move some function keys to be read from caps. disambiguate some keys. expand input test

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-11-13 23:23:08 -08:00
parent 0b66c1aaac
commit c231f4763e
3 changed files with 66 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
module Graphics.Vty.Input.Data where
-- | Representations of non-modifier keys.
-- KFun is indexed from 0 to 63. Range of supported FKeys varies by terminal and keyboard.
data Key = KEsc | KFun Int | KBackTab | KPrtScr | KPause | KASCII Char | KBS | KIns
| KHome | KPageUp | KDel | KEnd | KPageDown | KBegin | KNP5 | KUp | KMenu
| KLeft | KDown | KRight | KEnter
@ -41,7 +43,10 @@ keys_from_caps_table =
, ("kcub1", EvKey KLeft [])
, ("kLFT", EvKey KLeft [MShift])
, ("kRIT", EvKey KRight [MShift])
] ++ function_key_caps_table
function_key_caps_table :: [(String, Event)]
function_key_caps_table = flip map [0..63] $ \n -> ("key_f" ++ show n, EvKey (KFun n) [])
nav_keys_0 :: ClassifyTable
nav_keys_0 =
@ -82,22 +87,41 @@ nav_keys_3 =
-- Support for simple characters.
-- we limit to < 0xC1. The UTF8 sequence detector will catch all values 0xC2 and above before this
-- classify table is reached.
-- TODO: resolve
-- 1. start at ' '. The earlier characters are all ctrl_char_keys
simple_chars :: ClassifyTable
simple_chars = [ (x:[],(KASCII x,[])) | x <- map toEnum [0..0xC1] ]
simple_chars = [(x:[],(KASCII x,[])) | x <- [' ' .. toEnum 0xC1]]
-- TODO: Support for function keys (should use terminfo)
-- (corey): yes. This definitely should. On my terminal these keys do not operate as expected.
function_keys_0 :: ClassifyTable
function_keys_0 = [ ("\ESC[["++[toEnum(64+i)],(KFun i,[])) | i <- [1..5] ]
-- function_keys_0 :: ClassifyTable
-- function_keys_0 = [ ("\ESC[["++[toEnum(64+i)],(KFun i,[])) | i <- [1..5] ]
-- TODO: I suspect this should be generated by interpretting the terminals use of meta mode:
-- "If the terminal has a ``meta key'' which acts as a shift key, setting the 8th bit of any
-- character transmitted, this fact can be indicated with km. Other- wise, software will
-- assume that the 8th bit is parity and it will usually be cleared. If strings exist to turn this
-- ``meta mode'' on and off, they can be given as smm and rmm."
-- That is more complex that below. I cannot fault the original author for just hard coding a table
-- ;-)
function_keys_1 :: ClassifyTable
function_keys_1 =
let f ff nrs m = [ ("\ESC["++show n++"~",(KFun (n-(nrs!!0)+ff), m)) | n <- nrs ] in
concat [ f 6 [17..21] [], f 11 [23,24] [], f 1 [25,26] [MShift], f 3 [28,29] [MShift], f 5 [31..34] [MShift] ]
concat [f 1 [25,26] [MShift], f 3 [28,29] [MShift], f 5 [31..34] [MShift] ]
-- TODO: resolve -
-- 1. removed 'ESC' from second list due to duplication with "special_support_keys".
-- 2. removed '[' from second list due to conflict with 7-bit encoding for ESC. Whether meta+[ is
-- the same as ESC should examine km and current encoding.
-- 3. stopped enumeration at '~' instead of '\DEL'. The latter is mapped to KBS by
-- special_support_keys.
function_keys_2 :: ClassifyTable
function_keys_2 = [ ('\ESC':[x],(KASCII x,[MMeta])) | x <- '\ESC':'\t':[' ' .. '\DEL'] ]
function_keys_2 = [ ('\ESC':[x],(KASCII x,[MMeta])) | x <- '\t':[' ' .. '~'],
x /= '[']
-- Ctrl+Char
ctrl_char_keys :: ClassifyTable
@ -108,9 +132,13 @@ ctrl_char_keys =
-- Ctrl+Meta+Char
-- TODO: CTRL-i is the same as tab thing
ctrl_meta_keys :: ClassifyTable
ctrl_meta_keys =
[ ('\ESC':[toEnum x],(KASCII y,[MMeta,MCtrl])) | (x,y) <- zip [0..31] ('@':['a'..'z']++['['..'_']) ]
[ ('\ESC':[toEnum x],(KASCII y,[MMeta,MCtrl])) | (x,y) <- zip [0..31] ('@':['a'..'z']++['['..'_']),
y /= 'i'
-- Special support
special_support_keys :: ClassifyTable
@ -131,7 +159,6 @@ ansi_classify_table =
, nav_keys_2
, nav_keys_3
, simple_chars
, function_keys_0
, function_keys_1
, function_keys_2
, ctrl_char_keys

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Input.Data
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic (decode)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (try, IOException(..))
import Control.Exception (try, IOException)
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import Data.Char

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Main where
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Terminal
import Data.List (intersperse, permutations)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Graphics.Vty hiding (resize)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Data
@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ import Test.SmallCheck.Series
max_block_size :: Int
max_block_size = 16
max_table_size :: Int
max_table_size = 28
forEachOf :: (Show a, Testable m b) => [a] -> (a -> b) -> Property m
forEachOf l = over (generate (\n -> take n l))
@ -81,7 +84,6 @@ assert_events_from_syn_input :: ClassifyTable -> InputSpec -> ExpectedSpec -> IO
assert_events_from_syn_input table input_spec expected_events = do
let max_duration = sum [t | Delay t <- input_spec] + min_detectable_delay
event_count = length expected_events
-- create pipe
(output_fd, input_fd) <- createPipe
(output, shutdown_input) <- initInputForFd test_esc_sample_delay table output_fd
events_ref <- newIORef []
@ -93,13 +95,13 @@ assert_events_from_syn_input table input_spec expected_events = do
closeFd input_fd
closeFd output_fd
-- drain output pipe
let read_all_events = read_loop event_count
let read_events = read_loop event_count
read_loop 0 = return ()
read_loop n = do
e <- readChan output
modifyIORef events_ref ((:) e)
read_loop (n - 1)
gen_events_using_io_actions max_duration write_wait_close read_all_events
gen_events_using_io_actions max_duration write_wait_close read_events
out_events <- reverse <$> readIORef events_ref
print (input_spec, expected_events, out_events)
return $ out_events == expected_events
@ -139,8 +141,11 @@ instance Show (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
instance Monad m => Serial m (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
series = do
n :: Int <- localDepth (max max_block_size) series -- what elements to select from the table
return $ InputBlocksUsingTable $ \table -> concat (take n (permutations table))
n :: Int <- localDepth (const max_table_size) series
return $ InputBlocksUsingTable $ \table -> concat (take n (selections table))
selections [] = []
selections (x:xs) = let z = selections xs in [x] : (z ++ map ((:) x) z)
verify_simple_input_block_to_event :: Property IO
verify_simple_input_block_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> do
@ -161,7 +166,16 @@ verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable ge
assert_events_from_input_block (map_to_legacy_table table) input events
verify_simple_syn_input_to_event :: Property IO
verify_simple_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
verify_simple_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = simple_chars
input_seq = gen table
events = [EvKey k ms | (_,(k,ms)) <- input_seq]
keydowns = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
input = intersperse (Delay test_key_delay) keydowns
assert_events_from_syn_input (concat ansi_classify_table) input events
verify_caps_syn_input_to_event :: Property IO
verify_caps_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminals_of_interest $ \term_name -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm term_name
let table = caps_classify_table term keys_from_caps_table
@ -171,9 +185,9 @@ verify_simple_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
input = intersperse (Delay test_key_delay) keydowns
assert_events_from_syn_input (map_to_legacy_table table) input events
verify_fkeys_syn_input_to_event :: Property IO
verify_fkeys_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = function_keys_0
verify_special_syn_input_to_event :: Property IO
verify_special_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = function_keys_1 ++ function_keys_2
input_seq = gen table
events = [EvKey k ms | (_,(k,ms)) <- input_seq]
keydowns = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
@ -182,13 +196,15 @@ verify_fkeys_syn_input_to_event = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monad
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ testProperty "basic block generated from a single ansi chars to event translation"
[ testProperty "basic block generated from a single visible chars to event translation"
, testProperty "key sequences read from caps table map to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing from basic blocks translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing from single visible chars translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing from function keys translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing from keys from capabilities tables translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing from hard coded special keys translates to expected events"