coreyoconnor 7b38759846 use alloca instead of mallocBytes for exception safety
Ignore-this: 1d31bef2e227fefafe8bb4b6f9511e1d

2009-09-04 10:29:28 -07:00

41 lines
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module Verify.Graphics.Vty.Attributes ( module Verify.Graphics.Vty.Attributes
, module Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Verify
import Data.List ( delete )
-- Limit the possible attributes to just a few for now.
possible_attr_mods :: [ AttrOp ]
possible_attr_mods =
[ set_bold_op
, id_op
instance Arbitrary Attr where
arbitrary = elements possible_attr_mods >>= return . flip apply_op def_attr
data DiffAttr = DiffAttr Attr Attr
instance Arbitrary DiffAttr where
arbitrary = do
op0 <- elements possible_attr_mods
let possible_attr_mods' = delete op0 possible_attr_mods
op1 <- elements possible_attr_mods'
return $ DiffAttr (apply_op op0 def_attr) (apply_op op1 def_attr)
data AttrOp = AttrOp String (Attr -> Attr)
instance Eq AttrOp where
AttrOp n0 _ == AttrOp n1 _ = n0 == n1
set_bold_op = AttrOp "set_bold" (flip with_style bold)
id_op = AttrOp "id" id
apply_op :: AttrOp -> Attr -> Attr
apply_op (AttrOp _ f) a = f a