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This commit is contained in:
Andrea Bedini 2023-05-15 14:12:22 +08:00
parent 73a787ef4f
commit a93eb62daa

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@ -305,22 +305,38 @@ prepareIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, sdistPath} = d
-- Currently `extraEntries` are only used for encoding `prefered-versions`.
getExtraEntries :: [PreparedPackageVersion] -> [Tar.Entry]
getExtraEntries packageVersions =
let groupedPackageVersions = NE.groupWith (pkgName . pkgId) packageVersions
let -- Group all (package) versions by package (name)
groupedPackageVersions :: [NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion]
groupedPackageVersions = NE.groupWith (pkgName . pkgId) packageVersions
-- All versions of a given package together form a list of entries
-- The list of entries might be empty (in case no version has been deprecated)
generateEntriesForGroup :: NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion -> [Tar.Entry]
generateEntriesForGroup packageGroup = map createTarEntry effectiveRanges
-- Get the package name of the current group.
pn :: PackageName
pn = pkgName $ pkgId $ NE.head packageGroup
-- Collect and sort the deprecation changes for the package group.
-- Collect and sort the deprecation changes for the package group, turning them into a action on VersionRange
deprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
deprecationChanges = sortOn fst $ foldMap versionDeprecationChanges packageGroup
-- Calculate (by applying them chronologically) the effective `VersionRange` for the package group.
effectiveRanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange)]
effectiveRanges = NE.tail $ NE.scanl applyChangeToRange (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0, anyVersion) deprecationChanges
-- Create a `Tar.Entry` for the package group, its computed `VersionRange` and a timestamp.
createTarEntry (ts, effectiveRange) = mkTarEntry (BL.pack $ prettyShow effectiveRange) (IndexPkgPrefs pn) ts
in foldMap generateEntriesForGroup groupedPackageVersions
-- TODO: the functions belows should be moved to Foliage.PreparedPackageVersion
-- Extract deprecation changes for a given `PreparedPackageVersion`.
versionDeprecationChanges :: PreparedPackageVersion -> [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
versionDeprecationChanges PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId = PackageIdentifier {pkgVersion}, pkgVersionDeprecationChanges} = map (second $ applyDeprecation pkgVersion) pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier {pkgVersion},
} =
map (second $ applyDeprecation pkgVersion) pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
-- Apply a given change (`VersionRange -> VersionRange`) to a `VersionRange` and
-- return the simplified the result with a new timestamp.