Another go at the dependencies

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Bedini 2023-05-31 22:31:56 +08:00
parent c9d3a0bbb9
commit dce8dade86
2 changed files with 86 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -17,9 +16,10 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as Key
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as CL8
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion
import Distribution.Compat.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Distribution.Compat.Newtype
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Distribution.Fields
import Distribution.ModuleName hiding (fromString)
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe)
import Distribution.Pretty
import Distribution.Types.Version
import Distribution.Types.VersionRange
@ -37,12 +38,11 @@ import Distribution.Utils.Path
import Distribution.Utils.ShortText qualified as ST
import Language.Haskell.Extension
-- Note: this JSONFieldGrammar is not quite general purpose.
-- Note: this JSONFieldGrammar is not general purpose.
-- To help with the rendering of conditional dependencies, here we "push"
-- all the conditionals down.
-- So while the build-dependencies in a GenericPackageDescription could
-- be represented as:
-- all the conditionals down. So while the build-dependencies in a
-- GenericPackageDescription could be represented as:
-- {
-- "build-depends": ["a", "b", "c"],
@ -54,80 +54,75 @@ import Language.Haskell.Extension
-- }]
-- }
-- we decide to represent them as
-- we represent them as
-- {
-- "build-depends": [
-- "a",
-- "b",
-- "c",
-- { "if": "os(darwin)", "then": "d" }
-- ]
-- }
-- [ { "build-depends": [ "a", "b", "c" ] }
-- , { "if": "os(darwin)", "build-depends": ["d"]}
-- ]
-- Note: we also pretty-print the condition.
-- Note: It's a hodgepodge.
newtype JSONFieldGrammar s a = JsonFG
{ runJSONFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> [Condition ConfVar] -> s -> [Pair]
{ runJSONFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> s -> [Pair]
deriving (Functor)
type JSONFieldGrammar' s = JSONFieldGrammar s s
jsonFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> [Condition ConfVar] -> JSONFieldGrammar s a -> s -> [Pair]
jsonFieldGrammar v cs fg = runJSONFieldGrammar fg v cs
jsonFieldGrammar :: CabalSpecVersion -> JSONFieldGrammar s a -> s -> [Pair]
jsonFieldGrammar v fg = runJSONFieldGrammar fg v
instance Applicative (JSONFieldGrammar s) where
pure _ = JsonFG (\_ _ _ -> mempty)
JsonFG f <*> JsonFG x = JsonFG (\v cs s -> f v cs s <> x v cs s)
pure _ = JsonFG (\_ _ -> mempty)
JsonFG f <*> JsonFG x = JsonFG (\v s -> f v s <> x v s)
instance FieldGrammar ToJSON JSONFieldGrammar where
blurFieldGrammar :: ALens' a b -> JSONFieldGrammar b d -> JSONFieldGrammar a d
blurFieldGrammar f (JsonFG fg) = JsonFG $ \v cs ->
fg v cs . aview f
blurFieldGrammar f (JsonFG fg) = JsonFG $ \v ->
fg v . aview f
uniqueFieldAla :: (ToJSON b, Newtype a b) => FieldName -> (a -> b) -> ALens' s a -> JSONFieldGrammar s a
uniqueFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_v cs ->
jsonField cs fn . toJSON . pack' _pack . aview l
uniqueFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_v ->
jsonField fn . toJSON . pack' _pack . aview l
booleanFieldDef :: FieldName -> ALens' s Bool -> Bool -> JSONFieldGrammar s Bool
booleanFieldDef fn l def = JsonFG $ \_v cs s ->
booleanFieldDef fn l def = JsonFG $ \_v s ->
let b = aview l s
in if b == def
then mempty
else jsonField cs fn (toJSON b)
else jsonField fn (toJSON b)
optionalFieldAla :: (ToJSON b, Newtype a b) => FieldName -> (a -> b) -> ALens' s (Maybe a) -> JSONFieldGrammar s (Maybe a)
optionalFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_ cs s ->
optionalFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_ s ->
case aview l s of
Nothing -> mempty
Just a -> jsonField cs fn (toJSON (pack' _pack a))
Just a -> jsonField fn (toJSON (pack' _pack a))
optionalFieldDefAla :: (ToJSON b, Newtype a b, Eq a) => FieldName -> (a -> b) -> ALens' s a -> a -> JSONFieldGrammar s a
optionalFieldDefAla fn _pack l def = JsonFG $ \_ cs s ->
optionalFieldDefAla fn _pack l def = JsonFG $ \_ s ->
let x = aview l s
in if x == def
then mempty
else jsonField cs fn (toJSON (pack' _pack x))
else jsonField fn (toJSON (pack' _pack x))
freeTextField :: FieldName -> ALens' s (Maybe String) -> JSONFieldGrammar s (Maybe String)
freeTextField fn l = JsonFG $ \_v cs s ->
maybe mempty (jsonField cs fn . toJSON) (aview l s)
freeTextField fn l = JsonFG $ \_v s ->
maybe mempty (jsonField fn . toJSON) (aview l s)
freeTextFieldDef :: FieldName -> ALens' s String -> JSONFieldGrammar s String
freeTextFieldDef fn l = JsonFG $ \_v cs ->
jsonField cs fn . toJSON . aview l
freeTextFieldDef fn l = JsonFG $ \_v ->
jsonField fn . toJSON . aview l
freeTextFieldDefST :: FieldName -> ALens' s ST.ShortText -> JSONFieldGrammar s ST.ShortText
freeTextFieldDefST = defaultFreeTextFieldDefST
monoidalFieldAla :: (ToJSON b, Monoid a, Newtype a b) => FieldName -> (a -> b) -> ALens' s a -> JSONFieldGrammar s a
monoidalFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_v cs ->
jsonField cs fn . toJSON . pack' _pack . aview l
monoidalFieldAla fn _pack l = JsonFG $ \_v ->
jsonField fn . toJSON . pack' _pack . aview l
prefixedFields :: FieldName -> ALens' s [(String, String)] -> JSONFieldGrammar s [(String, String)]
prefixedFields _fnPfx l = JsonFG $ \_v _cs s ->
[Key.fromString n .= v | (n, v) <- aview l s]
prefixedFields fnPfx l = JsonFG $ \_v s ->
[Key.fromString (fromUTF8BS fnPfx <> n) .= v | (n, v) <- aview l s]
knownField :: FieldName -> JSONFieldGrammar s ()
knownField _ = pure ()
@ -144,15 +139,12 @@ instance FieldGrammar ToJSON JSONFieldGrammar where
hiddenField _ = JsonFG (const mempty)
jsonField :: [Condition ConfVar] -> FieldName -> Value -> [Pair]
jsonField cs fn v
jsonField :: FieldName -> Value -> [Pair]
jsonField fn v
| v == emptyArray = mempty
| v == emptyString = mempty
| null cs = [Key.fromString (fromUTF8BS fn) .= v]
| otherwise = [Key.fromString (fromUTF8BS fn) .= v']
| otherwise = [Key.fromString (fromUTF8BS fn) .= v]
v' = object ["if" .= showCondition (foldl1' cAnd cs), "then" .= v]
-- Should be added to aeson
emptyString :: Value
emptyString = String ""
@ -179,7 +171,7 @@ jsonGenericPackageDescription' v gpd =
jsonPackageDescription :: CabalSpecVersion -> PackageDescription -> [Pair]
jsonPackageDescription v pd@PackageDescription {sourceRepos, setupBuildInfo} =
jsonFieldGrammar v [] packageDescriptionFieldGrammar pd
jsonFieldGrammar v packageDescriptionFieldGrammar pd
<> jsonSourceRepos v sourceRepos
<> jsonSetupBuildInfo v setupBuildInfo
@ -189,11 +181,11 @@ jsonSourceRepos v =
jsonSourceRepo :: CabalSpecVersion -> SourceRepo -> Value
jsonSourceRepo v repo@SourceRepo {repoKind} =
object $ jsonFieldGrammar v [] (sourceRepoFieldGrammar repoKind) repo
object $ jsonFieldGrammar v (sourceRepoFieldGrammar repoKind) repo
jsonSetupBuildInfo :: CabalSpecVersion -> Maybe SetupBuildInfo -> [Pair]
jsonSetupBuildInfo v =
concatMap (\sbi -> ["custom-setup" .= jsonFieldGrammar v [] (setupBInfoFieldGrammar False) sbi])
concatMap (\sbi -> ["custom-setup" .= jsonFieldGrammar v (setupBInfoFieldGrammar False) sbi])
jsonGenPackageFlags :: CabalSpecVersion -> [PackageFlag] -> [Pair]
jsonGenPackageFlags v =
@ -201,11 +193,11 @@ jsonGenPackageFlags v =
jsonFlag :: CabalSpecVersion -> PackageFlag -> Pair
jsonFlag v flag@(MkPackageFlag name _ _ _) =
Key.fromString (unFlagName name) .= object (jsonFieldGrammar v [] (flagFieldGrammar name) flag)
Key.fromString (unFlagName name) .= object (jsonFieldGrammar v (flagFieldGrammar name) flag)
jsonCondLibrary :: CabalSpecVersion -> Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) -> [Pair]
jsonCondLibrary v =
concatMap (\condTree -> ["library" .= object (jsonCondTree v (libraryFieldGrammar LMainLibName) condTree)])
concatMap (\condTree -> ["library" .= jsonCondTree v (libraryFieldGrammar LMainLibName) condTree])
jsonCondSubLibraries :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)] -> [Pair]
jsonCondSubLibraries v =
@ -213,8 +205,7 @@ jsonCondSubLibraries v =
jsonSubLibrary :: CabalSpecVersion -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library) -> Value
jsonSubLibrary v (n, condTree) =
withName (unUnqualComponentName n) $
jsonCondTree v (libraryFieldGrammar $ LSubLibName n) condTree
named (unUnqualComponentName n) $ jsonCondTree v (libraryFieldGrammar $ LSubLibName n) condTree
jsonCondForeignLibs :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] ForeignLib)] -> [Pair]
jsonCondForeignLibs v =
@ -222,8 +213,7 @@ jsonCondForeignLibs v =
jsonForeignLibrary :: CabalSpecVersion -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] ForeignLib) -> Value
jsonForeignLibrary v (n, condTree) =
withName (unUnqualComponentName n) $
jsonCondTree v (foreignLibFieldGrammar n) condTree
named (unUnqualComponentName n) $ jsonCondTree v (foreignLibFieldGrammar n) condTree
jsonCondExecutables :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] -> [Pair]
jsonCondExecutables v =
@ -231,8 +221,7 @@ jsonCondExecutables v =
jsonCondExecutable :: CabalSpecVersion -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable) -> Value
jsonCondExecutable v (n, condTree) =
withName (unUnqualComponentName n) $
jsonCondTree v (executableFieldGrammar n) condTree
named (unUnqualComponentName n) $ jsonCondTree v (executableFieldGrammar n) condTree
jsonCondTestSuites :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] -> [Pair]
jsonCondTestSuites v =
@ -240,8 +229,7 @@ jsonCondTestSuites v =
jsonCondTestSuite :: CabalSpecVersion -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite) -> Value
jsonCondTestSuite v (n, condTree) =
withName (unUnqualComponentName n) $
jsonCondTree v testSuiteFieldGrammar (fmap unvalidateTestSuite condTree)
named (unUnqualComponentName n) $ jsonCondTree v testSuiteFieldGrammar (fmap unvalidateTestSuite condTree)
jsonCondBenchmarks :: CabalSpecVersion -> [(UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] -> [Pair]
jsonCondBenchmarks v =
@ -249,29 +237,42 @@ jsonCondBenchmarks v =
jsonCondBenchmark :: CabalSpecVersion -> (UnqualComponentName, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark) -> Value
jsonCondBenchmark v (n, condTree) =
withName (unUnqualComponentName n) $
jsonCondTree v benchmarkFieldGrammar (fmap unvalidateBenchmark condTree)
named (unUnqualComponentName n) $ jsonCondTree v benchmarkFieldGrammar (fmap unvalidateBenchmark condTree)
jsonCondTree :: forall s. CabalSpecVersion -> JSONFieldGrammar' s -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] s -> [Pair]
jsonCondTree v grammar = go []
jsonCondTree :: forall a. CabalSpecVersion -> JSONFieldGrammar' a -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> Value
jsonCondTree v grammar = toJSON . go . fmap fst . conv
go cs (CondNode it _ ifs) =
KeyMap.toList $ foldr merge (KeyMap.fromList $ jsonFieldGrammar v cs grammar it) $ concatMap (jsonIf cs) ifs
go (CondFlat a ifs) =
KeyMap.fromListWith (<>) $
second (: [])
<$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a ++ concatMap (\(cv, a') -> second (ifc cv) <$> jsonFieldGrammar v grammar a') ifs
jsonIf :: [Condition ConfVar] -> CondBranch ConfVar c s -> [Pair]
jsonIf cs (CondBranch c thenTree Nothing) =
go (c : cs) thenTree
jsonIf cs (CondBranch c thenTree (Just elseTree)) =
go (c : cs) thenTree ++ go (cNot c : cs) elseTree
ifc cv a = object ["if" .= showCondition cv, "then" .= a]
merge :: Pair -> KeyMap.KeyMap Value -> KeyMap.KeyMap Value
merge = uncurry $ KeyMap.insertWith $ \new ->
(Array a) -> Array (a `V.snoc` new)
old -> Array (V.fromList [old, new])
data CondFlat v a = CondFlat a [(Condition v, a)]
deriving (Show, Functor)
withName :: (ToJSON v) => v -> [Pair] -> Value
withName n s = object $ ("name" .= n) : s
conv :: forall v c a. CondTree v c a -> CondFlat v (a, c)
conv = goNode
goNode (CondNode a c ifs) =
CondFlat (a, c) (concatMap goBranch ifs)
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree Nothing) =
let (CondFlat a ifs) = goNode thenTree
in (cond, a) : fmap (first (cond `cAnd`)) ifs
goBranch (CondBranch cond thenTree (Just elseTree)) =
let (CondFlat a1 ifs1) = goNode thenTree
(CondFlat a2 ifs2) = goNode elseTree
in (cond, a1)
: (first (cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs1)
++ (cNot cond, a2)
: (first (cNot cond `cAnd`) <$> ifs2)
test :: FilePath -> IO ()
test fn = do
Just gpd <- parseGenericPackageDescriptionMaybe <$> BS.readFile fn
CL8.putStrLn $ encode $ jsonGenericPackageDescription gpd
showCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> String
showCondition (Var x) = showConfVar x
@ -289,6 +290,9 @@ showConfVar (Impl c v) = "impl(" <> prettyShow c <> " " <> prettyShow v <> ")"
showIfCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> String
showIfCondition c = "if " <> showCondition c
named :: String -> Value -> Value
named n s = object ["name" .= n, "desc" .= s]
newtype ViaPretty a = ViaPretty a
instance (Pretty a) => ToJSON (ViaPretty a) where

View File

@ -100,31 +100,31 @@
<dt>library {{name}}:</dt>
{{> dependencies}}
{{#desc}}{{> dependencies}}{{/desc}}
<dt>foreign library {{name}}:</dt>
{{> dependencies}}
{{#desc}}{{> dependencies}}{{/desc}}
<dt>executable {{name}}:</dt>
{{> dependencies}}
{{#desc}}{{> dependencies}}{{/desc}}
<dt>test-suite {{name}}:</dt>
{{> dependencies}}
{{#desc}}{{> dependencies}}{{/desc}}
<dt>benchmark {{name}}:</dt>
{{> dependencies}}
{{#desc}}{{> dependencies}}{{/desc}}