2014-04-11 17:51:13 -07:00

41 lines
1.3 KiB

{- benchmarks composing images using the renderChar operation.
- This is what Yi uses in Yi.UI.Vty.drawText. Ideally a sequence of renderChar images horizontally
- composed should provide no worse performance than a fill render op.
module BenchRenderChar where
import Graphics.Vty
import Verify
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
import Data.Default (def)
bench0 = do
vty <- mkVty def
(w,h) <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let testChars = return $ take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
bench d = do
forM_ d $ \testChar -> do
let testImage = testImageUsingChar testChar w h
outPic = picForImage testImage
update vty outPic
shutdown vty
return $ Bench testChars bench
testImageUsingChar c w h
= vertCat $ replicate (fromIntegral h)
$ horizCat $ map (char defAttr) (replicate (fromIntegral w) c)
bench1 = do
vty <- mkVty def
(w,h) <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
let testChars = return $ take 500 $ cycle $ [ c | c <- ['a'..'z']]
bench d = do
forM_ d $ \testChar -> do
let testImage = charFill defAttr testChar w h
outPic = picForImage testImage
update vty outPic
shutdown vty
return $ Bench testChars bench