improve performance of the rouge game

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-11-20 15:53:15 -08:00
parent a1038b2533
commit d05afa18ca
3 changed files with 26 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import Data.Word
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ infixr 4 <->
-- | Append in the Monoid instance is equivalent to <->.
instance Monoid Image where
mempty = EmptyImage
mappend = (<->)
mappend = vert_join
-- | combines two images side by side
@ -150,11 +151,11 @@ background_fill w h
-- | Compose any number of images horizontally.
horiz_cat :: [Image] -> Image
horiz_cat = foldr (<|>) EmptyImage
horiz_cat = foldr horiz_join EmptyImage
-- | Compose any number of images vertically.
vert_cat :: [Image] -> Image
vert_cat = foldr (<->) EmptyImage
vert_cat = foldr vert_join EmptyImage
-- | A Data.Text.Lazy value
text :: Attr -> TL.Text -> Image
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ text' a txt
-- | an image of a single character. This is a standard Haskell 31-bit character assumed to be in
-- the ISO-10646 encoding.
char :: Attr -> Char -> Image
char a c =
char a c =
let display_width = safe_wcwidth c
in HorizText a (TL.singleton c) display_width 1

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-- TODO(corey): hm. there is an explicit equation for each type which goes to a lazy text. Each
-- application probably uses a single type. Perhaps parameterize the entire vty interface by the
-- input text type?
-- TODO: Try using a builder instead of a TL.Text instance directly. That might improve performance
-- for the usual case of appending a bunch of characters with the same attribute together.
type DisplayText = TL.Text
-- TODO: store a skip list in HorizText(?)

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@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ data Level = Level
{ start :: (Int, Int)
, end :: (Int, Int)
, geo :: Array (Int, Int) LevelPiece
-- building the geo image is expensive. Cache it. Though VTY should go through greater lengths
-- to avoid the need to cache images.
, geo_image :: Image
deriving (Show,Eq)
@ -47,8 +50,8 @@ main = do
shutdown vty
mkLevel _difficulty = do
level_width <- randomRIO (40,80)
level_height <- randomRIO (40,80)
level_width <- randomRIO (200,300)
level_height <- randomRIO (200,300)
start <- (,) <$> randomRIO (2, level_width-3) <*> randomRIO (2, level_height-3)
end <- (,) <$> randomRIO (2, level_width-3) <*> randomRIO (2, level_height-3)
-- first the base geography: all rocks
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ mkLevel _difficulty = do
[((x,y),Rock) | x <- [0..level_width-1], y <- [0..level_height-1]]
-- next the empty spaces that make the rooms
geo <- add_room start base_geo level_width level_height
return $ Level start end geo
return $ Level start end geo (build_geo_image geo)
add_room (center_x, center_y) geo level_width level_height = do
size <- randomRIO (5,15)
@ -122,10 +125,16 @@ world = do
the_dude <- gets dude
the_level <- gets level
let dude_image = translate (dude_x the_dude) (dude_y the_dude) (char pieceA '@')
(geo_width, geo_height) = snd $ bounds (geo the_level)
geo_image = vert_cat [ geo_row | y <- [0..geo_height-1],
let geo_row = horiz_cat [ i | x <- [0..geo_width-1],
let i = image_for_geo (geo the_level ! (x,y))
return [dude_image, geo_image]
return [dude_image, geo_image the_level]
build_geo_image geo =
let (geo_width, geo_height) = snd $ bounds geo
-- seems like a the repeated index operation should be removable. This is not performing random
-- access but (presumably) access in order of index.
in vert_cat [ geo_row
| y <- [0..geo_height-1]
, let geo_row = horiz_cat [ i
| x <- [0..geo_width-1]
, let i = image_for_geo (geo ! (x,y))