Change CssFunctions data structure

This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Engels 2024-03-23 22:11:08 +01:00
parent 28eae8f47b
commit 43edf17433
2 changed files with 20 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -257,13 +257,11 @@ Here is how `Html.Attributes.classList` is implemented (Reminder of an example u
withCssUsingFunctions :
( ModuleName, String )
({ firstArgument : Node Expression, restOfArguments : List (Node Expression) } -> List CssArgument)
List ( String, { firstArgument : Node Expression, restOfArguments : List (Node Expression) } -> List CssArgument )
-> Configuration
-> Configuration
withCssUsingFunctions newFunctions (Configuration configuration) =
Configuration { configuration | cssFunctions = Dict.union newFunctions configuration.cssFunctions }
Configuration { configuration | cssFunctions = List.foldl (\( key, fn ) acc -> Dict.insert key fn acc) configuration.cssFunctions newFunctions }
type alias ProjectContext =
@ -346,7 +344,7 @@ reportStrayCssFunction cssFunctions context range name =
ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt context.lookupTable range
|> Maybe.andThen (\moduleName -> Dict.get ( moduleName, name ) cssFunctions)
|> Maybe.andThen (\moduleName -> getCssFunction cssFunctions name moduleName)
Just _ ->
[ Rule.error
@ -360,19 +358,24 @@ reportStrayCssFunction cssFunctions context range name =
getCssFunction : Dict String v -> String -> List String -> Maybe v
getCssFunction cssFunctions name moduleName =
Dict.get (String.join "." moduleName ++ "." ++ name) cssFunctions
type alias CssFunctions =
( ModuleName, String )
({ firstArgument : Node Expression, restOfArguments : List (Node Expression) } -> List CssArgument)
baseCssFunctions : CssFunctions
baseCssFunctions =
[ ( ( [ "Html", "Attributes" ], "class" ), \{ firstArgument } -> [ fromLiteral firstArgument ] )
, ( ( [ "Svg", "Attributes" ], "class" ), \{ firstArgument } -> [ fromLiteral firstArgument ] )
, ( ( [ "Html", "Attributes" ], "classList" ), \{ firstArgument } -> htmlAttributesClassList firstArgument )
, ( ( [ "Html", "Attributes" ], "attribute" ), attribute )
[ ( "Html.Attributes.class", \{ firstArgument } -> [ fromLiteral firstArgument ] )
, ( "Svg.Attributes.class", \{ firstArgument } -> [ fromLiteral firstArgument ] )
, ( "Html.Attributes.classList", \{ firstArgument } -> htmlAttributesClassList firstArgument )
, ( "Html.Attributes.attribute", attribute )
@ -424,7 +427,7 @@ reportClasses : CssFunctions -> ModuleContext -> Range -> String -> Node Express
reportClasses cssFunctions context fnRange name firstArgument restOfArguments =
ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt context.lookupTable fnRange
|> Maybe.andThen (\moduleName -> Dict.get ( moduleName, name ) cssFunctions)
|> Maybe.andThen (\moduleName -> getCssFunction cssFunctions name moduleName)
Just cssFunction ->
( errorsForCssFunction context.knownClasses cssFunction { firstArgument = firstArgument, restOfArguments = restOfArguments }

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ view model =
(cssFiles [ "*.css" ]
|> addKnownClasses [ "known" ]
|> withCssUsingFunctions (Dict.fromList [ ( ( [ "Class" ], "fromString" ), classFromAttrFunction ) ])
|> withCssUsingFunctions [ ( "Class.fromString", classFromAttrFunction ) ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ view model =
(cssFiles [ "*.css" ]
|> addKnownClasses [ "known" ]
|> withCssUsingFunctions (Dict.fromList [ ( ( [ "Class" ], "fromString" ), classFromAttrFunction ) ])
|> withCssUsingFunctions [ ( "Class.fromString", classFromAttrFunction ) ]
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
@ -260,21 +260,17 @@ classListWithoutErrorsBeingReported =
, test "should report an error when encountering a class function application with less arguments than where their class arguments are" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
import ClassFn
import Html.Attributes
classFunctionWithoutErrorsBeingReported =
ClassFn.fnThatTakes5Args a b c d
Html.Attributes.attribute "class"
(cssFiles [ "*.css" ]
|> withCssUsingFunctions (Dict.fromList [ ( ( [ "ClassFn" ], "fnThatTakes5Args" ), always [] ) ])
|> rule
|> (cssFiles [ "*.css" ] |> rule)
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Class using function is used without all of its class arguments"
, details = [ "REPLACEME" ]
, under = "Html.Attributes.classList"
, under = "Html.Attributes.attribute"
, test "should report an error when being unable to parse a CSS file" <|