2014-04-11 17:51:13 -07:00

142 lines
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* The naming convention now matches:
* http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Programming_guidelines#Naming_Conventions
* all projects using vty for input must be compiled with -threaded. This could be resolved but
would like to avoid the complexity for now.
* mkVtyEscDelay has been removed. Use "mkVty def". Which initialized vty with the default
* input handling changes
* KASCII is now KChar
* KPN5 is now KCenter
* tests exist.
* terminal timing is now handled by selecting an appropriate VTIME. Previously this was
implemented within Vty itself. This reduced complexity in vty but potentially provides
a different meta key behavior.
* The time vty will wait to verify an ESC byte means a single ESC key is the
singleEscPeriod of the Input Config structure.
* removed the typeclass based terminal and display context interface in favor of a data
structure of properties interface.
* renamed the Terminal interface to Output
* The default picture for an image now uses the "clear" background. This background fills
background spans with spaces or just ends the line.
* Previously the background defaulted to the space character. This causes issues copying
text from a text editor. The text would end up with extra spaces at the end of the line.
* Layer support
* Each layer is an image.
* The layers for a picture are a list of images.
* The first image is the top-most layer. The images are ordered from top to bottom.
* The transparent areas for a layer are the background_fill areas. These will be implicitly
added to to pad images when images of different sizes are joined.
* If the background is clear there is no background layer.
* If there is a background character then the bottom layer is the background layer.
* emptyPicture is a Picture with no layers and no cursor
* addToTop and addToBottom add a layer to the top and bottom of the given Picture.
* compatibility improvements:
* terminfo based terminals with no cursor support are silently accepted. The cursor
visibility changes in the Picture will have no effect.
* alternate (setf/setb) color maps supported. Though colors beyond the first 8 are just a
* added "rgbColor" for easy support of RGB specified colors.
* examples moved to vty-examples package. See test directory for cabal file.
* vty-interactive-terminal-test
* interactive test. Useful for building a bug report for vty's author.
* test/interactive_terminal_test.hs
* vty-event-echo
* view a input event log for vty. Example of interacting with user.
* test/EventEcho.hs
* vty-rouge
* A bad rouge-like game. Example of layers and image build operations.
* test/Rouge.hs
* vty-benchmark
* benchmarks vty. A series of tests that push random pictures to the terminal. The
random pictures are generated using QuickCheck. The same generators used in the
automated tests.
* test/benchmark.hs
* API changes:
* Added Graphics.Vty.Image.crop: Ensure an image is no larger than the specified size.
* Added Graphics.Vty.Image.pad: Ensure an image is no smaller than the specified size.
* Added Graphics.Vty.Image.translate: Offset an image.
* Thanks Ben Boeckel <MathStuf@gmail.com> for these features.
* API changes:
* Attr record accessor fore_color changed to attr_fore_color
* Attr record accessor back_color changed to attr_back_color
* Attr record accessor style changed to attr_style
* Added an "inline" display attribute changing DSL:
* put_attr_change applies a display attribute change immediately to a terminal
* For instance, can be used to change the display attrbiutes of text output via putStrLn
and putStr. EX: "put_attr_change $ back_color red" will set the
background color to red.
* Changes do not apply to a Picture output via output_picture.
* See Graphics.Vty.Inline
* Moved all IO actions into any monad an instance of MonadIO
* binding for mk_wcswidth was incorrect. Most platforms just magically worked due to
* API changes:
* "getSize" has been removed. Use "terminal vty >>= display_bounds" where "vty" is an
instance of the Vty data structure.
* added a "terminal" field to the Vty data structure. Accesses the TerminalHandle associated
with the Vty instance.
* Graphics.Vty.Types has undergone a number of changes. Summary:
* Partitioned into Graphics.Vty.Attributes for display attributes. Graphics.Vty.Image for
image combinators. Graphics.Vty.Picture for final picture construction.
* Graphics.Vty.Attributes:
* "setFG" and "setBG" are now "with_fore_color" and "with_back_color"
* All other "set.." equations similarly replaced.
* "attr" is now "def_attr", short for "default display attributes" Also added a
"current_attr" for "currently applied display attributes"
* Graphics.Vty.Image:
* "horzcat" is now "horiz_cat"
* "vertcat" is now "vert_cat"
* "renderBS" is now "utf8_bytestring"
* "renderChar" is now "char"
* "renderFill" is now "char_fill"
* added a "utf8_string" and "string" (AKA "iso_10464_string") for UTF-8 encoded Strings
and ISO-10464 encoded Strings. String literals in GHC have an ISO-10464 runtime
* Graphics.Vty.Picture:
* exports Graphics.Vty.Image
* "pic" is now "pic_for_image"
* added API for setting background fill pattern.
* Completely rewritten output backend.
* Efficient, scanline style output span generator. Has not been fully optimized, but good
* The details required to display the desired picture on a terminal are well encapsulated.
* Terminfo based display terminal implementation. With specialized derivitives for xterm,
Terminal.app, and iTerm.app.
* Attempts to robustly handle even terminals that don't support all display attributes.
* I've tested the following terminals with success: iTerm.app, Terminal.app, xterm,
rxvt, mlterm, Eterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, screen, linux vty. Hopefully you will be
as successfull.
* Improved unicode support. Double wide characters will display as expected.
* 256 color support. See Graphics.Vty.Attributes.Color240. The actual output color is adjusted
according to the number of colors the terminal supports.
* The Graphics.Vty.Image combinators no longer require matching dimensions to arguments.
Unspecified areas are filled in with a user-customizable background pattern. See
* output images are always cropped to display size.
* Significant code coverage by QuickCheck tests. An interactive test for those final properties
that couldn't be automatically verified.
issues resolved:
* "gnome terminal displays non-basic attributes as strikethrough"
* http://trac.haskell.org/vty/ticket/14
* "Multi-byte characters are not displayed correctly on update"
* http://trac.haskell.org/vty/ticket/10
* "Redraw does not handle rendering a line that extends beyond screen width characters"
* http://trac.haskell.org/vty/ticket/13
* "The <|> and <-> combinators should be more forgiving of mismatched dimensions"
* http://trac.haskell.org/vty/ticket/9
* "256-color support"
* http://trac.haskell.org/vty/ticket/19