Propose the right location for under

This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Engels 2019-07-08 22:24:39 +02:00
parent 6f26e13714
commit 27f2331950

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Expect exposing (Expectation)
import Lint exposing (Severity(..), lintSource)
import Lint.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import List.Extra
{-| The result of running a rule on a `String` containing source code.
@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ under the following code:
""" ++ formatSourceCode under ++ """
and I found it. But there are multiple occurrences for this piece of code, and the exact location you specified is not the one I found. I was expecting the error at:
and I found it, but the exact location you specified is not the one I found. I was expecting the error at:
""" ++ rangeAsString range ++ """
@ -478,15 +479,44 @@ positionAsRange (SourceCode sourceCode) under position =
startRow : Int
startRow =
List.length linesBeforeAndIncludingPosition
startColumn : Int
startColumn =
|> List.Extra.last
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
|> String.length
|> (+) 1
linesInUnder : List String
linesInUnder =
String.lines under
endRow : Int
endRow =
startRow + List.length linesInUnder - 1
endColumn : Int
endColumn =
if startRow == endRow then
startColumn + String.length under
|> Debug.log "linesInUnder"
|> List.Extra.last
|> Debug.log "last"
|> Maybe.withDefault ""
|> String.length
|> (+) 1
-- TODO Get these values right
{ start =
{ row = startRow
, column = -1
, column = startColumn
, end =
{ row = startRow + (under |> String.indexes "\n" |> List.length)
, column = under |> String.indexes "\n" |> List.length
{ row = endRow
, column = endColumn