
157 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module VerifyParseTerminfoCaps where
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
import Verify.Data.Terminfo.Parse
import Verify
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, fromJust )
import Data.Word
import Numeric
-- A list of terminals that ubuntu includes a terminfo cap file for.
-- Assuming that is a good place to start.
terminals_of_interest =
[ "wsvt25"
, "wsvt25m"
, "vt52"
, "vt100"
, "vt220"
, "vt102"
, "xterm-r5"
, "xterm-xfree86"
, "xterm-r6"
, "xterm-256color"
, "xterm-vt220"
, "xterm-debian"
, "xterm-mono"
, "xterm-color"
, "xterm"
, "mach"
, "mach-bold"
, "mach-color"
, "linux"
, "ansi"
, "hurd"
, "Eterm"
, "pcansi"
, "screen-256color"
, "screen-bce"
, "screen-s"
, "screen-w"
, "screen"
, "screen-256color-bce"
, "sun"
, "rxvt"
, "rxvt-unicode"
, "rxvt-basic"
, "cygwin"
, "cons25"
, "dumb"
-- If a terminal defines one of the caps then it's expected to be parsable.
caps_of_interest =
[ "cup"
, "sc"
, "rc"
, "setf"
, "setb"
, "setaf"
, "setab"
, "op"
, "cnorm"
, "civis"
, "smcup"
, "rmcup"
, "clear"
, "hpa"
, "vpa"
, "sgr"
, "sgr0"
from_capname ti name = fromJust $ Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr name)
tests :: IO [Test]
tests = do
parse_tests <- concat <$> forM terminals_of_interest ( \term_name -> do
putStrLn $ "testing parsing of caps for terminal: " ++ term_name
mti <- liftIO $ try $ Terminfo.setupTerm term_name
case mti of
Left (_e :: SomeException)
-> return []
Right ti -> do
concat <$> forM caps_of_interest ( \cap_name -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "\tparsing cap: " ++ cap_name
case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr cap_name) of
Just cap_def -> do
return [ verify ( "\tparse cap " ++ cap_name ++ " -> " ++ show cap_def )
( verify_parse_cap cap_def $ const (return succeeded) ) ]
Nothing -> do
return []
-- The quickcheck tests
return $ [ verify "parse_non_paramaterized_caps" non_paramaterized_caps
, verify "parse cap string with literal %" literal_percent_caps
, verify "parse cap string with %i op" inc_first_two_caps
, verify "parse cap string with %pN op" push_param_caps
] ++ parse_tests
verify_parse_cap cap_string on_parse = liftIOResult $ do
parse_result <- parse_cap_expression cap_string
case parse_result of
Left error -> return $ failed { reason = "parse error " ++ show error }
Right e -> on_parse e
non_paramaterized_caps (NonParamCapString cap) = do
verify_parse_cap cap $ \e ->
let expected_count :: Word8 = toEnum $ length cap
expected_bytes = map (toEnum . fromEnum) cap
out_bytes = bytes_for_range e 0 expected_count
in return $ verify_bytes_equal out_bytes expected_bytes
literal_percent_caps (LiteralPercentCap cap_string expected_bytes) = do
verify_parse_cap cap_string $ \e ->
let expected_count :: Word8 = toEnum $ length expected_bytes
out_bytes = collect_bytes e
in return $ verify_bytes_equal out_bytes expected_bytes
inc_first_two_caps (IncFirstTwoCap cap_string expected_bytes) = do
verify_parse_cap cap_string $ \e ->
let expected_count :: Word8 = toEnum $ length expected_bytes
out_bytes = collect_bytes e
in return $ verify_bytes_equal out_bytes expected_bytes
push_param_caps (PushParamCap cap_string expected_param_count expected_bytes) = do
verify_parse_cap cap_string $ \e ->
let expected_count :: Word8 = toEnum $ length expected_bytes
out_bytes = collect_bytes e
out_param_count = param_count e
in return $ if out_param_count == expected_param_count
then verify_bytes_equal out_bytes expected_bytes
else failed { reason = "out param count /= expected param count" }
dec_print_param_caps (DecPrintCap cap_string expected_param_count expected_bytes) = do
verify_parse_cap cap_string $ \e ->
let expected_count :: Word8 = toEnum $ length expected_bytes
out_bytes = collect_bytes e
out_param_count = param_count e
in return $ if out_param_count == expected_param_count
then verify_bytes_equal out_bytes expected_bytes
else failed { reason = "out param count /= expected param count" }
print_cap ti cap_name = do
putStrLn $ cap_name ++ ": " ++ show (from_capname ti cap_name)
print_expression ti cap_name = do
parse_result <- parse_cap_expression $ from_capname ti cap_name
putStrLn $ cap_name ++ ": " ++ show parse_result