`MERGE` is a statement that conditionally performs `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE` operations. It modifies the content of the `<target-table>`, merging data from the `<source-table>` and static `<common-table-expression>` sources.
First, the MERGE command performs an outer join from `<target-table>` to `<source-table>` using `ON <merge-predicate>` producing candidate change rows.
For each candidate change row, the `MATCHED` or `NOT MATCHED` status is determined. If applicable, `NOT MATCHED` on `<target-table>` or `<source-table>` is set.
A `WHEN` clause without `AND <predicate>` implies unconditional execution. Subsequent `WHEN` clauses for the same target/source matching condition are not allowed.
When `MERGE INTO` is specified or implied, `<target-table>` must be a base `<table>` and contents are updated in place. `PRODUCING NEW` may not be specified.
When `MERGE FROM` is specified, `PRODUCING NEW` must also be specified. `<target-table>` can be a base `<table>` or any virtual table (i.e. `<view>` or `PASS-THRU``<table-set>`).
If `<new-table>` is specified, it will be created as a new `<table>` and populated in the same way as when `<target-table>` is updated with `MERGE INTO`.
The output `<table-set>`'s row type will correspond to the row type of `<target-table>`. And its primary index (in the case when `<new-table>` is produced) will correspond to the primary index of `<target-table>`. The `<target-table>`'s `<foreign-key>`s are not replicated.
If the resulting virtual-table row type is a union type, then the output must be a virtual-table `PASS-THRU`, not an update to `<target-table>` or creation of `<new-table>` as base `<table>`.
Specifies the update or delete action that is applied to all rows of `<target-table>` that don't match the rows returned by `<table-source>` ON `<merge-predicate>`, and which satisfy any additional predicate.
Identifies column in `<target-table>`. Each column may be referenced once.
Aura must match corresponding aura in `<target-table>`.
If `<target-table>` is a virtual-table -- any `<table-set>` other than a base-table, i.e. qualified `<view>`, `<common-table-expression>`, `*`, or `( column-1 [,...column-n] )` -- then `FROM` is required.
If `FROM` is specified, any `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE` operations specified by the `WHEN` clauses, as well as matched but otherwise unaffected target table rows, produce a new `<table-set>` as specified by the `PRODUCING NEW` clause.
**`[ PRODUCING NEW <new-table>` ]**
Required when `FROM` is specified.
Prohibited when `INTO` is specified or implied.
If `<new-table>` has the syntax of a qualified `<table>`, it cannot already exist.
If `<target-table>` has a row type which is a union type, `<new-table>` cannot be a base `<table>`.
**`USING <source-table> [ [ AS ] <alias> ]`**
Specifies the data source that is matched with the data rows in `<target-table>` joining on `<merge-predicate>`. `<table-source>` can be any `<table-set>`.
`<alias>` is an alternative name to reference `<source-table>` in `WHEN` clauses and predicates.
Specifies the conditions on which `<table-source>` joins with `<target-table>`, determining the matching and can be any valid `<predicate>` not resulting in cartesian join.
If `<merge-predicate>` does not resolve for any row sub-type between the target and source it potentially creates `NOT MATCHED` conditions `BY TARGET` and `BY SOURCE` on rows that otherwise are equal by value.
**`[ WHEN MATCHED [ AND <target-predicate> ] THEN <merge-matched> ] [ ...n ]`**
Specifies that all rows of `<target-table>`, which join the rows returned by `<table-source>` ON `<merge-predicate>` or the implied join when `ON` predicate not present, and satisfy `<target-predicate>` (when present), result in some action according to the `<merge-matched>` clause.
Specifies the action on `<target-table>` for every row returned by `<table-source>` ON `<merge-predicate>` that doesn't match a row in target-table, but satisfies `<unmatched-target-predicate>`, if present. The action to take is specified by the `<merge-not-matched>` clause.
Specifies that all rows of `<arget-table>`, which don't match the rows returned by `<table-source>` ON `<merge-predicate>`, and that satisfy any additional search condition, are updated or deleted according to the `<merge-matched>` clause.
When no rows are returned by `<table-source>`, columns in the source table can't be accessed, and therefore the `<merge-matched>` action cannot reference columns in `<table-source>`.
When `<target-table>` is updated in place or `<new-table>` specified as a base `<table>`, the command potentially results in a state change of the Obelisk agent.
Cross ship merges are not allowed.
In the case of multiple `WHEN MATCHED` or `WHEN NOT MATCHED` and overlapping predicates, the cases are processed in order, so the first successful case takes precedence.
At least one of the three `MATCHED` / `NOT MATCHED` clauses must be specified, but they can be specified in any order.
`INSERT`, `UPDATE`, or `DELETE` actions specified on `<target-table>` are limited by any constraints defined on it (when it is a base `<table>`), including unique indices and any cascading referential integrity constraints.
It `<target-table>` is updated in place, or `<new-table>` created, every `INSERT` clause must account for all columns in `<target-table>`. Inserting fewer columns results in a new row sub-type, which is allowed when creating a virtual `<table-set>`.
Any `<binary-operator>` referencing a column each from `<target-table>` and `<source-table>` satisfies the requirement that `ON <merge-predicate>` not produce a cartesian join. However, it is to be noted a cartestian join cannot be entirely prevented depending on column contents.
-- for producing new base `<table>` output, `<target-table>` primary index determines unique key violations
-- for producing `PASS-THRU` output, columns referenced in `<merge-predicate>` determine unique key violations for row sub-types that include all of the referenced columns
-- for producing `PASS-THRU` output when `<merge-predicate>` is not present, or the produced row sub-type does not include all of the referenced columns, the entire row by value determines unique key violations