{ description = "Build a cargo project"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; # The version of wasm-bindgen-cli needs to match the version in Cargo.lock # Update this to include the version you need nixpkgs-for-wasm-bindgen.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/4e6868b1aa3766ab1de169922bb3826143941973"; crane.url = "github:ipetkov/crane"; flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; rust-overlay = { url = "github:oxalica/rust-overlay"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, crane, flake-utils, rust-overlay, nixpkgs-for-wasm-bindgen, ... }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ (import rust-overlay) ]; }; inherit (pkgs) lib; rustToolchainFor = p: p.rust-bin.stable.latest.default.override { # Set the build targets supported by the toolchain, # wasm32-unknown-unknown is required for trunk. targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ]; }; craneLib = ((crane.mkLib pkgs).overrideToolchain rustToolchainFor).overrideScope (_final: _prev: { # The version of wasm-bindgen-cli needs to match the version in Cargo.lock. You # can unpin this if your nixpkgs commit contains the appropriate wasm-bindgen-cli version inherit (import nixpkgs-for-wasm-bindgen { inherit system; }) wasm-bindgen-cli; }); # When filtering sources, we want to allow assets other than .rs files src = lib.cleanSourceWith { src = ./.; # The original, unfiltered source filter = path: type: (lib.hasSuffix "\.html" path) || (lib.hasSuffix "\.scss" path) || # Example of a folder for images, icons, etc (lib.hasInfix "/assets/" path) || # Default filter from crane (allow .rs files) (craneLib.filterCargoSources path type) ; }; # Arguments to be used by both the client and the server # When building a workspace with crane, it's a good idea # to set "pname" and "version". commonArgs = { inherit src; strictDeps = true; buildInputs = [ # Add additional build inputs here ] ++ lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin [ # Additional darwin specific inputs can be set here pkgs.libiconv ]; }; # Native packages nativeArgs = commonArgs // { pname = "trunk-workspace-native"; }; # Build *just* the cargo dependencies, so we can reuse # all of that work (e.g. via cachix) when running in CI cargoArtifacts = craneLib.buildDepsOnly nativeArgs; # Simple JSON API that can be queried by the client myServer = craneLib.buildPackage (nativeArgs // { inherit cargoArtifacts; # The server needs to know where the client's dist dir is to # serve it, so we pass it as an environment variable at build time CLIENT_DIST = myClient; }); # Wasm packages # it's not possible to build the server on the # wasm32 target, so we only build the client. wasmArgs = commonArgs // { pname = "trunk-workspace-wasm"; cargoExtraArgs = "--package=client"; CARGO_BUILD_TARGET = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"; }; cargoArtifactsWasm = craneLib.buildDepsOnly (wasmArgs // { doCheck = false; }); # Build the frontend of the application. # This derivation is a directory you can put on a webserver. myClient = craneLib.buildTrunkPackage (wasmArgs // { pname = "trunk-workspace-client"; cargoArtifacts = cargoArtifactsWasm; trunkIndexPath = "client/index.html"; # The version of wasm-bindgen-cli here must match the one from Cargo.lock. wasm-bindgen-cli = pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.override { version = "0.2.93"; hash = "sha256-DDdu5mM3gneraM85pAepBXWn3TMofarVR4NbjMdz3r0="; cargoHash = "sha256-birrg+XABBHHKJxfTKAMSlmTVYLmnmqMDfRnmG6g/YQ="; }; }); in { checks = { # Build the crate as part of `nix flake check` for convenience inherit myServer myClient; # Run clippy (and deny all warnings) on the crate source, # again, reusing the dependency artifacts from above. # # Note that this is done as a separate derivation so that # we can block the CI if there are issues here, but not # prevent downstream consumers from building our crate by itself. my-app-clippy = craneLib.cargoClippy (commonArgs // { inherit cargoArtifacts; cargoClippyExtraArgs = "--all-targets -- --deny warnings"; # Here we don't care about serving the frontend CLIENT_DIST = ""; }); # Check formatting my-app-fmt = craneLib.cargoFmt commonArgs; }; apps.default = flake-utils.lib.mkApp { name = "server"; drv = myServer; }; devShells.default = craneLib.devShell { # Inherit inputs from checks. checks = self.checks.${system}; shellHook = '' export CLIENT_DIST=$PWD/client/dist; ''; # Extra inputs can be added here; cargo and rustc are provided by default. packages = [ pkgs.trunk ]; }; }); }