This commit is contained in:
Andrea Bedini 2023-11-14 14:32:08 +08:00
parent 3b322622cb
commit 095b3cf76e
9 changed files with 526 additions and 468 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry.Orphans where
import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry
import Data.Hashable (hashUsing)
import Development.Shake.Classes
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.Posix.Types (CMode)
instance Hashable CMode where
hashWithSalt = hashUsing fromEnum
deriving instance Generic Entry
instance Hashable Entry
deriving instance Generic EntryContent
instance Hashable EntryContent
deriving instance Generic Format
instance Hashable Format
deriving instance Generic Ownership
instance Hashable Ownership
instance Hashable LinkTarget where
hashWithSalt = hashUsing fromLinkTarget
instance Hashable TarPath where
hashWithSalt = hashUsing fromTarPath

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Foliage.CmdBuild (cmdBuild) where
import Codec.Archive.Tar qualified as Tar import Codec.Archive.Tar qualified as Tar
import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry qualified as Tar import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry qualified as Tar
import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry.Orphans ()
import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZip import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZip
import Control.Monad (unless, when, (>=>)) import Control.Monad (unless, when, (>=>))
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
@ -24,38 +25,73 @@ import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow) import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Version
import Foliage.FetchURL (addFetchURLRule) import Foliage.FetchURL (addFetchURLRule)
import Foliage.HackageSecurity hiding (ToJSON, toJSON) import Foliage.HackageSecurity (
ExpiryTime (..),
import Foliage.Meta qualified as Meta import Foliage.Meta qualified as Meta
import Foliage.Meta.Aeson () import Foliage.Meta.Aeson ()
import Foliage.Options import Foliage.Options
import Foliage.Oracles import Foliage.Oracles
import Foliage.Pages import Foliage.Pages
import Foliage.TUF as TUF ( import Hackage.Security.Server (
mkMirrors, FileExpires (..),
mkRoot, FileVersion (..),
mkSnapshot, IndexFile (..),
mkTimestamp, IndexLayout (..),
RepoLayout (..),
TargetPath (..),
Targets (..),
) )
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (for) import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.Config (usingConfig)
import Distribution.Client.SrcDist (packageDirToSdist) import Distribution.Client.SrcDist (packageDirToSdist)
import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec) import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription) import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Utils.Generic (sndOf3) import Distribution.Utils.Generic (sndOf3)
import Distribution.Verbosity qualified as Verbosity import Distribution.Verbosity qualified as Verbosity
import Foliage.Meta (DeprecationSpec (..), PackageVersionSpec (..), RevisionSpec (..)) import Foliage.Meta (DeprecationSpec (..), PackageVersionSpec (..), RevisionSpec (..))
import Foliage.PrepareSdist (prepareSource) import Foliage.SourceDist (applyPatches, fetchPackageVersion, updateCabalFileVersion)
import Foliage.Time qualified as Time import Foliage.Time qualified as Time
import Hackage.Security.TUF.FileMap qualified as FM
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec
import System.Directory qualified as IO import System.Directory qualified as IO
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
cmdBuild :: BuildOptions -> IO () cmdBuild :: BuildOptions -> IO ()
cmdBuild buildOptions = do cmdBuild buildOptions = do
let inputDir = buildOptsInputDir buildOptions let
let outputDir = buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions inputDir = buildOptsInputDir buildOptions
outputDir = buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions
cacheDir = "_cache"
opts =
{ shakeFiles = cacheDir
, shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest
, shakeColor = True
, shakeLint = Just LintBasic
, shakeReport = ["report.html", "report.json"]
, shakeThreads = buildOptsNumThreads buildOptions
, shakeVerbosity = buildOptsVerbosity buildOptions
-- Create keys if needed -- Create keys if needed
case buildOptsSignOpts buildOptions of case buildOptsSignOpts buildOptions of
@ -67,9 +103,13 @@ cmdBuild buildOptions = do
_otherwise -> pure () _otherwise -> pure ()
shake opts $ do shake opts $ do
-- FIXME: maybe?
usingConfig $
[ ("outputDir", buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions)
, ("cacheDir", cacheDir)
-- FIXME: consider using configuration variables (usingConfig/getConfig) or shakeExtra -- FIXME: consider using configuration variables (usingConfig/getConfig) or shakeExtra
_ <- addOutputDirOracle (buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions)
_ <- addInputDirOracle (buildOptsInputDir buildOptions)
_ <- addCacheDirOracle cacheDir _ <- addCacheDirOracle cacheDir
_ <- addExpiryTimeOracle (buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn buildOptions) _ <- addExpiryTimeOracle (buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn buildOptions)
_ <- addCurrentTimeOracle (buildOptsCurrentTime buildOptions) _ <- addCurrentTimeOracle (buildOptsCurrentTime buildOptions)
@ -79,18 +119,64 @@ cmdBuild buildOptions = do
addFetchURLRule addFetchURLRule
let cacheSrcDir PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} = cacheDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion
readPackageVersionSpec <- newCache $ \path -> do readPackageVersionSpec <- newCache $ \path -> do
need [path] need [path]
meta <- liftIO $ Meta.readPackageVersionSpec path meta <- liftIO $ Meta.readPackageVersionSpec path
validateMeta path meta validateMeta path meta
return meta return meta
allPkgSpecs <- do action $ do
cache <- newCache $ const $ do need
metaFiles <- getDirectoryFiles inputDir ["*/*/meta.toml"] [ outputDir </> "mirrors.json"
, outputDir </> "root.json"
, outputDir </> "snapshot.json"
, outputDir </> "timestamp.json"
let metaFileForPkgId :: PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
metaFileForPkgId PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} =
inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "meta.toml"
let cabalFileForPkgId :: PackageIdentifier -> FilePath
cabalFileForPkgId PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} =
cacheDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal"
let cabalFileRevisionForPkgId :: PackageIdentifier -> Int -> FilePath
cabalFileRevisionForPkgId pkgId revNum =
metaFileForPkgId pkgId `replaceBaseName` "revisions" </> show revNum <.> "cabal"
cacheDir </> "*/*/*.cabal"
~?~ ( \case
[name, version, name']
| Just pkgName <- simpleParsec name
, Just pkgVersion <- simpleParsec version
, name == name' ->
Just $ PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion
_ -> Nothing
~~> \cabalFilePath pkgId -> do
let metaFile = metaFileForPkgId pkgId
pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec metaFile
let PackageIdentifier{pkgVersion} = pkgId
PackageVersionSpec{packageVersionSource, packageVersionForce} = pkgSpec
fetchPackageVersion packageVersionSource (takeDirectory cabalFilePath)
applyPatches metaFile (takeDirectory cabalFilePath)
when packageVersionForce $ do
updateCabalFileVersion cabalFilePath pkgVersion
-- Index creation
getPkgSpecs <- do
getPkgSpecs' <- addOracleCache $ \PkgSpecs{} -> do
metaFiles <- getDirectoryFiles inputDir ["*/*/meta.toml"]
when (null metaFiles) $ do when (null metaFiles) $ do
error $ error $
unlines unlines
@ -107,82 +193,52 @@ cmdBuild buildOptions = do
pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec (inputDir </> path) pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec (inputDir </> path)
return (inputDir </> path, pkgId, pkgSpec) return (inputDir </> path, pkgId, pkgSpec)
_ -> error "the impossible happened" _ -> error "the impossible happened"
return $ getPkgSpecs' $ PkgSpecs ()
return $ cache () indexEntries <- do
getIndexEntries <- newCache $ \IndexEntries{} -> do
pkgSpecs <- getPkgSpecs
cabalEntries <- makeCabalEntries cabalFileForPkgId pkgSpecs
metadataEntries <- makeMetadataEntries outputDir pkgSpecs
let extraEntries = makeExtraEntries pkgSpecs
action $ do -- WARN: See note on `makeCabalEntries`, the sorting here has to be stable
need return $ sortOn Tar.entryTime (cabalEntries ++ metadataEntries ++ extraEntries)
[ outputDir </> "mirrors.json" -- Return the oracle function applied to IndexEntries ()
, outputDir </> "root.json" return $ getIndexEntries $ IndexEntries ()
, outputDir </> "snapshot.json"
, outputDir </> "timestamp.json"
-- allPkgSpecs >>= traverse $ \(metaFile, pkgId, pkgSpec) -> do
-- --
-- Rules for core repository functionality
-- --
-- coreRules outputDir cabalFileForPkgId indexEntries
( (cacheDir </> "*/*/*.cabal") `matching` \case
[name, version, name']
| Just pkgName <- simpleParsec name
, Just pkgVersion <- simpleParsec version
, name == name' ->
Just $ PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion
_ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId@PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} -> do
let metaFile = inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "meta.toml"
pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec metaFile
prepareSource metaFile pkgId pkgSpec (takeDirectory path)
-- Core
outputDir </> "mirrors.json" %> TUF.mkMirrors
outputDir </> "root.json" %> TUF.mkRoot
outputDir </> "snapshot.json" %> TUF.mkSnapshot
outputDir </> "timestamp.json" %> TUF.mkTimestamp
outputDir </> "01-index.tar" %> \path ->
allPkgSpecs >>= makeIndexEntries cacheSrcDir >>= liftIO . BL.writeFile path . Tar.write
outputDir </> "01-index.tar.gz" %> \path ->
allPkgSpecs >>= makeIndexEntries cacheSrcDir >>= liftIO . BL.writeFile path . GZip.compress . Tar.write
( (outputDir </> "package/*.tar.gz") `matching` \case
[pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId
_ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId@PackageIdentifier{pkgName} -> do
let srcDir = cacheSrcDir pkgId
need [srcDir </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal"]
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.silent (srcDir </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal")
liftIO $ packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal pkgDesc srcDir >>= BSL.writeFile path
alternatives $ do alternatives $ do
( (outputDir </> "package/*/revision/0.cabal") `matching` \case outputDir </> "package/*/revision/0.cabal"
[pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId ~?~ ( \case
_ -> Nothing [pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId
) _ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId@PackageIdentifier{pkgName} -> )
copyFileChanged (cacheSrcDir pkgId <.> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal") path ~~> \path pkgId ->
copyFileChanged (cabalFileForPkgId pkgId) path
( (outputDir </> "package/*/revision/*.cabal") `matching` \case outputDir </> "package/*/revision/*.cabal"
[pkgId, revNum] -> (,) <$> simpleParsec pkgId <*> return revNum ~?~ ( \case
_ -> Nothing [pkgId, revNum] -> (,) <$> simpleParsec pkgId <*> readMaybe revNum
) _ -> Nothing
~~> \path (PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion}, revNum) -> )
copyFileChanged (inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "revision" </> revNum <.> "cabal") path ~~> \path (pkgId, revNum) ->
copyFileChanged (cabalFileRevisionForPkgId pkgId revNum) path
( (outputDir </> "package/*/*.cabal") `matching` \case outputDir </> "package/*/*.cabal"
[pkgIdStr, pkgName'] ~?~ ( \case
| Just pkgId <- simpleParsec pkgIdStr [pkgIdStr, pkgName']
, unPackageName (pkgName pkgId) == pkgName' -> | Just pkgId <- simpleParsec pkgIdStr
Just pkgId , unPackageName (pkgName pkgId) == pkgName' ->
_ -> Nothing Just pkgId
) _ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId@PackageIdentifier{pkgName} -> )
copyFileChanged (cacheSrcDir pkgId </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal") path ~~> \path pkgId ->
copyFileChanged (cabalFileForPkgId pkgId) path
-- --
-- Foliage metadata -- Foliage metadata
@ -190,66 +246,78 @@ cmdBuild buildOptions = do
-- only require this when requested? the rule is always valid -- only require this when requested? the rule is always valid
-- when (buildOptsWriteMetadata buildOptions) $ -- when (buildOptsWriteMetadata buildOptions) $
outputDir </> "foliage/packages.json" %> \path -> outputDir </> "foliage/packages.json"
allPkgSpecs >>= makeMetadataFile path %> \path ->
getPkgSpecs >>= makeMetadataFile path
-- --
-- Pages -- Pages
-- --
outputDir </> "index.html" %> makeIndexPage outputDir </> "index.html"
%> makeIndexPage
outputDir </> "all-packages/index.html" %> \path -> outputDir </> "all-packages/index.html"
allPkgSpecs >>= makeAllPackagesPage path %> \path ->
getPkgSpecs >>= makeAllPackagesPage path
outputDir </> "all-package-versions/index.html" %> \path -> outputDir </> "all-package-versions/index.html"
allPkgSpecs >>= makeAllPackageVersionsPage path %> \path ->
getPkgSpecs >>= makeAllPackageVersionsPage path
( (outputDir </> "package/*/index.html") `matching` \case outputDir </> "package/*/index.html"
[pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId ~?~ ( \case
_ -> Nothing [pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId
) _ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId@PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} -> do )
let metaFile = inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "meta.toml" ~~> \path pkgId -> do
let metaFile = metaFileForPkgId pkgId
pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec metaFile pkgSpec <- readPackageVersionSpec metaFile
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.silent (cacheSrcDir pkgId </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal") let cabalFile = cabalFileForPkgId pkgId
need [cabalFile]
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.silent cabalFile
makePackageVersionPage path pkgDesc pkgSpec makePackageVersionPage path pkgDesc pkgSpec
infixr 3 ~~>
(~~>) :: (FilePath -> Maybe a) -> (FilePath -> a -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
parser ~~> act = isJust . parser ?> \path -> act path $ fromJust $ parser path
matching :: FilePattern -> ([String] -> Maybe a) -> FilePath -> Maybe a coreRules :: FilePath -> (PackageIdentifier -> FilePath) -> Action [Tar.Entry] -> Rules ()
matching pattern parser = filePattern pattern >=> parser coreRules outputDir cabalFileForPkgId indexEntries = do
outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutMirrors
%> mkMirrors
cacheDir = "_cache" outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutRoot
opts = %> mkRoot
{ shakeFiles = cacheDir
, shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest
, shakeColor = True
, shakeLint = Just LintBasic
, shakeReport = ["report.html", "report.json"]
, shakeThreads = buildOptsNumThreads buildOptions
, shakeVerbosity = buildOptsVerbosity buildOptions
makeIndexEntries :: (PackageId -> FilePath) -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action [Tar.Entry] outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutSnapshot
makeIndexEntries cacheSrcDir allPkgSpecs = do %> mkSnapshot outputDir
cabalEntries <- makeCabalEntries cacheSrcDir allPkgSpecs
metadataEntries <- makeMetadataEntries allPkgSpecs
let extraEntries = makeExtraEntries allPkgSpecs
-- WARN: See note on `makeCabalEntries`, the sorting here has to be stable outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutTimestamp
return $ sortOn Tar.entryTime (cabalEntries ++ metadataEntries ++ extraEntries) %> mkTimestamp outputDir
outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutIndexTar
%> \path ->
indexEntries >>= liftIO . BL.writeFile path . Tar.write
outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutIndexTarGz
%> \path ->
indexEntries >>= liftIO . BL.writeFile path . GZip.compress . Tar.write
outputDir </> "package/*.tar.gz"
~?~ ( \case
[pkgId] -> simpleParsec pkgId
_ -> Nothing
~~> \path pkgId -> do
let cabalFilePath = cabalFileForPkgId pkgId
need [cabalFilePath]
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.silent cabalFilePath
liftIO $ packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal pkgDesc (takeDirectory cabalFilePath) >>= BSL.writeFile path
makeCabalEntries :: (PackageId -> FilePath) -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action [Tar.Entry] makeCabalEntries :: (PackageId -> FilePath) -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action [Tar.Entry]
makeCabalEntries cacheSrcDir allPkgSpecs = do makeCabalEntries cabalFileForPkgId allPkgSpecs = do
currentTime <- askOracle CurrentTime currentTime <- askOracle $ CurrentTime ()
allPkgSpecs allPkgSpecs
& foldMap & foldMap
( \(metaFile, pkgId, pkgSpec) -> do ( \(metaFile, pkgId, pkgSpec) -> do
let pkgCabalFile = cacheSrcDir pkgId </> unPackageName (pkgName pkgId) <.> "cabal" let pkgCabalFile = cabalFileForPkgId pkgId
pkgTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime (packageVersionTimestamp pkgSpec) pkgTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime (packageVersionTimestamp pkgSpec)
uploadEntry <- makeIndexPkgCabal pkgId pkgTimestamp pkgCabalFile uploadEntry <- makeIndexPkgCabal pkgId pkgTimestamp pkgCabalFile
@ -264,11 +332,10 @@ makeCabalEntries cacheSrcDir allPkgSpecs = do
return $ uploadEntry : revisionEntries return $ uploadEntry : revisionEntries
) )
makeMetadataEntries :: [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action [Tar.Entry] makeMetadataEntries :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action [Tar.Entry]
makeMetadataEntries allPkgSpecs = do makeMetadataEntries outputDir allPkgSpecs = do
currentTime <- askOracle CurrentTime currentTime <- askOracle $ CurrentTime ()
expiryTime <- askOracle ExpiryTime expiryTime <- askOracle $ ExpiryTime ()
outputDir <- askOracle OutputDir
targetKeys <- readKeys "target" targetKeys <- readKeys "target"
@ -355,23 +422,16 @@ makeIndexPkgCabal pkgId timestamp filePath = do
makeIndexPkgMetadata :: Maybe Meta.UTCTime -> PackageId -> FilePath -> Action Targets makeIndexPkgMetadata :: Maybe Meta.UTCTime -> PackageId -> FilePath -> Action Targets
makeIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime pkgId sdistPath = do makeIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime pkgId sdistPath = do
need [sdistPath] targetFileInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple sdistPath
targetFileInfo <- liftIO $ computeFileInfoSimple' sdistPath
let packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId let packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId
return return
Targets Targets
{ targetsVersion = FileVersion 1 { targetsVersion = FileVersion 1
, targetsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime , targetsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, targetsTargets = fromList [(TargetPathRepo packagePath, targetFileInfo)] , targetsTargets = FM.fromList [(TargetPathRepo packagePath, targetFileInfo)]
, targetsDelegations = Nothing , targetsDelegations = Nothing
} }
duplicates :: (Ord a) => NE.NonEmpty a -> [a]
duplicates = mapMaybe (listToMaybe . NE.tail) .
doubleDeprecations :: NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec -> [NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec]
doubleDeprecations = filter ((> 1) . length) . NE.groupWith deprecationIsDeprecated
-- | TEMP -- | TEMP
validateMeta :: (MonadFail m) => FilePath -> PackageVersionSpec -> m () validateMeta :: (MonadFail m) => FilePath -> PackageVersionSpec -> m ()
validateMeta metaFile PackageVersionSpec{..} = do validateMeta metaFile PackageVersionSpec{..} = do
@ -430,6 +490,12 @@ validateMeta metaFile PackageVersionSpec{..} = do
] ]
_otherwise -> _otherwise ->
return () return ()
duplicates :: (Ord a) => NE.NonEmpty a -> [a]
duplicates = mapMaybe (listToMaybe . NE.tail) .
doubleDeprecations :: NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec -> [NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec]
doubleDeprecations = filter ((> 1) . length) . NE.groupWith deprecationIsDeprecated
mkTarEntry mkTarEntry
:: BL.ByteString :: BL.ByteString
@ -453,3 +519,17 @@ mkTarEntry contents indexFile timestamp =
Right tp -> tp Right tp -> tp
indexPath = Sec.toFilePath $ Sec.castRoot $ indexFileToPath hackageIndexLayout indexFile indexPath = Sec.toFilePath $ Sec.castRoot $ indexFileToPath hackageIndexLayout indexFile
newtype IndexEntries = IndexEntries () deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult IndexEntries = [Tar.Entry]
newtype PkgSpecs = PkgSpecs () deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult PkgSpecs = [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)]
infixr 4 ~?~
(~?~) :: FilePattern -> ([String] -> Maybe c) -> FilePath -> Maybe c
pat ~?~ parser = filePattern pat >=> parser
infixr 3 ~~>
(~~>) :: (FilePath -> Maybe a) -> (FilePath -> a -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
parser ~~> act = isJust . parser ?> \path -> act path $ fromJust $ parser path

View File

@ -1,68 +1,183 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.HackageSecurity ( module Foliage.HackageSecurity where
module Foliage.HackageSecurity,
module Hackage.Security.Server,
module Hackage.Security.TUF.FileMap,
module Hackage.Security.Key.Env,
-- module Hackage.Security.Util.Path,
module Hackage.Security.Util.Some,
import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 (unPublicKey) import Crypto.Sign.Ed25519 (unPublicKey)
import Data.ByteString.Base16 (encodeBase16) import Data.ByteString.Base16 (encodeBase16)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text qualified as T
import Development.Shake (Action, need) import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Shake (
import Development.Shake.Classes (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
import Foliage.Options (SignOptions (..))
import Foliage.Time (UTCTime, iso8601Show)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hackage.Security.Key.Env (fromKeys) import Hackage.Security.Key.Env (fromKeys)
import Hackage.Security.Server import Hackage.Security.Server (
import Hackage.Security.TUF.FileMap FileExpires (..),
FileInfo (..),
FileVersion (..),
KeyId (..),
KeyThreshold (..),
KeyType (..),
Mirrors (..),
PublicKey (..),
RepoLayout (..),
RoleSpec (..),
Root (..),
RootRoles (..),
Snapshot (..),
Timestamp (..),
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec
import Hackage.Security.Util.Some import Hackage.Security.Util.Some (Some (..))
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
readJSONSimple :: (FromJSON ReadJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout a) => FilePath -> IO (Either DeserializationError a) mkMirrors :: FilePath -> Action ()
readJSONSimple fp = do mkMirrors path = do
p <- Sec.makeAbsolute (Sec.fromFilePath fp) expiryTime <- askOracle $ ExpiryTime ()
readJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout p privateKeysMirrors <- readKeys "mirrors"
trackWrite [path]
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON path privateKeysMirrors $
{ mirrorsVersion = FileVersion 1
, mirrorsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, mirrorsMirrors = []
mkRoot :: FilePath -> Action ()
mkRoot path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle $ ExpiryTime ()
privateKeysRoot <- readKeys "root"
privateKeysTarget <- readKeys "target"
privateKeysSnapshot <- readKeys "snapshot"
privateKeysTimestamp <- readKeys "timestamp"
privateKeysMirrors <- readKeys "mirrors"
trackWrite [path]
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON path privateKeysRoot $
{ rootVersion = FileVersion 1
, rootExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, rootKeys =
fromKeys $
[ privateKeysRoot
, privateKeysTarget
, privateKeysSnapshot
, privateKeysTimestamp
, privateKeysMirrors
, rootRoles =
{ rootRolesRoot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysRoot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 2
, rootRolesSnapshot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysSnapshot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTargets =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTarget
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTimestamp =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTimestamp
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesMirrors =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysMirrors
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
mkSnapshot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
mkSnapshot outputDir path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle $ ExpiryTime ()
privateKeysSnapshot <- readKeys "snapshot"
rootInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple (outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutRoot)
mirrorsInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple (outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutMirrors)
tarInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple (outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutIndexTar)
tarGzInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple (outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutIndexTarGz)
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON path privateKeysSnapshot $
{ snapshotVersion = FileVersion 1
, snapshotExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, snapshotInfoRoot = rootInfo
, snapshotInfoMirrors = mirrorsInfo
, snapshotInfoTar = Just tarInfo
, snapshotInfoTarGz = tarGzInfo
mkTimestamp :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
mkTimestamp outputDir path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle $ ExpiryTime ()
privateKeysTimestamp <- readKeys "timestamp"
snapshotInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple (outputDir ~/~ repoLayoutSnapshot)
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON path privateKeysTimestamp $
{ timestampVersion = FileVersion 1
, timestampExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, timestampInfoSnapshot = snapshotInfo
computeFileInfoSimple :: FilePath -> Action FileInfo
computeFileInfoSimple path = do
need [path]
fi <- liftIO $ computeFileInfo (asRelativePath path)
return $! forceFileInfo fi `seq` fi
forceFileInfo :: FileInfo -> () forceFileInfo :: FileInfo -> ()
forceFileInfo (FileInfo a b) = a `seq` b `seq` () forceFileInfo (FileInfo a b) = a `seq` b `seq` ()
computeFileInfoSimple :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative -> Action FileInfo
computeFileInfoSimple (Sec.Path fp) = do
need [fp]
liftIO $ computeFileInfoSimple' fp
computeFileInfoSimple' :: FilePath -> IO FileInfo
computeFileInfoSimple' path = do
fi <- computeFileInfo (Sec.Path path :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative)
return $! forceFileInfo fi `seq` fi
createKeys :: FilePath -> IO ()
createKeys base = do
putStrLn "root keys:"
createKeyGroup "root" >>= showKeys
for_ ["target", "timestamp", "snapshot", "mirrors"] createKeyGroup
createKeyGroup group = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> group)
keys <- replicateM 3 $ createKey' KeyTypeEd25519
for_ keys $ writeKeyWithId (base </> group)
pure keys
showKeys keys =
for_ keys $ \key ->
putStrLn $ " " ++ showKey key
showKey :: Some Key -> [Char] showKey :: Some Key -> [Char]
showKey k = T.unpack $ encodeBase16 $ exportSomePublicKey $ somePublicKey k showKey k = T.unpack $ encodeBase16 $ exportSomePublicKey $ somePublicKey k
@ -81,12 +196,71 @@ writeKey fp key = do
p <- Sec.makeAbsolute (Sec.fromFilePath fp) p <- Sec.makeAbsolute (Sec.fromFilePath fp)
writeJSON_NoLayout p key writeJSON_NoLayout p key
createKeys :: FilePath -> IO ()
createKeys base = do
putStrLn "root keys:"
createKeyGroup "root" >>= showKeys
for_ ["target", "timestamp", "snapshot", "mirrors"] createKeyGroup
createKeyGroup group = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> group)
keys <- replicateM 3 $ createKey' KeyTypeEd25519
for_ keys $ writeKeyWithId (base </> group)
pure keys
showKeys keys =
for_ keys $ \key ->
putStrLn $ " " ++ showKey key
readKeys :: FilePath -> Action [Some Key]
readKeys base = do
askOracle (SignOptionsOracle ()) >>= \case
SignOptsSignWithKeys keysPath -> do
paths <- getDirectoryFiles (keysPath </> base) ["*.json"]
need $ map (\fn -> keysPath </> base </> fn) paths
for paths $ \path -> do
mKey <- liftIO $ readJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout (asRelativePath $ keysPath </> base </> path)
case mKey of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right key -> pure key
SignOptsDon'tSign ->
return []
newtype SignOptionsOracle = SignOptionsOracle ()
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult SignOptionsOracle = SignOptions
addSigninigKeysOracle :: SignOptions -> Rules (SignOptionsOracle -> Action SignOptions)
addSigninigKeysOracle signOpts =
addOracle $ \SignOptionsOracle{} -> return signOpts
renderSignedJSON :: (ToJSON WriteJSON a) => [Some Key] -> a -> BSL.ByteString renderSignedJSON :: (ToJSON WriteJSON a) => [Some Key] -> a -> BSL.ByteString
renderSignedJSON keys thing = renderSignedJSON keys thing =
renderJSON renderJSON
hackageRepoLayout hackageRepoLayout
(withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys thing) (withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys thing)
writeSignedJSON :: (Sec.FsRoot root, ToJSON WriteJSON a) => Sec.Path root -> [Some Key] -> a -> IO () writeSignedJSON :: (ToJSON WriteJSON a) => FilePath -> [Some Key] -> a -> IO ()
writeSignedJSON path keys thing = do writeSignedJSON path keys thing = do
Sec.writeLazyByteString path $ renderSignedJSON keys thing BSL.writeFile path $ renderSignedJSON keys thing
newtype ExpiryTime = ExpiryTime ()
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult ExpiryTime = Maybe UTCTime
addExpiryTimeOracle :: Maybe UTCTime -> Rules (ExpiryTime -> Action (Maybe UTCTime))
addExpiryTimeOracle mExpireSignaturesOn = do
liftIO $ for_ mExpireSignaturesOn $ \expireSignaturesOn ->
putStrLn $ "Expiry time set to " <> iso8601Show expireSignaturesOn
addOracle $ \ExpiryTime{} -> return mExpireSignaturesOn
asRelativePath :: FilePath -> Sec.Path Sec.Relative
asRelativePath = Sec.rootPath @Sec.Relative . Sec.fromUnrootedFilePath
infixr 4 ~/~
(~/~) :: FilePath -> (RepoLayout -> RepoPath) -> FilePath
(~/~) outputDir p =
let Sec.Path fp = anchorRepoPathLocally (asRelativePath outputDir) (p hackageRepoLayout)
in fp

View File

@ -1,92 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.Oracles where module Foliage.Oracles where
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Shake import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes import Development.Shake.Classes
import Foliage.HackageSecurity (Key, Some, readJSONSimple)
import Foliage.Options (SignOptions (..))
import Foliage.Time qualified as Time import Foliage.Time qualified as Time
import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hackage.Security.Client (
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec
import Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty qualified as Sec
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- FIXME: consider using configuration variables (usingConfig/getConfig) or shakeExtra -- FIXME: consider using configuration variables (usingConfig/getConfig) or shakeExtra
-- | Just a shortcut to write types -- | Just a shortcut to write types
type Oracle q = q -> Action (RuleResult q) type Oracle q = q -> Action (RuleResult q)
data InputRoot newtype CacheDir = CacheDir ()
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type InputPath = Sec.Path InputRoot
instance Sec.Pretty InputPath where
pretty (Sec.Path fp) = "<input>/" ++ fp
data InputDir = InputDir
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult InputDir = FilePath
addInputDirOracle :: FilePath -> Rules (Oracle InputDir)
addInputDirOracle inputDir =
addOracle $ \InputDir -> return inputDir
anchorInputPath :: InputPath -> Action (Sec.Path Sec.Absolute)
anchorInputPath ip = do
inputDir <- askOracle InputDir
inputDirRoot <- liftIO $ Sec.makeAbsolute (Sec.fromFilePath inputDir)
return $ inputDirRoot Sec.</> Sec.unrootPath ip
data CacheDir = CacheDir
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult CacheDir = FilePath type instance RuleResult CacheDir = FilePath
addCacheDirOracle :: FilePath -> Rules (Oracle CacheDir) addCacheDirOracle :: FilePath -> Rules (Oracle CacheDir)
addCacheDirOracle inputDir = addCacheDirOracle inputDir =
addOracle $ \CacheDir -> return inputDir addOracle $ \CacheDir{} -> return inputDir
data OutputDir = OutputDir newtype CurrentTime = CurrentTime ()
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq) deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Hashable, Binary, NFData)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult OutputDir = FilePath
getOutputDir :: Action (Sec.Path Sec.Relative)
getOutputDir = do
outputDirRoot <- askOracle OutputDir
return $ Sec.Path outputDirRoot
anchorRepoPath :: RepoPath -> Action (Sec.Path Sec.Relative)
anchorRepoPath rp = do
outputDir <- getOutputDir
return $ anchorRepoPathLocally outputDir rp
anchorRepoPath' :: (RepoLayout -> RepoPath) -> Action (Sec.Path Sec.Relative)
anchorRepoPath' p = anchorRepoPath $ p hackageRepoLayout
addOutputDirOracle :: FilePath -> Rules (Oracle OutputDir)
addOutputDirOracle outputDir =
addOracle $ \OutputDir -> return outputDir
data CurrentTime = CurrentTime
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult CurrentTime = Time.UTCTime type instance RuleResult CurrentTime = Time.UTCTime
@ -100,40 +36,4 @@ addCurrentTimeOracle mCurrentTime = do
Just t -> do Just t -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Current time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show t <> "." liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Current time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show t <> "."
return t return t
addOracle $ \CurrentTime -> return currentTime addOracle $ \CurrentTime{} -> return currentTime
data ExpiryTime = ExpiryTime
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult ExpiryTime = Maybe Time.UTCTime
addExpiryTimeOracle :: Maybe Time.UTCTime -> Rules (Oracle ExpiryTime)
addExpiryTimeOracle mExpireSignaturesOn = do
liftIO $ for_ mExpireSignaturesOn $ \expireSignaturesOn ->
putStrLn $ "Expiry time set to " <> Time.iso8601Show expireSignaturesOn
addOracle $ \ExpiryTime -> return mExpireSignaturesOn
data SignOptionsOracle = SignOptionsOracle
deriving stock (Show, Generic, Typeable, Eq)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult SignOptionsOracle = SignOptions
addSigninigKeysOracle :: SignOptions -> Rules (Oracle SignOptionsOracle)
addSigninigKeysOracle signOpts =
addOracle $ \SignOptionsOracle -> return signOpts
readKeys :: FilePath -> Action [Some Key]
readKeys base = do
askOracle SignOptionsOracle >>= \case
SignOptsSignWithKeys keysPath -> do
paths <- getDirectoryFiles (keysPath </> base) ["*.json"]
need $ map (\fn -> keysPath </> base </> fn) paths
for paths $ \path -> do
mKey <- liftIO $ readJSONSimple (keysPath </> base </> path)
case mKey of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right key -> pure key
SignOptsDon'tSign ->
return []

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ data AllPackagesPageEntry = AllPackagesPageEntry
makeAllPackagesPage :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action () makeAllPackagesPage :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action ()
makeAllPackagesPage path allPkgSpecs = do makeAllPackagesPage path allPkgSpecs = do
currentTime <- askOracle CurrentTime currentTime <- askOracle $ CurrentTime ()
let packages :: [AllPackagesPageEntry] let packages :: [AllPackagesPageEntry]
packages = packages =
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ data AllPackageVersionsPageEntry
makeAllPackageVersionsPage :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action () makeAllPackageVersionsPage :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, PackageId, PackageVersionSpec)] -> Action ()
makeAllPackageVersionsPage path allPkgSpecs = do makeAllPackageVersionsPage path allPkgSpecs = do
currentTime <- askOracle CurrentTime currentTime <- askOracle $ CurrentTime ()
let entries = let entries =
allPkgSpecs allPkgSpecs

View File

@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.PrepareSdist ( module Foliage.SourceDist (
-- prepareSdist, extractFromTarball,
prepareSource, cachePathForURL,
) )
where where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isAlpha) import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
@ -21,56 +23,52 @@ import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Types.Lens qualified as L import Distribution.Types.Lens qualified as L
import Distribution.Verbosity qualified as Verbosity import Distribution.Verbosity qualified as Verbosity
import Foliage.FetchURL (fetchURL) import Foliage.FetchURL (fetchURL)
import Foliage.Meta (PackageVersionSource (..), PackageVersionSpec (..)) import Foliage.Meta (PackageVersionSource (..))
import Foliage.Oracles (CacheDir (..)) import Foliage.Oracles (CacheDir (..))
import Foliage.Utils.GitHub (githubRepoTarballUrl) import Foliage.Utils.GitHub (githubRepoTarballUrl)
import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..)) import Network.URI (URI (..), URIAuth (..))
import System.Directory qualified as IO import System.Directory qualified as IO
prepareSource :: FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> PackageVersionSpec -> FilePath -> Action () applyPatches :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
prepareSource metaFile pkgId pkgSpec cacheDir = do applyPatches metaFile pkgDir = do
let PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
PackageVersionSpec{packageVersionSource, packageVersionForce} = pkgSpec
cacheRoot <- askOracle CacheDir
let cachePathForURL uri =
let scheme = dropWhileEnd (not . isAlpha) $ uriScheme uri
host = maybe (error $ "invalid uri " ++ show uri) uriRegName (uriAuthority uri)
in cacheRoot </> scheme </> host <//> uriPath uri
case packageVersionSource of
URISource (URI{uriScheme, uriPath}) mSubdir | uriScheme == "file:" -> do
tarballPath <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute uriPath
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir cacheDir
URISource uri mSubdir -> do
let tarballPath = cachePathForURL uri
fetchURL uri tarballPath
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir cacheDir
GitHubSource repo rev mSubdir -> do
let uri = githubRepoTarballUrl repo rev
tarballPath = cachePathForURL uri
fetchURL uri tarballPath
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir cacheDir
patchfiles <- getDirectoryFiles (takeDirectory metaFile) ["patches/*.patch"] patchfiles <- getDirectoryFiles (takeDirectory metaFile) ["patches/*.patch"]
for_ patchfiles $ \patchfile -> do for_ patchfiles $ \patchfile -> do
-- _sources/name/version/meta.toml -> _sources/name/version/patches/some.patch -- _sources/name/version/meta.toml -> _sources/name/version/patches/some.patch
let patch = replaceBaseName metaFile patchfile let patch = replaceBaseName metaFile patchfile
-- FileStdin is relative to the current working directory of this process -- FileStdin is relative to the current working directory of this process
-- but patch needs to be run in srcDir -- but patch needs to be run in srcDir
cmd_ Shell (Cwd cacheDir) (FileStdin patch) "patch -p1" cmd_ Shell (Cwd pkgDir) (FileStdin patch) "patch -p1"
let cabalFilePath = cacheDir </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal" fetchPackageVersion :: PackageVersionSource -> FilePath -> Action ()
when packageVersionForce $ do fetchPackageVersion (URISource (URI{uriScheme, uriPath}) mSubdir) pkgDir | uriScheme == "file:" = do
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.normal cabalFilePath tarballPath <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute uriPath
let pkgDesc' = set (L.packageDescription . L.package . L.pkgVersion) pkgVersion pkgDesc extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir pkgDir
putInfo $ "Updating version in cabal file" ++ cabalFilePath fetchPackageVersion (URISource uri mSubdir) pkgDir = do
liftIO $ writeGenericPackageDescription cabalFilePath pkgDesc' tarballPath <- cachePathForURL uri
fetchURL uri tarballPath
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir pkgDir
fetchPackageVersion (GitHubSource repo rev mSubdir) pkgDir = do
let uri = githubRepoTarballUrl repo rev
tarballPath <- cachePathForURL uri
fetchURL uri tarballPath
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir pkgDir
-- liftIO $ packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal pkgDesc (takeDirectory cabalFilePath) >>= BSL.writeFile path updateCabalFileVersion :: FilePath -> Version -> Action ()
updateCabalFileVersion path pkgVersion = do
pkgDesc <- liftIO $ readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.normal path
let pkgDesc' = set (L.packageDescription . L.package . L.pkgVersion) pkgVersion pkgDesc
putInfo $ "Updating version in cabal file" ++ path
liftIO $ writeGenericPackageDescription path pkgDesc'
cachePathForURL :: URI -> Action FilePath
cachePathForURL uri = do
cacheRoot <- askOracle $ CacheDir ()
let scheme = dropWhileEnd (not . isAlpha) $ uriScheme uri
host = maybe (error $ "invalid uri " ++ show uri) uriRegName (uriAuthority uri)
return $ cacheRoot </> scheme </> host <//> uriPath uri
extractFromTarball :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () extractFromTarball :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Action ()
extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir outDir = do extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir destDir = do
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ cmd_
[ "tar" [ "tar"
@ -111,5 +109,5 @@ extractFromTarball tarballPath mSubdir outDir = do
srcDir srcDir
, -- DEST , -- DEST
outDir destDir
] ]

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
module Foliage.TUF where
import Development.Shake
import Foliage.HackageSecurity (
import Foliage.Oracles (
ExpiryTime (..),
import Hackage.Security.Key.Env (
import Hackage.Security.Server (
FileExpires (..),
FileVersion (..),
KeyThreshold (..),
Mirrors (..),
RepoLayout (..),
RoleSpec (..),
Root (..),
RootRoles (..),
Snapshot (..),
Timestamp (..),
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path qualified as Sec
mkMirrors :: FilePath -> Action ()
mkMirrors path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle ExpiryTime
privateKeysMirrors <- readKeys "mirrors"
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON (Sec.Path path :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative) privateKeysMirrors $
{ mirrorsVersion = FileVersion 1
, mirrorsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, mirrorsMirrors = []
mkRoot :: FilePath -> Action ()
mkRoot path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle ExpiryTime
privateKeysRoot <- readKeys "root"
privateKeysTarget <- readKeys "target"
privateKeysSnapshot <- readKeys "snapshot"
privateKeysTimestamp <- readKeys "timestamp"
privateKeysMirrors <- readKeys "mirrors"
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON (Sec.Path path :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative) privateKeysRoot $
{ rootVersion = FileVersion 1
, rootExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, rootKeys =
fromKeys $
[ privateKeysRoot
, privateKeysTarget
, privateKeysSnapshot
, privateKeysTimestamp
, privateKeysMirrors
, rootRoles =
{ rootRolesRoot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysRoot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 2
, rootRolesSnapshot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysSnapshot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTargets =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTarget
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTimestamp =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTimestamp
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesMirrors =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysMirrors
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
mkSnapshot :: FilePath -> Action ()
mkSnapshot path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle ExpiryTime
privateKeysSnapshot <- readKeys "snapshot"
rootInfo <- anchorRepoPath' repoLayoutRoot >>= computeFileInfoSimple
mirrorsInfo <- anchorRepoPath' repoLayoutMirrors >>= computeFileInfoSimple
tarInfo <- anchorRepoPath' repoLayoutIndexTar >>= computeFileInfoSimple
tarGzInfo <- anchorRepoPath' repoLayoutIndexTarGz >>= computeFileInfoSimple
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON (Sec.Path path :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative) privateKeysSnapshot $
{ snapshotVersion = FileVersion 1
, snapshotExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, snapshotInfoRoot = rootInfo
, snapshotInfoMirrors = mirrorsInfo
, snapshotInfoTar = Just tarInfo
, snapshotInfoTarGz = tarGzInfo
mkTimestamp :: FilePath -> Action ()
mkTimestamp path = do
expiryTime <- askOracle ExpiryTime
privateKeysTimestamp <- readKeys "timestamp"
snapshotInfo <- anchorRepoPath' repoLayoutSnapshot >>= computeFileInfoSimple
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON (Sec.Path path :: Sec.Path Sec.Relative) privateKeysTimestamp $
{ timestampVersion = FileVersion 1
, timestampExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, timestampInfoSnapshot = snapshotInfo

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ executable foliage
main-is: Main.hs main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: app hs-source-dirs: app
other-modules: other-modules:
Distribution.Aeson Distribution.Aeson
Distribution.Types.Orphans Distribution.Types.Orphans
Foliage.CmdBuild Foliage.CmdBuild
@ -30,12 +31,11 @@ executable foliage
Foliage.HackageSecurity Foliage.HackageSecurity
Foliage.Meta Foliage.Meta
Foliage.Meta.Aeson Foliage.Meta.Aeson
Foliage.Options Foliage.Options
Foliage.Pages Foliage.Pages
Foliage.PrepareSdist Foliage.SourceDist
Foliage.Time Foliage.Time
Foliage.Utils.Aeson Foliage.Utils.Aeson
Foliage.Utils.GitHub Foliage.Utils.GitHub
Network.URI.Orphans Network.URI.Orphans
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ executable foliage
ed25519 >= && <0.1, ed25519 >= && <0.1,
filepath >= && <1.5, filepath >= && <1.5,
hackage-security >= && <0.7, hackage-security >= && <0.7,
network-uri >= && <2.7, network-uri >= && <2.7,
optparse-applicative >= && <0.18, optparse-applicative >= && <0.18,
shake >=0.19.6 && <0.20, shake >=0.19.6 && <0.20,
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ executable foliage
time >=1.9.3 && <1.13, time >=1.9.3 && <1.13,
time-compat >= && <1.10, time-compat >= && <1.10,
tomland >= && <1.4, tomland >= && <1.4,
vector >= && <0.14, vector >= && <0.14,
with-utf8 >= && <1.1, with-utf8 >= && <1.1,
zlib >= && <0.7, zlib >= && <0.7,

View File

@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ unicode: never
respectful: true respectful: true
# Fixity information for operators # Fixity information for operators
fixities: [] fixities:
- infixr 4 ~/~
- infixr 3 ~~>
- infixr 4 ~?~
# from Shake
- infix 1 %>
# Module reexports Fourmolu should know about # Module reexports Fourmolu should know about
reexports: [] reexports: []