Replace ProductB with ApplicativeB

In terms of operations, they are isomorphic, but the applicative laws
are more lax, so we can define more lawful instances.

We also remove `ProductBC`, since `bdicts` can just be expressed
in terms of `baddDict` and `bpure`.
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gorin 2019-09-29 13:08:03 +00:00
parent 9393a5afef
commit 83f4d4195e
20 changed files with 487 additions and 293 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Changelog for barbies
## ...
- Builds with ghc 8.8.
- Remove functions deprecated on release 1.0
- Deprecate `Data.Functor.Prod`, `(/*)` and `(/*/)`.
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
- Create a `Barbies` module, to contain wrappers, basic docs, etc.
`Data.Functor.Barbie` contains only functor-related stuff.
- Add a `ErrorContainer` wrapper, similar to `Container` but for `Either e`.
- Replace `ProductB` by `ApplicativeB`, with more lax laws
- Remove `ProductBC`, since `bdicts` can now be defined in terms of `ApplicativeB`
and `ConstraintsB`.
- `Wear` will raise a `TypeError` instead of getting

View File

@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ library
@ -52,6 +51,10 @@ library
-- To be removed
@ -90,11 +93,11 @@ test-suite barbies-test

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@ -7,63 +7,106 @@
-- that turn her into a different doll. E.g.
-- @
-- data Barbie f
-- = Barbie
-- data Person f
-- = Person
-- { name :: f 'String'
-- , age :: f 'Int'
-- }
-- b1 :: Barbie 'Data.Monoid.Last' -- Barbie with a monoid structure
-- b2 :: Barbie ('Data.Functor.Const.Const' a) -- 'Barbies.Container' Barbie
-- b3 :: Barbie 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity' -- Barbie's new clothes
-- b1 :: Person 'Data.Monoid.Last' -- Barbie with a monoid structure
-- b2 :: Person ('Data.Functor.Const.Const' a) -- 'Barbies.Container' Barbie
-- b3 :: Person 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity' -- Barbie's new clothes
-- @
-- This module define the classes to work with these types and easily
-- This package define the classes to work with these types and easily
-- transform them. They all come with default instances based on
-- `GHC.Generics.Generic`, so using them is as easy as:
-- @
-- data Barbie f
-- = Barbie
-- data Person f
-- = Person
-- { name :: f 'String'
-- , age :: f 'Int'
-- }
-- deriving
-- ( 'GHC.Generics.Generic'
-- , 'FunctorB', 'TraversableB', 'ProductB', 'ConstraintsB', 'ProductBC'
-- , 'FunctorB', 'TraversableB', 'ApplicativeB', 'ConstraintsB'
-- )
-- deriving instance 'AllBF' 'Show' f Barbie => 'Show' (Barbie f)
-- deriving instance 'AllBF' 'Eq' f Barbie => 'Eq' (Barbie f)
-- deriving instance 'AllBF' 'Show' f Person => 'Show' (Person f)
-- deriving instance 'AllBF' 'Eq' f Person => 'Eq' (Person f)
-- @
-- Sometimes one wants to use @Barbie 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity'@
-- and it may feel like a second-class record type, where one needs to
-- unpack values in each field. "Barbies.Bare" offers a way to have
-- bare versions of a barbie-type.
-- Notice that all classes in this package are poly-kinded. Intuitively,
-- a barbie is a type parameterised by a functor, and because a barbies is
-- a type of functor, a type parameterised by a barbie is a (higher-kinded)
-- barbie too:
-- @
-- data Catalog b
-- = Catalog (b 'Identity') (b 'Maybe')
-- deriving
-- ('GHC.Generics.Generic'
-- , 'FunctorB', 'TraversableB', 'ProductB', 'ConstraintsB', 'ProductBC'
-- )
-- @
module Barbies
( -- * Functor interfaces
( -- * Functor interface
-- | Barbie-types are functors. That means that if one is familiar
-- with standard classes like 'Functor', 'Applicative' or 'Traversable',
-- one already knows how to work with barbie-types too. For instance, just
-- like one would use:
-- @
-- 'fmap' f (xs :: [a])@
-- @
-- to apply @f@ uniformly on every @a@ occurring
-- in @xs@, one could use the following to turn a 'Either'-outfit
-- into 'Maybe'-outfit:
-- @
-- 'bmap' ('either' (\\_ -> 'Nothing') 'Just') (p :: Person ('Either' e))@
-- @
-- In this case, the argument of 'bmap' will have to be applied on all
-- fields of @p@:
-- @
-- name p :: 'Either' e 'String'
-- age p :: 'Either' e 'Int'
-- @
-- So 'bmap' here demands a polymorphic function of type:
-- @
-- forall a . 'Either' e a -> 'Maybe' a@
-- @
-- Polymorphic functions with 'Applicative' effects can be applied
-- using 'btraverse' and the effects will be accumulated. Finally,
-- 'bzipWith' gives us an analogous of 'Control.Applicative.liftA2':
-- @
-- addDefaults :: Person 'Maybe' -> Person 'Data.Functor.Identity' -> Person 'Data.Functor.Identity'
-- addDefaults = 'bzipWith' (\\m d -> 'maybe' d 'pure' m)
-- @
-- Notice that here 'bzipWith' has lifted a function of type:
-- @
-- forall a. 'Maybe' a -> 'Data.Functor.Identity' a -> 'Data.Functor.Identity' a
-- @
-- The 'Functor' class captures endo-functors on 'Data.Kind.Type'. 'FunctorB' is
-- for functors from indexed-types to 'Data.Kind.Type'. In particular, barbie-types
-- are indexed-types too, so a type parameterized by a barbie is a
-- (higher-kinded) barbie as well.
-- @
-- data Catalog b
-- = Catalog (b 'Data.Functor.Identity') (b 'Maybe')
-- deriving
-- ('GHC.Generics.Generic'
-- , 'FunctorB', 'TraversableB', 'ApplicativeB', 'ConstraintsB'
-- )
-- @
module Data.Functor.Barbie
-- * Container-barbies
-- | Wrappers for Barbies that look like containers, providing the
-- expected instances for container types.
-- | Some clothes make barbies look like containers, and we can make those
-- behave like normal 'Functor's.
, Containers.Container(..)
, Containers.ErrorContainer(..)

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ module Barbies.Internal
, Internal.GTraversableB(..)
, Internal.CanDeriveTraversableB
-- * Product
, Internal.gbuniqDefault
-- * Applicative
, Internal.gbpureDefault
, Internal.gbprodDefault
, Internal.GProductB(..)
, Internal.CanDeriveProductB
, Internal.GApplicativeB(..)
, Internal.CanDeriveApplicativeB
-- * Constraints
, Internal.gbaddDictsDefault
@ -24,11 +24,6 @@ module Barbies.Internal
, Internal.X
, Internal.TagSelf, Internal.Self, Internal.Other
-- * Proof
, Internal.gbdictsDefault
, Internal.GProductBC(..)
, Internal.CanDeriveProductBC
-- * Bare values
, Internal.gbcoverDefault
, Internal.gbstripDefault
@ -41,11 +36,10 @@ module Barbies.Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Applicative as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Bare as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Constraints as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Functor as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Product as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.ProductC as Internal
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Traversable as Internal
import Data.Generics.GenericN (GenericN, Rec(..), RepN)

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Barbies.Internal.Applicative
( ApplicativeB(bpure, bprod)
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
, CanDeriveApplicativeB
, GApplicativeB(..)
, gbprodDefault, gbpureDefault
import Barbies.Internal.Functor (FunctorB (..))
import Data.Functor.Product (Product (..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Generics.GenericN
-- | A 'FunctorB' with application, providing operations to:
-- * embed an "empty" value ('bpure')
-- * align and combine values ('bprod')
-- It should satisfy the following laws:
-- [Naturality of 'bprod']
-- @
-- 'bmap' (\('Pair' a b) -> 'Pair' (f a) (g b)) (u `'bprod'` v) = 'bmap' f u `'bprod'` 'bmap' g v
-- @
-- [Left and right identity]
-- @
-- 'bmap' (\('Pair' _ b) -> b) ('bpure' e ``bprod'` v) = v
-- 'bmap' (\('Pair' a _) -> a) (u ``bprod' `'bpure' e) = u
-- @
-- [Associativity]
-- @
-- 'bmap' (\('Pair' a ('Pair' b c)) -> 'Pair' ('Pair' a b) c) (u `'bprod'` (v `'bprod'` w)) = (u `'bprod'` v) `'bprod'` w
-- @
-- It is to 'FunctorB' in is that 'Applicative'
-- relates to 'Functor'. For a presentation of 'Applicative' as
-- a monoidal functor, see Section 7 of
-- < Applicative Programming with Effects>.
-- There is a default implementation of 'bprod' and 'bpure' based on 'Generic'.
-- Intuitively, it works on types where the value of `bpure` is uniquely defined.
-- This corresponds rougly to record types (in the presence of sums, there would
-- be several candidates for `bpure`), where the argument @f@ covers every field.
class FunctorB b => ApplicativeB (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
bpure :: (forall a . f a) -> b f
bprod :: b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
default bpure :: CanDeriveApplicativeB b f f => (forall a . f a) -> b f
bpure = gbpureDefault
default bprod :: CanDeriveApplicativeB b f g => b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
bprod = gbprodDefault
-- | An alias of 'bprod', since this is like a 'zip' for Barbie-types.
bzip :: ApplicativeB b => b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
bzip = bprod
-- | An equivalent of 'unzip' for Barbie-types.
bunzip :: ApplicativeB b => b (f `Product` g) -> (b f, b g)
bunzip bfg = (bmap (\(Pair a _) -> a) bfg, bmap (\(Pair _ b) -> b) bfg)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith' for Barbie-types.
bzipWith :: ApplicativeB b => (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a) -> b f -> b g -> b h
bzipWith f bf bg
= bmap (\(Pair fa ga) -> f fa ga) (bf `bprod` bg)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith3' for Barbie-types.
:: ApplicativeB b
=> (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> i a)
-> b f -> b g -> b h -> b i
bzipWith3 f bf bg bh
= bmap (\(Pair (Pair fa ga) ha) -> f fa ga ha)
(bf `bprod` bg `bprod` bh)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith4' for Barbie-types.
:: ApplicativeB b
=> (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> i a -> j a)
-> b f -> b g -> b h -> b i -> b j
bzipWith4 f bf bg bh bi
= bmap (\(Pair (Pair (Pair fa ga) ha) ia) -> f fa ga ha ia)
(bf `bprod` bg `bprod` bh `bprod` bi)
-- | @'CanDeriveApplicativeB' B f g@ is in practice a predicate about @B@ only.
-- Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary @f@:
-- * There is an instance of @'Generic' (B f)@.
-- * @B@ has only one constructor (that is, it is not a sum-type).
-- * Every field of @B f@ is of the form @f a@, for some type @a@.
-- In other words, @B@ has no "hidden" structure.
type CanDeriveApplicativeB b f g
= ( GenericN (b f)
, GenericN (b g)
, GenericN (b (f `Product` g))
, GApplicativeB f g (RepN (b f)) (RepN (b g)) (RepN (b (f `Product` g)))
-- ======================================
-- Generic derivation of instances
-- ======================================
-- | Default implementation of 'bprod' based on 'Generic'.
:: forall b f g
. CanDeriveApplicativeB b f g
=> b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
gbprodDefault l r
= toN $ gbprod (Proxy @f) (Proxy @g) (fromN l) (fromN r)
{-# INLINE gbprodDefault #-}
gbpureDefault:: forall b f . CanDeriveApplicativeB b f f => (forall a . f a) -> b f
gbpureDefault x
= toN $ gbpure (Proxy @f) (Proxy @(RepN (b f))) (Proxy @(RepN (b (f `Product` f)))) x
{-# INLINE gbpureDefault #-}
class GApplicativeB (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) repbf repbg repbfg where
gbprod :: Proxy f -> Proxy g -> repbf x -> repbg x -> repbfg x
gbpure :: (f ~ g, repbf ~ repbg) => Proxy f -> Proxy repbf -> Proxy repbfg -> (forall a . f a) -> repbf x
-- ----------------------------------
-- Trivial cases
-- ----------------------------------
instance GApplicativeB f g repf repg repfg => GApplicativeB f g (M1 i c repf)
(M1 i c repg)
(M1 i c repfg) where
gbprod pf pg (M1 l) (M1 r) = M1 (gbprod pf pg l r)
{-# INLINE gbprod #-}
gbpure pf _ _ x = M1 (gbpure pf (Proxy @repf) (Proxy @repfg) x)
{-# INLINE gbpure #-}
instance GApplicativeB f g U1 U1 U1 where
gbprod _ _ U1 U1 = U1
{-# INLINE gbprod #-}
gbpure _ _ _ _ = U1
{-# INLINE gbpure #-}
( GApplicativeB f g lf lg lfg
, GApplicativeB f g rf rg rfg
) => GApplicativeB f g (lf :*: rf)
(lg :*: rg)
(lfg :*: rfg) where
gbprod pf pg (l1 :*: l2) (r1 :*: r2)
= (l1 `lprod` r1) :*: (l2 `rprod` r2)
lprod = gbprod pf pg
rprod = gbprod pf pg
{-# INLINE gbprod #-}
gbpure pf _ _ x = (gbpure pf (Proxy @lf) (Proxy @lfg) x :*: gbpure pf (Proxy @rf) (Proxy @rfg) x)
{-# INLINE gbpure #-}
-- --------------------------------
-- The interesting cases
-- --------------------------------
type P0 = Param 0
instance GApplicativeB f g (Rec (P0 f a) (f a))
(Rec (P0 g a) (g a))
(Rec (P0 (f `Product` g) a) ((f `Product` g) a)) where
gbprod _ _ (Rec (K1 fa)) (Rec (K1 ga))
= Rec (K1 (Pair fa ga))
{-# INLINE gbprod #-}
gbpure _ _ _ x = Rec (K1 x)
{-# INLINE gbpure #-}
( SameOrParam b b'
, ApplicativeB b'
) => GApplicativeB f g (Rec (b (P0 f)) (b' f))
(Rec (b (P0 g)) (b' g))
(Rec (b (P0 (f `Product` g))) (b' (f `Product` g))) where
gbprod _ _ (Rec (K1 bf)) (Rec (K1 bg))
= Rec (K1 (bf `bprod` bg))
{-# INLINE gbprod #-}
gbpure _ _ _ x = Rec (K1 (bpure x))
{-# INLINE gbpure #-}
-- --------------------------------
-- Instances for base types
-- --------------------------------
instance ApplicativeB Proxy where
bprod _ _ = Proxy
{-# INLINE bprod #-}
bpure _ = Proxy
{-# INLINE bpure #-}
instance (ApplicativeB a, ApplicativeB b) => ApplicativeB (Product a b) where
bprod (Pair ll lr) (Pair rl rr) = Pair (bprod ll rl) (bprod lr rr)
{-# INLINE bprod #-}
bpure x = Pair (bpure x) (bpure x)
{-# INLINE bpure #-}

View File

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ module Barbies.Internal.Constraints
, bmapC
, btraverseC
, AllBF
, bdicts
, bpureC
, bmempty
, CanDeriveConstraintsB
, GAllBC(..)
@ -18,6 +22,7 @@ module Barbies.Internal.Constraints
import Barbies.Internal.Applicative(ApplicativeB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Dicts(ClassF, Dict (..), requiringDict)
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(FunctorB (..))
import Barbies.Internal.Traversable(TraversableB (..))
@ -126,6 +131,31 @@ btraverseC f b = btraverse (\(Pair (Dict :: Dict c a) x) -> f x) (baddDicts b)
type AllBF c f b = AllB (ClassF c f) b
-- | Similar to 'baddDicts' but can produce the instance dictionaries
-- "out of the blue".
bdicts :: forall c b . (ConstraintsB b, ApplicativeB b, AllB c b) => b (Dict c)
bdicts = bmap (\(Pair c _) -> c) $ baddDicts $ bpure Proxy
-- | Like 'bpure' but a constraint is allowed to be required on
-- each element of @b@.
:: forall c f b .
( AllB c b
, ConstraintsB b
, ApplicativeB b
=> (forall a . c a => f a)
-> b f
bpureC x
= bmap (requiringDict @c x) bdicts
-- | Builds a @b f@, by applying 'mempty' on every field of @b@.
bmempty :: forall f b . (AllBF Monoid f b, ConstraintsB b, ApplicativeB b) => b f
= bpureC @(ClassF Monoid f) mempty
-- | The representation used for the generic computation of the @'AllB' c b@
-- constraints. Here 'X' is an arbitrary constant since the actual
-- argument to @b@ is irrelevant.

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- {{ Container ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrapper for Barbies that act as containers of @a@
-- | Wrapper for barbies that act as containers of @a@
-- by wearing @('Const' a)@.
newtype Container b a
= Container { getContainer :: b (Const a) }
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ instance TraversableB b => Traversable (Container b) where
traverse f
= fmap Container . btraverse (bitraverse f pure) . getContainer
instance ProductB b => Applicative (Container b) where
instance ApplicativeB b => Applicative (Container b) where
pure a
= Container $ buniq (Const a)
= Container $ bpure (Const a)
l <*> r
= Container $ bzipWith appConst (getContainer l) (getContainer r)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ instance ProductB b => Applicative (Container b) where
-- {{ ErrorContainer ----------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrapper for Barbies that act as containers of @e@
-- | Wrapper for barbies that act as containers of @e@
-- by wearing @'Either' e@.
newtype ErrorContainer b e
= ErrorContainer { getErrorContainer :: b (Either e) }

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ module Barbies.Internal.Trivial
import Barbies.Internal.Applicative(ApplicativeB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints(ConstraintsB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(FunctorB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Product(ProductB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.ProductC(ProductBC(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Traversable(TraversableB(..))
import Data.Data (Data(..))
@ -63,6 +62,5 @@ instance Monoid (Unit f) where
instance FunctorB Unit
instance TraversableB Unit
instance ProductB Unit
instance ApplicativeB Unit
instance ConstraintsB Unit
instance ProductBC Unit

View File

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ module Barbies.Internal.Wrappers
( Barbie(..)
) where
import Barbies.Internal.Applicative
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints
import Barbies.Internal.Dicts
import Barbies.Internal.Functor
import Barbies.Internal.Traversable
import Barbies.Internal.Product
import Barbies.Internal.ProductC
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (Semigroup, (<>)) -- ghc < 8.2
-- | A wrapper for Barbie-types, providing useful instances.
newtype Barbie (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) f
= Barbie { getBarbie :: b f }
deriving (FunctorB, ProductB, ProductBC)
deriving (FunctorB, ApplicativeB)
-- Need to derive it manually to make GHC 8.0.2 happy
instance ConstraintsB b => ConstraintsB (Barbie b) where
@ -32,12 +31,12 @@ instance TraversableB b => TraversableB (Barbie b) where
btraverse f = fmap Barbie . btraverse f . getBarbie
instance (ProductBC b, AllBF Semigroup f b) => Semigroup (Barbie b f) where
instance (ConstraintsB b, ApplicativeB b, AllBF Semigroup f b) => Semigroup (Barbie b f) where
(<>) = bzipWith3 mk bdicts
mk :: Dict (ClassF Semigroup f) a -> f a -> f a -> f a
mk = requiringDict (<>)
instance (ProductBC b, AllBF Semigroup f b, AllBF Monoid f b) => Monoid (Barbie b f) where
instance (ConstraintsB b, ApplicativeB b, AllBF Semigroup f b, AllBF Monoid f b) => Monoid (Barbie b f) where
mempty = bmempty
mappend = (<>)

View File

@ -14,8 +14,13 @@ module Data.Barbie
-- * Product
, ProductB(buniq, bprod)
-- ** Utility functions
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
, App.bzip
, App.bunzip
, App.bzipWith
, App.bzipWith3
, App.bzipWith4
-- * Constraints and instance dictionaries
, ConstraintsB(AllB, baddDicts)
@ -46,15 +51,15 @@ module Data.Barbie
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints (AllBF, ConstraintsB (..), bmapC, btraverseC)
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints (AllBF, ConstraintsB (..), bmapC, btraverseC, bmempty)
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(FunctorB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Wrappers(Barbie(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Product
( ProductB(..)
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
import Barbies.Internal.ProductC(ProductBC(..), buniqC, bmempty)
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Applicative as App
import Data.Barbie.Internal.Product(ProductB(..))
import Data.Barbie.Internal.ProductC(ProductBC(..), buniqC)
import Barbies.Internal.Traversable
( TraversableB(..)
, bsequence, bsequence'

View File

@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ where
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints
import Barbies.Internal.Dicts
import Barbies.Internal.ProductC
import Data.Barbie.Internal.ProductC

View File

@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Barbies.Internal.Product
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Data.Barbie.Internal.Product
( ProductB(buniq, bprod)
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
, CanDeriveProductB
, GProductB(..)
, gbprodDefault, gbuniqDefault
import Barbies.Internal.Functor (FunctorB (..))
import Barbies.Internal.Functor (FunctorB)
import Barbies.Internal.Trivial (Unit)
import Barbies.Internal.Wrappers (Barbie(..))
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Applicative as App
import Data.Functor.Product (Product (..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
@ -22,45 +23,9 @@ import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Generics.GenericN
-- | Barbie-types that can form products, subject to the laws:
-- @
-- 'bmap' (\\('Pair' a _) -> a) . 'uncurry' 'bprod' = 'fst'
-- 'bmap' (\\('Pair' _ b) -> b) . 'uncurry' 'bprod' = 'snd'
-- @
-- Notice that because of the laws, having an internal product structure is not
-- enough to have a lawful instance. E.g.
-- @
-- data Ok f = Ok {o1 :: f 'String', o2 :: f 'Int'}
-- data Bad f = Bad{b1 :: f 'String', hiddenFromArg: 'Int'} -- no lawful instance
-- @
-- Intuitively, the laws for this class require that `b` hides no structure
-- from its argument @f@. Because of this, if we are given any:
-- @
-- x :: forall a . f a
-- @
-- then this determines a unique value of type @b f@, witnessed by the 'buniq'
-- method.
-- For example:
-- @
-- 'buniq' x = Ok {o1 = x, o2 = x}
-- @
-- Formally, 'buniq' should satisfy:
-- @
-- 'const' ('buniq' x) = 'bmap' ('const' x)
-- @
-- There is a default implementation of 'bprod' and 'buniq' for 'Generic' types,
-- so instances can derived automatically.
class FunctorB b => ProductB (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
{-# DEPRECATED ProductB "Use ApplicativeB" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED buniq "Use bpure" #-}
class App.ApplicativeB b => ProductB (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
bprod :: b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
buniq :: (forall a . f a) -> b f
@ -72,48 +37,7 @@ class FunctorB b => ProductB (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
buniq = gbuniqDefault
-- | An alias of 'bprod', since this is like a 'zip' for Barbie-types.
bzip :: ProductB b => b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)
bzip = bprod
-- | An equivalent of 'unzip' for Barbie-types.
bunzip :: ProductB b => b (f `Product` g) -> (b f, b g)
bunzip bfg = (bmap (\(Pair a _) -> a) bfg, bmap (\(Pair _ b) -> b) bfg)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith' for Barbie-types.
bzipWith :: ProductB b => (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a) -> b f -> b g -> b h
bzipWith f bf bg
= bmap (\(Pair fa ga) -> f fa ga) (bf `bprod` bg)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith3' for Barbie-types.
:: ProductB b
=> (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> i a)
-> b f -> b g -> b h -> b i
bzipWith3 f bf bg bh
= bmap (\(Pair (Pair fa ga) ha) -> f fa ga ha)
(bf `bprod` bg `bprod` bh)
-- | An equivalent of 'Data.List.zipWith4' for Barbie-types.
:: ProductB b
=> (forall a. f a -> g a -> h a -> i a -> j a)
-> b f -> b g -> b h -> b i -> b j
bzipWith4 f bf bg bh bi
= bmap (\(Pair (Pair (Pair fa ga) ha) ia) -> f fa ga ha ia)
(bf `bprod` bg `bprod` bh `bprod` bi)
-- | @'CanDeriveProductB' B f g@ is in practice a predicate about @B@ only.
-- Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary @f@:
-- * There is an instance of @'Generic' (B f)@.
-- * @B@ has only one constructor (that is, it is not a sum-type).
-- * Every field of @B f@ is of the form @f a@, for some type @a@.
-- In other words, @B@ has no "hidden" structure.
type CanDeriveProductB b f g
= ( GenericN (b f)
, GenericN (b g)
@ -121,6 +45,15 @@ type CanDeriveProductB b f g
, GProductB f g (RepN (b f)) (RepN (b g)) (RepN (b (f `Product` g)))
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ProductB b, FunctorB b) => App.ApplicativeB b where
bpure = Data.Barbie.Internal.Product.buniq
bprod = Data.Barbie.Internal.Product.bprod
instance ProductB Unit where
instance ProductB b => ProductB (Barbie b) where
buniq x = Barbie (buniq x)
bprod (Barbie l) (Barbie r) = Barbie (bprod l r)
-- ======================================
-- Generic derivation of instances

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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Barbies.Internal.ProductC
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Data.Barbie.Internal.ProductC
( ProductBC(..)
, buniqC
, bmempty
, CanDeriveProductBC
, GAllB
@ -15,67 +15,43 @@ module Barbies.Internal.ProductC
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints
import Barbies.Internal.Dicts(ClassF, Dict (..), requiringDict)
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(bmap)
import Barbies.Internal.Product(ProductB (..))
import Data.Kind(Type)
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints(ConstraintsB(..), GAllB, GAllBRep, Self, Other, X)
import Barbies.Internal.Dicts(Dict (..), requiringDict)
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(FunctorB(bmap))
import Barbies.Internal.Trivial(Unit(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Wrappers(Barbie(..))
import Data.Barbie.Internal.Product(ProductB(..))
import Data.Generics.GenericN
import Data.Functor.Product (Product (..))
import Data.Kind(Type)
import Data.Proxy(Proxy (..))
-- | Every type @b@ that is an instance of both 'ProductB' and
-- 'ConstraintsB' can be made an instance of 'ProductBC'
-- as well.
-- Intuitively, in addition to 'buniq' from 'ProductB', one
-- can define 'buniqC' that takes into account constraints:
-- @
-- 'buniq' :: (forall a . f a) -> b f
-- 'buniqC' :: 'AllB' c b => (forall a . c a => f a) -> b f
-- @
-- For technical reasons, 'buniqC' is not currently provided
-- as a method of this class and is instead defined in terms
-- 'bdicts', which is similar to 'baddDicts' but can produce the
-- instance dictionaries out-of-the-blue. 'bdicts' could also be
-- defined in terms of 'buniqC', so they are essentially equivalent.
-- @
-- 'bdicts' :: forall c b . 'AllB' c b => b ('Dict' c)
-- 'bdicts' = 'buniqC' ('Dict' @c)
-- @
-- There is a default implementation for 'Generic' types, so
-- instances can derived automatically.
class (ConstraintsB b, ProductB b) => ProductBC (b :: (k -> Type) -> Type) where
bdicts :: AllB c b => b (Dict c)
default bdicts :: (CanDeriveProductBC c b, AllB c b) => b (Dict c)
bdicts = gbdictsDefault
-- | Every type that admits a generic instance of 'ProductB' and
-- 'ConstraintsB', has a generic instance of 'ProductBC' as well.
type CanDeriveProductBC c b
= ( GenericN (b (Dict c))
, AllB c b ~ GAllB c (GAllBRep b)
, GProductBC c (GAllBRep b) (RepN (b (Dict c)))
-- | Like 'buniq' but a constraint is allowed to be required on
-- each element of @b@.
{-# DEPRECATED buniqC "Use bpureC instead" #-}
buniqC :: forall c f b . (AllB c b, ProductBC b) => (forall a . c a => f a) -> b f
buniqC x
= bmap (requiringDict @c x) bdicts
-- | Builds a @b f@, by applying 'mempty' on every field of @b@.
bmempty :: forall f b . (AllBF Monoid f b, ProductBC b) => b f
= buniqC @(ClassF Monoid f) mempty
instance ProductBC b => ProductBC (Barbie b) where
bdicts = Barbie bdicts
instance ProductBC Unit where
bdicts = Unit
-- ===============================================================
-- Generic derivations

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- |
-- Module : Data.Functor.Barbie
-- Module: Data.Functor.Barbie
-- TBP
-- Functors from indexed-types to types.
module Data.Functor.Barbie
@ -16,10 +16,14 @@ module Data.Functor.Barbie
, bfoldMap
, bsequence, bsequence'
-- * Product
, ProductB(buniq, bprod)
-- * Applicative
, Appl.ApplicativeB(bpure, bprod)
-- ** Utility functions
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
, Appl.bzip
, Appl.bunzip
, Appl.bzipWith
, Appl.bzipWith3
, Appl.bzipWith4
-- * Constraints and instance dictionaries
-- | Consider the following function:
@ -32,25 +36,23 @@ module Data.Functor.Barbie
-- We would then like to be able to do:
-- @
-- 'Data.Barbie.bmap' 'showIt' :: 'Data.Functor.Barbie.FunctorB' b => b 'Maybe' -> b ('Data.Functor.Const' 'String')
-- 'Data.Functor.Barbie.bmap' 'showIt' :: 'Data.Functor.Barbie.FunctorB' b => b 'Maybe' -> b ('Data.Functor.Const' 'String')
-- @
-- This however doesn't work because of the @('Show' a)@ constraint in the
-- the type of @showIt@.
-- The 'ConstraintsB' class let us overcome this problem.
-- The 'Cons.ConstraintsB' class let us overcome this problem.
, ConstraintsB(..)
, AllBF
-- ** Products and constaints
, ProductBC(bdicts)
, Cons.ConstraintsB(..)
, Cons.AllBF
-- ** Utility functions
, bmapC
, btraverseC
, buniqC
, bmempty
, Cons.bdicts
, Cons.bmapC
, Cons.btraverseC
, Cons.bpureC
, Cons.bmempty
-- * Support for generic derivations
, Rec(..)
@ -58,14 +60,11 @@ module Data.Functor.Barbie
import Barbies.Internal.Constraints(AllBF, ConstraintsB (..), bmapC, btraverseC)
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Constraints as Cons
import Barbies.Internal.Functor(FunctorB(..))
import Barbies.Internal.Product
( ProductB(..)
, bzip, bunzip, bzipWith, bzipWith3, bzipWith4
import Barbies.Internal.ProductC(ProductBC(..), buniqC, bmempty)
import qualified Barbies.Internal.Applicative as Appl
import Barbies.Internal.Traversable
( TraversableB(..)
, bsequence, bsequence'

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, (@?=))
import qualified Spec.Bare as Bare
import qualified Spec.Constraints as Constraints
import qualified Spec.Functor as Functor
import qualified Spec.Product as Product
import qualified Spec.Applicative as Applicative
import qualified Spec.Traversable as Traversable
import qualified Spec.Wrapper as Wrapper
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import TestBarbies
import TestBarbiesW
import Barbies.Bare(Covered)
import Data.Functor.Barbie(bfoldMap, bmapC, btraverseC, buniqC)
import Data.Functor.Barbie(bfoldMap, bmapC, btraverseC, bpureC)
import Data.Functor.Const (Const (..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
@ -77,38 +77,38 @@ main
, Traversable.laws @(CompositeRecordW Covered)
, testGroup "Product Laws"
[ Product.laws @Record0
, Product.laws @Record1
, Product.laws @Record3
, Product.laws @CompositeRecord
, testGroup "Product Laws of derived applicatives"
[ Applicative.productLaws @Record0
, Applicative.productLaws @Record1
, Applicative.productLaws @Record3
, Applicative.productLaws @CompositeRecord
, Product.laws @Record1S
, Product.laws @Record3S
, Applicative.productLaws @Record1S
, Applicative.productLaws @Record3S
, Product.laws @(Record1W Covered)
, Product.laws @(Record3W Covered)
, Product.laws @(CompositeRecordW Covered)
, Applicative.productLaws @(Record1W Covered)
, Applicative.productLaws @(Record3W Covered)
, Applicative.productLaws @(CompositeRecordW Covered)
, Product.laws @(Record1WS Covered)
, Product.laws @(Record3WS Covered)
, Applicative.productLaws @(Record1WS Covered)
, Applicative.productLaws @(Record3WS Covered)
, testGroup "Uniq Laws"
[ Product.uniqLaws @Record0
, Product.uniqLaws @Record1
, Product.uniqLaws @Record3
, Product.uniqLaws @CompositeRecord
[ Applicative.uniqLaws @Record0
, Applicative.uniqLaws @Record1
, Applicative.uniqLaws @Record3
, Applicative.uniqLaws @CompositeRecord
, Product.uniqLaws @Record1S
, Product.uniqLaws @Record3S
, Applicative.uniqLaws @Record1S
, Applicative.uniqLaws @Record3S
, Product.uniqLaws @(Record1W Covered)
, Product.uniqLaws @(Record3W Covered)
, Product.uniqLaws @(CompositeRecordW Covered)
, Applicative.uniqLaws @(Record1W Covered)
, Applicative.uniqLaws @(Record3W Covered)
, Applicative.uniqLaws @(CompositeRecordW Covered)
, Product.uniqLaws @(Record1WS Covered)
, Product.uniqLaws @(Record3WS Covered)
, Applicative.uniqLaws @(Record1WS Covered)
, Applicative.uniqLaws @(Record3WS Covered)
, testGroup "adDict projection"
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ main
@?= (Sum 1, Record1 (Identity 1))
, testGroup
[ testCase "Record1" $
buniqC @Num (Identity (fromIntegral (42 :: Int)))
bpureC @Num (Identity (fromIntegral (42 :: Int)))
@?= Record1 (Identity 42)

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Spec.Product ( laws, uniqLaws )
module Spec.Applicative
( productLaws, uniqLaws )
import Clothes(F, G)
import Data.Functor.Barbie(FunctorB(..), ProductB(..))
import Data.Functor.Barbie(FunctorB(..), ApplicativeB(..))
import Data.Functor.Product(Product(Pair))
import Data.Typeable(Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
@ -14,16 +15,18 @@ import Test.Tasty(TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck(Arbitrary(..), testProperty, (===))
-- We only derive ApplicativeB for products, so we test the product
-- laws, which are stronger than the applicative ones.
:: forall b
. ( ProductB b
. ( ApplicativeB b
, Eq (b F), Eq (b G)
, Show (b F), Show (b G)
, Arbitrary (b F), Arbitrary (b G)
, Typeable b
=> TestTree
= testProperty (show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy b))) $ \l r ->
bmap first (bprod l r) == (l :: b F) &&
bmap second (bprod l r) == (r :: b G)
@ -31,9 +34,10 @@ laws
first (Pair a _) = a
second (Pair _ b) = b
-- `bpure` is uniquely determined in products
:: forall b
. ( ProductB b
. ( ApplicativeB b
, Eq (b Maybe)
, Show (b F), Show (b Maybe)
, Arbitrary (b F)
@ -42,4 +46,4 @@ uniqLaws
=> TestTree
= testProperty (show (typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy b))) $ \b ->
bmap (const Nothing) (b :: b F) === buniq Nothing
bmap (const Nothing) (b :: b F) === bpure Nothing

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ where
import Clothes(F)
import Barbies.Constraints(ClassF, Dict)
import Data.Functor.Barbie(bmap, ConstraintsB(..), AllBF, ProductBC(..))
import Data.Functor.Barbie(bmap, bdicts, ApplicativeB, ConstraintsB(..), AllBF)
import Data.Functor.Product (Product(Pair))
import Data.Typeable(Typeable, Proxy(..), typeRep)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ lawAddDictPrj
:: forall b
. ( ProductBC b, AllBF Show F b
. ( ApplicativeB b, ConstraintsB b, AllBF Show F b
, Eq (b (Dict (ClassF Show F)))
, Show (b F), Show (b (Dict (ClassF Show F)))
, Arbitrary (b F)

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@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ where
import Prelude hiding (Semigroup, (<>))
import Barbies (Barbie(..))
import Data.Functor.Barbie (AllBF, ProductBC)
import Barbies (AllBF, ApplicativeB, Barbie(..), ConstraintsB)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
@ -19,7 +18,8 @@ import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck(Arbitrary(..), testProperty)
:: forall b
. ( Arbitrary (b []), Eq (b []), Show (b [])
, ProductBC b
, ApplicativeB b
, ConstraintsB b
, AllBF Semigroup [] b
, AllBF Monoid [] b

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@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ data Record0 (f :: * -> *)
instance FunctorB Record0
instance TraversableB Record0
instance ProductB Record0
instance ApplicativeB Record0
instance ConstraintsB Record0
instance ProductBC Record0
instance Arbitrary (Record0 f) where arbitrary = pure Record0
@ -60,9 +59,8 @@ data Record1 f
instance FunctorB Record1
instance TraversableB Record1
instance ProductB Record1
instance ApplicativeB Record1
instance ConstraintsB Record1
instance ProductBC Record1
deriving instance AllBF Show f Record1 => Show (Record1 f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f Record1 => Eq (Record1 f)
@ -78,9 +76,8 @@ data Record1S f
instance FunctorB Record1S
instance TraversableB Record1S
instance ProductB Record1S
instance ApplicativeB Record1S
instance ConstraintsB Record1S
instance ProductBC Record1S
deriving instance AllBF Show f Record1S => Show (Record1S f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f Record1S => Eq (Record1S f)
@ -100,9 +97,8 @@ data Record3 f
instance FunctorB Record3
instance TraversableB Record3
instance ProductB Record3
instance ApplicativeB Record3
instance ConstraintsB Record3
instance ProductBC Record3
deriving instance AllBF Show f Record3 => Show (Record3 f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f Record3 => Eq (Record3 f)
@ -121,9 +117,8 @@ data Record3S f
instance FunctorB Record3S
instance TraversableB Record3S
instance ProductB Record3S
instance ApplicativeB Record3S
instance ConstraintsB Record3S
instance ProductBC Record3S
deriving instance AllBF Show f Record3S => Show (Record3S f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f Record3S => Eq (Record3S f)
@ -186,9 +181,8 @@ data CompositeRecord f
instance FunctorB CompositeRecord
instance TraversableB CompositeRecord
instance ProductB CompositeRecord
instance ApplicativeB CompositeRecord
instance ConstraintsB CompositeRecord
instance ProductBC CompositeRecord
deriving instance AllBF Show f CompositeRecord => Show (CompositeRecord f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f CompositeRecord => Eq (CompositeRecord f)
@ -224,9 +218,8 @@ data InfRec f
instance FunctorB InfRec
instance TraversableB InfRec
instance ProductB InfRec
instance ApplicativeB InfRec
instance ConstraintsB InfRec
instance ProductBC InfRec
deriving instance AllBF Show f InfRec => Show (InfRec f)
deriving instance AllBF Eq f InfRec => Eq (InfRec f)
@ -265,9 +258,8 @@ data ParB b (f :: * -> *)
instance FunctorB b => FunctorB (ParB b)
instance TraversableB b => TraversableB (ParB b)
instance ProductB b => ProductB (ParB b)
instance ApplicativeB b => ApplicativeB (ParB b)
instance ConstraintsB b => ConstraintsB (ParB b)
instance ProductBC b => ProductBC (ParB b)
data ParBH h b (f :: * -> *)
= ParBH (h (b f))
@ -282,9 +274,8 @@ data ParX a f
instance FunctorB (ParX a)
instance TraversableB (ParX a)
instance ProductB (ParX a)
instance ApplicativeB (ParX a)
instance ConstraintsB (ParX a)
instance ProductBC (ParX a)
@ -300,6 +291,5 @@ data HKB b
instance FunctorB HKB
instance TraversableB HKB
instance ProductB HKB
instance ApplicativeB HKB
instance ConstraintsB HKB
instance ProductBC HKB

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@ -40,10 +40,9 @@ data Record1W t f
instance FunctorB (Record1W Bare)
instance FunctorB (Record1W Covered)
instance TraversableB (Record1W Covered)
instance ProductB (Record1W Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (Record1W Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (Record1W Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (Record1W Covered)
instance ProductBC (Record1W Covered)
instance BareB Record1W
@ -64,10 +63,9 @@ data Record1WS t f
instance FunctorB (Record1WS Bare)
instance FunctorB (Record1WS Covered)
instance TraversableB (Record1WS Covered)
instance ProductB (Record1WS Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (Record1WS Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (Record1WS Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (Record1WS Covered)
instance ProductBC (Record1WS Covered)
instance BareB Record1WS
@ -91,10 +89,9 @@ data Record3W t f
instance FunctorB (Record3W Bare)
instance FunctorB (Record3W Covered)
instance TraversableB (Record3W Covered)
instance ProductB (Record3W Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (Record3W Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (Record3W Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (Record3W Covered)
instance ProductBC (Record3W Covered)
instance BareB Record3W
@ -119,10 +116,9 @@ data Record3WS t f
instance FunctorB (Record3WS Bare)
instance FunctorB (Record3WS Covered)
instance TraversableB (Record3WS Covered)
instance ProductB (Record3WS Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (Record3WS Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (Record3WS Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (Record3WS Covered)
instance ProductBC (Record3WS Covered)
instance BareB Record3WS
deriving instance AllB Show (Record3WS Bare) => Show (Record3WS Bare f)
@ -182,10 +178,9 @@ data CompositeRecordW t f
instance FunctorB (CompositeRecordW Bare)
instance FunctorB (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance TraversableB (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance ProductB (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (CompositeRecordW Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance ProductBC (CompositeRecordW Covered)
instance BareB CompositeRecordW
deriving instance AllB Show (CompositeRecordW Bare) => Show (CompositeRecordW Bare f)
@ -232,10 +227,9 @@ data InfRecW t f
instance FunctorB (InfRecW Bare)
instance FunctorB (InfRecW Covered)
instance TraversableB (InfRecW Covered)
instance ProductB (InfRecW Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (InfRecW Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (InfRecW Bare)
instance ConstraintsB (InfRecW Covered)
instance ProductBC (InfRecW Covered)
instance BareB InfRecW
deriving instance AllB Show (InfRecW Bare) => Show (InfRecW Bare f)
@ -284,7 +278,7 @@ data ParBW b t (f :: * -> *)
instance FunctorB (b t) => FunctorB (ParBW b t)
instance TraversableB (b t) => TraversableB (ParBW b t)
instance ProductB (b t) => ProductB (ParBW b t)
instance ApplicativeB (b t) => ApplicativeB (ParBW b t)
instance BareB b => BareB (ParBW b)
-- XXX GHC currently rejects deriving this one since it
@ -298,9 +292,6 @@ instance ConstraintsB (b t) => ConstraintsB (ParBW b t) where
type AllB c (ParBW b t) = AllB c (b t)
baddDicts (ParBW btf) = ParBW (baddDicts btf)
-- XXX SEE NOTE ON ConstraintsB
instance ProductBC (b t) => ProductBC (ParBW b t) where
bdicts = ParBW bdicts
data ParBHW h b t (f :: * -> *)
= ParBHW (h (b t f))
@ -317,6 +308,5 @@ data ParXW a t f
instance FunctorB (ParXW a Bare)
instance FunctorB (ParXW a Covered)
instance TraversableB (ParXW a Covered)
instance ProductB (ParXW a Covered)
instance ApplicativeB (ParXW a Covered)
instance ConstraintsB (ParXW a Covered)
instance ProductBC (ParXW a Covered)