2013-09-14 23:56:06 -07:00

175 lines
7.9 KiB

module VerifyImageOps where
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Image.Internal
import Verify.Graphics.Vty.Image
import Verify
import Control.DeepSeq
two_sw_horiz_concat :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
two_sw_horiz_concat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
image_width (char def_attr c1 <|> char def_attr c2) == 2
many_sw_horiz_concat :: [SingleColumnChar] -> Bool
many_sw_horiz_concat cs =
let chars = [ char | SingleColumnChar char <- cs ]
l = fromIntegral $ length cs
in image_width ( horiz_cat $ map (char def_attr) chars ) == l
two_sw_vert_concat :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
two_sw_vert_concat (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
image_height (char def_attr c1 <-> char def_attr c2) == 2
horiz_concat_sw_assoc :: SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> SingleColumnChar -> Bool
horiz_concat_sw_assoc (SingleColumnChar c0) (SingleColumnChar c1) (SingleColumnChar c2) =
(char def_attr c0 <|> char def_attr c1) <|> char def_attr c2
char def_attr c0 <|> (char def_attr c1 <|> char def_attr c2)
two_dw_horiz_concat :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
two_dw_horiz_concat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
image_width (char def_attr c1 <|> char def_attr c2) == 4
many_dw_horiz_concat :: [DoubleColumnChar] -> Bool
many_dw_horiz_concat cs =
let chars = [ char | DoubleColumnChar char <- cs ]
l = fromIntegral $ length cs
in image_width ( horiz_cat $ map (char def_attr) chars ) == l * 2
two_dw_vert_concat :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
two_dw_vert_concat (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
image_height (char def_attr c1 <-> char def_attr c2) == 2
horiz_concat_dw_assoc :: DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> DoubleColumnChar -> Bool
horiz_concat_dw_assoc (DoubleColumnChar c0) (DoubleColumnChar c1) (DoubleColumnChar c2) =
(char def_attr c0 <|> char def_attr c1) <|> char def_attr c2
char def_attr c0 <|> (char def_attr c1 <|> char def_attr c2)
vert_contat_single_row :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage -> Bool
vert_contat_single_row (NonEmpty stack) =
let expected_height :: Int = length stack
stack_image = vert_cat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack ]
in image_height stack_image == expected_height
disjoint_height_horiz_join :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjoint_height_horiz_join (NonEmpty stack_0) (NonEmpty stack_1) =
let expected_height :: Int = max (length stack_0) (length stack_1)
stack_image_0 = vert_cat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_0 ]
stack_image_1 = vert_cat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_1 ]
in image_height (stack_image_0 <|> stack_image_1) == expected_height
disjoint_height_horiz_join_bg_fill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjoint_height_horiz_join_bg_fill (NonEmpty stack_0) (NonEmpty stack_1) =
let stack_image_0 = vert_cat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_0 ]
stack_image_1 = vert_cat [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_1 ]
image = stack_image_0 <|> stack_image_1
expected_height = image_height image
in case image of
HorizJoin {} -> ( expected_height == (image_height $ part_left image) )
( expected_height == (image_height $ part_right image) )
_ -> True
disjoint_width_vert_join :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjoint_width_vert_join (NonEmpty stack_0) (NonEmpty stack_1) =
let expected_width = maximum $ map image_width (stack_0_images ++ stack_1_images)
stack_0_images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_0 ]
stack_1_images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_1 ]
stack_0_image = vert_cat stack_0_images
stack_1_image = vert_cat stack_1_images
image = stack_0_image <-> stack_1_image
in image_width image == expected_width
disjoint_width_vert_join_bg_fill :: NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> NonEmptyList SingleRowSingleAttrImage
-> Bool
disjoint_width_vert_join_bg_fill (NonEmpty stack_0) (NonEmpty stack_1) =
let expected_width = maximum $ map image_width (stack_0_images ++ stack_1_images)
stack_0_images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_0 ]
stack_1_images = [ i | SingleRowSingleAttrImage { row_image = i } <- stack_1 ]
stack_0_image = vert_cat stack_0_images
stack_1_image = vert_cat stack_1_images
image = stack_0_image <-> stack_1_image
in case image of
VertJoin {} -> ( expected_width == (image_width $ part_top image) )
( expected_width == (image_width $ part_bottom image) )
_ -> True
translation_is_linear_on_out_size :: Translation -> Bool
translation_is_linear_on_out_size (Translation i (x,y) i') =
image_width i' == image_width i + x && image_height i' == image_height i + y
padding_is_linear_on_out_size :: Image -> Gen Bool
padding_is_linear_on_out_size i = do
l <- offset
t <- offset
r <- offset
b <- offset
let i' = pad l t r b i
return $ image_width i' == image_width i + l + r && image_height i' == image_height i + t + b
where offset = choose (1,1024)
crop_left_limits_width :: Image -> Int -> Property
crop_left_limits_width i v = v >= 0 ==>
v >= image_width (crop_left v i)
crop_right_limits_width :: Image -> Int -> Property
crop_right_limits_width i v = v >= 0 ==>
v >= image_width (crop_right v i)
crop_top_limits_height :: Image -> Int -> Property
crop_top_limits_height i v = v >= 0 ==>
v >= image_height (crop_top v i)
crop_bottom_limits_height :: Image -> Int -> Property
crop_bottom_limits_height i v = v >= 0 ==>
v >= image_height (crop_bottom v i)
-- rediculous tests just to satisfy my desire for nice code coverage :-P
can_show_image :: Image -> Bool
can_show_image i = length (show i) > 0
can_rnf_image :: Image -> Bool
can_rnf_image i = rnf i == ()
can_pp_image :: Image -> Bool
can_pp_image i = length (pp_image_structure i) > 0
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = return
[ verify "two_sw_horiz_concat" two_sw_horiz_concat
, verify "many_sw_horiz_concat" many_sw_horiz_concat
, verify "two_sw_vert_concat" two_sw_vert_concat
, verify "horiz_concat_sw_assoc" horiz_concat_sw_assoc
, verify "many_dw_horiz_concat" many_dw_horiz_concat
, verify "two_dw_horiz_concat" two_dw_horiz_concat
, verify "two_dw_vert_concat" two_dw_vert_concat
, verify "horiz_concat_dw_assoc" horiz_concat_dw_assoc
, verify "single row vert concats to correct height" vert_contat_single_row
, verify "disjoint_height_horiz_join" disjoint_height_horiz_join
, verify "disjoint_height_horiz_join BG fill" disjoint_height_horiz_join_bg_fill
, verify "disjoint_width_vert_join" disjoint_width_vert_join
, verify "disjoint_width_vert_join BG fill" disjoint_width_vert_join_bg_fill
, verify "translation effects output dimensions linearly" translation_is_linear_on_out_size
, verify "padding effects output dimensions linearly" padding_is_linear_on_out_size
, verify "crop left limits width" crop_left_limits_width
, verify "crop right limits width" crop_right_limits_width
, verify "crop top limits height" crop_top_limits_height
, verify "crop bottom limits height" crop_bottom_limits_height
, verify "can show image" can_show_image
, verify "can rnf image" can_rnf_image
, verify "can pp image" can_pp_image