{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {- We setup the environment to envoke certain terminals of interest. - This assumes appropriate definitions exist in the current environment for the terminals of - interest. -} module Main where import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Terminal import Data.List (intersperse, permutations) import Graphics.Vty hiding (resize) import Graphics.Vty.Input import Graphics.Vty.Input.Data import Graphics.Vty.Input.Internal import Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import System.Console.Terminfo import System.IO import Test.Framework.Providers.SmallCheck import Test.Framework import Test.SmallCheck import Test.SmallCheck.Series -- processing a block of 16 chars is the largest I can do without taking too long to run the test. max_block_size :: Int max_block_size = 16 data InputEvent = Bytes String -- | input sequence encoded as a string. Regardless, the input is read a byte at a time. | Delay Int -- | millisecond delay deriving Show type InputSpec = [InputEvent] type ExpectedSpec = [Event] exec_input_spec :: InputSpec -> Handle -> IO () exec_input_spec input out_handle = forM_ input f where f (Bytes str) = hPutStr out_handle str >> hFlush out_handle f (Delay t) = threadDelay (t*1000) assert_events_from_input_block :: ClassifyTable -> InputSpec -> ExpectedSpec -> IO Bool assert_events_from_input_block table input_spec expected_events = do print input_spec let classifier = classify table input <- newChan output <- newChan read_complete <- newEmptyMVar write_complete <- newEmptyMVar _ <- forkIO $ write_input_spec_to_chan input input_spec `finally` putMVar write_complete () _ <- forkIO $ inputToEventThread classifier input output `finally` putMVar read_complete () () <- takeMVar write_complete () <- takeMVar read_complete -- TODO: use STM channel -- assures the next line does not block. writeList2Chan output $ replicate (length expected_events) undefined out_events <- take (length expected_events) <$> getChanContents output return $ out_events == expected_events write_input_spec_to_chan :: Chan Char -> InputSpec -> IO () write_input_spec_to_chan chan [] = do writeChan chan '\xFFFD' write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Bytes str : input_spec') = do writeList2Chan chan str write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec' write_input_spec_to_chan chan (Delay _t : input_spec') = do writeChan chan '\xFFFE' write_input_spec_to_chan chan input_spec' newtype EventBlock event = EventBlock ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)]) instance Show (EventBlock event) where show (EventBlock g) = "EventBlock(*->*)" instance Monad m => Serial m (EventBlock event) where series = do n :: Int <- localDepth (max max_block_size) series -- what elements to select from the table return $ EventBlock $ \table -> concat (take n (permutations table)) verify_simple_input_block_to_event :: Property IO verify_simple_input_block_to_event = forAll $ \(EventBlock block_gen) -> do let simple_input_seq = block_gen simple_chars input = Bytes $ concat [s | (s,_) <- simple_input_seq] events = [e | (_,(k,ms)) <- simple_input_seq, let e = EvKey k ms] monadic $ assert_events_from_input_block simple_chars [input] events verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event :: Property IO verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event = forAll $ \(EventBlock block_gen) -> over (generate (\n -> take n terminals_of_interest)) $ \term_name -> monadic $ do terminal <- setupTerm term_name let table = caps_classify_table terminal keys_from_caps_table input_seq :: [(String, Event)] = block_gen table input_bytes = [Bytes s | (s,_) <- input_seq] input = intersperse (Delay defaultEscDelay) input_bytes events = [e | (_,e) <- input_seq] assert_events_from_input_block (map_to_legacy_table table) input events main = defaultMain [ testProperty "basic block generated from a single ansi chars to event translation" verify_simple_input_block_to_event , testProperty "key sequences read from caps table map to expected events" verify_keys_from_caps_table_block_to_event ]