ilyakooo0 ilyakooo0
  • Joined on 2022-04-11
not really known
Updated 2024-03-06 21:00:05 +03:00
not really known
Updated 2024-01-29 22:42:00 +03:00
generate contextually sensible fuzz tests for servant apps
Updated 2024-01-27 23:28:31 +03:00
High performance, concurrent functional programming abstractions
Updated 2024-01-26 19:51:04 +03:00
not really known
Updated 2023-08-21 17:57:12 +03:00
Binary serialization at the bit level on top of the binary package
Updated 2023-08-11 13:44:49 +03:00
Haskell job queue with admin UI and loads of other features.
Updated 2023-07-05 23:09:33 +03:00
Deep Learning in Haskell
Updated 2023-04-22 19:15:44 +03:00
Main repository for the servant libraries — DSL for describing, serving, querying, mocking, documenting web applications and more!
Updated 2023-02-27 12:16:37 +03:00
Interactive programs without callbacks or side-effects. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses composable events and time-varying values to describe interactive systems as pure functions. Just like other pure functional code, functional reactive code
Updated 2022-12-22 00:43:07 +03:00
DerivingVia for OpenAPI 3
Updated 2022-12-21 16:39:53 +03:00
Hey! Hey! Can u rel8?
Updated 2022-12-19 11:41:40 +03:00
not really known
Updated 2022-09-11 11:20:36 +03:00
Literally the best anonymous records
Updated 2022-05-12 20:18:59 +03:00
Build terminal applications using functional reactive programming (FRP) with Reflex FRP.
Updated 2022-04-17 14:19:51 +03:00