
224 lines
8.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Generate some input bytes and delays between blocks of input bytes.
-- Verify the events produced are as expected.
module Main where
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Output
import Graphics.Vty hiding (resize)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Loop
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Terminfo
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (intersperse, reverse, nubBy)
import System.Console.Terminfo
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Terminal (openPseudoTerminal)
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Timeout
import Test.Framework.Providers.SmallCheck
import Test.Framework
import Test.SmallCheck
import Test.SmallCheck.Series
import Text.Printf
-- processing a block of 16 chars is the largest I can do without taking
-- too long to run the test.
maxBlockSize :: Int
maxBlockSize = 16
maxTableSize :: Int
maxTableSize = 28
forEachOf :: (Show a, Testable m b) => [a] -> (a -> b) -> Property m
forEachOf l = over (generate (\n -> take n l))
data InputEvent
= Bytes String
-- ^ Input sequence encoded as a string. Regardless, the input is
-- read a byte at a time.
| Delay Int
-- ^ Microsecond delay
deriving Show
type InputSpec = [InputEvent]
type ExpectedSpec = [Event]
synthesizeInput :: InputSpec -> Fd -> IO ()
synthesizeInput input outHandle = forM_ input f >> (void $ fdWrite outHandle "\xFFFD")
f (Bytes str) = void $ fdWrite outHandle str
f (Delay t) = threadDelay t
minDetectableDelay :: Int
minDetectableDelay = 4000
minTimout :: Int
minTimout = 4000000
testKeyDelay :: Int
testKeyDelay = minDetectableDelay * 4
testEscSampleDelay :: Int
testEscSampleDelay = minDetectableDelay * 2
genEventsUsingIoActions :: Int -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
genEventsUsingIoActions maxDuration inputAction outputAction = do
let maxDuration' = max minTimout maxDuration
readComplete <- newEmptyMVar
writeComplete <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkOS $ inputAction `finally` putMVar writeComplete ()
_ <- forkOS $ outputAction `finally` putMVar readComplete ()
Just () <- timeout maxDuration' $ takeMVar writeComplete
Just () <- timeout maxDuration' $ takeMVar readComplete
return ()
compareEvents :: (Show a1, Show a, Eq a1) => a -> [a1] -> [a1] -> IO Bool
compareEvents inputSpec expectedEvents outEvents = compareEvents' expectedEvents outEvents
compareEvents' [] [] = return True
compareEvents' [] outEvents' = do
printf "extra events %s\n" (show outEvents') :: IO ()
return False
compareEvents' expectedEvents' [] = do
printf "events %s were not produced for input %s\n" (show expectedEvents') (show inputSpec) :: IO ()
printf "expected events %s\n" (show expectedEvents) :: IO ()
printf "received events %s\n" (show outEvents) :: IO ()
return False
compareEvents' (e : expectedEvents') (o : outEvents')
| e == o = compareEvents' expectedEvents' outEvents'
| otherwise = do
printf "%s expected not %s for input %s\n" (show e) (show o) (show inputSpec) :: IO ()
printf "expected events %s\n" (show expectedEvents) :: IO ()
printf "received events %s\n" (show outEvents) :: IO ()
return False
assertEventsFromSynInput :: ClassifyMap -> InputSpec -> ExpectedSpec -> IO Bool
assertEventsFromSynInput table inputSpec expectedEvents = do
let maxDuration = sum [t | Delay t <- inputSpec] + minDetectableDelay
eventCount = length expectedEvents
(writeFd, readFd) <- openPseudoTerminal
(setTermAttr,_) <- attributeControl readFd
let testConfig = defaultConfig { inputFd = Just readFd
, termName = Just "dummy"
, vmin = Just 1
, vtime = Just 100
input <- initInput testConfig table
eventsRef <- newIORef []
let writeWaitClose = do
synthesizeInput inputSpec writeFd
threadDelay minDetectableDelay
shutdownInput input
threadDelay minDetectableDelay
closeFd writeFd
closeFd readFd
-- drain output pipe
let readEvents = readLoop eventCount
readLoop 0 = return ()
readLoop n = do
e <- atomically $ readTChan $ input^.eventChannel
case e of
InputEvent ev -> modifyIORef eventsRef ((:) ev)
ResumeAfterSignal -> return ()
readLoop (n - 1)
genEventsUsingIoActions maxDuration writeWaitClose readEvents
outEvents <- reverse <$> readIORef eventsRef
compareEvents inputSpec expectedEvents outEvents
newtype InputBlocksUsingTable event
= InputBlocksUsingTable ([(String,event)] -> [(String, event)])
instance Show (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
show (InputBlocksUsingTable _g) = "InputBlocksUsingTable"
instance Monad m => Serial m (InputBlocksUsingTable event) where
series = do
n :: Int <- localDepth (const maxTableSize) series
return $ InputBlocksUsingTable $ \raw_table ->
let table = reverse $ nubBy (\(s0,_) (s1,_) -> s0 == s1) $ reverse raw_table
in concat (take n (selections table))
selections [] = []
selections (x:xs) = let z = selections xs in [x] : (z ++ map ((:) x) z)
verifyVisibleSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyVisibleSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = visibleChars
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput universalTable input events
verifyCapsSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyCapsSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \terminalName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm terminalName
let table = capsClassifyMap term keysFromCapsTable
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
verifySpecialSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifySpecialSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) -> monadic $ do
let table = specialSupportKeys
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput universalTable input events
verifyFullSynInputToEvent :: Property IO
verifyFullSynInputToEvent = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \terminalName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm terminalName
let table = classifyMapForTerm terminalName term
inputSeq = gen table
events = map snd inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
verifyFullSynInputToEvent_2x :: Property IO
verifyFullSynInputToEvent_2x = forAll $ \(InputBlocksUsingTable gen) ->
forEachOf terminalsOfInterest $ \terminalName -> monadic $ do
term <- setupTerm terminalName
let table = classifyMapForTerm terminalName term
inputSeq = gen table
events = concatMap ((\s -> [s,s]) . snd) inputSeq
keydowns = map (Bytes . (\s -> s ++ s) . fst) inputSeq
input = intersperse (Delay testKeyDelay) keydowns ++ [Delay testKeyDelay]
assertEventsFromSynInput table input events
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ testProperty "synthesized typing of single visible chars translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of keys from capabilities tables translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of hard coded special keys translates to expected events"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of any key in the table translates to its paired event"
, testProperty "synthesized typing of 2x any key in the table translates to 2x paired event"