Merge pull request #49 from yvan-sraka/deprecated-versions

Fix #18: add support for deprecated-versions
This commit is contained in:
Andrea Bedini 2023-05-15 17:01:46 +08:00 committed by GitHub
commit 6c39112cf1
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 255 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Foliage.CmdBuild (cmdBuild) where
@ -8,16 +9,20 @@ import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry qualified as Tar
import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZip
import Control.Monad (unless, void, when)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as BL
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
import Distribution.Version
import Foliage.HackageSecurity hiding (ToJSON, toJSON)
import Foliage.Meta
import Foliage.Meta.Aeson ()
@ -35,7 +40,7 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
cmdBuild :: BuildOptions -> IO ()
cmdBuild buildOptions = do
outputDirRoot <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute (fromFilePath (buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions))
outputDirRoot <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath (buildOptsOutputDir buildOptions))
shake opts $
addFetchRemoteAssetRule cacheDir
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ buildAction
liftIO $ createKeys keysPath
return $ \name -> readKeysAt (keysPath </> name)
SignOptsDon'tSign ->
return $ const $ return []
return $ const $ pure []
expiryTime <-
for mExpireSignaturesOn $ \expireSignaturesOn -> do
@ -101,9 +106,10 @@ buildAction
void $ forP packageVersions $ makePackageVersionPage outputDir
void $ forP packageVersions $ \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, cabalFilePath} -> do
let PackageIdentifier {pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
copyFileChanged cabalFilePath (outputDir </> "index" </> prettyShow pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> prettyShow pkgName <.> "cabal")
void $
forP packageVersions $ \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, cabalFilePath} -> do
let PackageIdentifier {pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
copyFileChanged cabalFilePath (outputDir </> "index" </> prettyShow pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> prettyShow pkgName <.> "cabal")
cabalEntries <-
@ -115,6 +121,9 @@ buildAction
-- all revised cabal files, with their timestamp
revcf <- for cabalFileRevisions $ uncurry (prepareIndexPkgCabal pkgId)
-- WARN: So far Foliage allows publishing a package and a cabal file revision with the same timestamp
-- This accidentally works because 1) the following inserts the original cabal file before the revisions
-- AND 2) Data.List.sortOn is stable. The revised cabal file will always be after the original one.
return $ cf : revcf
@ -133,7 +142,10 @@ buildAction
(IndexPkgMetadata pkgId)
(fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp)
let tarContents = Tar.write $ sortOn Tar.entryTime (cabalEntries ++ metadataEntries)
let extraEntries = getExtraEntries packageVersions
-- WARN: See note above, the sorting here has to be stable
let tarContents = Tar.write $ sortOn Tar.entryTime (cabalEntries ++ metadataEntries ++ extraEntries)
traced "Writing index" $ do
BL.writeFile (anchorPath outputDirRoot repoLayoutIndexTar) tarContents
BL.writeFile (anchorPath outputDirRoot repoLayoutIndexTarGz) $ GZip.compress tarContents
@ -290,6 +302,55 @@ prepareIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, sdistPath} = d
targetsDelegations = Nothing
-- Currently `extraEntries` are only used for encoding `prefered-versions`.
getExtraEntries :: [PreparedPackageVersion] -> [Tar.Entry]
getExtraEntries packageVersions =
let -- Group all (package) versions by package (name)
groupedPackageVersions :: [NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion]
groupedPackageVersions = NE.groupWith (pkgName . pkgId) packageVersions
-- All versions of a given package together form a list of entries
-- The list of entries might be empty (in case no version has been deprecated)
generateEntriesForGroup :: NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion -> [Tar.Entry]
generateEntriesForGroup packageGroup = map createTarEntry effectiveRanges
-- Get the package name of the current group.
pn :: PackageName
pn = pkgName $ pkgId $ NE.head packageGroup
-- Collect and sort the deprecation changes for the package group, turning them into a action on VersionRange
deprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
deprecationChanges = sortOn fst $ foldMap versionDeprecationChanges packageGroup
-- Calculate (by applying them chronologically) the effective `VersionRange` for the package group.
effectiveRanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange)]
effectiveRanges = NE.tail $ NE.scanl applyChangeToRange (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0, anyVersion) deprecationChanges
-- Create a `Tar.Entry` for the package group, its computed `VersionRange` and a timestamp.
createTarEntry (ts, effectiveRange) = mkTarEntry (BL.pack $ prettyShow effectiveRange) (IndexPkgPrefs pn) ts
in foldMap generateEntriesForGroup groupedPackageVersions
-- TODO: the functions belows should be moved to Foliage.PreparedPackageVersion
-- Extract deprecation changes for a given `PreparedPackageVersion`.
versionDeprecationChanges :: PreparedPackageVersion -> [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier {pkgVersion},
} =
map (second $ applyDeprecation pkgVersion) pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
-- Apply a given change (`VersionRange -> VersionRange`) to a `VersionRange` and
-- return the simplified the result with a new timestamp.
applyChangeToRange :: (UTCTime, VersionRange) -> (UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange) -> (UTCTime, VersionRange)
applyChangeToRange (_, range) (ts, change) = (ts, simplifyVersionRange $ change range)
-- Exclude (or include) to the `VersionRange` of prefered versions, a given
-- `Version`, if the `Version` is (or not) tagged as "deprecated".
applyDeprecation :: Version -> Bool -> VersionRange -> VersionRange
applyDeprecation pkgVersion deprecated =
if deprecated
then intersectVersionRanges (notThisVersion pkgVersion)
else unionVersionRanges (thisVersion pkgVersion)
mkTarEntry :: BL.ByteString -> IndexFile dec -> UTCTime -> Tar.Entry
mkTarEntry contents indexFile timestamp =
(Tar.fileEntry tarPath contents)

View File

@ -27,7 +27,11 @@ import System.FilePath
cmdImportIndex :: ImportIndexOptions -> IO ()
cmdImportIndex opts = do
putStrLn "EXPERIMENTAL. Import the Hackage index from $HOME/.cabal. Make sure you have done `cabal update` recently."
putStrLn $
[ "This command is EXPERIMENTAL and INCOMPLETE!",
"Import the Hackage index from $HOME/.cabal. Make sure you have done `cabal update` recently."
home <- getEnv "HOME"
entries <- <$> BSL.readFile (home </> ".cabal/packages/")
m <- importIndex indexfilter entries M.empty
@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ importIndex f (Tar.Next e es) m =
{ packageVersionSource = TarballSource (pkgIdToHackageUrl pkgId) Nothing,
packageVersionTimestamp = Just time,
packageVersionRevisions = [],
packageVersionDeprecations = [],
packageVersionForce = False
-- Existing package, new revision

View File

@ -6,16 +6,10 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Foliage.Meta
( PackageMeta (PackageMeta),
PackageMetaEntry (PackageMetaEntry),
( packageVersionTimestamp,
PackageVersionSpec (PackageVersionSpec),
@ -23,6 +17,9 @@ module Foliage.Meta
RevisionSpec (RevisionSpec),
DeprecationSpec (DeprecationSpec),
pattern TarballSource,
pattern GitHubSource,
@ -30,7 +27,6 @@ module Foliage.Meta
GitHubRev (..),
@ -44,12 +40,7 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Time.LocalTime (utc, utcToZonedTime, zonedTimeToUTC)
import Development.Shake.Classes (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
import Distribution.Aeson ()
import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
import Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
import Distribution.Types.Orphans ()
import Distribution.Types.Version (Version)
import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (VersionRange, anyVersion, intersectVersionRanges, notThisVersion)
import Distribution.Version (isAnyVersion, isNoVersion, simplifyVersionRange)
import Foliage.Time (UTCTime)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.URI (URI, parseURI)
@ -57,58 +48,6 @@ import Network.URI.Orphans ()
import Toml (TomlCodec, (.=))
import Toml qualified
newtype PackageMeta = PackageMeta
{ packageMetaEntries :: [PackageMetaEntry]
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
data PackageMetaEntry = PackageMetaEntry
{ packageMetaEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
packageMetaEntryPreferred :: [VersionRange],
packageMetaEntryDeprecated :: [Version]
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
readPackageMeta :: FilePath -> IO PackageMeta
readPackageMeta = Toml.decodeFile packageMetaCodec
writePackageMeta :: FilePath -> PackageMeta -> IO ()
writePackageMeta fp a = void $ Toml.encodeToFile packageMetaCodec fp a
packageMetaCodec :: TomlCodec PackageMeta
packageMetaCodec =
<$> Toml.list packageMetaEntryCodec "entries"
.= packageMetaEntries
packageMetaEntryCodec :: TomlCodec PackageMetaEntry
packageMetaEntryCodec =
<$> timeCodec "timestamp"
.= packageMetaEntryTimestamp
<*> Toml.arrayOf _VersionRange "preferred-versions"
.= packageMetaEntryPreferred
<*> Toml.arrayOf _Version "deprecated-versions"
.= packageMetaEntryDeprecated
_Version :: Toml.TomlBiMap Version Toml.AnyValue
_Version = Toml._TextBy showVersion parseVersion
showVersion = T.pack . prettyShow
parseVersion t = case simpleParsec (T.unpack t) of
Nothing -> Left $ T.pack $ "unable to parse version" ++ T.unpack t
Just v -> Right v
_VersionRange :: Toml.TomlBiMap VersionRange Toml.AnyValue
_VersionRange = Toml._TextBy showVersion parseVersion
showVersion = T.pack . prettyShow
parseVersion t = case simpleParsec (T.unpack t) of
Nothing -> Left $ T.pack $ "unable to parse version" ++ T.unpack t
Just v -> Right v
newtype GitHubRepo = GitHubRepo {unGitHubRepo :: Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Hashable, NFData) via Text
@ -174,6 +113,8 @@ data PackageVersionSpec = PackageVersionSpec
packageVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource,
-- | revisions
packageVersionRevisions :: [RevisionSpec],
-- | deprecations
packageVersionDeprecations :: [DeprecationSpec],
-- | force version
packageVersionForce :: Bool
@ -189,6 +130,8 @@ sourceMetaCodec =
.= packageVersionSource
<*> Toml.list revisionMetaCodec "revisions"
.= packageVersionRevisions
<*> Toml.list deprecationMetaCodec "deprecations"
.= packageVersionDeprecations
<*> withDefault False (Toml.bool "force-version")
.= packageVersionForce
@ -202,7 +145,7 @@ data RevisionSpec = RevisionSpec
{ revisionTimestamp :: UTCTime,
revisionNumber :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
revisionMetaCodec :: TomlCodec RevisionSpec
@ -213,6 +156,24 @@ revisionMetaCodec =
<*> "number"
.= revisionNumber
data DeprecationSpec = DeprecationSpec
{ deprecationTimestamp :: UTCTime,
-- | 'True' means the package version has been deprecated
-- 'False' means the package version has been undeprecated
-- FIXME: we should consider something better than 'Bool'
deprecationIsDeprecated :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
deprecationMetaCodec :: TomlCodec DeprecationSpec
deprecationMetaCodec =
<$> timeCodec "timestamp"
.= deprecationTimestamp
<*> withDefault True (Toml.bool "deprecated")
.= deprecationIsDeprecated
timeCodec :: Toml.Key -> TomlCodec UTCTime
timeCodec key = Toml.dimap (utcToZonedTime utc) zonedTimeToUTC $ Toml.zonedTime key
@ -226,12 +187,3 @@ withDefault :: Eq a => a -> TomlCodec a -> TomlCodec a
withDefault d c = (fromMaybe d <$> Toml.dioptional c) .= f
f a = if a == d then Nothing else Just a
-- | copied from hackage-server
consolidateRanges :: PackageMetaEntry -> Maybe VersionRange
consolidateRanges PackageMetaEntry {packageMetaEntryPreferred, packageMetaEntryDeprecated} =
if isAnyVersion range || isNoVersion range then Nothing else Just range
range =
simplifyVersionRange $
foldr intersectVersionRanges anyVersion (map notThisVersion packageMetaEntryDeprecated ++ packageMetaEntryPreferred)

View File

@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ import Foliage.Meta
import Foliage.Utils.Aeson
import Network.URI (URI)
deriving via MyAesonEncoding PackageMeta instance ToJSON PackageMeta
deriving via MyAesonEncoding PackageMetaEntry instance ToJSON PackageMetaEntry
deriving via MyAesonEncoding RevisionSpec instance ToJSON RevisionSpec
deriving via MyAesonEncoding DeprecationSpec instance ToJSON DeprecationSpec
deriving via MyAesonEncoding PackageVersionSpec instance ToJSON PackageVersionSpec
deriving via Text instance ToJSON GitHubRepo

View File

@ -90,17 +90,20 @@ makeAllPackagesPage currentTime outputDir packageVersions =
-- sort packages by pkgId
& sortOn allPackagesPageEntryPkgId
-- FIXME: refactor this
data AllPackageVersionsPageEntry
= AllPackageVersionsPageEntryPackage
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
| AllPackageVersionsPageEntryRevision
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving (ToJSON) via MyAesonEncoding AllPackageVersionsPageEntry
@ -116,19 +119,21 @@ makeAllPackageVersionsPage currentTime outputDir packageVersions =
entries =
-- collect all cabal file revisions including the original cabal file
( \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, cabalFileRevisions} ->
( \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgVersionIsDeprecated, cabalFileRevisions} ->
-- original cabal file
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp),
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
-- list of revisions
: [ AllPackageVersionsPageEntryRevision
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = revisionTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds revisionTimestamp
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds revisionTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
| (revisionTimestamp, _) <- cabalFileRevisions
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ makeAllPackageVersionsPage currentTime outputDir packageVersions =
& sortOn (Down . allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp)
makePackageVersionPage :: FilePath -> PreparedPackageVersion -> Action ()
makePackageVersionPage outputDir PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgDesc, cabalFileRevisions} = do
makePackageVersionPage outputDir PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgDesc, cabalFileRevisions, pkgVersionIsDeprecated} = do
traced ("webpages / package / " ++ prettyShow pkgId) $ do
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (outputDir </> "package" </> prettyShow pkgId)
TL.writeFile (outputDir </> "package" </> prettyShow pkgId </> "index.html") $
@ -147,7 +152,8 @@ makePackageVersionPage outputDir PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pk
[ "pkgVersionSource" .= pkgVersionSource,
"cabalFileRevisions" .= map fst cabalFileRevisions,
"pkgDesc" .= jsonGenericPackageDescription pkgDesc,
"pkgTimestamp" .= pkgTimestamp
"pkgTimestamp" .= pkgTimestamp,
"pkgVersionDeprecated" .= pkgVersionIsDeprecated
indexPageTemplate :: Template

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Foliage.PreparePackageVersion
( PreparedPackageVersion
@ -7,6 +8,8 @@ module Foliage.PreparePackageVersion
@ -20,7 +23,9 @@ where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Ord (Down (Down))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
import Development.Shake (Action)
import Development.Shake.FilePath (joinPath, splitDirectories)
import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude (fromMaybe, prettyShow)
@ -28,17 +33,21 @@ import Distribution.Parsec (simpleParsec)
import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription (packageDescription))
import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription (PackageDescription (package))
import Distribution.Types.PackageId
import Foliage.Meta (PackageVersionSource, PackageVersionSpec (..), RevisionSpec (..), UTCTime, latestRevisionNumber)
import Foliage.Meta (DeprecationSpec (..), PackageVersionSource, PackageVersionSpec (..), RevisionSpec (..), UTCTime, latestRevisionNumber)
import Foliage.PrepareSdist (prepareSdist)
import Foliage.PrepareSource (prepareSource)
import Foliage.Shake (readGenericPackageDescription', readPackageVersionSpec')
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeFileName, (<.>), (</>))
-- TODO: can we ensure that `pkgVersionDeprecationChanges` and `cabalFileRevisions` are
-- sorted by timestamp? e.g
data PreparedPackageVersion = PreparedPackageVersion
{ pkgId :: PackageId,
pkgTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime,
pkgVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource,
pkgVersionForce :: Bool,
pkgVersionIsDeprecated :: Bool,
pkgVersionDeprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, Bool)],
pkgDesc :: GenericPackageDescription,
sdistPath :: FilePath,
cabalFilePath :: FilePath,
@ -46,6 +55,33 @@ data PreparedPackageVersion = PreparedPackageVersion
cabalFileRevisions :: [(UTCTime, FilePath)]
-- @andreabedini comments:
-- The function `preparePackageVersion` has a bit of a special role which I
-- should comment upon.
-- There are at three sources of information about a package:
-- * the path of the meta file: `_sources/pkg-name/pkg-version/meta.toml`
-- * the content of `meta.toml`
-- * the tarball/sdist pointed by `meta.toml`
-- Before #37 I used to refer to these three pieces of data independently,
-- thinking it would be a good idea to keep the data-pipeline granular.
-- While working on #37, I realised this granularity was leading me to have
-- consistency checks scattered around the code so I figured it would make more
-- sense to centralise these checks into a single function and to use a type
-- (`PreparedPackageVersion`) as evidence that everything is consistent (e.g.
-- the package name inferred from the meta.toml path is the same as the one in
-- the cabal file of the source distribution).
-- This function has also the chance to denormalise some data (i.e. repeating it
-- multiple times in different forms) for easy consumption downstream. This
-- could be split out in the future if `PreparedPackageVersion` starts to become
-- a kitchen sink.
preparePackageVersion :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action PreparedPackageVersion
preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
let (name, version) = case splitDirectories metaFile of
@ -57,27 +93,67 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
let pkgId = PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion
pkgSpec <-
readPackageVersionSpec' (inputDir </> metaFile) >>= \case
PackageVersionSpec {packageVersionRevisions, packageVersionTimestamp = Nothing}
| not (null packageVersionRevisions) -> do
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has cabal file revisions but the original package has no timestamp.",
"This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the revisions"
PackageVersionSpec {packageVersionRevisions, packageVersionTimestamp = Just pkgTs}
| any ((< pkgTs) . revisionTimestamp) packageVersionRevisions -> do
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a revision with timestamp earlier than the package itself.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all revisions come after the original package"
meta ->
return meta
readPackageVersionSpec' (inputDir </> metaFile) >>= \meta@PackageVersionSpec {..} -> do
case (NE.nonEmpty packageVersionRevisions, packageVersionTimestamp) of
(Just _someRevisions, Nothing) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has cabal file revisions but the package has no timestamp.",
"This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the revisions."
(Just (NE.sort -> someRevisions), Just ts)
-- WARN: this should really be a <=
| revisionTimestamp (NE.head someRevisions) < ts ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a revision with timestamp earlier than the package itself.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all revisions come after the package publication."
| not (null $ duplicates (revisionTimestamp <$> someRevisions)) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two revisions entries with the same timestamp.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the revisions happen at a different time."
_otherwise -> return ()
case (NE.nonEmpty packageVersionDeprecations, packageVersionTimestamp) of
(Just _someDeprecations, Nothing) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has deprecations but the package has no timestamp.",
"This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the deprecation."
(Just (NE.sort -> someDeprecations), Just ts)
| deprecationTimestamp (NE.head someDeprecations) <= ts ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a deprecation entry with timestamp earlier (or equal) than the package itself.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations come after the package publication."
| not (deprecationIsDeprecated (NE.head someDeprecations)) ->
error $
"The first deprecation entry in" <> inputDir </> metaFile <> " cannot be an un-deprecation"
| not (null $ duplicates (deprecationTimestamp <$> someDeprecations)) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two deprecation entries with the same timestamp.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations happen at a different time."
| not (null $ doubleDeprecations someDeprecations) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " contains two consecutive deprecations or two consecutive un-deprecations.",
"Make sure deprecations and un-deprecations alternate in time."
_otherwise -> return ()
return meta
srcDir <- prepareSource pkgId pkgSpec
let originalCabalFilePath = srcDir </> prettyShow pkgName <.> "cabal"
cabalFileRevisionPath revisionNumber =
[ inputDir,
@ -88,7 +164,7 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
<.> "cabal"
let cabalFilePath =
cabalFilePath =
@ -113,20 +189,37 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
let cabalFileRevisions =
(Down . fst)
[ (revisionTimestamp, cabalFileRevisionPath revisionNumber)
| RevisionSpec {revisionTimestamp, revisionNumber} <- packageVersionRevisions pkgSpec
let pkgVersionDeprecationChanges =
[ (deprecationTimestamp, deprecationIsDeprecated)
| DeprecationSpec {deprecationTimestamp, deprecationIsDeprecated} <- packageVersionDeprecations pkgSpec
let pkgVersionIsDeprecated = maybe False snd $ listToMaybe pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
{ pkgId,
pkgTimestamp = packageVersionTimestamp pkgSpec,
pkgVersionSource = packageVersionSource pkgSpec,
pkgVersionForce = packageVersionForce pkgSpec,
duplicates :: Ord a => NE.NonEmpty a -> [a]
duplicates = mapMaybe (listToMaybe . NE.tail) .
doubleDeprecations :: NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec -> [NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec]
doubleDeprecations = filter ((> 1) . length) . NE.groupWith deprecationIsDeprecated

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@ -10,9 +10,7 @@
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All package versions
@ -49,7 +47,12 @@
<td class="col-sm-2"><a href="../package/{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}</a></td>
<td class="col-sm-2">
<a href="../package/{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}</a>
<span class="badge bg-danger">Deprecated</span>
<td class="col-sm-1">Version</td>
<td class="col-sm-3" data-order="{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp}}</td>
<td class="col-sm-6">
@ -63,10 +66,15 @@
<td data-order="{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp}}</td>
<td class="col-sm-2">
<a href="../package/{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId}}</a>
<span class="badge bg-danger">Deprecated</span>
<td class="col-sm-1">Revision</td>
<td class="col-sm-3" data-order="{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix}}">{{allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp}}</td>
<td class="col-sm-6"></td>

View File

@ -27,10 +27,15 @@
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="../../all-package-versions/index.html">All package versions</a>
</ul> <h1 class="py-5">
<h1 class="py-5">
<dl class="row class="px-4 py-5">
<dt class="col-sm-3"><span class="badge bg-danger" style="font-size: 1em">Deprecated</span></dt>
<dt class="col-sm-3">Synopsis</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9"><p>{{synopsis}}</p></dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">Description</dt>