coreyoconnor 7b38759846 use alloca instead of mallocBytes for exception safety
Ignore-this: 1d31bef2e227fefafe8bb4b6f9511e1d

2009-09-04 10:29:28 -07:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

{- benchmarks composing images using the renderChar operation.
- This is what Yi uses in Yi.UI.Vty.drawText. Ideally a sequence of renderChar images horizontally
- composed should provide no worse performance than a fill render op.
import Graphics.Vty
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
import System.Time
main = do
vty <- mkVty
(w, h) <- getSize vty
let test_chars = take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
start_time_0 <- getClockTime
forM_ test_chars $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = test_image_using_renderChar test_char w h
out_pic = pic { pImage = test_image }
update vty out_pic
end_time_0 <- getClockTime
let start_time_1 = end_time_0
forM_ test_chars $ \test_char -> do
let test_image = renderFill attr test_char w h
out_pic = pic { pImage = test_image }
update vty out_pic
end_time_1 <- getClockTime
shutdown vty
putStrLn $ timeDiffToString $ diffClockTimes end_time_0 start_time_0
putStrLn $ timeDiffToString $ diffClockTimes end_time_1 start_time_1
test_image_using_renderChar c w h = vertcat $ replicate h $ horzcat $ map (renderChar attr) (replicate w c)