add empty_picture, add_to_top and add_to_bottom to Graphics.Vty.Picture

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-11-30 00:23:10 -08:00
parent 829ae9c4df
commit dd5e24b592
3 changed files with 55 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
* The transparent areas for a layer are the background image components.
* If the background is clear there is no background layer.
* If there is a background character then the bottom layer is the background layer.
* empty_picture is a Picture with no layers and no cursor
* add_to_top and add_to_bottom add a layer to the top and bottom of the given Picture.
* compatibility improvements:
* terminfo based terminals with no cursor support are silently accepted. The cursor
visibility changes in the Picture will have no effect.

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@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ instance Show Picture where
instance NFData Picture where
rnf (Picture c l b) = c `deepseq` l `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
empty_picture :: Picture
empty_picture = Picture NoCursor [] ClearBackground
add_to_top :: Picture -> Image -> Picture
add_to_top p i = p {pic_layers = i : pic_layers p}
add_to_bottom :: Picture -> Image -> Picture
add_to_bottom p i = p {pic_layers = pic_layers p ++ [i]}
-- | Create a picture for display for the given image. The picture will not have a displayed cursor
-- and the background display attribute will be `current_attr`.
pic_for_image :: Image -> Picture

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@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ import Text.Printf
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty.Inline
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- Characters are identified by Names
type Character = Name
type Name = String
@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ class Story repr where
-- Aspects are animate objects, inanimate objects or histories.
animate_obj :: Type -> repr Object
inanimate_obj :: Type -> repr Object
history :: Type -> repr History
history :: repr History
-- The goal is to acquire, or dispose of an object.
dispose_obj :: repr Object -> repr Goal
@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ instance Story X where
add_unknown_obj obj as =
animate_obj t =
inanimate_obj t =
history t =
history =
dispose_obj obj =
acquire_obj obj =
named obj n =
@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ instance Story ShowStory where
add_unknown_obj obj as = ShowStory $ printf "Unknown(%s):%s" (unShowStory obj) (unShowStory as)
animate_obj t = ShowStory $ printf "%s :: AnimateObj" t
inanimate_obj t = ShowStory $ printf "%s :: InanimateObj" t
history t = ShowStory $ printf "%s :: History" t
history = ShowStory $ printf "History"
dispose_obj obj = ShowStory $ printf "Goal(%s)" (unShowStory obj)
acquire_obj obj = ShowStory $ printf "Acquire(%s)" (unShowStory obj)
named obj n = ShowStory $ printf "%s+Name(%s)" (unShowStory obj) (show n)
@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ instance Story TellStory where
add_unknown_obj _ as = as
animate_obj t = TellStory t
inanimate_obj t = TellStory t
history t = TellStory t
history = TellStory "History"
dispose_obj (TellStory obj)
= TellStory $ "to dispose of the accursed " ++ obj
acquire_obj (TellStory obj)
@ -107,26 +112,43 @@ instance Story TellStory where
named (TellStory obj) name
= TellStory $ obj ++ " with the name " ++ name
newtype PictureStory t = PictureStory { compose_to_picture :: Picture }
newtype BuildPicture t = BuildPicture {build_picture :: Picture -> State PictureCtx Picture}
instance Story X where
story c q =
quest g as =
empty_aspects =
add_known_history h as =
add_known_obj obj as =
add_unknown_history h as =
add_unknown_obj obj as =
animate_obj t =
inanimate_obj t =
history t =
dispose_obj obj =
acquire_obj obj =
named obj n =
type Sprite = (Int, Int, Image)
data PictureCtx = PictureCtx
{ next_ID :: Int -- globally monotonic
, this_ID :: Int
, known_sprites :: Map Int Sprite
get_ID :: State PictureCtx Int
get_ID = gets this_ID
new_ID :: Picture -> State PictureCtx Picture
new_ID p = do
ctx <- get
let the_ID = next_ID ctx
put $ ctx {next_ID = the_ID + 1, this_ID = the_ID}
return p
empty_picture_ctx = PictureCtx 0 1 Map.empty
instance Story BuildPicture where
story _c (BuildPicture q) = BuildPicture q
quest _g (BuildPicture as) = BuildPicture as
empty_aspects = BuildPicture new_ID
add_known_history h (BuildPicture as) = BuildPicture as
add_known_obj obj (BuildPicture as) = BuildPicture as
add_unknown_history h (BuildPicture as) = BuildPicture as
add_unknown_obj obj (BuildPicture as) = BuildPicture as
animate_obj t = BuildPicture new_ID
inanimate_obj t = BuildPicture new_ID
history = BuildPicture new_ID
dispose_obj (BuildPicture obj) = BuildPicture obj
acquire_obj (BuildPicture obj) = BuildPicture obj
named (BuildPicture obj) n = BuildPicture obj
main = do
putStrLn $ unTellStory story_0
putStrLn $ unShowStory story_0
withVty $ flip update (compose_to_picture story_0)
withVty $ flip update $ evalState (build_picture story_0 empty_picture) empty_picture_ctx