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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module Foliage.CmdBuild (cmdBuild) where
import Codec.Archive.Tar qualified as Tar
import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry qualified as Tar
import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZip
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.Foldable (for_)
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, sortOn)
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Foliage.HackageSecurity
import Foliage.Meta
import Foliage.Options
import Foliage.Package
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
import Foliage.RemoteAsset (addBuiltinRemoteAssetRule, remoteAssetNeed)
import Foliage.Shake
import Foliage.Shake.Oracle
import Foliage.Time qualified as Time
import System.Directory qualified as IO
cmdBuild :: BuildOptions -> IO ()
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
{ buildOptsKeysPath = keysPath,
buildOptsCurrentTime = mCurrentTime,
buildOptsInputDir = inputDir,
buildOptsOutputDir = outputDir
} = do
ks <- IO.doesDirectoryExist keysPath
unless ks $ do
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putStrLn $ "You don't seem to have created a set of TUF keys. I will create one in " <> keysPath
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
createKeys keysPath
let opts =
{ shakeChange = ChangeDigest,
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
shakeFiles = "_cache",
shakeVerbosity = Info
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
shake opts $ do
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
addBuiltinRemoteAssetRule ("_cache" </> "downloads")
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- Oracles
getCurrentTime <- addOracle $ \GetCurrentTime ->
case mCurrentTime of
Nothing -> do
t <- Time.truncateSeconds <$> liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putInfo $ "Current time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show t <> ". You can set a fixed time using the --current-time option."
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
return t
Just t -> do
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putInfo $ "Current time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show t <> "."
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
return t
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
getExpiryTime <- addOracleCache $ \GetExpiryTime -> do
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
t <- Time.addUTCTime (Time.nominalDay * 365) <$> getCurrentTime GetCurrentTime
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putInfo $ "Expiry time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show t <> " (a year from now)."
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
return t
getPackageMeta <- addOracleCache $ \(GetPackageMeta pkgId@PackageId {pkgName, pkgVersion}) -> do
meta <- readPackageMeta' $ inputDir </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "meta.toml"
-- Here we do some validation of the package metadata. We could
-- fine a better place for it.
case meta of
PackageMeta {packageRevisions, packageTimestamp = Nothing}
| not (null packageRevisions) -> do
putError $
"Package " <> pkgIdToString pkgId
<> " has cabal file revisions but the original package has no timestamp. This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the revisions"
fail "invalid package metadata"
PackageMeta {packageRevisions, packageTimestamp = Just pkgTs}
| any ((< pkgTs) . revisionTimestamp) packageRevisions -> do
putError $
"Package " <> pkgIdToString pkgId
<> " has a revision with timestamp earlier than the package itself. Adjust the timestamps so that all revisions come after the original package"
fail "invalid package metadata"
_ ->
return meta
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
preparePackageSource <- addOracleCache $ \(PreparePackageSource pkgId@PackageId {pkgName, pkgVersion}) -> do
PackageMeta {packageSource, packageForceVersion} <- getPackageMeta (GetPackageMeta pkgId)
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
let srcDir = "_cache" </> "packages" </> pkgName </> pkgVersion
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- FIXME too much rework?
-- this action only depends on the tarball and the package metadata
-- delete everything inside the package source tree
liftIO $ do
-- FIXME this should only delete inside srcDir but apparently
-- also deletes srcDir itself
removeFiles srcDir ["//*"]
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True srcDir
case packageSource of
TarballSource url mSubdir -> do
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
tarballPath <- remoteAssetNeed url
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ ["tar", "xzf", tarballPath, "-C", tmpDir]
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- Special treatment of top-level directory: we remove it
-- Note: Don't let shake look into tmpDir! it will cause
-- unnecessary rework because tmpDir is always new
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
let fix1 = case ls' of [l] -> (</> l); _ -> id
fix2 = case mSubdir of Just s -> (</> s); _ -> id
tdir = fix2 $ fix1 tmpDir
cmd_ ["cp", "--recursive", "--no-target-directory", "--dereference", tdir, srcDir]
-- Delete cabal.project files if present
projectFiles <- liftIO $ filter ("cabal.project" `isPrefixOf`) <$> IO.getDirectoryContents srcDir
unless (null projectFiles) $ do
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putWarn $ "Deleting cabal project files from " ++ srcDir
liftIO $ for_ projectFiles $ IO.removeFile . (srcDir </>)
2022-04-01 08:01:45 +03:00
applyPatches inputDir srcDir pkgId
when packageForceVersion $
forcePackageVersion srcDir pkgId
return srcDir
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
getPackages <- addOracleCache $ \GetPackages -> do
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
metaFiles <- getDirectoryFiles inputDir ["*/*/meta.toml"]
when (null metaFiles) $ do
putError $
[ "We could not find any package metadata file (i.e. _sources/<name>/<version>/meta.toml)",
"Make sure you are passing the right input directory. The default input directory is _sources"
fail "no package metadata found"
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
return $
[ PackageId pkgName pkgVersion
| path <- metaFiles,
let [pkgName, pkgVersion, _] = splitDirectories path
-- Entrypoint
-- This triggers the whole chain of TUF metadata
want [outputDir </> "timestamp.json"]
-- This build the current index entry for all packages
action $ do
pkgIds <- getPackages GetPackages
[ outputDir </> "index" </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> pkgName <.> "cabal"
| PackageId pkgName pkgVersion <- pkgIds
-- timestamp.json
outputDir </> "timestamp.json" %> \path -> do
snapshotInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (outputDir </> "snapshot.json")
expires <- getExpiryTime GetExpiryTime
let timestamp =
{ timestampVersion = FileVersion 1,
timestampExpires = FileExpires (Just expires),
timestampInfoSnapshot = snapshotInfo
keys <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "timestamp")
let timestampSigned = withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys timestamp
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
traced "writing" $
liftIO $ do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath path)
writeJSON hackageRepoLayout p timestampSigned
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- snapshot.json
outputDir </> "snapshot.json" %> \path -> do
rootInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (outputDir </> "root.json")
mirrorsInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (outputDir </> "mirrors.json")
tarInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (outputDir </> "01-index.tar")
tarGzInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (outputDir </> "01-index.tar.gz")
expires <- getExpiryTime GetExpiryTime
let snapshot =
{ snapshotVersion = FileVersion 1,
snapshotExpires = FileExpires (Just expires),
snapshotInfoRoot = rootInfo,
snapshotInfoMirrors = mirrorsInfo,
snapshotInfoTar = Just tarInfo,
snapshotInfoTarGz = tarGzInfo
keys <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "snapshot")
let snapshotSigned = withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys snapshot
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
traced "writing" $
liftIO $ do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath path)
writeJSON hackageRepoLayout p snapshotSigned
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- root.json
outputDir </> "root.json" %> \path -> do
expires <- getExpiryTime GetExpiryTime
privateKeysRoot <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "root")
privateKeysTarget <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "target")
privateKeysSnapshot <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "snapshot")
privateKeysTimestamp <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "timestamp")
privateKeysMirrors <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "mirrors")
let root =
{ rootVersion = FileVersion 1,
rootExpires = FileExpires (Just expires),
rootKeys =
fromKeys $
[ privateKeysRoot,
rootRoles =
{ rootRolesRoot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysRoot,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 2
rootRolesSnapshot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysSnapshot,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesTargets =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTarget,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesTimestamp =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTimestamp,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesMirrors =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysMirrors,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
keys <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "root")
let signedRoot = withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys root
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
traced "writing" $
liftIO $ do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath path)
writeJSON hackageRepoLayout p signedRoot
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- mirrors.json
outputDir </> "mirrors.json" %> \path -> do
expires <- getExpiryTime GetExpiryTime
let mirrors =
{ mirrorsVersion = FileVersion 1,
mirrorsExpires = FileExpires (Just expires),
mirrorsMirrors = []
keys <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "mirrors")
let signedMirrors = withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys mirrors
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
traced "writing" $
liftIO $ do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath path)
writeJSON hackageRepoLayout p signedMirrors
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- 01-index.tar
outputDir </> "01-index.tar" %> \path -> do
pkgIds <- getPackages GetPackages
entries <-
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
flip foldMap pkgIds $ \pkgId -> do
let PackageId {pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
PackageMeta {packageTimestamp, packageRevisions} <- getPackageMeta (GetPackageMeta pkgId)
srcDir <- preparePackageSource $ PreparePackageSource pkgId
now <- getCurrentTime GetCurrentTime
-- original cabal file
cabalEntry <-
(srcDir </> pkgName <.> "cabal")
(pkgName </> pkgVersion </> pkgName <.> "cabal")
(fromMaybe now packageTimestamp)
-- package.json
packageEntry <-
(outputDir </> "index" </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "package.json")
(pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "package.json")
(fromMaybe now packageTimestamp)
-- revised cabal files
revisionEntries <- for packageRevisions $ \RevisionMeta {revisionNumber, revisionTimestamp} ->
(inputDir </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "revisions" </> show revisionNumber <.> "cabal")
(pkgName </> pkgVersion </> pkgName <.> "cabal")
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
return $ cabalEntry : packageEntry : revisionEntries
traced "writing" $ liftIO $ BSL.writeFile path $ Tar.write (sortOn Tar.entryTime entries)
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- 01-index.tar.gz
outputDir </> "01-index.tar.gz" %> \path -> do
tar <- readFileByteStringLazy (outputDir </> "01-index.tar")
2022-05-16 11:54:27 +03:00
traced "writing" $ liftIO $ BSL.writeFile path (GZip.compress tar)
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- index cabal files
-- these come either from the package source or the revision files
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
outputDir </> "index/*/*/*.cabal" %> \path -> do
let [_, _, pkgName, pkgVersion, _] = splitDirectories path
let pkgId = PackageId pkgName pkgVersion
meta <- getPackageMeta $ GetPackageMeta pkgId
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
case latestRevisionNumber meta of
Nothing -> do
srcDir <- preparePackageSource $ PreparePackageSource pkgId
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
copyFileChanged (srcDir </> pkgName <.> "cabal") path
Just revNum -> do
let revisionFile = inputDir </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "revisions" </> show revNum <.> "cabal"
copyFileChanged revisionFile path
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
-- index package files (only depends on the source distribution)
outputDir </> "index/*/*/package.json" %> \path -> do
let [_, _, pkgName, pkgVersion, _] = splitDirectories path
let packagePath = "package" </> pkgName <> "-" <> pkgVersion <.> "tar.gz"
let targetPath = rootPath $ fromUnrootedFilePath packagePath
targetFileInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' ("_repo" </> packagePath)
expires <- getExpiryTime GetExpiryTime
let targets =
{ targetsVersion = FileVersion 1,
targetsExpires = FileExpires (Just expires),
targetsTargets = fromList [(TargetPathRepo targetPath, targetFileInfo)],
targetsDelegations = Nothing
keys <- readKeysAt (keysPath </> "target")
let signedTargets = withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys targets
liftIO $ do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath path)
writeJSON hackageRepoLayout p signedTargets
-- source distributions, including patching
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
outputDir </> "package/*.tar.gz" %> \path -> do
let [_, _, filename] = splitDirectories path
let Just pkgId = parsePkgId <$> stripExtension "tar.gz" filename
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
srcDir <- preparePackageSource $ PreparePackageSource pkgId
putInfo srcDir
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withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
putInfo $ "Creating source distribution for " <> pkgIdToString pkgId
2022-03-29 12:10:19 +03:00
cmd_ Shell (Cwd srcDir) (FileStdout path) ("cabal sdist --ignore-project --output-directory " <> tmpDir)
-- check cabal sdist has produced a single tarball with the
-- expected name
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
case ls' of
| l == filename ->
cmd_ Shell ["mv", tmpDir </> l, path]
| l /= filename ->
fail $ "cabal sdist produced a different package. I expected " <> filename <> " but found " <> l
_ ->
fail $ "cabal sdist for " <> pkgIdToString pkgId <> " did not produce a single tarball!"
2022-05-16 09:39:53 +03:00
putStrLn $ "All done. The repository is now available in " <> outputDir <> "."
mkTarEntry :: FilePath -> [Char] -> UTCTime -> Action Tar.Entry
mkTarEntry filePath indexPath timestamp = do
let Right tarPath = Tar.toTarPath False indexPath
contents <- readFileByteStringLazy filePath
(Tar.fileEntry tarPath contents)
{ Tar.entryTime = floor $ Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds timestamp,
Tar.entryOwnership =
{ Tar.ownerName = "foliage",
Tar.groupName = "foliage",
Tar.ownerId = 0,
Tar.groupId = 0
applyPatches :: [Char] -> FilePath -> PackageId -> Action ()
applyPatches inputDir srcDir PackageId {pkgName, pkgVersion} = do
let patchesDir = inputDir </> pkgName </> pkgVersion </> "patches"
hasPatches <- doesDirectoryExist patchesDir
when hasPatches $ do
patchfiles <- getDirectoryFiles patchesDir ["*.patch"]
for_ patchfiles $ \patchfile -> do
let patch = patchesDir </> patchfile
cmd_ Shell (Cwd srcDir) (FileStdin patch) "patch -p1"
forcePackageVersion :: FilePath -> PackageId -> Action ()
forcePackageVersion srcDir PackageId {pkgName, pkgVersion} = do
let cabalFilePath = srcDir </> pkgName <.> "cabal"
cabalFile <- readFile' cabalFilePath
writeFile' cabalFilePath (replaceVersion pkgVersion cabalFile)
replaceVersion :: String -> String -> String
replaceVersion version = unlines . map f . lines
f line
| "version" `isPrefixOf` line =
[ "-- version field replaced by foliage",
"-- " <> line,
"version: " ++ version
f line = line