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synced 2024-12-02 07:54:45 +03:00
149 lines
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149 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Foliage.Config (Config (..), Source (..), readConfig)
import Foliage.Options (Options (..), parseOptions)
import Foliage.RepoToolWrapper
import Shelly
import System.FilePath (replaceDirectory, stripExtension, takeFileName)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
cabal :: Text -> [Text] -> Sh ()
cabal = command1_ "cabal" []
main :: IO ()
main = do
Options {optionsConfig} <- parseOptions
eConfig <- readConfig optionsConfig
case eConfig of
Left e ->
hPutStrLn stderr e
Right config ->
makeRepository (configSources config)
makeRepository :: MonadIO m => [Source] -> m ()
makeRepository sources = shelly $ do
outDir <- absPath "_repo"
idxDir <- absPath "_repo/index"
pkgDir <- absPath "_repo/package"
-- clean repository directory
rm_rf outDir
mkdir outDir
mkdir pkgDir
keysDir <- absPath "_keys"
ensureKeys keysDir
forM_ sources $ processSource pkgDir
echo "Bootstrapping repository"
liftIO $ bootstrapRepo keysDir outDir
revisions <-
fmap catMaybes $ do
pkgs <- ls pkgDir
forM pkgs $ \pkg -> do
let Just pkgId = stripExtension ".tar.gz" pkg
let revisionPath = replaceDirectory (pkgId <.> "cabal") "revisions"
hasRevision <- test_e revisionPath
return $
if hasRevision
then Just revisionPath
else Nothing
forM_ revisions $ \revisionFilePath -> do
let Just pkgId = stripExtension ".cabal" $ takeFileName revisionFilePath
let (pn, pv) = parsePkgId (toTextIgnore pkgId)
let cabalFilePath = idxDir </> pn </> pv </> (pn <.> "cabal")
echo $ toTextIgnore cabalFilePath
echo $ "Adopting revision " <> toTextIgnore revisionFilePath
cp revisionFilePath cabalFilePath
unless (null revisions) $ do
echo "Updating index after applying revisions"
liftIO $ updateRepo keysDir outDir
echo $ "Hackage repository built in " <> toTextIgnore outDir
parsePkgId :: Text -> (Text, Text)
parsePkgId t = (T.init pn, pv)
(pn, pv) = T.breakOnEnd "-" t
ensureKeys :: FilePath -> Sh ()
ensureKeys keysDir = do
b <- test_d keysDir
if b
then echo $ "Using existing keys in " <> toTextIgnore keysDir
else do
mKeys <- get_env "KEYS"
case mKeys of
Just _keys -> do
echo "Using keys from environment"
bash_ "echo \"$KEYS\" | base64 -d | tar xz" []
Nothing -> do
echo $ "Creating new repository keys in " <> toTextIgnore keysDir
liftIO $ createKeys keysDir
processSource :: FilePath -> Source -> Sh ()
processSource pkgDir (Source url subdirs) = do
echo $ "Processing " <> url
withTmpDir $ \tmpDir -> do
bash_ "curl" ["--silent", "-L", url, " | tar xz -C ", toTextIgnore tmpDir]
dir <- skipSingleDirectory tmpDir
chdir dir $ do
case subdirs of
[] ->
sdistWithProtection pkgDir
_ ->
forM_ subdirs $ \subdir ->
chdir (fromText subdir) $
sdistWithProtection pkgDir
sdistWithProtection :: FilePath -> Sh ()
sdistWithProtection pkgDir =
withTmpDir $ \tmpDir -> do
print_stdout False $ cabal "sdist" ["-o", toTextIgnore tmpDir]
[sdistPath] <- ls tmpDir
let destPath = replaceDirectory sdistPath pkgDir
-- this is a bit rude
False <- test_e destPath
echo $ "written " <> toTextIgnore destPath
cp sdistPath destPath
removeCabalProjectFiles :: Sh ()
removeCabalProjectFiles = do
cpfs <- findWhen (\p -> pure $ "./cabal.project" `isPrefixOf` p) "."
forM_ cpfs $ \p -> do
echo $ "removing " <> toTextIgnore p
rm p
skipSingleDirectory :: FilePath -> Sh FilePath
skipSingleDirectory dir = do
es <- ls dir
case es of
[e] -> do
b <- test_d e
return $
if b
then dir </> e
else dir
_ -> return dir