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Updated Power toys (markdown)

Mischievous Meerkat 2020-04-10 18:50:27 +05:30
parent d8f08e0640
commit 806e93c351

@ -87,77 +87,3 @@ Press <kbd>;</kbd> (select plugin shortcut) followed by <kbd>l</kbd> to open a l
You can control several aspects while running commands and plugins (e.g., skip dir refresh after running a plugin, skip user confirmation after running a command) and even run GUI apps as a plugin. Visit [plugins](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/tree/master/plugins) for more details.
Note: `lnav` was taken as an example, you can easily open log files in `lnav` by editing the customizable sample opener [`nuke`](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/blob/master/plugins/nuke).
### 9. Select files from anywhere!
Unlike other file managers, `nnn` allows selection from multiple directories and contexts! You can use the selection in any context as well.
### 10. Create dirs or files with tree, duplicate anywhere
When you create a new dir/file in `nnn` (with key <kbd>n</kbd>), you can specify a relative path along with parent directories of the new entry. `nnn` works like `mkdir -p` in this respect (also for files!).
You can also duplicate a file anywhere using a relative path. To duplicate a file:
- Press <kbd>\^R</kbd>, the rename/duplicate key
- Skip the rename prompt by pressing <kbd>Enter</kbd>
- At the duplicate prompt specify the relative path to the copy
This is the second part of the power features series ([Part 1](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Power-features-1)).
### 11. Full-featured batch file renamer
Plugin `.nmv` is a full-featured batch renamer utility that `nnn` auto-detects and invokes. If plugins are not installed `nnn` uses the built-in (and feature limited) fallback batch file renaming capability.
### 12. Auto-synced selection for terminal multiplexers
All instances of `nnn` write to the same selection file on the disk when a file is selected. The file paths written by the last instance in which files were selected is available to all other instances. So, if you have 2 instances of `nnn` _open_ in 2 panes of a terminal multiplexer, you can select in one pane and use the selection (e.g. to copy or move) in the other pane.
### 13. Open text files detached
It's easy to set up a custom text file opener script for `nnn` to open text based files in a new `tmux` split pane or a new terminal tab/window ([instructions with sample script](https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Basic-use-cases#detached-text)).
### 14. Export file list
Use the shortcut <kbd>></kbd> to export the list of (filtered) entries to a temporary file and edit it in your editor.
There's a plugin `treeview` to list the files in the current directory along with permissions and size as a tree. File details show the UID and GID of individual files. To list UID and GID of all the files in the directory use plugin `uidgid`.
### 15. Enhanced X11 integration
In addition to opening all files with the desktop opener by default in a desktop environment, `nnn` comes with an additional option `-x` to show desktop notifications when operations like copy, move or remove complete and to keep selection in sync with the system clipboard.
### 16. Configurable middle mouse click
If your version of `ncurses` supports it, the middle mouse click can be configured to emulate any key by defining the config option `NNN_MCLICK`.
### 17. Subtree search and open file (or go to directory)
The plugins `fzopen` and `fzcd`are handy to fuzzy search and find a file/directory in a subtree and open it or open the containing directory in the current or a different context in `nnn`.
### 18. Compile out features
Compiling `nnn` from source is super-easy because of minimal library dependencies. And we take complete advantage of this! One of the major implementation aspects of `nnn` is extreme modularity. So you can pick just the pieces you need and make it even leaner and lighter!!! With `make` variables, you can:
- compile out libreadline and use in-built input handler (`O_NORL=1`)
- compile with PCRE lib to replace POSIX regex (`O_PCRE=1`)
- compile out mouse support (`O_NOMOUSE=1`)
- compile out locale support (`O_NOLOC=1`) (risky)
- compile out native batch renamer (`O_NOBATCH=1`)
You can also compile `nnn` statically (`O_STATIC=1`).
### 19. Access time and inode change time
In addition to modification time (default), `nnn` can also order files by access time and inode change time.
### 20. Trash files
By default `nnn` deletes files irrecoverably using `rm`. To trash files instead, install FreeDesktop compliant `trash-cli`. Then tell `nnn` to use it:
export NNN_TRASH=1
### 21. Cool goodies!
If an idle timeout is set and none of the platform-specific terminal lockers are found, `nnn` invokes `cmatrix` as the fallback. Try the option `-t` for this really cool eye candy!
Use option `-F` to show fortune cookies in the help and settings screen (key <kbd>?</kbd>)!