Formatting with fourmolu

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Bedini 2023-09-13 14:37:10 +08:00 committed by Andrea Bedini
parent b18d165702
commit cc610620d6
19 changed files with 750 additions and 681 deletions

.github/workflows/formatting.yaml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: Check code formatting
- ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: haskell-actions/run-fourmolu@v9
version: ""

View File

@ -144,33 +144,33 @@ jsonField fn v
| v == emptyArray = mempty
| v == emptyString = mempty
| otherwise = [Key.fromString (fromUTF8BS fn) .= v]
-- Should be added to aeson
emptyString :: Value
emptyString = String ""
-- Should be added to aeson
emptyString :: Value
emptyString = String ""
jsonGenericPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> Value
jsonGenericPackageDescription gpd = jsonGenericPackageDescription' v gpd
v = specVersion $ packageDescription gpd
v = specVersion $ packageDescription gpd
jsonGenericPackageDescription' :: CabalSpecVersion -> GenericPackageDescription -> Value
jsonGenericPackageDescription' v gpd =
object $
[ jsonPackageDescription v (packageDescription gpd),
jsonSetupBuildInfo v (setupBuildInfo (packageDescription gpd)),
jsonGenPackageFlags v (genPackageFlags gpd),
jsonCondLibrary v (condLibrary gpd),
jsonCondSubLibraries v (condSubLibraries gpd),
jsonCondForeignLibs v (condForeignLibs gpd),
jsonCondExecutables v (condExecutables gpd),
jsonCondTestSuites v (condTestSuites gpd),
jsonCondBenchmarks v (condBenchmarks gpd)
[ jsonPackageDescription v (packageDescription gpd)
, jsonSetupBuildInfo v (setupBuildInfo (packageDescription gpd))
, jsonGenPackageFlags v (genPackageFlags gpd)
, jsonCondLibrary v (condLibrary gpd)
, jsonCondSubLibraries v (condSubLibraries gpd)
, jsonCondForeignLibs v (condForeignLibs gpd)
, jsonCondExecutables v (condExecutables gpd)
, jsonCondTestSuites v (condTestSuites gpd)
, jsonCondBenchmarks v (condBenchmarks gpd)
jsonPackageDescription :: CabalSpecVersion -> PackageDescription -> [Pair]
jsonPackageDescription v pd@PackageDescription {sourceRepos, setupBuildInfo} =
jsonPackageDescription v pd@PackageDescription{sourceRepos, setupBuildInfo} =
jsonFieldGrammar v packageDescriptionFieldGrammar pd
<> jsonSourceRepos v sourceRepos
<> jsonSetupBuildInfo v setupBuildInfo
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ jsonSourceRepos v =
concatMap (\neRepos -> ["source-repository" .= (jsonSourceRepo v) neRepos]) . NE.nonEmpty
jsonSourceRepo :: CabalSpecVersion -> SourceRepo -> Value
jsonSourceRepo v repo@SourceRepo {repoKind} =
jsonSourceRepo v repo@SourceRepo{repoKind} =
object $ jsonFieldGrammar v (sourceRepoFieldGrammar repoKind) repo
jsonSetupBuildInfo :: CabalSpecVersion -> Maybe SetupBuildInfo -> [Pair]
@ -241,33 +241,33 @@ jsonCondBenchmark v (n, condTree) =
jsonCondTree :: forall a. CabalSpecVersion -> JSONFieldGrammar' a -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> Value
jsonCondTree v grammar = toJSON . go . fmap fst . conv
go (CondFlat a ifs) =
KeyMap.fromListWith (<>) $
second (: [])
<$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a ++ concatMap (\(cv, a') -> second (ifc cv) <$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a') ifs
go (CondFlat a ifs) =
KeyMap.fromListWith (<>) $
second (: [])
<$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a ++ concatMap (\(cv, a') -> second (ifc cv) <$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a') ifs
ifc cv a = object ["if" .= showCondition cv, "then" .= a]
ifc cv a = object ["if" .= showCondition cv, "then" .= a]
data CondFlat v a = CondFlat a [(Condition v, a)]
deriving (Show, Functor)
conv :: forall v c a. CondTree v c a -> CondFlat v (a, c)
conv = goNode
goNode (CondNode a c ifs) =
CondFlat (a, c) (concatMap goBranch ifs)
goNode (CondNode a c ifs) =
CondFlat (a, c) (concatMap goBranch ifs)
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree Nothing) =
let (CondFlat a ifs) = goNode thenTree
in (cond, a) : fmap (first (cond `cAnd`)) ifs
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree (Just elseTree)) =
let (CondFlat a1 ifs1) = goNode thenTree
(CondFlat a2 ifs2) = goNode elseTree
in (cond, a1)
: (first (cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs1)
++ (cNot cond, a2)
: (first (cNot cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs2)
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree Nothing) =
let (CondFlat a ifs) = goNode thenTree
in (cond, a) : fmap (first (cond `cAnd`)) ifs
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree (Just elseTree)) =
let (CondFlat a1 ifs1) = goNode thenTree
(CondFlat a2 ifs2) = goNode elseTree
in (cond, a1)
: (first (cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs1)
++ (cNot cond, a2)
: (first (cNot cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs2)
test :: FilePath -> IO ()
test fn = do

View File

@ -48,24 +48,24 @@ cmdBuild buildOptions = do
addPrepareSdistRule outputDirRoot
phony "buildAction" (buildAction buildOptions)
want ["buildAction"]
cacheDir = "_cache"
opts =
{ shakeFiles = cacheDir,
shakeVerbosity = Verbose,
shakeThreads = buildOptsNumThreads buildOptions
cacheDir = "_cache"
opts =
{ shakeFiles = cacheDir
, shakeVerbosity = Verbose
, shakeThreads = buildOptsNumThreads buildOptions
buildAction :: BuildOptions -> Action ()
{ buildOptsSignOpts = signOpts,
buildOptsCurrentTime = mCurrentTime,
buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn = mExpireSignaturesOn,
buildOptsInputDir = inputDir,
buildOptsOutputDir = outputDir,
buildOptsWriteMetadata = doWritePackageMeta
{ buildOptsSignOpts = signOpts
, buildOptsCurrentTime = mCurrentTime
, buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn = mExpireSignaturesOn
, buildOptsInputDir = inputDir
, buildOptsOutputDir = outputDir
, buildOptsWriteMetadata = doWritePackageMeta
} = do
outputDirRoot <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute (fromFilePath outputDir)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ buildAction
cabalEntries <-
( \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, cabalFilePath, originalCabalFilePath, cabalFileRevisions} -> do
( \PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, pkgTimestamp, cabalFilePath, originalCabalFilePath, cabalFileRevisions} -> do
-- original cabal file, with its timestamp (if specified)
copyFileChanged originalCabalFilePath (outputDir </> "package" </> prettyShow pkgId </> "revision" </> "0" <.> "cabal")
cf <- prepareIndexPkgCabal pkgId (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp) originalCabalFilePath
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ buildAction
targetKeys <- maybeReadKeysAt "target"
metadataEntries <-
forP packageVersions $ \ppv@PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp} -> do
forP packageVersions $ \ppv@PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, pkgTimestamp} -> do
targets <- prepareIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime ppv
pure $
@ -156,51 +156,51 @@ buildAction
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON outputDirRoot repoLayoutMirrors privateKeysMirrors $
{ mirrorsVersion = FileVersion 1,
mirrorsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime,
mirrorsMirrors = []
{ mirrorsVersion = FileVersion 1
, mirrorsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, mirrorsMirrors = []
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON outputDirRoot repoLayoutRoot privateKeysRoot $
{ rootVersion = FileVersion 1,
rootExpires = FileExpires expiryTime,
rootKeys =
{ rootVersion = FileVersion 1
, rootExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, rootKeys =
fromKeys $
[ privateKeysRoot,
rootRoles =
[ privateKeysRoot
, privateKeysTarget
, privateKeysSnapshot
, privateKeysTimestamp
, privateKeysMirrors
, rootRoles =
{ rootRolesRoot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysRoot,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 2
rootRolesSnapshot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysRoot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 2
, rootRolesSnapshot =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysSnapshot,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesTargets =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysSnapshot
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTargets =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTarget,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesTimestamp =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTarget
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesTimestamp =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTimestamp,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
rootRolesMirrors =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysTimestamp
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
, rootRolesMirrors =
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysMirrors,
roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
{ roleSpecKeys = map somePublicKey privateKeysMirrors
, roleSpecThreshold = KeyThreshold 1
@ -213,21 +213,21 @@ buildAction
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON outputDirRoot repoLayoutSnapshot privateKeysSnapshot $
{ snapshotVersion = FileVersion 1,
snapshotExpires = FileExpires expiryTime,
snapshotInfoRoot = rootInfo,
snapshotInfoMirrors = mirrorsInfo,
snapshotInfoTar = Just tarInfo,
snapshotInfoTarGz = tarGzInfo
{ snapshotVersion = FileVersion 1
, snapshotExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, snapshotInfoRoot = rootInfo
, snapshotInfoMirrors = mirrorsInfo
, snapshotInfoTar = Just tarInfo
, snapshotInfoTarGz = tarGzInfo
snapshotInfo <- computeFileInfoSimple' (anchorPath outputDirRoot repoLayoutSnapshot)
liftIO $
writeSignedJSON outputDirRoot repoLayoutTimestamp privateKeysTimestamp $
{ timestampVersion = FileVersion 1,
timestampExpires = FileExpires expiryTime,
timestampInfoSnapshot = snapshotInfo
{ timestampVersion = FileVersion 1
, timestampExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, timestampInfoSnapshot = snapshotInfo
makeMetadataFile :: FilePath -> [PreparedPackageVersion] -> Action ()
@ -236,37 +236,37 @@ makeMetadataFile outputDir packageVersions = traced "writing metadata" $ do
(outputDir </> "foliage" </> "packages.json")
(map encodePackageVersion packageVersions)
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier {pkgName, pkgVersion},
} =
( [ "pkg-name" Aeson..= pkgName,
"pkg-version" Aeson..= pkgVersion,
"url" Aeson..= sourceUrl pkgVersionSource
++ ["forced-version" Aeson..= True | pkgVersionForce]
++ (case pkgTimestamp of Nothing -> []; Just t -> ["timestamp" Aeson..= t])
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion}
, pkgTimestamp
, pkgVersionForce
, pkgVersionSource
} =
( [ "pkg-name" Aeson..= pkgName
, "pkg-version" Aeson..= pkgVersion
, "url" Aeson..= sourceUrl pkgVersionSource
++ ["forced-version" Aeson..= True | pkgVersionForce]
++ (case pkgTimestamp of Nothing -> []; Just t -> ["timestamp" Aeson..= t])
sourceUrl :: PackageVersionSource -> URI
sourceUrl (TarballSource uri Nothing) = uri
sourceUrl (TarballSource uri (Just subdir)) = uri {uriQuery = "?dir=" ++ subdir}
sourceUrl (GitHubSource repo rev Nothing) =
{ uriScheme = "github:",
uriPath = T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev)
sourceUrl (GitHubSource repo rev (Just subdir)) =
{ uriScheme = "github:",
uriPath = T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev),
uriQuery = "?dir=" ++ subdir
sourceUrl :: PackageVersionSource -> URI
sourceUrl (TarballSource uri Nothing) = uri
sourceUrl (TarballSource uri (Just subdir)) = uri{uriQuery = "?dir=" ++ subdir}
sourceUrl (GitHubSource repo rev Nothing) =
{ uriScheme = "github:"
, uriPath = T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev)
sourceUrl (GitHubSource repo rev (Just subdir)) =
{ uriScheme = "github:"
, uriPath = T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev)
, uriQuery = "?dir=" ++ subdir
getPackageVersions :: FilePath -> Action [PreparedPackageVersion]
getPackageVersions inputDir = do
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ getPackageVersions inputDir = do
when (null metaFiles) $ do
error $
[ "We could not find any package metadata file (i.e. _sources/<name>/<version>/meta.toml)",
"Make sure you are passing the right input directory. The default input directory is _sources"
[ "We could not find any package metadata file (i.e. _sources/<name>/<version>/meta.toml)"
, "Make sure you are passing the right input directory. The default input directory is _sources"
forP metaFiles $ preparePackageVersion inputDir
@ -288,46 +288,48 @@ prepareIndexPkgCabal pkgId timestamp filePath = do
pure $ mkTarEntry (BL.fromStrict contents) (IndexPkgCabal pkgId) timestamp
prepareIndexPkgMetadata :: Maybe UTCTime -> PreparedPackageVersion -> Action Targets
prepareIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, sdistPath} = do
prepareIndexPkgMetadata expiryTime PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, sdistPath} = do
targetFileInfo <- liftIO $ computeFileInfoSimple sdistPath
let packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId
{ targetsVersion = FileVersion 1,
targetsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime,
targetsTargets = fromList [(TargetPathRepo packagePath, targetFileInfo)],
targetsDelegations = Nothing
{ targetsVersion = FileVersion 1
, targetsExpires = FileExpires expiryTime
, targetsTargets = fromList [(TargetPathRepo packagePath, targetFileInfo)]
, targetsDelegations = Nothing
-- Currently `extraEntries` are only used for encoding `prefered-versions`.
getExtraEntries :: [PreparedPackageVersion] -> [Tar.Entry]
getExtraEntries packageVersions =
let -- Group all (package) versions by package (name)
groupedPackageVersions :: [NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion]
groupedPackageVersions = NE.groupWith (pkgName . pkgId) packageVersions
-- Group all (package) versions by package (name)
groupedPackageVersions :: [NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion]
groupedPackageVersions = NE.groupWith (pkgName . pkgId) packageVersions
-- All versions of a given package together form a list of entries
-- The list of entries might be empty (in case no version has been deprecated)
generateEntriesForGroup :: NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion -> [Tar.Entry]
generateEntriesForGroup packageGroup = map createTarEntry effectiveRanges
-- Get the package name of the current group.
pn :: PackageName
pn = pkgName $ pkgId $ NE.head packageGroup
-- Collect and sort the deprecation changes for the package group, turning them into a action on VersionRange
deprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
deprecationChanges = sortOn fst $ foldMap versionDeprecationChanges packageGroup
-- Calculate (by applying them chronologically) the effective `VersionRange` for the package group.
effectiveRanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange)]
effectiveRanges = NE.tail $ NE.scanl applyChangeToRange (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0, anyVersion) deprecationChanges
-- All versions of a given package together form a list of entries
-- The list of entries might be empty (in case no version has been deprecated)
generateEntriesForGroup :: NE.NonEmpty PreparedPackageVersion -> [Tar.Entry]
generateEntriesForGroup packageGroup = map createTarEntry effectiveRanges
-- Get the package name of the current group.
pn :: PackageName
pn = pkgName $ pkgId $ NE.head packageGroup
-- Collect and sort the deprecation changes for the package group, turning them into a action on VersionRange
deprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
deprecationChanges = sortOn fst $ foldMap versionDeprecationChanges packageGroup
-- Calculate (by applying them chronologically) the effective `VersionRange` for the package group.
effectiveRanges :: [(UTCTime, VersionRange)]
effectiveRanges = NE.tail $ NE.scanl applyChangeToRange (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0, anyVersion) deprecationChanges
-- Create a `Tar.Entry` for the package group, its computed `VersionRange` and a timestamp.
createTarEntry (ts, effectiveRange) = mkTarEntry (BL.pack $ prettyShow dep) (IndexPkgPrefs pn) ts
-- Cabal uses `Dependency` to represent preferred versions, cf.
-- `parsePreferredVersions`. The (sub)libraries part is ignored.
dep = mkDependency pn effectiveRange mainLibSet
in foldMap generateEntriesForGroup groupedPackageVersions
-- Create a `Tar.Entry` for the package group, its computed `VersionRange` and a timestamp.
createTarEntry (ts, effectiveRange) = mkTarEntry (BL.pack $ prettyShow dep) (IndexPkgPrefs pn) ts
-- Cabal uses `Dependency` to represent preferred versions, cf.
-- `parsePreferredVersions`. The (sub)libraries part is ignored.
dep = mkDependency pn effectiveRange mainLibSet
foldMap generateEntriesForGroup groupedPackageVersions
-- TODO: the functions belows should be moved to Foliage.PreparedPackageVersion
@ -335,8 +337,8 @@ getExtraEntries packageVersions =
versionDeprecationChanges :: PreparedPackageVersion -> [(UTCTime, VersionRange -> VersionRange)]
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier {pkgVersion},
{ pkgId = PackageIdentifier{pkgVersion}
, pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
} =
map (second $ applyDeprecation pkgVersion) pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
@ -356,21 +358,21 @@ applyDeprecation pkgVersion deprecated =
mkTarEntry :: BL.ByteString -> IndexFile dec -> UTCTime -> Tar.Entry
mkTarEntry contents indexFile timestamp =
(Tar.fileEntry tarPath contents)
{ Tar.entryTime = floor $ Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds timestamp,
Tar.entryOwnership =
{ Tar.entryTime = floor $ Time.utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds timestamp
, Tar.entryOwnership =
{ Tar.ownerName = "foliage",
Tar.groupName = "foliage",
Tar.ownerId = 0,
Tar.groupId = 0
{ Tar.ownerName = "foliage"
, Tar.groupName = "foliage"
, Tar.ownerId = 0
, Tar.groupId = 0
tarPath = case Tar.toTarPath False indexPath of
Left e -> error $ "Invalid tar path " ++ indexPath ++ "(" ++ e ++ ")"
Right tp -> tp
tarPath = case Tar.toTarPath False indexPath of
Left e -> error $ "Invalid tar path " ++ indexPath ++ "(" ++ e ++ ")"
Right tp -> tp
indexPath = toFilePath $ castRoot $ indexFileToPath hackageIndexLayout indexFile
indexPath = toFilePath $ castRoot $ indexFileToPath hackageIndexLayout indexFile
anchorPath :: Path Absolute -> (RepoLayout -> RepoPath) -> FilePath
anchorPath outputDirRoot p =

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Foliage.CmdImportIndex
( cmdImportIndex,
module Foliage.CmdImportIndex (
import Codec.Archive.Tar qualified as Tar
@ -29,55 +29,56 @@ cmdImportIndex :: ImportIndexOptions -> IO ()
cmdImportIndex opts = do
putStrLn $
[ "This command is EXPERIMENTAL and INCOMPLETE!",
"Import the Hackage index from $HOME/.cabal. Make sure you have done `cabal update` recently."
[ "This command is EXPERIMENTAL and INCOMPLETE!"
, "Import the Hackage index from $HOME/.cabal. Make sure you have done `cabal update` recently."
home <- getEnv "HOME"
entries <- <$> BSL.readFile (home </> ".cabal/packages/")
m <- importIndex indexfilter entries M.empty
for_ (M.toList m) $ uncurry finalise
indexfilter = case importOptsFilter opts of
Nothing -> const True
(Just f) -> mkFilter f
indexfilter = case importOptsFilter opts of
Nothing -> const True
(Just f) -> mkFilter f
mkFilter (ImportFilter pn Nothing) = (== pn) . unPackageName . pkgName
mkFilter (ImportFilter pn (Just pv)) = (&&) <$> (== pn) . unPackageName . pkgName <*> (== pv) . prettyShow . pkgVersion
mkFilter (ImportFilter pn Nothing) = (== pn) . unPackageName . pkgName
mkFilter (ImportFilter pn (Just pv)) = (&&) <$> (== pn) . unPackageName . pkgName <*> (== pv) . prettyShow . pkgVersion
importIndex ::
Show e =>
(PackageIdentifier -> Bool) ->
Tar.Entries e ->
Map PackageIdentifier PackageVersionSpec ->
IO (Map PackageIdentifier PackageVersionSpec)
:: (Show e)
=> (PackageIdentifier -> Bool)
-> Tar.Entries e
-> Map PackageIdentifier PackageVersionSpec
-> IO (Map PackageIdentifier PackageVersionSpec)
importIndex f (Tar.Next e es) m =
case isCabalFile e of
Just (pkgId, contents, time)
| f pkgId ->
putStrLn $ "Found cabal file " ++ prettyShow pkgId ++ " with timestamp " ++ show time
let -- new package
go Nothing =
pure $
Just $
{ packageVersionSource = TarballSource (pkgIdToHackageUrl pkgId) Nothing,
packageVersionTimestamp = Just time,
packageVersionRevisions = [],
packageVersionDeprecations = [],
packageVersionForce = False
-- Existing package, new revision
go (Just sm) = do
let revnum = 1 + fromMaybe 0 (latestRevisionNumber sm)
newRevision = RevisionSpec {revisionNumber = revnum, revisionTimestamp = time}
-- Repeatedly adding at the end of a list is bad performance but good for the moment.
let sm' = sm {packageVersionRevisions = packageVersionRevisions sm ++ [newRevision]}
let PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion = pkgId
let outDir = "_sources" </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "revisions"
createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
BSL.writeFile (outDir </> show revnum <.> "cabal") contents
return $ Just sm'
-- new package
go Nothing =
pure $
Just $
{ packageVersionSource = TarballSource (pkgIdToHackageUrl pkgId) Nothing
, packageVersionTimestamp = Just time
, packageVersionRevisions = []
, packageVersionDeprecations = []
, packageVersionForce = False
-- Existing package, new revision
go (Just sm) = do
let revnum = 1 + fromMaybe 0 (latestRevisionNumber sm)
newRevision = RevisionSpec{revisionNumber = revnum, revisionTimestamp = time}
-- Repeatedly adding at the end of a list is bad performance but good for the moment.
let sm' = sm{packageVersionRevisions = packageVersionRevisions sm ++ [newRevision]}
let PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion = pkgId
let outDir = "_sources" </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "revisions"
createDirectoryIfMissing True outDir
BSL.writeFile (outDir </> show revnum <.> "cabal") contents
return $ Just sm'
m' <- M.alterF go pkgId m
importIndex f es m'
_ -> importIndex f es m
@ -89,28 +90,28 @@ importIndex _f (Tar.Fail e) _ =
pkgIdToHackageUrl :: PackageIdentifier -> URI
pkgIdToHackageUrl pkgId =
{ uriScheme = "https:",
uriAuthority = Just $ nullURIAuth {uriRegName = ""},
uriPath = "/package" </> prettyShow pkgId </> prettyShow pkgId <.> "tar.gz"
{ uriScheme = "https:"
, uriAuthority = Just $ nullURIAuth{uriRegName = ""}
, uriPath = "/package" </> prettyShow pkgId </> prettyShow pkgId <.> "tar.gz"
finalise ::
PackageIdentifier ->
PackageVersionSpec ->
IO ()
finalise PackageIdentifier {pkgName, pkgVersion} meta = do
:: PackageIdentifier
-> PackageVersionSpec
-> IO ()
finalise PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} meta = do
let dir = "_sources" </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
writePackageVersionSpec (dir </> "meta.toml") meta
isCabalFile ::
Tar.Entry ->
Maybe (PackageIdentifier, BSL.ByteString, UTCTime)
:: Tar.Entry
-> Maybe (PackageIdentifier, BSL.ByteString, UTCTime)
{ Tar.entryTarPath = Tar.fromTarPath -> path,
Tar.entryContent = Tar.NormalFile contents _,
Tar.entryTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral -> time
{ Tar.entryTarPath = Tar.fromTarPath -> path
, Tar.entryContent = Tar.NormalFile contents _
, Tar.entryTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral -> time
| ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` path =
let [pkgName, pkgVersion, _] = splitDirectories path

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
module Foliage.HackageSecurity
( module Foliage.HackageSecurity,
module Hackage.Security.Server,
module Hackage.Security.TUF.FileMap,
module Hackage.Security.Key.Env,
module Hackage.Security.Util.Path,
module Hackage.Security.Util.Some,
module Foliage.HackageSecurity (
module Foliage.HackageSecurity,
module Hackage.Security.Server,
module Hackage.Security.TUF.FileMap,
module Hackage.Security.Key.Env,
module Hackage.Security.Util.Path,
module Hackage.Security.Util.Some,
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Hackage.Security.Util.Some
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.FilePath
readJSONSimple :: FromJSON ReadJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout a => FilePath -> IO (Either DeserializationError a)
readJSONSimple :: (FromJSON ReadJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout a) => FilePath -> IO (Either DeserializationError a)
readJSONSimple fp = do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath fp)
readJSON_NoKeys_NoLayout p
@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ createKeys base = do
putStrLn "root keys:"
createKeyGroup "root" >>= showKeys
for_ ["target", "timestamp", "snapshot", "mirrors"] createKeyGroup
createKeyGroup group = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> group)
keys <- replicateM 3 $ createKey' KeyTypeEd25519
for_ keys $ writeKeyWithId (base </> group)
pure keys
createKeyGroup group = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (base </> group)
keys <- replicateM 3 $ createKey' KeyTypeEd25519
for_ keys $ writeKeyWithId (base </> group)
pure keys
showKeys keys =
for_ keys $ \key ->
putStrLn $ " " ++ showKey key
showKeys keys =
for_ keys $ \key ->
putStrLn $ " " ++ showKey key
showKey :: Some Key -> [Char]
showKey k = T.unpack $ encodeBase16 $ exportSomePublicKey $ somePublicKey k
@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ writeKey fp key = do
p <- makeAbsolute (fromFilePath fp)
writeJSON_NoLayout p key
renderSignedJSON :: ToJSON WriteJSON a => [Some Key] -> a -> BSL.ByteString
renderSignedJSON :: (ToJSON WriteJSON a) => [Some Key] -> a -> BSL.ByteString
renderSignedJSON keys thing =
(withSignatures hackageRepoLayout keys thing)
writeSignedJSON :: ToJSON WriteJSON a => Path Absolute -> (RepoLayout -> RepoPath) -> [Some Key] -> a -> IO ()
writeSignedJSON :: (ToJSON WriteJSON a) => Path Absolute -> (RepoLayout -> RepoPath) -> [Some Key] -> a -> IO ()
writeSignedJSON outputDirRoot repoPath keys thing = do
writeLazyByteString fp $ renderSignedJSON keys thing
fp = anchorRepoPathLocally outputDirRoot $ repoPath hackageRepoLayout
fp = anchorRepoPathLocally outputDirRoot $ repoPath hackageRepoLayout

View File

@ -5,29 +5,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Foliage.Meta
( packageVersionTimestamp,
PackageVersionSpec (PackageVersionSpec),
RevisionSpec (RevisionSpec),
DeprecationSpec (DeprecationSpec),
pattern TarballSource,
pattern GitHubSource,
GitHubRepo (..),
GitHubRev (..),
module Foliage.Meta (
PackageVersionSpec (PackageVersionSpec),
RevisionSpec (RevisionSpec),
DeprecationSpec (DeprecationSpec),
pattern TarballSource,
pattern GitHubSource,
GitHubRepo (..),
GitHubRev (..),
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ newtype GitHubRev = GitHubRev {unGitHubRev :: Text}
data PackageVersionSource
= TarballSource
{ tarballSourceURI :: URI,
subdir :: Maybe String
{ tarballSourceURI :: URI
, subdir :: Maybe String
| GitHubSource
{ githubRepo :: GitHubRepo,
githubRev :: GitHubRev,
subdir :: Maybe String
{ githubRepo :: GitHubRepo
, githubRev :: GitHubRev
, subdir :: Maybe String
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ packageSourceCodec =
uri :: Toml.Key -> TomlCodec URI
uri = Toml.textBy to from
to = T.pack . show
from t = case parseURI (T.unpack t) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid url: " <> t
Just uri' -> Right uri'
to = T.pack . show
from t = case parseURI (T.unpack t) of
Nothing -> Left $ "Invalid url: " <> t
Just uri' -> Right uri'
tarballSourceCodec :: TomlCodec (URI, Maybe String)
tarballSourceCodec =
@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ matchGitHubSource (GitHubSource repo rev mSubdir) = Just ((repo, rev), mSubdir)
matchGitHubSource _ = Nothing
data PackageVersionSpec = PackageVersionSpec
{ -- | timestamp
packageVersionTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime,
-- | source parameters
packageVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource,
-- | revisions
packageVersionRevisions :: [RevisionSpec],
-- | deprecations
packageVersionDeprecations :: [DeprecationSpec],
-- | force version
packageVersionForce :: Bool
{ packageVersionTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime
-- ^ timestamp
, packageVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource
-- ^ source parameters
, packageVersionRevisions :: [RevisionSpec]
-- ^ revisions
, packageVersionDeprecations :: [DeprecationSpec]
-- ^ deprecations
, packageVersionForce :: Bool
-- ^ force version
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ sourceMetaCodec :: TomlCodec PackageVersionSpec
sourceMetaCodec =
<$> Toml.dioptional (timeCodec "timestamp")
.= packageVersionTimestamp
.= packageVersionTimestamp
<*> packageSourceCodec
.= packageVersionSource
.= packageVersionSource
<*> Toml.list revisionMetaCodec "revisions"
.= packageVersionRevisions
.= packageVersionRevisions
<*> Toml.list deprecationMetaCodec "deprecations"
.= packageVersionDeprecations
.= packageVersionDeprecations
<*> withDefault False (Toml.bool "force-version")
.= packageVersionForce
.= packageVersionForce
readPackageVersionSpec :: FilePath -> IO PackageVersionSpec
readPackageVersionSpec = Toml.decodeFile sourceMetaCodec
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ writePackageVersionSpec :: FilePath -> PackageVersionSpec -> IO ()
writePackageVersionSpec fp a = void $ Toml.encodeToFile sourceMetaCodec fp a
data RevisionSpec = RevisionSpec
{ revisionTimestamp :: UTCTime,
revisionNumber :: Int
{ revisionTimestamp :: UTCTime
, revisionNumber :: Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ revisionMetaCodec :: TomlCodec RevisionSpec
revisionMetaCodec =
<$> timeCodec "timestamp"
.= revisionTimestamp
.= revisionTimestamp
<*> "number"
.= revisionNumber
.= revisionNumber
data DeprecationSpec = DeprecationSpec
{ deprecationTimestamp :: UTCTime,
-- | 'True' means the package version has been deprecated
-- 'False' means the package version has been undeprecated
-- FIXME: we should consider something better than 'Bool'
deprecationIsDeprecated :: Bool
{ deprecationTimestamp :: UTCTime
, deprecationIsDeprecated :: Bool
-- ^ 'True' means the package version has been deprecated
-- 'False' means the package version has been undeprecated
-- FIXME: we should consider something better than 'Bool'
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ deprecationMetaCodec :: TomlCodec DeprecationSpec
deprecationMetaCodec =
<$> timeCodec "timestamp"
.= deprecationTimestamp
.= deprecationTimestamp
<*> withDefault True (Toml.bool "deprecated")
.= deprecationIsDeprecated
.= deprecationIsDeprecated
timeCodec :: Toml.Key -> TomlCodec UTCTime
timeCodec key = Toml.dimap (utcToZonedTime utc) zonedTimeToUTC $ Toml.zonedTime key
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ latestRevisionNumber sm =
[] -> Nothing
rev : _ -> Just (revisionNumber rev)
withDefault :: Eq a => a -> TomlCodec a -> TomlCodec a
withDefault :: (Eq a) => a -> TomlCodec a -> TomlCodec a
withDefault d c = (fromMaybe d <$> Toml.dioptional c) .= f
f a = if a == d then Nothing else Just a
f a = if a == d then Nothing else Just a

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ instance ToJSON PackageVersionSource where
toJSON =
{ sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField,
omitNothingFields = True
{ sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField
, omitNothingFields = True
instance ToJSON URI where

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
module Foliage.Options
( parseCommand,
Command (..),
BuildOptions (..),
SignOptions (..),
ImportIndexOptions (..),
ImportFilter (..),
module Foliage.Options (
Command (..),
BuildOptions (..),
SignOptions (..),
ImportIndexOptions (..),
ImportFilter (..),
import Development.Shake.Classes (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ data SignOptions
deriving anyclass (Binary, Hashable, NFData)
data BuildOptions = BuildOptions
{ buildOptsSignOpts :: SignOptions,
buildOptsCurrentTime :: Maybe UTCTime,
buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn :: Maybe UTCTime,
buildOptsInputDir :: FilePath,
buildOptsOutputDir :: FilePath,
buildOptsNumThreads :: Int,
buildOptsWriteMetadata :: Bool
{ buildOptsSignOpts :: SignOptions
, buildOptsCurrentTime :: Maybe UTCTime
, buildOptsExpireSignaturesOn :: Maybe UTCTime
, buildOptsInputDir :: FilePath
, buildOptsOutputDir :: FilePath
, buildOptsNumThreads :: Int
, buildOptsWriteMetadata :: Bool
buildCommand :: Parser Command
@ -107,20 +107,20 @@ buildCommand =
<> showDefault
signOpts =
( SignOptsSignWithKeys
<$> strOption
( long "keys"
<> metavar "KEYS"
<> help "TUF keys location"
<> showDefault
<> value "_keys"
<|> ( SignOptsDon'tSign
<$ switch (long "no-signatures" <> help "Don't sign the repository")
signOpts =
( SignOptsSignWithKeys
<$> strOption
( long "keys"
<> metavar "KEYS"
<> help "TUF keys location"
<> showDefault
<> value "_keys"
<|> ( SignOptsDon'tSign
<$ switch (long "no-signatures" <> help "Don't sign the repository")
createKeysCommand :: Parser Command
createKeysCommand =

View File

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Foliage.Pages
( allPackagesPageTemplate,
module Foliage.Pages (
import Data.Aeson (KeyValue ((.=)), ToJSON, object)
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ makeIndexPage outputDir =
object []
data AllPackagesPageEntry = AllPackagesPageEntry
{ allPackagesPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier,
allPackagesPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
allPackagesPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime,
allPackagesPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource,
allPackagesPageEntryLatestRevisionTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime
{ allPackagesPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier
, allPackagesPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime
, allPackagesPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime
, allPackagesPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource
, allPackagesPageEntryLatestRevisionTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving (ToJSON) via MyAesonEncoding AllPackagesPageEntry
@ -63,47 +63,47 @@ makeAllPackagesPage currentTime outputDir packageVersions =
TL.writeFile (outputDir </> "all-packages" </> "index.html") $
renderMustache allPackagesPageTemplate $
object ["packages" .= packages]
packages =
-- group package versions by package name
& NE.groupBy ((==) `on` (pkgName . pkgId))
-- for each package name pick the most recent version
& map
( \group ->
-- sort them from the most recent version to the least recent
& NE.sortBy (comparing $ Down . pkgVersion . pkgId)
-- pick the most recent version
& NE.head
-- turn it into the template data
& ( \(PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, cabalFileRevisions, pkgVersionSource}) ->
{ allPackagesPageEntryPkgId = pkgId,
allPackagesPageEntryTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp,
allPackagesPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp),
allPackagesPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource,
allPackagesPageEntryLatestRevisionTimestamp = fst <$> listToMaybe cabalFileRevisions
-- sort packages by pkgId
& sortOn allPackagesPageEntryPkgId
packages =
-- group package versions by package name
& NE.groupBy ((==) `on` (pkgName . pkgId))
-- for each package name pick the most recent version
& map
( \group ->
-- sort them from the most recent version to the least recent
& NE.sortBy (comparing $ Down . pkgVersion . pkgId)
-- pick the most recent version
& NE.head
-- turn it into the template data
& ( \(PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, pkgTimestamp, cabalFileRevisions, pkgVersionSource}) ->
{ allPackagesPageEntryPkgId = pkgId
, allPackagesPageEntryTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp
, allPackagesPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp)
, allPackagesPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource
, allPackagesPageEntryLatestRevisionTimestamp = fst <$> listToMaybe cabalFileRevisions
-- sort packages by pkgId
& sortOn allPackagesPageEntryPkgId
-- FIXME: refactor this
data AllPackageVersionsPageEntry
= AllPackageVersionsPageEntryPackage
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime
, allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource :: PackageVersionSource
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
| AllPackageVersionsPageEntryRevision
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId :: PackageIdentifier
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix :: POSIXTime
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated :: Bool
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving (ToJSON) via MyAesonEncoding AllPackageVersionsPageEntry
@ -115,45 +115,45 @@ makeAllPackageVersionsPage currentTime outputDir packageVersions =
TL.writeFile (outputDir </> "all-package-versions" </> "index.html") $
renderMustache allPackageVersionsPageTemplate $
object ["entries" .= entries]
entries =
-- collect all cabal file revisions including the original cabal file
( \PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgVersionIsDeprecated, cabalFileRevisions} ->
-- original cabal file
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp),
allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
-- list of revisions
: [ AllPackageVersionsPageEntryRevision
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = revisionTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds revisionTimestamp,
allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
| (revisionTimestamp, _) <- cabalFileRevisions
-- sort them by timestamp
& sortOn (Down . allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp)
entries =
-- collect all cabal file revisions including the original cabal file
( \PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgVersionIsDeprecated, cabalFileRevisions} ->
-- original cabal file
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (fromMaybe currentTime pkgTimestamp)
, allPackageVersionsPageEntrySource = pkgVersionSource
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
-- list of revisions
: [ AllPackageVersionsPageEntryRevision
{ allPackageVersionsPageEntryPkgId = pkgId
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp = revisionTimestamp
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestampPosix = utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds revisionTimestamp
, allPackageVersionsPageEntryDeprecated = pkgVersionIsDeprecated
| (revisionTimestamp, _) <- cabalFileRevisions
-- sort them by timestamp
& sortOn (Down . allPackageVersionsPageEntryTimestamp)
makePackageVersionPage :: FilePath -> PreparedPackageVersion -> Action ()
makePackageVersionPage outputDir PreparedPackageVersion {pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgDesc, cabalFileRevisions, pkgVersionIsDeprecated} = do
makePackageVersionPage outputDir PreparedPackageVersion{pkgId, pkgTimestamp, pkgVersionSource, pkgDesc, cabalFileRevisions, pkgVersionIsDeprecated} = do
traced ("webpages / package / " ++ prettyShow pkgId) $ do
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (outputDir </> "package" </> prettyShow pkgId)
TL.writeFile (outputDir </> "package" </> prettyShow pkgId </> "index.html") $
renderMustache packageVersionPageTemplate $
[ "pkgVersionSource" .= pkgVersionSource,
"cabalFileRevisions" .= map fst cabalFileRevisions,
"pkgDesc" .= jsonGenericPackageDescription pkgDesc,
"pkgTimestamp" .= pkgTimestamp,
"pkgVersionDeprecated" .= pkgVersionIsDeprecated
[ "pkgVersionSource" .= pkgVersionSource
, "cabalFileRevisions" .= map fst cabalFileRevisions
, "pkgDesc" .= jsonGenericPackageDescription pkgDesc
, "pkgTimestamp" .= pkgTimestamp
, "pkgVersionDeprecated" .= pkgVersionIsDeprecated
indexPageTemplate :: Template

View File

@ -2,23 +2,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Foliage.PreparePackageVersion
( PreparedPackageVersion
( pkgId,
pattern PreparedPackageVersion,
module Foliage.PreparePackageVersion (
PreparedPackageVersion (
pattern PreparedPackageVersion,
import Control.Monad (unless)
@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeFileName, (<.>), (</>))
-- TODO: can we ensure that `pkgVersionDeprecationChanges` and `cabalFileRevisions` are
-- sorted by timestamp? e.g
data PreparedPackageVersion = PreparedPackageVersion
{ pkgId :: PackageId,
pkgTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime,
pkgVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource,
pkgVersionForce :: Bool,
pkgVersionIsDeprecated :: Bool,
pkgVersionDeprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, Bool)],
pkgDesc :: GenericPackageDescription,
sdistPath :: FilePath,
cabalFilePath :: FilePath,
originalCabalFilePath :: FilePath,
cabalFileRevisions :: [(UTCTime, FilePath)]
{ pkgId :: PackageId
, pkgTimestamp :: Maybe UTCTime
, pkgVersionSource :: PackageVersionSource
, pkgVersionForce :: Bool
, pkgVersionIsDeprecated :: Bool
, pkgVersionDeprecationChanges :: [(UTCTime, Bool)]
, pkgDesc :: GenericPackageDescription
, sdistPath :: FilePath
, cabalFilePath :: FilePath
, originalCabalFilePath :: FilePath
, cabalFileRevisions :: [(UTCTime, FilePath)]
-- @andreabedini comments:
@ -93,27 +93,27 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
let pkgId = PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVersion
pkgSpec <-
readPackageVersionSpec' (inputDir </> metaFile) >>= \meta@PackageVersionSpec {..} -> do
readPackageVersionSpec' (inputDir </> metaFile) >>= \meta@PackageVersionSpec{..} -> do
case (NE.nonEmpty packageVersionRevisions, packageVersionTimestamp) of
(Just _someRevisions, Nothing) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has cabal file revisions but the package has no timestamp.",
"This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the revisions."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has cabal file revisions but the package has no timestamp."
, "This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the revisions."
(Just (NE.sort -> someRevisions), Just ts)
-- WARN: this should really be a <=
| revisionTimestamp (NE.head someRevisions) < ts ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a revision with timestamp earlier than the package itself.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all revisions come after the package publication."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a revision with timestamp earlier than the package itself."
, "Adjust the timestamps so that all revisions come after the package publication."
| not (null $ duplicates (revisionTimestamp <$> someRevisions)) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two revisions entries with the same timestamp.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the revisions happen at a different time."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two revisions entries with the same timestamp."
, "Adjust the timestamps so that all the revisions happen at a different time."
_otherwise -> return ()
@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
(Just _someDeprecations, Nothing) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has deprecations but the package has no timestamp.",
"This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the deprecation."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has deprecations but the package has no timestamp."
, "This combination doesn't make sense. Either add a timestamp on the original package or remove the deprecation."
(Just (NE.sort -> someDeprecations), Just ts)
| deprecationTimestamp (NE.head someDeprecations) <= ts ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a deprecation entry with timestamp earlier (or equal) than the package itself.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations come after the package publication."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has a deprecation entry with timestamp earlier (or equal) than the package itself."
, "Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations come after the package publication."
| not (deprecationIsDeprecated (NE.head someDeprecations)) ->
error $
@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
| not (null $ duplicates (deprecationTimestamp <$> someDeprecations)) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two deprecation entries with the same timestamp.",
"Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations happen at a different time."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " has two deprecation entries with the same timestamp."
, "Adjust the timestamps so that all the (un-)deprecations happen at a different time."
| not (null $ doubleDeprecations someDeprecations) ->
error $
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " contains two consecutive deprecations or two consecutive un-deprecations.",
"Make sure deprecations and un-deprecations alternate in time."
[ inputDir </> metaFile <> " contains two consecutive deprecations or two consecutive un-deprecations."
, "Make sure deprecations and un-deprecations alternate in time."
_otherwise -> return ()
@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
cabalFileRevisionPath revisionNumber =
[ inputDir,
prettyShow pkgName,
prettyShow pkgVersion,
show revisionNumber
[ inputDir
, prettyShow pkgName
, prettyShow pkgVersion
, "revisions"
, show revisionNumber
<.> "cabal"
@ -178,47 +178,47 @@ preparePackageVersion inputDir metaFile = do
unless (takeFileName sdistPath == expectedSdistName) $ do
error $
[ "creating a source distribution for " ++ prettyShow pkgId ++ " has failed because",
"cabal has produced a source distribtion that does not match the expected file name:",
"actual: " ++ takeBaseName sdistPath,
"expected: " ++ expectedSdistName,
"possible cause: the package name and/or version implied by the metadata file path does not match what is contained in the cabal file",
"metadata file: " ++ metaFile,
"version in cabal file: " ++ prettyShow (Distribution.Types.PackageId.pkgVersion $ package $ packageDescription pkgDesc)
[ "creating a source distribution for " ++ prettyShow pkgId ++ " has failed because"
, "cabal has produced a source distribtion that does not match the expected file name:"
, "actual: " ++ takeBaseName sdistPath
, "expected: " ++ expectedSdistName
, "possible cause: the package name and/or version implied by the metadata file path does not match what is contained in the cabal file"
, "metadata file: " ++ metaFile
, "version in cabal file: " ++ prettyShow (Distribution.Types.PackageId.pkgVersion $ package $ packageDescription pkgDesc)
let cabalFileRevisions =
[ (revisionTimestamp, cabalFileRevisionPath revisionNumber)
| RevisionSpec {revisionTimestamp, revisionNumber} <- packageVersionRevisions pkgSpec
| RevisionSpec{revisionTimestamp, revisionNumber} <- packageVersionRevisions pkgSpec
let pkgVersionDeprecationChanges =
[ (deprecationTimestamp, deprecationIsDeprecated)
| DeprecationSpec {deprecationTimestamp, deprecationIsDeprecated} <- packageVersionDeprecations pkgSpec
| DeprecationSpec{deprecationTimestamp, deprecationIsDeprecated} <- packageVersionDeprecations pkgSpec
let pkgVersionIsDeprecated = maybe False snd $ listToMaybe pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
{ pkgId,
pkgTimestamp = packageVersionTimestamp pkgSpec,
pkgVersionSource = packageVersionSource pkgSpec,
pkgVersionForce = packageVersionForce pkgSpec,
{ pkgId
, pkgTimestamp = packageVersionTimestamp pkgSpec
, pkgVersionSource = packageVersionSource pkgSpec
, pkgVersionForce = packageVersionForce pkgSpec
, pkgVersionDeprecationChanges
, pkgVersionIsDeprecated
, pkgDesc
, sdistPath
, cabalFilePath
, originalCabalFilePath
, cabalFileRevisions
duplicates :: Ord a => NE.NonEmpty a -> [a]
duplicates :: (Ord a) => NE.NonEmpty a -> [a]
duplicates = mapMaybe (listToMaybe . NE.tail) .
doubleDeprecations :: NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec -> [NE.NonEmpty DeprecationSpec]

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.PrepareSdist
( prepareSdist,
module Foliage.PrepareSdist (
import Control.Monad (when)
@ -41,70 +41,70 @@ prepareSdist srcDir = apply1 $ PrepareSdistRule srcDir
addPrepareSdistRule :: Path Absolute -> Rules ()
addPrepareSdistRule outputDirRoot = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity run
run :: PrepareSdistRule -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult FilePath)
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesSame = do
let (hvExpected, path) = load old
run :: PrepareSdistRule -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult FilePath)
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesSame = do
let (hvExpected, path) = load old
-- Check of has of the sdist, if the sdist is still there and it is
-- indeed what we expect, signal that nothing changed. Otherwise
-- warn the user and proceed to recompute.
ehvExisting <- liftIO $ tryIOError $ readFileHashValue path
case ehvExisting of
Right hvExisting
| hvExisting == hvExpected ->
return RunResult {runChanged = ChangedNothing, runStore = old, runValue = path}
Right hvExisting -> do
putWarn $ "Changed " ++ path ++ " (expecting hash " ++ showHashValue hvExpected ++ " found " ++ showHashValue hvExisting ++ "). I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
Left _e -> do
putWarn $ "Unable to read " ++ path ++ ". I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) old _mode = do
-- create the sdist distribution
(hv, path) <- makeSdist srcDir
-- Check of has of the sdist, if the sdist is still there and it is
-- indeed what we expect, signal that nothing changed. Otherwise
-- warn the user and proceed to recompute.
ehvExisting <- liftIO $ tryIOError $ readFileHashValue path
case ehvExisting of
Right hvExisting
| hvExisting == hvExpected ->
return RunResult{runChanged = ChangedNothing, runStore = old, runValue = path}
Right hvExisting -> do
putWarn $ "Changed " ++ path ++ " (expecting hash " ++ showHashValue hvExpected ++ " found " ++ showHashValue hvExisting ++ "). I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
Left _e -> do
putWarn $ "Unable to read " ++ path ++ ". I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir) old _mode = do
-- create the sdist distribution
(hv, path) <- makeSdist srcDir
let new = save (hv, path)
let new = save (hv, path)
let changed = case fmap ((== hv) . fst . load) old of
Just True -> ChangedRecomputeSame
_differentOrMissing -> ChangedRecomputeDiff
let changed = case fmap ((== hv) . fst . load) old of
Just True -> ChangedRecomputeSame
_differentOrMissing -> ChangedRecomputeDiff
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeSame) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (same hash " ++ showHashValue hv ++ ")")
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeSame) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (same hash " ++ showHashValue hv ++ ")")
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeDiff) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (new hash " ++ showHashValue hv ++ ")")
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeDiff) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (new hash " ++ showHashValue hv ++ ")")
return $ RunResult {runChanged = changed, runStore = new, runValue = path}
return $ RunResult{runChanged = changed, runStore = new, runValue = path}
makeSdist srcDir = do
cabalFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["*.cabal"]
let cabalFile = case cabalFiles of
[f] -> f
fs ->
error $
[ "Invalid source directory: " ++ srcDir,
"It contains multiple cabal files, while only one is allowed",
unwords fs
makeSdist srcDir = do
cabalFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["*.cabal"]
let cabalFile = case cabalFiles of
[f] -> f
fs ->
error $
[ "Invalid source directory: " ++ srcDir
, "It contains multiple cabal files, while only one is allowed"
, unwords fs
traced "cabal sdist" $ do
gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.normal (srcDir </> cabalFile)
let pkgId = packageId gpd
packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId
path = toFilePath $ anchorRepoPathLocally outputDirRoot packagePath
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
sdist <- packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal gpd srcDir
BSL.writeFile path sdist
return (SHA256.hashlazy sdist, path)
traced "cabal sdist" $ do
gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.normal (srcDir </> cabalFile)
let pkgId = packageId gpd
packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId
path = toFilePath $ anchorRepoPathLocally outputDirRoot packagePath
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
sdist <- packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal gpd srcDir
BSL.writeFile path sdist
return (SHA256.hashlazy sdist, path)
save :: (BS.ByteString, FilePath) -> BS.ByteString
save = BSL.toStrict . Binary.encode
save :: (BS.ByteString, FilePath) -> BS.ByteString
save = BSL.toStrict . Binary.encode
load :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, FilePath)
load = Binary.decode . BSL.fromStrict
load :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, FilePath)
load = Binary.decode . BSL.fromStrict
readFileHashValue :: FilePath -> IO BS.ByteString
readFileHashValue = fmap SHA256.hash . BS.readFile

View File

@ -40,83 +40,83 @@ prepareSource pkgId pkgMeta = apply1 $ PrepareSourceRule pkgId pkgMeta
addPrepareSourceRule :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Rules ()
addPrepareSourceRule inputDir cacheDir = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity run
run :: PrepareSourceRule -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult FilePath)
run (PrepareSourceRule pkgId pkgMeta) _old mode = do
let PackageIdentifier {pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
let PackageVersionSpec {packageVersionSource, packageVersionForce} = pkgMeta
let srcDir = cacheDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion
run :: PrepareSourceRule -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult FilePath)
run (PrepareSourceRule pkgId pkgMeta) _old mode = do
let PackageIdentifier{pkgName, pkgVersion} = pkgId
let PackageVersionSpec{packageVersionSource, packageVersionForce} = pkgMeta
let srcDir = cacheDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion
case mode of
RunDependenciesSame ->
return $ RunResult ChangedNothing BS.empty srcDir
RunDependenciesChanged -> do
-- FIXME too much rework?
-- this action only depends on the tarball and the package metadata
case mode of
RunDependenciesSame ->
return $ RunResult ChangedNothing BS.empty srcDir
RunDependenciesChanged -> do
-- FIXME too much rework?
-- this action only depends on the tarball and the package metadata
-- delete everything inside the package source tree
liftIO $ do
-- FIXME this should only delete inside srcDir but apparently
-- also deletes srcDir itself
removeFiles srcDir ["//*"]
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True srcDir
-- delete everything inside the package source tree
liftIO $ do
-- FIXME this should only delete inside srcDir but apparently
-- also deletes srcDir itself
removeFiles srcDir ["//*"]
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True srcDir
case packageVersionSource of
TarballSource url mSubdir -> do
tarballPath <- fetchRemoteAsset url
case packageVersionSource of
TarballSource url mSubdir -> do
tarballPath <- fetchRemoteAsset url
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ "tar xzf" [tarballPath] "-C" [tmpDir]
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ "tar xzf" [tarballPath] "-C" [tmpDir]
-- Special treatment of top-level directory: we remove it
-- Note: Don't let shake look into tmpDir! it will cause
-- unnecessary rework because tmpDir is always new
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
-- Special treatment of top-level directory: we remove it
-- Note: Don't let shake look into tmpDir! it will cause
-- unnecessary rework because tmpDir is always new
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
let fix1 = case ls' of [l] -> (</> l); _ -> id
fix2 = case mSubdir of Just s -> (</> s); _ -> id
tdir = fix2 $ fix1 tmpDir
let fix1 = case ls' of [l] -> (</> l); _ -> id
fix2 = case mSubdir of Just s -> (</> s); _ -> id
tdir = fix2 $ fix1 tmpDir
cmd_ "cp --recursive --no-target-directory --dereference" [tdir, srcDir]
-- This is almost identical to the above but we get to keep the
-- metadata.
GitHubSource repo rev mSubdir -> do
let url = githubRepoTarballUrl repo rev
cmd_ "cp --recursive --no-target-directory --dereference" [tdir, srcDir]
-- This is almost identical to the above but we get to keep the
-- metadata.
GitHubSource repo rev mSubdir -> do
let url = githubRepoTarballUrl repo rev
tarballPath <- fetchRemoteAsset url
tarballPath <- fetchRemoteAsset url
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ "tar xzf" [tarballPath] "-C" [tmpDir]
withTempDir $ \tmpDir -> do
cmd_ "tar xzf" [tarballPath] "-C" [tmpDir]
-- Special treatment of top-level directory: we remove it
-- Note: Don't let shake look into tmpDir! it will cause
-- unnecessary rework because tmpDir is always new
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
-- Special treatment of top-level directory: we remove it
-- Note: Don't let shake look into tmpDir! it will cause
-- unnecessary rework because tmpDir is always new
ls <- liftIO $ IO.getDirectoryContents tmpDir
let ls' = filter (not . all (== '.')) ls
let fix1 = case ls' of [l] -> (</> l); _ -> id
fix2 = case mSubdir of Just s -> (</> s); _ -> id
tdir = fix2 $ fix1 tmpDir
let fix1 = case ls' of [l] -> (</> l); _ -> id
fix2 = case mSubdir of Just s -> (</> s); _ -> id
tdir = fix2 $ fix1 tmpDir
cmd_ "cp --recursive --no-target-directory --dereference" [tdir, srcDir]
cmd_ "cp --recursive --no-target-directory --dereference" [tdir, srcDir]
let patchesDir = inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "patches"
hasPatches <- doesDirectoryExist patchesDir
let patchesDir = inputDir </> unPackageName pkgName </> prettyShow pkgVersion </> "patches"
hasPatches <- doesDirectoryExist patchesDir
when hasPatches $ do
patchfiles <- getDirectoryFiles patchesDir ["*.patch"]
for_ patchfiles $ \patchfile -> do
let patch = patchesDir </> patchfile
cmd_ Shell (Cwd srcDir) (FileStdin patch) "patch -p1"
when hasPatches $ do
patchfiles <- getDirectoryFiles patchesDir ["*.patch"]
for_ patchfiles $ \patchfile -> do
let patch = patchesDir </> patchfile
cmd_ Shell (Cwd srcDir) (FileStdin patch) "patch -p1"
when packageVersionForce $ do
let cabalFilePath = srcDir </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal"
putInfo $ "Updating version in cabal file" ++ cabalFilePath
liftIO $ rewritePackageVersion cabalFilePath pkgVersion
when packageVersionForce $ do
let cabalFilePath = srcDir </> unPackageName pkgName <.> "cabal"
putInfo $ "Updating version in cabal file" ++ cabalFilePath
liftIO $ rewritePackageVersion cabalFilePath pkgVersion
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff BS.empty srcDir
return $ RunResult ChangedRecomputeDiff BS.empty srcDir

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.RemoteAsset
( fetchRemoteAsset,
module Foliage.RemoteAsset (
import Control.Monad
@ -38,32 +38,32 @@ fetchRemoteAsset = apply1 . RemoteAsset
addFetchRemoteAssetRule :: FilePath -> Rules ()
addFetchRemoteAssetRule cacheDir = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity run
run :: BuiltinRun RemoteAsset FilePath
run (RemoteAsset uri) old _mode = do
unless (uriQuery uri == "") $
error ("Query elements in URI are not supported: " <> show uri)
run :: BuiltinRun RemoteAsset FilePath
run (RemoteAsset uri) old _mode = do
unless (uriQuery uri == "") $
error ("Query elements in URI are not supported: " <> show uri)
unless (uriFragment uri == "") $
error ("Fragments in URI are not supported: " <> show uri)
unless (uriFragment uri == "") $
error ("Fragments in URI are not supported: " <> show uri)
let scheme = dropWhileEnd (not . isAlpha) $ uriScheme uri
let scheme = dropWhileEnd (not . isAlpha) $ uriScheme uri
let host = maybe (error $ "invalid uri " ++ show uri) uriRegName (uriAuthority uri)
let host = maybe (error $ "invalid uri " ++ show uri) uriRegName (uriAuthority uri)
let path = cacheDir </> joinPath (scheme : host : pathSegments uri)
let path = cacheDir </> joinPath (scheme : host : pathSegments uri)
-- parse etag from store
let oldETag = fromMaybe BS.empty old
-- parse etag from store
let oldETag = fromMaybe BS.empty old
newETag <-
withTempFile $ \etagFile -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
liftIO $ BS.writeFile etagFile oldETag
actionRetry 5 $ runCurl uri path etagFile
newETag <-
withTempFile $ \etagFile -> do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
liftIO $ BS.writeFile etagFile oldETag
actionRetry 5 $ runCurl uri path etagFile
let changed = if newETag == oldETag then ChangedRecomputeSame else ChangedRecomputeDiff
return $ RunResult {runChanged = changed, runStore = newETag, runValue = path}
let changed = if newETag == oldETag then ChangedRecomputeSame else ChangedRecomputeDiff
return $ RunResult{runChanged = changed, runStore = newETag, runValue = path}
runCurl :: URI -> String -> String -> Action ETag
runCurl uri path etagFile = do
@ -71,31 +71,31 @@ runCurl uri path etagFile = do
traced "curl" $
[ "curl",
-- Silent or quiet mode. Do not show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute.
-- Fail fast with no output at all on server errors.
-- If the server reports that the requested page has moved to a different location this
[ "curl"
, -- Silent or quiet mode. Do not show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute.
, -- Fail fast with no output at all on server errors.
, -- If the server reports that the requested page has moved to a different location this
-- option will make curl redo the request on the new place.
-- NOTE: This is needed because github always replies with a redirect
-- This option makes a conditional HTTP request for the specific ETag read from the
, -- This option makes a conditional HTTP request for the specific ETag read from the
-- given file by sending a custom If-None-Match header using the stored ETag.
-- For correct results, make sure that the specified file contains only a single line
-- with the desired ETag. An empty file is parsed as an empty ETag.
-- This option saves an HTTP ETag to the specified file. If no ETag is sent by the server,
, etagFile
, -- This option saves an HTTP ETag to the specified file. If no ETag is sent by the server,
-- an empty file is created.
-- Write output to <file> instead of stdout.
-- URL to fetch
, etagFile
, -- Write output to <file> instead of stdout.
, path
, "--write-out"
, "%{json}"
, -- URL to fetch
show uri
case exitCode of
@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ runCurl uri path etagFile = do
Left err ->
error $
[ "curl failed with return code " ++ show c ++ " while fetching " ++ show uri,
"Error while reading curl diagnostic: " ++ err
[ "curl failed with return code " ++ show c ++ " while fetching " ++ show uri
, "Error while reading curl diagnostic: " ++ err
-- We can consider displaying different messages based on some fields (e.g. response_code)
Right CurlWriteOut {errormsg} ->
Right CurlWriteOut{errormsg} ->
error errormsg
type ETag = BS.ByteString

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module Foliage.Shake
( computeFileInfoSimple',
module Foliage.Shake (
import Data.Traversable (for)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Foliage.Time
( iso8601ParseM,
UTCTime (..),
module Foliage.Time (
UTCTime (..),
import Data.Time

View File

@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import Distribution.Types.Lens
import Distribution.Types.Version
import Distribution.Verbosity
rewritePackageVersion ::
-- | path to @.cabal@ file
FilePath ->
-- | new version
Version ->
IO ()
:: FilePath
-- ^ path to @.cabal@ file
-> Version
-- ^ new version
-> IO ()
rewritePackageVersion cabalPath ver = do
gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription normal cabalPath
writeGenericPackageDescription cabalPath (set (packageDescription . package . pkgVersion) ver gpd)

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ newtype MyAesonEncoding a = MyAesonEncoding a
myOptions :: Options
myOptions =
{ sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField,
omitNothingFields = True
{ sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField
, omitNothingFields = True
instance (Generic a, GToJSON' Value Zero (Rep a), GToJSON' Encoding Zero (Rep a)) => ToJSON (MyAesonEncoding a) where

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Foliage.Utils.GitHub
( githubRepoTarballUrl,
module Foliage.Utils.GitHub (
import Data.Text qualified as T
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import System.FilePath ((</>))
githubRepoTarballUrl :: GitHubRepo -> GitHubRev -> URI
githubRepoTarballUrl repo rev =
{ uriScheme = "https:",
uriAuthority = Just nullURIAuth {uriRegName = ""},
uriPath = "/" </> T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> "tarball" </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev)
{ uriScheme = "https:"
, uriAuthority = Just nullURIAuth{uriRegName = ""}
, uriPath = "/" </> T.unpack (unGitHubRepo repo) </> "tarball" </> T.unpack (unGitHubRev rev)

fourmolu.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Number of spaces per indentation step
indentation: 2
# Max line length for automatic line breaking
column-limit: none
# Styling of arrows in type signatures (choices: trailing, leading, or leading-args)
function-arrows: leading
# How to place commas in multi-line lists, records, etc. (choices: leading or trailing)
comma-style: leading
# Styling of import/export lists (choices: leading, trailing, or diff-friendly)
import-export-style: diff-friendly
# Whether to full-indent or half-indent 'where' bindings past the preceding body
indent-wheres: false
# Whether to leave a space before an opening record brace
record-brace-space: false
# Number of spaces between top-level declarations
newlines-between-decls: 1
# How to print Haddock comments (choices: single-line, multi-line, or multi-line-compact)
haddock-style: multi-line
# How to print module docstring
haddock-style-module: null
# Styling of let blocks (choices: auto, inline, newline, or mixed)
let-style: auto
# How to align the 'in' keyword with respect to the 'let' keyword (choices: left-align, right-align, or no-space)
in-style: right-align
# Whether to put parentheses around a single constraint (choices: auto, always, or never)
single-constraint-parens: always
# Output Unicode syntax (choices: detect, always, or never)
unicode: never
# Give the programmer more choice on where to insert blank lines
respectful: true
# Fixity information for operators
fixities: []
# Module reexports Fourmolu should know about
reexports: []