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synced 2024-12-02 06:37:32 +03:00
Merge pull request #24 from jaspervdj/feature/fragments
Support for fragmented slides
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Table of Contents
- [Running](#running)
- [Input format](#input-format)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Fragmented slides](#fragmented-slides)
- [Theming](#theming)
- [Syntax Highlighting](#syntax-highlighting)
- [Trivia](#trivia)
@ -171,6 +172,65 @@ Or we can use a normal presentation and have the following `$HOME/.patat.yaml`:
wrap: true
### Fragmented slides
By default, slides are always displayed "all at once". If you want to display
them fragment by fragment, there are two ways to do that. The most common
case is that lists should be displayed incrementally.
This can be configured by settings `incrementalLists` to `true` in the metadata
title: Presentation with incremental lists
author: John Doe
incrementalLists: true
- This list
- is displayed
- item by item
Setting `incrementalLists` works on _all_ lists in the presentation. To flip
the setting for a specific list, wrap it in a block quote. This will make the
list incremental if `incrementalLists` is not set, and it will display the list
all at once if `incrementalLists` is set to `true`.
This example contains a sublist which is also displayed incrementally, and then
a sublist which is displayed all at once (by merit of the block quote).
title: Presentation with incremental lists
author: John Doe
incrementalLists: true
- This list
- is displayed
* item
* by item
- Or sometimes
> * all at
> * once
Another way to break up slides is to use a pagraph only containing three dots
separated by spaces. For example, this slide has two pauses:
. . .
wait for it
. . .
### Theming
Colors and other properties can also be changed using this configuration. For
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Executable patat
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Patat.Presentation
) where
import Patat.Presentation.Display
import Patat.Presentation.Fragment
import Patat.Presentation.Interactive
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Read
@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ displayWithBorders Presentation {..} f = do
PP.putDoc $ withWrapSettings settings $ f theme
putStrLn ""
let active = show (pActiveSlide + 1) ++ " / " ++ show (length pSlides)
let (sidx, _) = pActiveFragment
active = show (sidx + 1) ++ " / " ++ show (length pSlides)
activeWidth = length active
Ansi.setCursorPosition (rows - 2) 0
@ -78,11 +79,8 @@ displayWithBorders Presentation {..} f = do
displayPresentation :: Presentation -> IO ()
displayPresentation pres@Presentation {..} = displayWithBorders pres $ \theme ->
let slide = case drop pActiveSlide pSlides of
[] -> mempty
(s : _) -> s in
prettySlide theme slide
let fragment = fromMaybe mempty (getActiveFragment pres) in
prettyFragment theme fragment
@ -100,8 +98,11 @@ dumpPresentation :: Presentation -> IO ()
dumpPresentation pres =
let theme = fromMaybe Theme.defaultTheme (psTheme $ pSettings pres) in
PP.putDoc $ withWrapSettings (pSettings pres) $
PP.vcat $ intersperse "----------" $
map (prettySlide theme) $ pSlides pres
PP.vcat $ intersperse "----------" $ do
Slide fragments <- pSlides pres
return $ PP.vcat $ intersperse "~~~~~~~~~~" $ do
fragment <- fragments
return $ prettyFragment theme fragment
@ -112,10 +113,10 @@ withWrapSettings ps = case (psWrap ps, psColumns ps) of
prettySlide :: Theme -> Slide -> PP.Doc
prettySlide theme slide@(Slide blocks) =
prettyFragment :: Theme -> Fragment -> PP.Doc
prettyFragment theme fragment@(Fragment blocks) =
prettyBlocks theme blocks <>
case prettyReferences theme slide of
case prettyReferences theme fragment of
[] -> mempty
refs -> PP.hardline <> PP.vcat refs
@ -284,9 +285,9 @@ prettyInlines theme = mconcat . map (prettyInline theme)
prettyReferences :: Theme -> Slide -> [PP.Doc]
prettyReferences :: Theme -> Fragment -> [PP.Doc]
prettyReferences theme@Theme {..} =
map prettyReference . getReferences . unSlide
map prettyReference . getReferences . unFragment
getReferences :: [Pandoc.Block] -> [Pandoc.Inline]
getReferences = filter isReferenceLink . grecQ
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
-- | For background info on the spec, see the "Incremental lists" section of the
-- the pandoc manual.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module Patat.Presentation.Fragment
( FragmentSettings (..)
, fragmentBlocks
, fragmentBlock
) where
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import Prelude
data FragmentSettings = FragmentSettings
{ fsIncrementalLists :: !Bool
} deriving (Show)
-- fragmentBlocks :: [Pandoc.Block] -> [[Pandoc.Block]]
-- fragmentBlocks = NonEmpty.toList . joinFragmentedBlocks . map fragmentBlock
fragmentBlocks :: FragmentSettings -> [Pandoc.Block] -> [[Pandoc.Block]]
fragmentBlocks fs blocks0 =
case joinFragmentedBlocks (map (fragmentBlock fs) blocks0) of
Unfragmented bs -> [bs]
Fragmented xs bs -> map (fromMaybe []) xs ++ [fromMaybe [] bs]
-- | This is all the ways we can "present" a block, after splitting in
-- fragments.
-- In the simplest (and most common case) a block can only be presented in a
-- single way ('Unfragmented').
-- Alternatively, we might want to show different (partial) versions of the
-- block first before showing the final complete one. These partial or complete
-- versions can be empty, hence the 'Maybe'.
-- For example, imagine that we display the following bullet list incrementally:
-- > [1, 2, 3]
-- Then we would get something like:
-- > Fragmented [Nothing, Just [1], Just [1, 2]] (Just [1, 2, 3])
data Fragmented a
= Unfragmented a
| Fragmented [Maybe a] (Maybe a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Show, Traversable)
fragmentBlock :: FragmentSettings -> Pandoc.Block -> Fragmented Pandoc.Block
fragmentBlock _fs block@(Pandoc.Para inlines)
| inlines == threeDots = Fragmented [Nothing] Nothing
| otherwise = Unfragmented block
threeDots = intersperse Pandoc.Space $ replicate 3 (Pandoc.Str ".")
fragmentBlock fs (Pandoc.BulletList bs0) =
fragmentList fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) Pandoc.BulletList bs0
fragmentBlock fs (Pandoc.OrderedList attr bs0) =
fragmentList fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) (Pandoc.OrderedList attr) bs0
fragmentBlock fs (Pandoc.BlockQuote [Pandoc.BulletList bs0]) =
fragmentList fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) Pandoc.BulletList bs0
fragmentBlock fs (Pandoc.BlockQuote [Pandoc.OrderedList attr bs0]) =
fragmentList fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) (Pandoc.OrderedList attr) bs0
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.BlockQuote _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.Header _ _ _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.Plain _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.CodeBlock _ _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.RawBlock _ _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.DefinitionList _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.Table _ _ _ _ _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@(Pandoc.Div _ _) = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@Pandoc.HorizontalRule = Unfragmented block
fragmentBlock _ block@Pandoc.Null = Unfragmented block
joinFragmentedBlocks :: [Fragmented block] -> Fragmented [block]
joinFragmentedBlocks =
foldl' append (Unfragmented [])
append (Unfragmented xs) (Unfragmented y) =
Unfragmented (xs ++ [y])
append (Fragmented xs x) (Unfragmented y) =
Fragmented xs (appendMaybe x (Just y))
append (Unfragmented x) (Fragmented ys y) =
[appendMaybe (Just x) y' | y' <- ys]
(appendMaybe (Just x) y)
append (Fragmented xs x) (Fragmented ys y) =
(xs ++ [appendMaybe x y' | y' <- ys])
(appendMaybe x y)
appendMaybe :: Maybe [a] -> Maybe a -> Maybe [a]
appendMaybe Nothing Nothing = Nothing
appendMaybe Nothing (Just x) = Just [x]
appendMaybe (Just xs) Nothing = Just xs
appendMaybe (Just xs) (Just x) = Just (xs ++ [x])
:: FragmentSettings -- ^ Global settings
-> Bool -- ^ Fragment THIS list?
-> ([[Pandoc.Block]] -> Pandoc.Block) -- ^ List constructor
-> [[Pandoc.Block]] -- ^ List items
-> Fragmented Pandoc.Block -- ^ Resulting list
fragmentList fs fragmentThisList constructor blocks0 =
fmap constructor fragmented
-- The fragmented list per list item.
items :: [Fragmented [Pandoc.Block]]
items = map (joinFragmentedBlocks . map (fragmentBlock fs)) blocks0
fragmented :: Fragmented [[Pandoc.Block]]
fragmented = joinFragmentedBlocks $
map (if fragmentThisList then insertPause else id) items
insertPause :: Fragmented a -> Fragmented a
insertPause (Unfragmented x) = Fragmented [Nothing] (Just x)
insertPause (Fragmented xs x) = Fragmented (Nothing : xs) x
@ -78,23 +78,43 @@ updatePresentation
updatePresentation cmd presentation = case cmd of
Exit -> return ExitedPresentation
Forward -> return $ goToSlide (\x -> x + 1)
Backward -> return $ goToSlide (\x -> x - 1)
SkipForward -> return $ goToSlide (\x -> x + 10)
SkipBackward -> return $ goToSlide (\x -> x - 10)
First -> return $ goToSlide (\_ -> 0)
Last -> return $ goToSlide (\_ -> numSlides presentation - 1)
Forward -> return $ goToSlide $ \(s, f) -> (s, f + 1)
Backward -> return $ goToSlide $ \(s, f) -> (s, f - 1)
SkipForward -> return $ goToSlide $ \(s, _) -> (s + 10, 0)
SkipBackward -> return $ goToSlide $ \(s, _) -> (s - 10, 0)
First -> return $ goToSlide $ \_ -> (0, 0)
Last -> return $ goToSlide $ \_ -> (numSlides presentation, 0)
Reload -> reloadPresentation
numSlides :: Presentation -> Int
numSlides pres = length (pSlides pres)
clip idx pres = min (max 0 idx) (numSlides pres - 1)
goToSlide f = UpdatedPresentation $
presentation {pActiveSlide = clip (f $ pActiveSlide presentation) presentation}
clip :: Index -> Presentation -> Index
clip (slide, fragment) pres
| slide >= numSlides pres = (numSlides pres - 1, lastFragments - 1)
| slide < 0 = (0, 0)
| fragment >= numFragments slide =
if slide + 1 >= numSlides pres
then (slide, lastFragments - 1)
else (slide + 1, 0)
| fragment < 0 =
if slide - 1 >= 0
then (slide - 1, numFragments (slide - 1) - 1)
else (slide, 0)
| otherwise = (slide, fragment)
numFragments s = maybe 1 (length . unSlide) (getSlide s pres)
lastFragments = numFragments (numSlides pres - 1)
goToSlide :: (Index -> Index) -> UpdatedPresentation
goToSlide f = UpdatedPresentation $ presentation
{ pActiveFragment = clip (f $ pActiveFragment presentation) presentation
reloadPresentation = do
errOrPres <- readPresentation (pFilePath presentation)
return $ case errOrPres of
Left err -> ErroredPresentation err
Right pres -> UpdatedPresentation $
pres {pActiveSlide = clip (pActiveSlide presentation) pres}
Right pres -> UpdatedPresentation $ pres
{ pActiveFragment = clip (pActiveFragment presentation) pres
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ module Patat.Presentation.Internal
, PresentationSettings (..)
, defaultPresentationSettings
, Slide (..)
, Fragment (..)
, Index
, getSlide
, getActiveFragment
) where
@ -13,7 +18,8 @@ module Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH.Extended as A
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..), (<>))
import qualified Patat.Theme as Theme
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import Prelude
@ -21,12 +27,12 @@ import Prelude
data Presentation = Presentation
{ pFilePath :: !FilePath
, pTitle :: ![Pandoc.Inline]
, pAuthor :: ![Pandoc.Inline]
, pSettings :: !PresentationSettings
, pSlides :: [Slide]
, pActiveSlide :: !Int
{ pFilePath :: !FilePath
, pTitle :: ![Pandoc.Inline]
, pAuthor :: ![Pandoc.Inline]
, pSettings :: !PresentationSettings
, pSlides :: [Slide]
, pActiveFragment :: !Index
} deriving (Show)
@ -34,38 +40,64 @@ data Presentation = Presentation
-- | These are patat-specific settings. That is where they differ from more
-- general metadata (author, title...)
data PresentationSettings = PresentationSettings
{ psRows :: !(Maybe (A.FlexibleNum Int))
, psColumns :: !(Maybe (A.FlexibleNum Int))
, psWrap :: !(Maybe Bool)
, psTheme :: !(Maybe Theme.Theme)
{ psRows :: !(Maybe (A.FlexibleNum Int))
, psColumns :: !(Maybe (A.FlexibleNum Int))
, psWrap :: !(Maybe Bool)
, psTheme :: !(Maybe Theme.Theme)
, psIncrementalLists :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Show)
instance Monoid PresentationSettings where
mempty = PresentationSettings Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mempty = PresentationSettings Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mappend l r = PresentationSettings
{ psRows = psRows l `mplus` psRows r
, psColumns = psColumns l `mplus` psColumns r
, psWrap = psWrap l `mplus` psWrap r
, psTheme = psTheme l `mappend` psTheme r
{ psRows = psRows l `mplus` psRows r
, psColumns = psColumns l `mplus` psColumns r
, psWrap = psWrap l `mplus` psWrap r
, psTheme = psTheme l <> psTheme r
, psIncrementalLists = psIncrementalLists l `mplus` psIncrementalLists r
defaultPresentationSettings :: PresentationSettings
defaultPresentationSettings = PresentationSettings
{ psRows = Nothing
, psColumns = Nothing
, psWrap = Nothing
, psTheme = Just Theme.defaultTheme
{ psRows = Nothing
, psColumns = Nothing
, psWrap = Nothing
, psTheme = Just Theme.defaultTheme
, psIncrementalLists = Nothing
newtype Slide = Slide {unSlide :: [Pandoc.Block]}
newtype Slide = Slide {unSlide :: [Fragment]}
deriving (Monoid, Show)
newtype Fragment = Fragment {unFragment :: [Pandoc.Block]}
deriving (Monoid, Show)
-- | Active slide, active fragment.
type Index = (Int, Int)
getSlide :: Int -> Presentation -> Maybe Slide
getSlide sidx = listToMaybe . drop sidx . pSlides
getActiveFragment :: Presentation -> Maybe Fragment
getActiveFragment presentation = do
let (sidx, fidx) = pActiveFragment presentation
Slide fragments <- getSlide sidx presentation
listToMaybe $ drop fidx fragments
$(A.deriveJSON A.dropPrefixOptions ''PresentationSettings)
@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (..), runExceptT,
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import Patat.Presentation.Fragment
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension, (</>))
@ -65,10 +67,10 @@ pandocToPresentation
:: FilePath -> PresentationSettings -> Pandoc.Pandoc
-> Either String Presentation
pandocToPresentation pFilePath pSettings pandoc@(Pandoc.Pandoc meta _) = do
let !pTitle = Pandoc.docTitle meta
!pSlides = pandocToSlides pandoc
!pActiveSlide = 0
!pAuthor = concat (Pandoc.docAuthors meta)
let !pTitle = Pandoc.docTitle meta
!pSlides = pandocToSlides pSettings pandoc
!pActiveFragment = (0, 0)
!pAuthor = concat (Pandoc.docAuthors meta)
return Presentation {..}
@ -99,23 +101,34 @@ readHomeSettings = do
return $! Yaml.decodeEither contents
pandocToSlides :: PresentationSettings -> Pandoc.Pandoc -> [Slide]
pandocToSlides settings pandoc =
let blockss = splitSlides pandoc in
map (Slide . map Fragment . (fragmentBlocks fragmentSettings)) blockss
fragmentSettings = FragmentSettings
{ fsIncrementalLists = fromMaybe False (psIncrementalLists settings)
-- | Split a pandoc document into slides. If the document contains horizonal
-- rules, we use those as slide delimiters. If there are no horizontal rules,
-- we split using h1 headers.
pandocToSlides :: Pandoc.Pandoc -> [Slide]
pandocToSlides (Pandoc.Pandoc _meta blocks0)
splitSlides :: Pandoc.Pandoc -> [[Pandoc.Block]]
splitSlides (Pandoc.Pandoc _meta blocks0)
| any (== Pandoc.HorizontalRule) blocks0 = splitAtRules blocks0
| otherwise = splitAtH1s blocks0
splitAtRules blocks = case break (== Pandoc.HorizontalRule) blocks of
(xs, []) -> [Slide xs]
(xs, (_rule : ys)) -> Slide xs : splitAtRules ys
(xs, []) -> [xs]
(xs, (_rule : ys)) -> xs : splitAtRules ys
splitAtH1s [] = []
splitAtH1s (b : bs) = case break isH1 bs of
(xs, []) -> [Slide (b : xs)]
(xs, (y : ys)) -> Slide (b : xs) : splitAtH1s (y : ys)
(xs, []) -> [(b : xs)]
(xs, (y : ys)) -> (b : xs) : splitAtH1s (y : ys)
isH1 (Pandoc.Header i _ _) = i == 1
isH1 _ = False
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
incrementalLists: true
- This list
- is displayed
* item
* by item
- Or sometimes
> * all at
> * once
. . .
wait for it
. . .
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
[35m - [0m[mThis list[0m
[35m - [0m[mThis list[0m
[35m - [0m[mis displayed[0m
[35m - [0m[mThis list[0m
[35m - [0m[mis displayed[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mitem[0m
[35m - [0m[mThis list[0m
[35m - [0m[mis displayed[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mitem[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mby item[0m
[35m - [0m[mThis list[0m
[35m - [0m[mis displayed[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mitem[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mby item[0m
[35m - [0m[mOr sometimes[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[mall at[0m
[m [0m[35m * [0m[monce[0m
[mwait for it[0m
[mwait for it[0m
Reference in New Issue
Block a user