminal_test :
interactive_terminal_test :
ghc $(GHC_ARGS) $@ && ./$@
.PHONY: core

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers
import Test.QuickCheck.Property hiding ( Result(..) )
import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Property as Prop
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO )
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( monadicIO )
import Text.Printf
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ verify testName p = Test $ TestInstance
case qcResult of
QC.Success {..} -> return $ Finished TS.Pass
QC.Failure {numShrinks,reason} -> return $ Finished
$ TS.Fail $ "After "
$ TS.Fail $ "After "
++ show numShrinks ++ " shrinks determined failure to be: "
++ show reason
_ -> return $ Finished $ TS.Fail "TODO(corey): add failure message"
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ liftIOResult = ioProperty
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 701
instance Random Word where
random g =
random g =
let (i :: Int, g') = random g
in (toEnum i, g')
randomR (l,h) g =
@ -97,4 +97,3 @@ instance Random Word where
data Bench where
Bench :: forall v . NFData v => IO v -> (v -> IO ()) -> Bench

View File

@ -19,22 +19,22 @@ data NonParamCapString = NonParamCapString String
deriving Show
instance Arbitrary NonParamCapString where
= ( do
s <- listOf1 $ (choose (0, 255) >>= return . toEnum) `suchThat` (/= '%')
return $ NonParamCapString s
) `suchThat` ( \(NonParamCapString str) -> length str < 255 )
) `suchThat` ( \(NonParamCapString str) -> length str < 255 )
data LiteralPercentCap = LiteralPercentCap String [Word8]
deriving ( Show )
instance Arbitrary LiteralPercentCap where
= ( do
NonParamCapString s <- arbitrary
(s', bytes) <- insertEscapeOp "%" [toEnum $ fromEnum '%'] s
return $ LiteralPercentCap s' bytes
) `suchThat` ( \(LiteralPercentCap str _) -> length str < 255 )
) `suchThat` ( \(LiteralPercentCap str _) -> length str < 255 )
data IncFirstTwoCap = IncFirstTwoCap String [Word8]
deriving ( Show )
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ instance Arbitrary IncFirstTwoCap where
NonParamCapString s <- arbitrary
(s', bytes) <- insertEscapeOp "i" [] s
return $ IncFirstTwoCap s' bytes
) `suchThat` ( \(IncFirstTwoCap str _) -> length str < 255 )
) `suchThat` ( \(IncFirstTwoCap str _) -> length str < 255 )
data PushParamCap = PushParamCap String Int [Word8]
deriving ( Show )
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ instance Arbitrary PushParamCap where
n <- choose (1,9)
(s', bytes) <- insertEscapeOp ("p" ++ show n) [] s
return $ PushParamCap s' n bytes
) `suchThat` ( \(PushParamCap str _ _) -> length str < 255 )
) `suchThat` ( \(PushParamCap str _ _) -> length str < 255 )
data DecPrintCap = DecPrintCap String Int [Word8]
deriving ( Show )
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ instance Arbitrary DecPrintCap where
n <- choose (1,9)
(s', bytes) <- insertEscapeOp ("p" ++ show n ++ "%d") [] s
return $ DecPrintCap s' n bytes
) `suchThat` ( \(DecPrintCap str _ _) -> length str < 255 )
) `suchThat` ( \(DecPrintCap str _ _) -> length str < 255 )
insertEscapeOp opStr replBytes s = do
insertPoints <- listOf1 $ elements [0 .. length s - 1]
@ -92,21 +92,20 @@ bytesForRange cap offset count
= Vector.toList $ Vector.take count $ Vector.drop offset $ capBytes cap
collectBytes :: CapExpression -> [Word8]
collectBytes e = concat [ bytes
collectBytes e = concat [ bytes
| Bytes offset count <- capOps e
, let bytes = bytesForRange e offset count
verifyBytesEqual :: [Word8] -> [Word8] -> Result
verifyBytesEqual outBytes expectedBytes
verifyBytesEqual outBytes expectedBytes
= if outBytes == expectedBytes
then succeeded
else failed
{ reason = "outBytes ["
else failed
{ reason = "outBytes ["
++ hexDump outBytes
++ "] /= expectedBytes ["
++ hexDump expectedBytes
++ "]"

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ allStyles =
-- Limit the possible attributes to just a few for now.
possibleAttrMods :: [ AttrOp ]
possibleAttrMods =
[ idOp
possibleAttrMods =
[ idOp
] ++ map setForeColorOp allColors
++ map setBackColorOp allColors
++ map setStyleOp allStyles
@ -70,4 +70,3 @@ idOp = AttrOp "id" id
applyOp :: AttrOp -> Attr -> Attr
applyOp (AttrOp _ f) a = f a

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ instance Show UnitImage where
data DefaultImage = DefaultImage Image
instance Show DefaultImage where
show (DefaultImage i)
show (DefaultImage i)
= "DefaultImage (" ++ show i ++ ") " ++ show (imageWidth i, imageHeight i)
instance Arbitrary DefaultImage where
@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ instance Arbitrary DefaultImage where
i <- return $ char defAttr 'X'
return $ DefaultImage i
data SingleRowSingleAttrImage
= SingleRowSingleAttrImage
data SingleRowSingleAttrImage
= SingleRowSingleAttrImage
{ expectedAttr :: Attr
, expectedColumns :: Int
, rowImage :: Image
instance Show SingleRowSingleAttrImage where
show (SingleRowSingleAttrImage attr columns image)
show (SingleRowSingleAttrImage attr columns image)
= "SingleRowSingleAttrImage (" ++ show attr ++ ") " ++ show columns ++ " ( " ++ show image ++ " )"
newtype WidthResize = WidthResize (Image -> (Image, Int))
@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ instance Arbitrary ImageResize where
, do
ImageResize f <- arbitrary
WidthResize g <- arbitrary
return $! ImageResize $! \i ->
return $! ImageResize $! \i ->
let (i0, (_, outHeight)) = f i
gI = g i0
in (fst gI, (snd gI, outHeight))
, do
ImageResize f <- arbitrary
HeightResize g <- arbitrary
return $! ImageResize $! \i ->
return $! ImageResize $! \i ->
let (i0, (outWidth, _)) = f i
gI = g i0
in (fst gI, (outWidth, snd gI))
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ instance Arbitrary SingleRowSingleAttrImage where
outWidth = length singleColumnRowText
return $ SingleRowSingleAttrImage a outWidth outImage
data SingleRowTwoAttrImage
= SingleRowTwoAttrImage
data SingleRowTwoAttrImage
= SingleRowTwoAttrImage
{ part0 :: SingleRowSingleAttrImage
, part1 :: SingleRowSingleAttrImage
, joinImage :: Image
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ instance Arbitrary SingleRowTwoAttrImage where
p1 <- arbitrary
return $ SingleRowTwoAttrImage p0 p1 (rowImage p0 <|> rowImage p1)
data SingleAttrSingleSpanStack = SingleAttrSingleSpanStack
{ stackImage :: Image
data SingleAttrSingleSpanStack = SingleAttrSingleSpanStack
{ stackImage :: Image
, stackSourceImages :: [SingleRowSingleAttrImage]
, stackWidth :: Int
, stackHeight :: Int
@ -215,4 +215,3 @@ instance Arbitrary Translation where
y <- arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0)
let i' = translate x y i
return $ Translation i (x,y) i'

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Property
-- not be supported were removed. Then a few more were pruned until a reasonable looking set was
-- made.
terminalsOfInterest :: [String]
terminalsOfInterest =
terminalsOfInterest =
[ "vt100"
, "vt220"
, "vt102"
@ -58,4 +58,3 @@ compareMockOutput mockData expectedStr = do
++ expectedStr
else return succeeded

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Image
import Verify
data DefaultPic = DefaultPic
data DefaultPic = DefaultPic
{ defaultPic :: Picture
, defaultWin :: MockWindow
, defaultWin :: MockWindow
instance Show DefaultPic where
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ instance Arbitrary DefaultPic where
arbitrary = do
DefaultImage image <- arbitrary
let win = MockWindow (imageWidth image) (imageHeight image)
return $ DefaultPic (picForImage image)
return $ DefaultPic (picForImage image)
data PicWithBGAttr = PicWithBGAttr
data PicWithBGAttr = PicWithBGAttr
{ withAttrPic :: Picture
, withAttrWin :: MockWindow
, withAttrSpecifiedAttr :: Attr
@ -41,12 +41,11 @@ instance Arbitrary PicWithBGAttr where
DefaultImage image <- arbitrary
let win = MockWindow (imageWidth image) (imageHeight image)
attr <- arbitrary
return $ PicWithBGAttr (picForImage image)
return $ PicWithBGAttr (picForImage image)
instance Arbitrary Picture where
arbitrary = do
layers <- Verify.resize 20 (listOf1 arbitrary)
return $ picForLayers layers

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ verifyAllSpansHaveWidth i spans w
= let v = map (\s -> (spanOpsEffectedColumns s /= w, s)) (Vector.toList spans)
in case any ((== True) . fst) v of
False -> succeeded
True -> failed { reason = "Not all spans contained operations defining exactly "
True -> failed { reason = "Not all spans contained operations defining exactly "
++ show w
++ " columns of output - \n"
++ (concatMap ((++ "\n") . show)) v
@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ verifyOpsEquality i_ops i_alt_ops =
else failed { reason = "ops for alternate image " ++ show i_alt_ops
++ " are not the same as " ++ show i_ops

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.PictureToSpans
import Verify
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
cropOpDisplayOps :: (Int -> Image -> Image) ->
Int -> Image -> (DisplayOps, Image)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ cropTopAndBottomRejoinedEquivalence stack = imageHeight (stackImage stack) `mod`
in displayOpsForImage i == displayOpsForImage iAlt
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return
tests = return
[ verify "cropping from the bottom produces display operations covering the expected rows"
, verify "cropping from the top produces display operations covering the expected rows"
@ -90,4 +90,3 @@ tests = return
, verify "the output of a stack is the same as that stack cropped top & bottom and joined together"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module VerifyEvalTerminfoCaps where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Write (runWrite, getBound)
import Data.Terminfo.Eval
import Data.Terminfo.Eval
import Data.Terminfo.Parse
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, minusPtr)
import Numeric
-- If a terminal defines one of the caps then it's expected to be parsable.
capsOfInterest =
capsOfInterest =
[ "cup"
, "sc"
, "rc"
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ tests = do
putStrLn $ "adding tests for terminal: " ++ termName
mti <- try $ Terminfo.setupTerm termName
case mti of
Left (_e :: SomeException)
Left (_e :: SomeException)
-> return []
Right ti -> do
fmap concat $ forM capsOfInterest $ \capName -> do
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ tests = do
{-# NOINLINE verifyEvalCap #-}
verifyEvalCap :: Ptr Word8 -> CapExpression -> Int -> Property
verifyEvalCap evalBuffer expr !junkInt = do
forAll (vector 9) $ \inputValues ->
forAll (vector 9) $ \inputValues ->
let write = writeCapExpr expr inputValues
!byteCount = getBound write
in liftIOResult $ do
@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ verifyEvalCap evalBuffer expr !junkInt = do
forM_ [0..100] $ \i -> runWrite write startPtr
endPtr <- runWrite write startPtr
case endPtr `minusPtr` startPtr of
count | count < 0 ->
count | count < 0 ->
return $ failed { reason = "End pointer before start pointer." }
| toEnum count > byteCount ->
return $ failed { reason = "End pointer past end of buffer by "
++ show (toEnum count - byteCount)
| toEnum count > byteCount ->
return $ failed { reason = "End pointer past end of buffer by "
++ show (toEnum count - byteCount)
| otherwise ->
| otherwise ->
return succeeded

View File

@ -9,43 +9,43 @@ import Verify
import Control.DeepSeq
twoSwHorizConcat :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
twoSwHorizConcat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
twoSwHorizConcat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
imageWidth (char defAttr c1 <|> char defAttr c2) == 2
manySwHorizConcat :: [SingleColumnChar] -> Bool
manySwHorizConcat cs =
manySwHorizConcat cs =
let chars = [ char | SingleColumnChar char <- cs ]
l = fromIntegral $ length cs
in imageWidth ( horizCat $ map (char defAttr) chars ) == l
twoSwVertConcat :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
twoSwVertConcat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
twoSwVertConcat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
imageHeight (char defAttr c1 <-> char defAttr c2) == 2
horizConcatSwAssoc :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
horizConcatSwAssoc (SingleColumnChar c0) (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
(char defAttr c0 <|> char defAttr c1) <|> char defAttr c2
horizConcatSwAssoc (SingleColumnChar c0) (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
(char defAttr c0 <|> char defAttr c1) <|> char defAttr c2
char defAttr c0 <|> (char defAttr c1 <|> char defAttr c2)
twoDwHorizConcat :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
twoDwHorizConcat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
twoDwHorizConcat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
imageWidth (char defAttr c1 <|> char defAttr c2) == 4
manyDwHorizConcat :: [DoubleColumnChar] -> Bool
manyDwHorizConcat cs =
manyDwHorizConcat cs =
let chars = [ char | DoubleColumnChar char <- cs ]
l = fromIntegral $ length cs
in imageWidth ( horizCat $ map (char defAttr) chars ) == l * 2
twoDwVertConcat :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
twoDwVertConcat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
twoDwVertConcat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
imageHeight (char defAttr c1 <-> char defAttr c2) == 2
horizConcatDwAssoc :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
horizConcatDwAssoc (DoubleColumnChar c0) (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
(char defAttr c0 <|> char defAttr c1) <|> char defAttr c2
horizConcatDwAssoc (DoubleColumnChar c0) (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
(char defAttr c0 <|> char defAttr c1) <|> char defAttr c2
char defAttr c0 <|> (char defAttr c1 <|> char defAttr c2)
vertContatSingleRow :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> Bool
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ vertContatSingleRow (NonEmpty stack) =
stackImage = vertCat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack ]
in imageHeight stackImage == expectedHeight
disjointHeightHorizJoin :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointHeightHorizJoin :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointHeightHorizJoin (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
let expectedHeight :: Int = max (length stack0) (length stack1)
stackImage0 = vertCat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack0 ]
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ disjointHeightHorizJoin (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
in imageHeight (stackImage0 <|> stackImage1) == expectedHeight
disjointHeightHorizJoinBgFill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointHeightHorizJoinBgFill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointHeightHorizJoinBgFill (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
let stackImage0 = vertCat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack0 ]
stackImage1 = vertCat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack1 ]
@ -74,31 +74,31 @@ disjointHeightHorizJoinBgFill (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
expectedHeight = imageHeight image
in case image of
HorizJoin {} -> ( expectedHeight == (imageHeight $ partLeft image) )
( expectedHeight == (imageHeight $ partRight image) )
_ -> True
disjointWidthVertJoin :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
disjointWidthVertJoin :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointWidthVertJoin (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
let expectedWidth = maximum $ map imageWidth (stack0Images ++ stack1Images)
stack0Images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack0 ]
stack1Images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack1 ]
stack0Image = vertCat stack0Images
stack1Image = vertCat stack1Images
stack0Image = vertCat stack0Images
stack1Image = vertCat stack1Images
image = stack0Image <-> stack1Image
in imageWidth image == expectedWidth
disjointWidthVertJoinBgFill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
disjointWidthVertJoinBgFill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjointWidthVertJoinBgFill (NonEmpty stack0) (NonEmpty stack1) =
let expectedWidth = maximum $ map imageWidth (stack0Images ++ stack1Images)
stack0Images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack0 ]
stack1Images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i } <- stack1 ]
stack0Image = vertCat stack0Images
stack1Image = vertCat stack1Images
stack0Image = vertCat stack0Images
stack1Image = vertCat stack1Images
image = stack0Image <-> stack1Image
in case image of
VertJoin {} -> ( expectedWidth == (imageWidth $ partTop image) )
@ -171,4 +171,3 @@ tests = return
, verify "can rnf image" canRnfImage
, verify "can pp image" canPpImage

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ verifyHorizContatWAttrChangeSimplifies :: SingleRowTwoAttrImage -> Bool
verifyHorizContatWAttrChangeSimplifies ( SingleRowTwoAttrImage (SingleRowSingleAttrImage attr0 charCount0 _image0)
(SingleRowSingleAttrImage attr1 charCount1 _image1)
| charCount0 == 0 || charCount1 == 0 || attr0 == attr1 = isHorizTextOfColumns i (charCount0 + charCount1)
| otherwise = False == isHorizTextOfColumns i (charCount0 + charCount1)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.PictureToSpans
import Verify
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
largerHorizSpanOcclusion :: SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> Result
largerHorizSpanOcclusion row0 row1 =
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ horizJoinAlternate1 =
in verifyOpsEquality expectedOps opsLayered
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return
tests = return
[ verify "a larger horiz span occludes a smaller span on a lower layer"
, verify "two rows stack vertical equiv to first image layered on top of second with padding (0)"

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Numeric
-- If a terminal defines one of the caps then it's expected to be parsable.
-- TODO: reduce duplication with terminfo terminal implementation.
capsOfInterest =
capsOfInterest =
[ "cup"
, "sc"
, "rc"
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ verifyParseCap capString onParse =
Right e -> onParse e
nonParamaterizedCaps (NonParamCapString cap) = do
verifyParseCap cap $ \e ->
verifyParseCap cap $ \e ->
let expectedBytes = map (toEnum . fromEnum) cap
outBytes = bytesForRange e 0 (length cap)
in verifyBytesEqual outBytes expectedBytes
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ literalPercentCaps (LiteralPercentCap capString expectedBytes) = do
incFirstTwoCaps (IncFirstTwoCap capString expectedBytes) = do
verifyParseCap capString $ \e -> verifyBytesEqual (collectBytes e) expectedBytes
pushParamCaps (PushParamCap capString expectedParamCount expectedBytes) = do
verifyParseCap capString $ \e ->
let outBytes = collectBytes e
@ -98,4 +98,3 @@ printCap ti capName = do
printExpression ti capName = do
let parseResult = parseCapExpression $ fromCapname ti capName
putStrLn $ capName ++ ": " ++ show parseResult

View File

@ -13,28 +13,28 @@ import Graphics.Vty.PictureToSpans
import Verify
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
unitImageAndZeroWindow0 :: UnitImage -> EmptyWindow -> Bool
unitImageAndZeroWindow0 (UnitImage _ i) (EmptyWindow w) =
unitImageAndZeroWindow0 (UnitImage _ i) (EmptyWindow w) =
let p = picForImage i
ops = displayOpsForPic p (regionForWindow w)
in displayOpsColumns ops == 0 && displayOpsRows ops == 0
unitImageAndZeroWindow1 :: UnitImage -> EmptyWindow -> Bool
unitImageAndZeroWindow1 (UnitImage _ i) (EmptyWindow w) =
unitImageAndZeroWindow1 (UnitImage _ i) (EmptyWindow w) =
let p = picForImage i
ops = displayOpsForPic p (regionForWindow w)
in ( spanOpsEffectedRows ops == 0 ) && ( allSpansHaveWidth ops 0 )
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow0 :: SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> EmptyWindow -> Bool
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow0 (SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i }) (EmptyWindow w) =
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow0 (SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i }) (EmptyWindow w) =
let p = picForImage i
ops = displayOpsForPic p (regionForWindow w)
in displayOpsColumns ops == 0 && displayOpsRows ops == 0
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow1 :: SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> EmptyWindow -> Bool
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow1 (SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i }) (EmptyWindow w) =
horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow1 (SingleRowSingleAttrImage { rowImage = i }) (EmptyWindow w) =
let p = picForImage i
ops = displayOpsForPic p (regionForWindow w)
in ( spanOpsEffectedRows ops == 0 ) && ( allSpansHaveWidth ops 0 )
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ spanOpsActuallyFillColumns (DefaultPic pic win) =
in allSpansHaveWidth ops expectedColumnCount
firstSpanOpSetsAttr :: DefaultPic -> Bool
firstSpanOpSetsAttr DefaultPic { defaultPic = pic, defaultWin = win } =
firstSpanOpSetsAttr DefaultPic { defaultPic = pic, defaultWin = win } =
let ops = displayOpsForPic pic (regionForWindow win)
in all ( isAttrSpanOp . Vector.head ) ( Vector.toList ops )
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ imageCoverageMatchesBounds i =
in verifyAllSpansHaveWidth i ops (imageWidth i)
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return
tests = return
[ verify "unit image is cropped when window size == (0,0) [0]" unitImageAndZeroWindow0
, verify "unit image is cropped when window size == (0,0) [1]" unitImageAndZeroWindow1
, verify "horiz span image is cropped when window size == (0,0) [0]" horizSpanImageAndZeroWindow0
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ tests = return
, verify "a stack of single attr text spans should define content for all the columns [output region == size of stack]"
, verify "a single attr text span is cropped when window size < size of stack image [width]"
, verify "a single attr text span is cropped when window size < size of stack image [height]"
, verify "single attr text span <|> single attr text span display cropped. [width]"

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ singleTRow (MockWindow w h) = liftIOResult $ do
let expected = "H" ++ "MDA" ++ replicate (fromEnum w) 'T'
++ concat (replicate (fromEnum h - 1) $ "MDA" ++ replicate (fromEnum w) 'B')
compareMockOutput mockData expected
manyTRows :: MockWindow -> Property
manyTRows (MockWindow w h) = liftIOResult $ do
(mockData, t) <- mockTerminal (w,h)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.String.QQ
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import qualified System.Environment as Env
@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ with the test_results.list file pasted into the issue. A suitable summary is:
results <- doTestMenu 1
envAttributes <- mapM ( \envName -> Control.Exception.catch ( Env.getEnv envName >>= return . (,) envName )
( \ (_ :: SomeException) -> return (envName, "") )
envAttributes <- mapM ( \envName -> Control.Exception.catch ( Env.getEnv envName >>= return . (,) envName )
( \ (_ :: SomeException) -> return (envName, "") )
t <- standardIOConfig >>= outputForConfig
let resultsTxt = show envAttributes ++ "\n"
let resultsTxt = show envAttributes ++ "\n"
++ terminalID t ++ "\n"
++ show results ++ "\n"
releaseTerminal t
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ testMenu :: [(String, Test)]
testMenu = zip (map show [1..]) allTests
doTestMenu :: Int -> IO [(String, Bool)]
doTestMenu nextID
doTestMenu nextID
| nextID > length allTests = do
putStrLn $ "Done! Please email the " ++ outputFilePath ++ " file to"
return []
@ -108,26 +108,26 @@ doTestMenu nextID
s <- getLine >>= return . filter (/= '\n')
case s of
"q" -> return mempty
"" -> do
r <- runTest $ show nextID
"" -> do
r <- runTest $ show nextID
rs <- doTestMenu ( nextID + 1 )
return $ r : rs
i | isJust ( lookup i testMenu ) -> do
r <- runTest i
r <- runTest i
rs <- doTestMenu ( read i + 1 )
return $ r : rs
= mapM_ displayTestMenu' testMenu
displayTestMenu' ( i, t )
= putStrLn $ ( if i == show nextID
then "> "
displayTestMenu' ( i, t )
= putStrLn $ ( if i == show nextID
then "> "
else " "
) ++ i ++ ". " ++ testName t
runTest :: String -> IO (String, Bool)
runTest i = do
let t = fromJust $ lookup i testMenu
let t = fromJust $ lookup i testMenu
printSummary t
testAction t
@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ data Test = Test
, confirmResults :: IO Bool
= [ reserveOutputTest
= [ reserveOutputTest
, displayBoundsTest0
, displayBoundsTest1
, displayBoundsTest2
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ allTests
, layer1
reserveOutputTest = Test
reserveOutputTest = Test
{ testName = "Initialize and reserve terminal output then restore previous state."
, testID = "reserveOutputTest"
, testAction = do
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ reserveOutputTest = Test
, printSummary = do
putStr $ [s|
Once return is pressed:
0. The screen will be cleared.
0. The screen will be cleared.
1. Four lines of text should be visible.
1. The cursor should be visible and at the start of the fifth line.
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ utf8Txt0 = [ [ 0xe2 , 0x86 , 0x91 ]
iso10646Txt0 :: String
iso10646Txt0 = map toEnum
[ 8593
[ 8593
, 8593
, 8595
, 8595
@ -554,11 +554,11 @@ After return is pressed for the second time:
allColors = zip [ black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white ]
[ "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" ]
= zip [ brightBlack, brightRed, brightGreen, brightYellow, brightBlue, brightMagenta, brightCyan, brightWhite ]
[ "bright black", "bright red", "bright green", "bright yellow", "bright blue", "bright magenta", "bright cyan", "bright white" ]
attributesTest0 = Test
attributesTest0 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: foreground colors."
, testID = "attributesTest0"
, testAction = do
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ Did the test output match the description?
attributesTest1 = Test
attributesTest1 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: background colors."
, testID = "attributesTest1"
, testAction = do
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ Did the test output match the description?
attributesTest2 = Test
attributesTest2 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: Vivid foreground colors."
, testID = "attributesTest2"
, testAction = do
@ -686,23 +686,23 @@ Once return is pressed:
1. The cursor will be hidden.
2. 9 lines of text in three columns will be drawn:
a. The first column will be a name of a standard color (for an 8 color
terminal) rendered with that color as the foreground color.
terminal) rendered with that color as the foreground color.
b. The next column will be also be the name of a standard color rendered
with that color as the foreground color but the shade used should be
more vivid than the shade used in the first column.
more vivid than the shade used in the first column.
c. The final column will be the name of a color rendered with the
default attributes.
For instance, one line will be the word "magenta" and that word should be
rendered in the magenta color.
rendered in the magenta color.
I'm not actually sure exactly what "vivid" means in this context. For xterm the
vivid colors are brighter.
vivid colors are brighter.
* The first column: The foreground color matches the named color.
* The second column: The foreground color matches the named color but is
more vivid than the color used in the first column.
more vivid than the color used in the first column.
* The third column: All text is rendered with the default attributes.
* The vertical bars used in each line to mark the border of a column are
lined up.
@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ Did the test output match the description?
attributesTest3 = Test
attributesTest3 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: Vivid background colors."
, testID = "attributesTest3"
, testAction = do
@ -746,23 +746,23 @@ Once return is pressed:
2. 9 lines of text in three columns will be drawn:
a. The first column will contain be a name of a standard color for an 8
color terminal rendered with the default foreground color with a
background the named color.
background the named color.
b. The first column will contain be a name of a standard color for an 8
color terminal rendered with the default foreground color with the
background a vivid version of the named color.
background a vivid version of the named color.
c. The third column will be the name of a standard color rendered with
the default attributes.
For instance, one line will contain be the word "magenta" and the word should
be rendered in the default foreground color over a magenta background.
be rendered in the default foreground color over a magenta background.
I'm not actually sure exactly what "vivid" means in this context. For xterm the
vivid colors are brighter.
* The first column: The background color matches the named color.
* The second column: The background color matches the named color and is
more vivid than the color used in the first column.
more vivid than the color used in the first column.
* The third column column: All text is rendered with the default attributes.
* The vertical bars used in each line to mark the border of a column are
lined up.
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ Did the test output match the description?
attrCombos =
attrCombos =
[ ( "default", id )
, ( "bold", flip withStyle bold )
, ( "blink", flip withStyle blink )
@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ attrCombos =
, ( "bold + blink + underline", flip withStyle (bold + blink + underline) )
attributesTest4 = Test
attributesTest4 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: Bold; Blink; Underline."
, testID = "attributesTest4"
, testAction = do
@ -819,10 +819,10 @@ attributesTest4 = Test
Once return is pressed:
0. The screen will be cleared.
1. The cursor will be hidden.
2. 8 rows of text in two columns.
2. 8 rows of text in two columns.
The rows will contain the following text:
bold + blink
@ -831,8 +831,8 @@ Once return is pressed:
bold + blink + underline
The first column will be rendered with the described attributes. The second
column will be rendered with the default attributes.
* The vertical bars used in each line to mark the border of a column are
lined up.
* The text in the first column is rendered as described.
@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ Did the test output match the description?
attributesTest5 = Test
attributesTest5 = Test
{ testName = "Character attributes: 240 color palette"
, testID = "attributesTest5"
, testAction = do
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ Once return is pressed:
2. A 20 character wide and 12 row high block of color squares. This should look like a palette
of some sort. I'm not exactly sure if all color terminals use the same palette. I doubt it...
After return is pressed for the second time:
0. The screen containing the test summary should be restored.
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ outputPicAndWait pic = do
releaseDisplay t
releaseTerminal t
return ()
vertCropTest0 :: Test
vertCropTest0 = Test
{ testName = "Verify bottom cropping works as expected with single column chars"
@ -1046,7 +1046,7 @@ horizCropTest0 = Test
, testID = "cropTest0"
, testAction = do
let baseImage = vertCat $ map (string defAttr) lorumIpsum
croppedImage = cropRight (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
croppedImage = cropRight (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
image = baseImage <-> backgroundFill 10 2 <-> croppedImage
outputImageAndWait image
, printSummary = putStr $ [s|
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ horizCropTest1 = Test
, testID = "cropTest0"
, testAction = do
let baseImage = vertCat $ map (string defAttr) lorumIpsumChinese
croppedImage = cropRight (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
croppedImage = cropRight (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
image = baseImage <-> backgroundFill 10 2 <-> croppedImage
outputImageAndWait image
, printSummary = putStr $ [s|
@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ horizCropTest2 = Test
, testID = "cropTest0"
, testAction = do
let baseImage = vertCat $ map (string defAttr) lorumIpsum
croppedImage = cropLeft (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
croppedImage = cropLeft (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
image = baseImage <-> backgroundFill 10 2 <-> croppedImage
outputImageAndWait image
, printSummary = putStr $ [s|
@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@ horizCropTest3 = Test
, testID = "cropTest0"
, testAction = do
let baseImage = vertCat $ map (string defAttr) lorumIpsumChinese
croppedImage = cropLeft (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
croppedImage = cropLeft (imageWidth baseImage `div` 2) baseImage
image = baseImage <-> backgroundFill 10 2 <-> croppedImage
outputImageAndWait image
, printSummary = putStr $ [s|