Andrea Bedini 3769268895 WIP
2023-05-30 16:40:14 +08:00

108 lines
4.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Foliage.PrepareSdist
( prepareSdist,
import Control.Monad (when)
import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 qualified as SHA256
import Data.Binary qualified as Binary
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BSL
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.Rule
import Distribution.Client.SrcDist (packageDirToSdist)
import Distribution.Package (packageId)
import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Verbosity qualified as Verbosity
import Foliage.HackageSecurity
import Foliage.Meta ()
import Foliage.Meta.Hash
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path (toFilePath)
import System.Directory qualified as IO
import System.IO.Error (tryIOError)
data PrepareSdistRule = PrepareSdistRule FilePath (Maybe SHA256)
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (Hashable, Binary, NFData)
type instance RuleResult PrepareSdistRule = FilePath
prepareSdist :: FilePath -> Maybe SHA256 -> Action FilePath
prepareSdist srcDir mHash = apply1 $ PrepareSdistRule srcDir mHash
addPrepareSdistRule :: Path Absolute -> Rules ()
addPrepareSdistRule outputDirRoot = addBuiltinRule noLint noIdentity run
run :: PrepareSdistRule -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> RunMode -> Action (RunResult FilePath)
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir mHash) (Just old) RunDependenciesSame = do
let (hvExpected, path) = load old
-- Check of has of the sdist, if the sdist is still there and it is
-- indeed what we expect, signal that nothing changed. Otherwise
-- warn the user and proceed to recompute.
ehvExisting <- liftIO $ tryIOError $ readFileHashValue path
case ehvExisting of
Right hvExisting
| hvExisting == hvExpected ->
return RunResult {runChanged = ChangedNothing, runStore = old, runValue = path}
Right hvExisting -> do
putWarn $ "Changed " ++ path ++ " (expecting hash " ++ show hvExpected ++ " found " ++ show hvExisting ++ "). I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir mHash) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
Left _e -> do
putWarn $ "Unable to read " ++ path ++ ". I will rebuild it."
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir mHash) (Just old) RunDependenciesChanged
run (PrepareSdistRule srcDir mHash) old _mode = do
-- create the sdist distribution
(hv, path) <- makeSdist srcDir
let new = save (hv, path)
let changed = case fmap ((== hv) . fst . load) old of
Just True -> ChangedRecomputeSame
_differentOrMissing -> ChangedRecomputeDiff
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeSame) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (same hash " ++ show hv ++ ")")
when (changed == ChangedRecomputeDiff) $
putInfo ("Wrote " ++ path ++ " (new hash " ++ show hv ++ ")")
return $ RunResult {runChanged = changed, runStore = new, runValue = path}
makeSdist srcDir = do
cabalFiles <- getDirectoryFiles srcDir ["*.cabal"]
let cabalFile = case cabalFiles of
[f] -> f
fs ->
error $
[ "Invalid source directory: " ++ srcDir,
"It contains multiple cabal files, while only one is allowed",
unwords fs
traced "cabal sdist" $ do
gpd <- readGenericPackageDescription Verbosity.normal (srcDir </> cabalFile)
let pkgId = packageId gpd
packagePath = repoLayoutPkgTarGz hackageRepoLayout pkgId
path = toFilePath $ anchorRepoPathLocally outputDirRoot packagePath
IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path)
sdist <- packageDirToSdist Verbosity.normal gpd srcDir
BSL.writeFile path sdist
return (SHA256.hashlazy sdist, path)
save :: (SHA256, FilePath) -> BS.ByteString
save = BSL.toStrict . Binary.encode
load :: BS.ByteString -> (SHA256, FilePath)
load = Binary.decode . BSL.fromStrict