finish test for verifying the parsing of the keys read from the capabilities file

This commit is contained in:
Corey O'Connor 2013-10-22 17:48:22 -07:00
parent 22774a905a
commit f9619d04eb
4 changed files with 55 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ initTermInput escDelay terminal = do
term_event_classify_table = concat $ caps_legacy_table : ansi_classify_table
term_event_classifier = classify term_event_classify_table
eventThreadId <- forkIO $ inputToEventThread term_event_classifier inputChannel eventChannel
eventThreadId <- forkIO $ void $ inputToEventThread term_event_classifier inputChannel eventChannel
inputThreadId <- forkIO $ inputThread
noInputThreadId <- forkIO $ noInputThread
let pokeIO = Catch $ do

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@ -17,10 +17,14 @@ inputToEventThread classifier inputChannel eventChannel = loop []
where loop kb = case (classifier kb) of
Prefix -> do
c <- readChan inputChannel
loop (kb ++ [c])
if c == '\xFFFD'
then return ()
else loop (kb ++ [c])
Invalid -> do
c <- readChan inputChannel
loop [c]
if c == '\xFFFD'
then return ()
else loop [c]
EndLoop -> return ()
MisPfx k m s -> writeChan eventChannel (EvKey k m) >> loop s
Valid k m -> writeChan eventChannel (EvKey k m) >> loop ""
@ -28,25 +32,26 @@ inputToEventThread classifier inputChannel eventChannel = loop []
compile :: ClassifyTable -> [Char] -> KClass
compile table = cl' where
-- take all prefixes and create a set of these
-- including inserting [] into the set many times.. hm
prefix_set = S.fromList $ concatMap (init . inits . fst) $ table
-- create a map from strings to event
event_for_input = flip M.lookup (M.fromList table)
cl' [] = Prefix
cl' input_block = case S.member input_block prefix_set of
True -> Prefix
-- if the input_block is exactly what is expected for an event then consume the whole block
-- and return the event
False -> case event_for_input input_block of
Just (k,m) -> Valid k m
-- look up progressively large prefixes of the input block until an event is found
-- H: There will always be one match. The prefix_set contains, by definition, all
-- prefixes of an event.
Nothing ->
let input_prefixes = init $ inits input_block
in case mapMaybe (\s -> (,) s `fmap` event_for_input s) input_prefixes of
(s,(k,m)) : _ -> MisPfx k m (drop (length s) input_block)
[] -> error $ "vty internal inconsistency - input not a prefix nor contains any event data "
++ show input_block
True -> Prefix
-- if the input_block is exactly what is expected for an event then consume the whole
-- block and return the event
False -> case event_for_input input_block of
Just (k,m) -> Valid k m
-- look up progressively large prefixes of the input block until an event is found
-- H: There will always be one match. The prefix_set contains, by definition, all
-- prefixes of an event.
Nothing ->
let input_prefixes = init $ inits input_block
in case mapMaybe (\s -> (,) s `fmap` event_for_input s) input_prefixes of
(s,(k,m)) : _ -> MisPfx k m (drop (length s) input_block)
[] -> error $ "vty internal inconsistency - "
++ "input not a prefix nor contains any event data "
++ show input_block
classify, classifyTab :: ClassifyTable -> [Char] -> KClass

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@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import Control.Monad
import System.Console.Terminfo
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Env
import Test.Framework.Providers.SmallCheck
import Test.Framework
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ max_bytes_size = 16
data InputEvent
= Bytes String -- | input sequence encoded as a string. Regardless, the input is read a byte at a time.
| Delay Int -- | millisecond delay
deriving Show
type InputSpec = [InputEvent]
@ -49,46 +49,38 @@ exec_input_spec input out_handle = forM_ input f
assert_events_from_input_block :: ClassifyTable -> InputSpec -> ExpectedSpec -> IO Bool
assert_events_from_input_block table input_spec expected_events = do
print input_spec
let classifier = classify table
input <- newChan
output <- newChan
forkIO $ write_input_spec_to_chan input input_spec
inputToEventThread classifier input output
-- H: all events are available in output channel
-- TODO: switch to using explicit control events. Currently the channel is passing around a
-- magic FFFX characters
read_complete <- newEmptyMVar
write_complete <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ write_input_spec_to_chan input input_spec
`finally` putMVar write_complete ()
_ <- forkIO $ inputToEventThread classifier input output
`finally` putMVar read_complete ()
() <- takeMVar write_complete
() <- takeMVar read_complete
-- TODO: use STM channel
let collect_events = handle (\(e :: BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar) -> return [])
((:) <$> readChan output <*> collect_events)
out_events <- collect_events
-- assures the next line does not block.
writeList2Chan output $ replicate (length expected_events) undefined
out_events <- take (length expected_events) <$> getChanContents output
return $ out_events == expected_events
write_input_spec_to_chan :: Chan Char -> InputSpec -> IO ()
write_input_spec_to_chan chan [] = writeChan chan '\xFFFD'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Bytes str : input_spec')
= writeList2Chan chan str >> write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Delay t : input_spec')
= writeChan chan '\xFFFE' >> write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec'
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = do
<$> pure [ verify "basic block generated from single ansi chars to event translation" ]
<*> mapM terminals_of_interest
, verify "keys from caps table are parsed to the same key"
-- how to make this data dependent?
write_input_spec_to_chan chan [] = do
writeChan chan '\xFFFD'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Bytes str : input_spec') = do
writeList2Chan chan str
write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Delay _t : input_spec') = do
writeChan chan '\xFFFE'
write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec'
newtype EventBlock event = EventBlock ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)])
instance Show (EventBlock event) where
show (EventBlock g) = "EventBlock(* -> *)"
show (EventBlock g) = "EventBlock(*->*)"
instance Monad m => Serial m (EventBlock event) where
series = do
@ -106,12 +98,12 @@ verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event :: Property IO
verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event = forAll $ \(EventBlock block_gen) ->
over (generate (\n -> take n terminals_of_interest)) $ \term_name -> monadic $ do
terminal <- setupTerm term_name
let caps_seq :: [(String, Event)] = block_gen keys_from_caps_table
let bytes_seq = caps_classify_table terminal caps_seq
input = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- bytes_seq]
escaped_sequence = intersperse (Delay defaultEscDelay) input
return True :: IO Bool
-- cap <- elements keys_from_caps_table
let table = caps_classify_table terminal keys_from_caps_table
input_seq :: [(String, Event)] = block_gen table
input_bytes = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq]
input = intersperse (Delay defaultEscDelay) input_bytes
events = [e | (_,e) <- input_seq]
assert_events_from_input_block (map_to_legacy_table table) input events
main = defaultMain
[ testProperty "basic block generated from a single ansi chars to event translation"

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@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ library
default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
ghc-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -Wall -fno-full-laziness -fspec-constr -fspec-constr-count=10
ghc-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -threaded -Wall -fspec-constr -fspec-constr-count=10
ghc-prof-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -caf-all -Wall -fno-full-laziness -fspec-constr -fspec-constr-count=10
ghc-prof-options: -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -threaded -caf-all -Wall -fspec-constr -fspec-constr-count=10
cc-options: -O2
@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ test-suite verify-using-mock-input
utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
vector >= 0.7
ghc-options: -threaded -Wall
executable vty-interactive-terminal-test
main-is: interactive_terminal_test.hs