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Jeroen Engels 2021-08-19 20:57:29 +02:00
parent e60ff158a7
commit 7e6cd42469
25 changed files with 16707 additions and 1530 deletions

tests/List/Extra.elm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module List.Extra exposing (find)
{-| Some utilities.
{-| Find the first element that satisfies a predicate and return
Just that element. If none match, return Nothing.
find (\num -> num > 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] == Just 6
find : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Maybe a
find predicate list =
case list of
[] ->
first :: rest ->
if predicate first then
Just first
find predicate rest

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
{-| Forbid the use of [`Debug.log`]( before it goes into production or fails in the CI.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove all the reported errors.
`Debug.log` is useful to debug your code, but should not be pushed to production.
config =

View File

@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
module NoUnoptimizedRecursion exposing
( rule
, Configuration, optOutWithComment, optInWithComment
@docs rule
Tail-call optimization makes Elm code more performant and helps prevent stack overflows.
Since this optimization is done silently and under specific circumstances, it is unfortunately relatively easy
to not notice when the optimization is not being applied. You can find the [reasons why a function would not be optimized below](#fail).
I wrote a whole [article about tail-call optimization]( Some of the information
are repeated in this rule's documentation, but it's more complete.
## Configuration
@docs Configuration, optOutWithComment, optInWithComment
## When (not) to enable this rule
This rule is useful for both application maintainers and package authors to detect locations where
performance could be improved and where stack overflows can happen.
You should not enable this rule if you currently do not want to invest your time into thinking about performance.
## Try it out
You can try this rule out by running the following command:
elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-performance/example --rules NoUnoptimizedRecursion
The rule uses `optOutWithComment "IGNORE TCO"` as its configuration.
## Success
This function won't be reported because it is tail-call optimized.
fun n =
if condition n then
fun (n - 1)
This function won't be reported because it has been tagged as ignored.
-- With opt-out configuration
config =
[ NoUnoptimizedRecursion.rule (NoUnoptimizedRecursion.optOutWithComment "IGNORE TCO")
fun n =
-- elm-review: IGNORE TCO
fun n * n
This function won't be reported because it has not been tagged.
-- With opt-in configuration
config =
[ NoUnoptimizedRecursion.rule (NoUnoptimizedRecursion.optInWithComment "CHECK TCO")
fun n =
fun n * n
## Fail
To understand when a function would not get tail-call optimized, it is important to understand when it would be optimized.
The Elm compiler is able to apply tail-call optimization **only** when a recursive call **(1)** is a simple function application and **(2)** is the last operation that the function does in a branch.
**(1)** means that while `recurse n = recurse (n - 1)` would be optimized, `recurse n = recurse <| n - 1` would not. Even though you may consider `<|` and `|>` as syntactic sugar for function calls, the compiler doesn't (at least with regard to TCO).
As for **(2)**, the locations where a recursive call may happen are:
- branches of an if expression
- branches of a case expression
- in the body of a let expression
- inside simple parentheses
and only if each of the above appeared at the root of the function or in one of the above locations themselves.
The compiler optimizes every recursive call that adheres to the rules above, and simply doesn't optimize the other
branches which would call the function naively and add to the stack frame.
It is therefore possible to have **partially tail-call optimized functions**.
Following is a list of likely situations that will be reported.
### An operation is applied on the result of a function call
The result of this recursive call gets multiplied by `n`, making the recursive call not the last thing to happen in this branch.
factorial : Int -> Int
factorial n =
if n <= 1 then
factorial (n - 1) * n
Hint: When you need to apply an operation on the result of a recursive call, what you can do is to add an argument holding the result value and apply the operations on it instead.
factorialHelp : Int -> Int -> Int
factorialHelp n result =
if n <= 1 then
factorialHelp (result * n)
and split the function into the one that will do recursive calls (above) and an "API-facing" function which will set the initial result value (below).
factorial : Int -> Int
factorial n =
factorialHelp n 1
### Calls using the |> or <| operators
Even though you may consider these operators as syntactic sugar for function calls, the compiler doesn't and
the following won't be optimized. The compiler doesn't special-case these functions and considers them as operators just
like `(*)` in the example above.
fun n =
if condition n then
fun <| n - 1
fun n =
if condition n then
(n - 1)
|> fun
The fix here consists of converting the recursive calls to ones that don't use a pipe operator.
### Calls appearing in || or && conditions
The following won't be optimized.
isPrefixOf : List a -> List a -> Bool
isPrefixOf prefix list =
case ( prefix, list ) of
( [], _ ) ->
( _ :: _, [] ) ->
( p :: ps, x :: xs ) ->
p == x && isPrefixOf ps xs
The fix here is consists of using if expressions instead.
isPrefixOf : List a -> List a -> Bool
isPrefixOf prefix list =
case ( prefix, list ) of
( [], _ ) ->
( _ :: _, [] ) ->
( p :: ps, x :: xs ) ->
if p == x then
isPrefixOf ps xs
### Calls from let declarations
Calls from let functions won't be optimized.
fun n =
funHelp y =
fun (y - 1)
funHelp n
Note that recursive let functions can be optimized if they call themselves, but calling the parent function
will cause the parent to not be optimized.
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Reports recursive functions that are not [tail-call optimized](
rule : Configuration -> Rule
rule configuration =
Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnoptimizedRecursion" initialContext
|> Rule.withCommentsVisitor (commentsVisitor configuration)
|> Rule.withDeclarationEnterVisitor (declarationVisitor configuration)
|> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor (expressionEnterVisitor configuration)
|> Rule.withExpressionExitVisitor expressionExitVisitor
|> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema
{-| Configuration for `NoUnoptimizedRecursion`.
Use [`optOutWithComment`](#optOutWithComment) or [`optInWithComment`](#optInWithComment) to configure this rule.
You can use comments to tag functions as to be checked or ignored, depending on the configuration option you chose.
This comment has to appear on the line after the `=` that follows the declaration of your function. Note that this
comment only needs to contain the tag that you're choosing and that it is case-sensitive.
The same will apply for functions defined in a let expression, since they can be tail-call optimized as well.
type Configuration
= OptOut String
| OptIn String
{-| Reports recursive functions by default, opt out functions tagged with a comment.
config =
[ NoUnoptimizedRecursion.rule (NoUnoptimizedRecursion.optOutWithComment "IGNORE TCO")
With the configuration above, the following function would not be reported.
fun n =
-- elm-review: IGNORE TCO
if condition n then
fun n * n
The reasons for allowing to opt-out is because sometimes recursive functions are simply not translatable to
tail-call optimized ones, for instance the ones that need to recurse over multiple elements (`fun left + fun right`).
I recommend to **not** default to ignoring a reported issue, and instead to discuss with your colleagues how to best
solve the error when you encounter it or when you see them ignore an error.
I recommend to use this configuration option as your permanent configuration once you have fixed or opted-out of every function.
optOutWithComment : String -> Configuration
optOutWithComment comment =
OptOut comment
{-| Reports only the functions tagged with a comment.
config =
[ NoUnoptimizedRecursion.rule (NoUnoptimizedRecursion.optInWithComment "CHECK TCO")
With the configuration above, the following function would be reported.
fun n =
if condition n then
fun n * n
optInWithComment : String -> Configuration
optInWithComment comment =
OptIn comment
shouldReportFunction : Configuration -> Context -> Range -> Bool
shouldReportFunction configuration context range =
foundComment : Bool
foundComment =
Set.member (range.start.row + 1) context.comments
case configuration of
OptOut _ ->
not foundComment
OptIn _ ->
type alias Context =
{ currentFunctionName : String
, tcoLocations : List Range
, newScopesForLet : List ( Range, String )
, parentScopes : List ( Range, Scope )
, parentNames : Set String
, comments : Set Int
, deOptimizationRange : Maybe Range
, deOptimizationReason : List String
type alias Scope =
{ currentFunctionName : String
, tcoLocations : List Range
, newScopes : List ( Range, String )
initialContext : Context
initialContext =
{ currentFunctionName = ""
, tcoLocations = []
, newScopesForLet = []
, parentScopes = []
, parentNames = Set.empty
, comments = Set.empty
, deOptimizationRange = Nothing
, deOptimizationReason = []
commentsVisitor : Configuration -> List (Node String) -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
commentsVisitor configuration comments context =
commentTag : String
commentTag =
case configuration of
OptOut commentTag_ ->
OptIn commentTag_ ->
( []
, { context
| comments =
|> List.filter (Node.value >> String.contains commentTag)
|> (Node.range >> .start >> .row)
|> Set.fromList
declarationVisitor : Configuration -> Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
declarationVisitor configuration node context =
case Node.value node of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
( []
, { currentFunctionName =
hasArguments : Bool
hasArguments =
|> Node.value
|> .arguments
|> List.isEmpty
|> not
if hasArguments && shouldReportFunction configuration context (Node.range function.declaration) then
|> Node.value
|> .name
|> Node.value
, tcoLocations =
[ function.declaration
|> Node.value
|> .expression
|> Node.range
, newScopesForLet = []
, parentScopes = []
, parentNames = Set.empty
, comments = context.comments
, deOptimizationRange = Nothing
, deOptimizationReason = []
_ ->
( [], context )
expressionEnterVisitor : Configuration -> Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )
expressionEnterVisitor configuration node context =
newContext : Context
newContext =
case context.newScopesForLet of
[] ->
( range, name ) :: restOfNewScopes ->
if range == Node.range node then
{ currentFunctionName = name
, tcoLocations = [ range ]
, newScopesForLet = restOfNewScopes
, parentScopes =
( range
, { currentFunctionName = context.currentFunctionName, tcoLocations = context.tcoLocations, newScopes = restOfNewScopes }
:: context.parentScopes
, parentNames = Set.insert context.currentFunctionName context.parentNames
, comments = context.comments
, deOptimizationRange = context.deOptimizationRange
, deOptimizationReason = context.deOptimizationReason
if isInTcoLocation newContext (Node.range node) then
( reportReferencesToParentFunctions node newContext, addAllowedLocation configuration node newContext )
( reportRecursiveCallInNonAllowedLocation node newContext, newContext )
reportRecursiveCallInNonAllowedLocation : Node Expression -> Context -> List (Rule.Error {})
reportRecursiveCallInNonAllowedLocation node context =
case Node.value node of
Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ->
if name == context.currentFunctionName then
[ error (Node.range node) context.deOptimizationReason ]
_ ->
reportReferencesToParentFunctions : Node Expression -> Context -> List (Rule.Error {})
reportReferencesToParentFunctions node context =
case Node.value node of
Expression.Application ((Node funcRange (Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name)) :: _) ->
if Set.member name context.parentNames then
[ error funcRange [ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside a let declaration." ] ]
_ ->
error : Range -> List String -> Rule.Error {}
error range additionalDetails =
{ message = "This function call cannot be tail-call optimized"
, details =
++ [ "You can read more about why over at" ]
addAllowedLocation : Configuration -> Node Expression -> Context -> Context
addAllowedLocation configuration node context =
case Node.value node of
Expression.Application (function :: _) ->
{ context
| tcoLocations = Node.range function :: context.tcoLocations
, deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.IfBlock condition thenBranch elseBranch ->
{ context
| tcoLocations = Node.range thenBranch :: Node.range elseBranch :: context.tcoLocations
, deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range condition)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside an if condition." ]
Expression.LetExpression { declarations, expression } ->
newScopes : List ( Range, String )
newScopes =
(\decl ->
case Node.value decl of
Expression.LetFunction function ->
functionDeclaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation
functionDeclaration =
Node.value function.declaration
hasArguments : Bool
hasArguments =
|> Node.value
|> .arguments
|> List.isEmpty
|> not
( Node.range functionDeclaration.expression
, if hasArguments && shouldReportFunction configuration context (Node.range function.declaration) then
Expression.LetDestructuring _ _ ->
{ context
| newScopesForLet = newScopes
{- The following translates to TCO code
fun x =
fun x
fun 1
, tcoLocations = Node.range expression :: context.tcoLocations
Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
{- The following translates to TCO code
fun x =
(fun x)
{ context | tcoLocations = Node.range expr :: context.tcoLocations }
Expression.CaseExpression { cases } ->
caseBodies : List Range
caseBodies = (Tuple.second >> Node.range) cases
{ context
| tcoLocations = caseBodies ++ context.tcoLocations
, deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear in the pattern to evaluate for a case expression." ]
Expression.OperatorApplication operator _ _ _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason =
List.filterMap identity
[ Just "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, if operator == "<|" || operator == "|>" then
Just ("Removing the usage of `" ++ operator ++ "` may fix the issue here.")
Expression.Negation _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.TupledExpression _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a tuple. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.ListExpr _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a list. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.RecordExpr _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a record. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.RecordUpdateExpression _ _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a record. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.RecordAccess _ _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, you are accessing a field on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch." ]
Expression.LambdaExpression _ ->
{ context
| deOptimizationRange = Just (Node.range node)
, deOptimizationReason = [ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside an anonymous function." ]
_ ->
expressionExitVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
expressionExitVisitor node context =
case context.parentScopes of
[] ->
( [], removeDeOptimizationRangeIfNeeded node context )
( headRange, headScope ) :: restOfParentScopes ->
if headRange == Node.range node then
( []
, removeDeOptimizationRangeIfNeeded node
{ currentFunctionName = headScope.currentFunctionName
, tcoLocations = headScope.tcoLocations
, newScopesForLet = headScope.newScopes
, parentScopes = restOfParentScopes
, parentNames = Set.remove headScope.currentFunctionName context.parentNames
, comments = context.comments
, deOptimizationRange = context.deOptimizationRange
, deOptimizationReason = context.deOptimizationReason
( [], removeDeOptimizationRangeIfNeeded node context )
removeDeOptimizationRangeIfNeeded : Node Expression -> Context -> Context
removeDeOptimizationRangeIfNeeded node context =
if Just (Node.range node) == context.deOptimizationRange then
{ context | deOptimizationRange = Nothing }
isInTcoLocation : Context -> Range -> Bool
isInTcoLocation context range =
List.member range context.tcoLocations

View File

@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
module NoUnoptimizedRecursionTest exposing (all)
import NoUnoptimizedRecursion exposing (optInWithComment, optOutWithComment, rule)
import Review.Test
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
message : String
message =
"This function call cannot be tail-call optimized"
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnoptimizedRecursion"
[ test "should not report non-recursive functions" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a = 1
fun x = a + x
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report self-referential values without arguments" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
commentDecoder =
map2 Comment
(field "message" string)
(field "responses" (map Responses (list (lazy (\\_ -> commentDecoder)))))
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report self-referential let values without arguments" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a =
commentDecoder =
map2 Comment
(field "message" string)
(field "responses" (map Responses (list (lazy (\\_ -> commentDecoder)))))
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report an error when a function is recursive but applies operations on the result" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 3 }, end = { row = 3, column = 6 } }
, test "should not report an error when a function is properly TCO (if then branch)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
if condition x then
fun (x - 1)
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when a function is properly TCO (if else branch)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
if condition x then
fun (x - 1)
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report recursive call in the arguments of a function call" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
other (fun (x - 1))
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 10 }, end = { row = 3, column = 13 } }
, test "should report recursive call in the condition of an if block" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
if fun (x - 1) then
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside an if condition."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 6 }, end = { row = 3, column = 9 } }
, test "should report recursive call in a negation operation" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
-(fun (x - 1))
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 5 }, end = { row = 3, column = 8 } }
, test "should report recursive call in a record access operation" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
(fun (x - 1)).field
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are accessing a field on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 4 }, end = { row = 3, column = 7 } }
, test "should report recursive call from inside a tuple" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
( fun (x - 1), 1 )
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a tuple. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 5 }, end = { row = 3, column = 8 } }
, test "should report recursive call from inside a list" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
[ fun (x - 1), 1 ]
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a list. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 5 }, end = { row = 3, column = 8 } }
, test "should report recursive call from inside a record expression" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
{ result = fun (x - 1) }
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a record. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 14 }, end = { row = 3, column = 17 } }
, test "should report recursive call from inside a record update expression" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
{ y | result = fun (x - 1) }
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are storing the result of recursive call inside a record. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 18 }, end = { row = 3, column = 21 } }
, test "should report recursive call in the case of pattern to evaluate" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
case fun (x - 1) of
_ -> 1
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear in the pattern to evaluate for a case expression."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 8 }, end = { row = 3, column = 11 } }
, test "should not report an error when a function is properly TCO (case branch)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
case x of
_ -> fun (x - 1)
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when a function is properly TCO (let body)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
y = x - 1
fun y
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report an error when a function is called recursively from inside one of its let functions" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun2 y =
fun x
fun2 x
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside a let declaration."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 5, column = 7 }, end = { row = 5, column = 10 } }
, test "should not report an error when a function is properly TCO (parentheses)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
(fun (x - 1))
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report recursive call in a lambda" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun n =
\\x -> (fun n x)
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, the recursive call should not appear inside an anonymous function."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 12 }, end = { row = 3, column = 15 } }
, test "should report recursive call using |>" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x n =
if x <= 0 then
|> fun (x - 1)
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "Removing the usage of `|>` may fix the issue here."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 8, column = 16 }, end = { row = 8, column = 19 } }
, test "should report recursive call using |> (simple reference)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
|> fun
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "Removing the usage of `|>` may fix the issue here."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 12 }, end = { row = 4, column = 15 } }
, test "should report recursive call using <|" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x n =
if x <= 0 then
fun (x - 1) <| n
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "Removing the usage of `<|` may fix the issue here."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 7, column = 9 }, end = { row = 7, column = 12 } }
, test "should report an error for non-TCO let functions" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a n =
fun x =
fun x + 1
fun 2
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 5, column = 7 }, end = { row = 5, column = 10 } }
, test "should not report an error for TCO let functions" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a n =
fun x =
fun x
fun 2
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error for TCO let functions inside a recursive function" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun1 n =
fun2 x =
fun2 x
if cond then
fun1 n
fun2 2
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when the function body contains has the exact opt out comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when the function body contains the opt out comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when the function body contains the opt out comment when it has a signature" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun : Int -> Int
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error for let functions when the function body contains the opt out comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a n =
fun x =
fun x + 1
fun x
|> (rule (optOutWithComment "OPT OUT"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report an error when the function body contains the opt in comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optInWithComment "OPT IN"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 3 }, end = { row = 4, column = 6 } }
, test "should report an error for let functions when the function body contains the opt in comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a n =
fun x =
fun x + 1
fun x
|> (rule (optInWithComment "OPT IN"))
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = message
, details =
[ "Among other possible reasons, you are applying operations on the result of recursive call. The recursive call should be the last thing to happen in this branch."
, "You can read more about why over at"
, under = "fun"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 6, column = 7 }, end = { row = 6, column = 10 } }
, test "should not report an error when the function body does not contain the opt in comment" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
fun x =
fun x + 1
|> (rule (optInWithComment "OPT IN"))
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -309,36 +309,35 @@ collectCustomType lookupTable node =
customTypeConstructors : List ( String, List Range )
customTypeConstructors =
>> (\{ name, arguments } ->
( Node.value name
, arguments
|> List.filter
(\arg ->
case Node.value arg of
TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node _ ( _, "Never" )) [] ->
case ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable arg of
Just [ "Basics" ] ->
_ ->
_ ->
|> Node.range
(\(Node _ { name, arguments }) ->
( Node.value name
, arguments
|> List.filter (isNever lookupTable >> not)
|> Node.range
Just ( Node.value, Dict.fromList customTypeConstructors )
if List.isEmpty customTypeConstructors then
Just ( Node.value, Dict.fromList customTypeConstructors )
_ ->
isNever : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node TypeAnnotation -> Bool
isNever lookupTable node =
case Node.value node of
TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node neverRange ( _, "Never" )) [] ->
ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable neverRange == Just [ "Basics" ]
_ ->

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Forbid having unused custom type constructors.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove most of the reported errors.
config =
[ NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors.rule []
@ -41,11 +43,14 @@ anywhere _in the project_.
If the project is a package and the module that declared the type is exposed and
the type's constructors are exposed, then the constructors will not be reported.
This does not prevent you from using phantom types: A constructor won't be reported if
This does not prevent you from using phantom types.
I highly suggest chaning your phantom types to the following shape: `type TypeName = ConstructorName Never`.
This shape makes it obvious to tooling and readers that the type can't be created, so if it is used, it must be as a phantom type.
- It is the only constructor of a type that has no type variable
- It has no parameters
- It is used as an argument of a custom type, in the stead of a type variable that is not used in the definition in any of the type's constructors
**Deprecated configuration for phantom types**
_I recommend changing your types like mentioned right above, and to configure the rule like `NoUnused.CustomTypeConstructors.rule []`.
I'll keep this section and configuration option around until the next major version comes out._
**Note**: At the time of writing, there may be cases where phantom types are not well detected.
When an opaque type is defined in a dependency, we don't know whether a type variable should be considered as a phantom type.
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ by following the definitions of custom types and type aliases, until it finds ou
variable is not used, or that it hits the limit related to dependencies described above.
In the meantime, you can configure the rule with all the phantom type exceptions.
I would love help with improving this :)
**End of deprecated section**
## Fail
@ -495,54 +500,16 @@ declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, Module
declarationVisitor node context =
case Node.value node of
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration { name, constructors } ->
if isPhantomCustomType name constructors then
if isPhantomCustomType context.lookupTable (Node.value name) constructors then
( [], context )
constructorsAndNext : List ( Maybe (Node Type.ValueConstructor), Node Type.ValueConstructor )
constructorsAndNext =
List.map2 Tuple.pair
( Just (List.drop 1 constructors) ++ [ Nothing ])
constructorsForCustomType : Dict String ConstructorInformation
constructorsForCustomType =
(\( next, constructor ) ( prev, dict ) ->
nameNode : Node String
nameNode =
(Node.value constructor).name
constructorName : String
constructorName =
Node.value nameNode
constructorInformation : ConstructorInformation
constructorInformation =
{ name = constructorName
, rangeToReport = Node.range nameNode
, rangeToRemove = findRangeToRemove prev constructor next
( Just constructor
, Dict.insert
( Nothing, Dict.empty )
|> Tuple.second
( []
, { context
| declaredTypesWithConstructors =
(Node.value name)
(constructorsForCustomType constructors)
@ -561,6 +528,45 @@ declarationVisitor node context =
( [], context )
constructorsForCustomType : List (Node Type.ValueConstructor) -> Dict String ConstructorInformation
constructorsForCustomType constructors =
constructorsAndNext : List ( Maybe (Node Type.ValueConstructor), Node Type.ValueConstructor )
constructorsAndNext =
List.map2 Tuple.pair
( Just (List.drop 1 constructors) ++ [ Nothing ])
(\( next, constructor ) ( prev, dict ) ->
nameNode : Node String
nameNode =
(Node.value constructor).name
constructorName : String
constructorName =
Node.value nameNode
constructorInformation : ConstructorInformation
constructorInformation =
{ name = constructorName
, rangeToReport = Node.range nameNode
, rangeToRemove = findRangeToRemove prev constructor next
( Just constructor
, Dict.insert
( Nothing, Dict.empty )
|> Tuple.second
findRangeToRemove : Maybe (Node a) -> Node Type.ValueConstructor -> Maybe (Node c) -> Maybe { start : Elm.Syntax.Range.Location, end : Elm.Syntax.Range.Location }
findRangeToRemove previousConstructor constructor nextConstructor =
case previousConstructor of
@ -582,23 +588,29 @@ findRangeToRemove previousConstructor constructor nextConstructor =
isPhantomCustomType : Node String -> List (Node Type.ValueConstructor) -> Bool
isPhantomCustomType name constructors =
isPhantomCustomType : ModuleNameLookupTable -> String -> List (Node Type.ValueConstructor) -> Bool
isPhantomCustomType lookupTable typeName constructors =
case constructors of
(Node _ constructor) :: [] ->
if Node.value name == Node.value then
case constructor.arguments of
(Node _ (TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node _ ( [], "Never" )) [])) :: [] ->
[ Node _ constructor ] ->
case constructor.arguments of
[ arg ] ->
isNeverOrItself lookupTable typeName arg
(Node _ (TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node _ ( [ "Basics" ], "Never" )) [])) :: [] ->
_ ->
_ ->
_ ->
isNeverOrItself : ModuleNameLookupTable -> String -> Node TypeAnnotation -> Bool
isNeverOrItself lookupTable typeName node =
case Node.value node of
TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node neverRange ( _, "Never" )) [] ->
ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable neverRange == Just [ "Basics" ]
TypeAnnotation.Typed (Node _ ( [], argName )) [] ->
typeName == argName
_ ->

View File

@ -627,13 +627,37 @@ id = Id
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 13 }, end = { row = 3, column = 17 } }
, test "should not report a custom type with one constructor that takes Never" <|
, test "should not report a custom type with one constructor that takes Never (constructor named like the type)" <|
\() ->
module MyModule exposing (id)
type User = User Never
type Id a = Id a
id : Id User
id = Id
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData project (rule [])
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a custom type with one constructor that takes Never (constructor named differently from the type)" <|
\() ->
module MyModule exposing (id)
type User = SomeConstructor Never
type Id a = Id a
id : Id User
id = Id
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData project (rule [])
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a custom type with one constructor that takes itself" <|
\() ->
module MyModule exposing (id)
type User = SomeConstructor User
type Id a = Id a
id : Id User
id = Id

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Version
import List.Extra
import Review.Project.Dependency as Dependency exposing (Dependency)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Forbid the use of dependencies that are never used in your project.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove all the reported errors.
A dependency is considered unused if none of its modules are imported in the project.
config =
@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ A dependency is considered unused if none of its modules are imported in the pro
You can try this rule out by running the following command:
elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-elm-review-unused/example --rules NoUnused.Dependencies
elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-unused/example --rules NoUnused.Dependencies
@ -250,28 +253,34 @@ finalEvaluationForProject projectContext =
depsNotUsedInSrcButUsedInTests : Set String
depsNotUsedInSrcButUsedInTests =
Set.intersect depsNotUsedInSrc projectContext.usedDependenciesFromTest
|> Set.remove "elm/core"
depsNotUsedInSrcErrors : List String
depsNotUsedInSrcErrors =
Set.diff depsNotUsedInSrc depsNotUsedInSrcButUsedInTests
|> Set.remove "elm/core"
(Set.union packagesNotToReport depsNotUsedInSrcButUsedInTests)
|> Set.toList
testDepsNotUsedInTests : List String
testDepsNotUsedInTests =
Set.diff projectContext.directTestDependencies projectContext.usedDependenciesFromTest
|> Set.remove "elm/core"
testDepsNotUsed : List String
testDepsNotUsed =
(Set.union projectContext.usedDependenciesFromTest projectContext.usedDependencies)
|> Set.toList
in (unusedProjectDependencyError elmJsonKey projectContext.dependencies) depsNotUsedInSrcErrors
++ (unusedTestDependencyError elmJsonKey projectContext.dependencies) testDepsNotUsedInTests
++ (unusedTestDependencyError elmJsonKey projectContext.dependencies) testDepsNotUsed
++ (moveDependencyToTestError elmJsonKey projectContext.dependencies) (Set.toList depsNotUsedInSrcButUsedInTests)
Nothing ->
packagesNotToReport : Set String
packagesNotToReport =
Set.fromList [ "elm/core", "lamdera/core", "lamdera/codecs" ]
@ -412,7 +421,7 @@ fromProject dependenciesDict dependencyLocation packageNameStr project =
Nothing ->
case find (isPackageWithName packageNameStr) dependencies of
case List.Extra.find (isPackageWithName packageNameStr) dependencies of
Just ( packageName, version ) ->
@ -437,7 +446,7 @@ fromProject dependenciesDict dependencyLocation packageNameStr project =
InTestDeps ->
case find (isPackageWithName packageNameStr) dependencies of
case List.Extra.find (isPackageWithName packageNameStr) dependencies of
Just ( packageName, constraint ) ->
Just (PackageProject { package = packageInfo, name = packageName, constraint = constraint })
@ -592,23 +601,3 @@ removeTestDependency projectAndDependencyIdentifier =
isPackageWithName : String -> ( Elm.Package.Name, a ) -> Bool
isPackageWithName packageName ( packageName_, _ ) =
packageName == Elm.Package.toString packageName_
{-| Find the first element that satisfies a predicate and return
Just that element. If none match, return Nothing.
find (\num -> num > 5) [ 2, 4, 6, 8 ] == Just 6
find : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Maybe a
find predicate list =
case list of
[] ->
first :: rest ->
if predicate first then
Just first
find predicate rest

View File

@ -141,6 +141,33 @@ packageElmJson =
packageElmJsonWithLamdera : String
packageElmJsonWithLamdera =
"type": "package",
"name": "author/package",
"summary": "Summary",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {
"elm/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"lamdera/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"lamdera/codecs": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"author/package-with-foo": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"author/package-with-bar": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
"test-dependencies": {
"author/package-with-test-foo": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"author/package-with-test-bar": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
packageWithFoo : Dependency
packageWithFoo =
@ -754,6 +781,19 @@ a = 1
, test "should not report test-dependencies used in source-directories" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (a)
import Foo
import Bar
import TestFoo
import TestBar
a = 1
|> String.replace "\u{000D}" ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (createProject Nothing packageElmJson) rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should re-organize the indirect dependencies when a dependency gets removed" <|
\() ->
@ -869,6 +909,19 @@ a = 1
|> Review.Test.whenFixed expected
, test "should not report lamdera/core or lamdera/codecs" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (a)
import Foo
import Bar
import TestFoo
import TestBar
a = 1
|> String.replace "\u{000D}" ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (createProject Nothing packageElmJsonWithLamdera) rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Elm.Module
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)
import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing
import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing exposing (TopLevelExpose)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import)
import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module)
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix)
import List.Extra
import NoUnused.LamderaSupport as LamderaSupport
import Review.Fix as Fix
import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Report functions and types that are exposed from a module but that are never
used in other modules.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove all the reported errors.
If the project is a package and the module that declared the element is exposed,
then nothing will be reported.
@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ moduleVisitor : Rule.ModuleRuleSchema {} ModuleContext -> Rule.ModuleRuleSchema
moduleVisitor schema =
|> Rule.withModuleDefinitionVisitor moduleDefinitionVisitor
|> Rule.withCommentsVisitor commentsVisitor
|> Rule.withImportVisitor importVisitor
|> Rule.withDeclarationListVisitor declarationListVisitor
|> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor
@ -92,16 +97,21 @@ type alias ProjectContext =
type alias ExposedElement =
{ range : Range
, rangeToRemove : Maybe Range
, rangesToRemove : List Range
, elementType : ExposedElementType
type ProjectType
= IsApplication
= IsApplication ElmApplicationType
| IsPackage (Set (List String))
type ElmApplicationType
= ElmApplication
| LamderaApplication
type ExposedElementType
= Function
| TypeOrTypeAlias
@ -111,6 +121,7 @@ type ExposedElementType
type alias ModuleContext =
{ lookupTable : ModuleNameLookupTable
, exposesEverything : Bool
, rawExposed : List (Node TopLevelExpose)
, exposed : Dict String ExposedElement
, used : Set ( ModuleName, String )
, elementsNotToReport : Set String
@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ type alias ModuleContext =
initialProjectContext : ProjectContext
initialProjectContext =
{ projectType = IsApplication
{ projectType = IsApplication ElmApplication
, modules = Dict.empty
, used = Set.empty
@ -130,6 +141,7 @@ fromProjectToModule lookupTable _ =
{ lookupTable = lookupTable
, exposesEverything = False
, exposed = Dict.empty
, rawExposed = []
, used = Set.empty
, elementsNotToReport = Set.empty
@ -137,7 +149,7 @@ fromProjectToModule lookupTable _ =
fromModuleToProject : Rule.ModuleKey -> Rule.Metadata -> ModuleContext -> ProjectContext
fromModuleToProject moduleKey metadata moduleContext =
{ projectType = IsApplication
{ projectType = IsApplication ElmApplication
, modules =
(Rule.moduleNameFromMetadata metadata)
@ -197,8 +209,20 @@ elmJsonVisitor maybeProject projectContext =
_ ->
( [], { projectContext | projectType = IsApplication } )
Just (Elm.Project.Application { depsDirect }) ->
elmApplicationType : ElmApplicationType
elmApplicationType =
if LamderaSupport.isLamderaApplication depsDirect then
( [], { projectContext | projectType = IsApplication elmApplicationType } )
Nothing ->
( [], { projectContext | projectType = IsApplication ElmApplication } )
@ -210,52 +234,45 @@ finalEvaluationForProject projectContext =
|> removeExposedPackages projectContext
|> Dict.toList
|> List.concatMap (errorsForModule projectContext)
errorsForModule : ProjectContext -> ( ModuleName, { moduleKey : Rule.ModuleKey, exposed : Dict String ExposedElement } ) -> List (Error scope)
errorsForModule projectContext ( moduleName, { moduleKey, exposed } ) =
|> removeApplicationExceptions projectContext
|> removeReviewConfig moduleName
|> Dict.filter (\name _ -> not <| Set.member ( moduleName, name ) projectContext.used)
|> Dict.toList
|> List.concatMap
(\( moduleName, { moduleKey, exposed } ) ->
|> removeApplicationExceptions projectContext
|> removeReviewConfig moduleName
|> Dict.filter (\name _ -> not <| Set.member ( moduleName, name ) projectContext.used)
|> Dict.toList
|> List.concatMap
(\( name, element ) ->
what : String
what =
case element.elementType of
Function ->
"Exposed function or value"
(\( name, element ) ->
what : String
what =
case element.elementType of
Function ->
"Exposed function or value"
TypeOrTypeAlias ->
"Exposed type or type alias"
TypeOrTypeAlias ->
"Exposed type or type alias"
ExposedType ->
"Exposed type"
fixes : List Fix
fixes =
case element.rangeToRemove of
Just rangeToRemove ->
[ Fix.removeRange rangeToRemove ]
Nothing ->
[ Rule.errorForModuleWithFix moduleKey
{ message = what ++ " `" ++ name ++ "` is never used outside this module."
, details = [ "This exposed element is never used. You may want to remove it to keep your project clean, and maybe detect some unused code in your project." ]
ExposedType ->
"Exposed type"
[ Rule.errorForModuleWithFix moduleKey
{ message = what ++ " `" ++ name ++ "` is never used outside this module."
, details = [ "This exposed element is never used. You may want to remove it to keep your project clean, and maybe detect some unused code in your project." ]
( Fix.removeRange element.rangesToRemove)
removeExposedPackages : ProjectContext -> Dict ModuleName a -> Dict ModuleName a
removeExposedPackages projectContext dict =
case projectContext.projectType of
IsApplication ->
IsApplication _ ->
IsPackage exposedModuleNames ->
@ -265,12 +282,17 @@ removeExposedPackages projectContext dict =
removeApplicationExceptions : ProjectContext -> Dict String a -> Dict String a
removeApplicationExceptions projectContext dict =
case projectContext.projectType of
IsApplication ->
Dict.remove "main" dict
IsPackage _ ->
IsApplication ElmApplication ->
Dict.remove "main" dict
IsApplication LamderaApplication ->
|> Dict.remove "main"
|> Dict.remove "app"
removeReviewConfig : ModuleName -> Dict String a -> Dict String a
removeReviewConfig moduleName dict =
@ -292,11 +314,39 @@ moduleDefinitionVisitor moduleNode moduleContext =
( [], { moduleContext | exposesEverything = True } )
Exposing.Explicit list ->
( [], { moduleContext | exposed = collectExposedElements list } )
( [], { moduleContext | rawExposed = list } )
collectExposedElements : List (Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose) -> Dict String ExposedElement
collectExposedElements nodes =
commentsVisitor : List (Node String) -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext )
commentsVisitor nodes moduleContext =
if List.isEmpty moduleContext.rawExposed then
( [], moduleContext )
comments : List ( Int, String )
comments =
|> List.Extra.find (Node.value >> String.startsWith "{-|")
(\(Node range comment) ->
|> String.lines
|> List.drop 1
|> List.indexedMap (\i line -> ( i + range.start.row + 1, line ))
|> List.filter (Tuple.second >> String.startsWith "@docs ")
|> Maybe.withDefault []
( []
, { moduleContext
| exposed = collectExposedElements comments moduleContext.rawExposed
collectExposedElements : List ( Int, String ) -> List (Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose) -> Dict String ExposedElement
collectExposedElements comments nodes =
listWithPreviousRange : List (Maybe Range)
listWithPreviousRange =
@ -318,29 +368,12 @@ collectExposedElements nodes =
|> List.map3 (\prev next current -> ( prev, current, next )) listWithPreviousRange listWithNextRange
|> List.indexedMap
(\index ( maybePreviousRange, Node range value, nextRange ) ->
rangeToRemove : Maybe Range
rangeToRemove =
if List.length nodes == 1 then
else if index == 0 then
Just { range | end = nextRange.start }
case maybePreviousRange of
Nothing ->
Just range
Just previousRange ->
Just { range | start = previousRange.end }
case value of
Exposing.FunctionExpose name ->
( name
, { range = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
, rangesToRemove = getRangesToRemove comments nodes name index maybePreviousRange range nextRange
, elementType = Function
@ -349,7 +382,7 @@ collectExposedElements nodes =
( name
, { range = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
, rangesToRemove = getRangesToRemove comments nodes name index maybePreviousRange range nextRange
, elementType = TypeOrTypeAlias
@ -358,7 +391,7 @@ collectExposedElements nodes =
( name
, { range = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = Nothing
, rangesToRemove = []
, elementType = ExposedType
@ -370,6 +403,88 @@ collectExposedElements nodes =
|> Dict.fromList
getRangesToRemove : List ( Int, String ) -> List a -> String -> Int -> Maybe Range -> Range -> Range -> List Range
getRangesToRemove comments nodes name index maybePreviousRange range nextRange =
if List.length nodes == 1 then
exposeRemoval : Range
exposeRemoval =
if index == 0 then
{ range | end = nextRange.start }
case maybePreviousRange of
Nothing ->
Just previousRange ->
{ range | start = previousRange.end }
List.filterMap identity
[ Just exposeRemoval
, findMap (findDocsRangeToRemove name) comments
findDocsRangeToRemove : String -> ( Int, String ) -> Maybe Range
findDocsRangeToRemove name fullComment =
case findcommentInMiddle name fullComment of
Just range ->
Just range
Nothing ->
findCommentAtEnd name fullComment
findcommentInMiddle : String -> ( Int, String ) -> Maybe Range
findcommentInMiddle name ( row, comment ) =
String.indexes (" " ++ name ++ ", ") comment
|> List.head
(\index ->
{ start = { row = row, column = index + 2 }
, end = { row = row, column = index + String.length name + 4 }
findCommentAtEnd : String -> ( Int, String ) -> Maybe Range
findCommentAtEnd name ( row, comment ) =
if comment == "@docs " ++ name then
{ start = { row = row, column = 1 }
, end = { row = row + 1, column = 1 }
String.indexes (", " ++ name) comment
|> List.head
(\index ->
{ start = { row = row, column = index + 1 }
, end = { row = row, column = index + String.length name + 3 }
findMap : (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> Maybe b
findMap mapper list =
case list of
[] ->
first :: rest ->
case mapper first of
Just value ->
Just value
Nothing ->
findMap mapper rest
untilEndOfVariable : String -> Range -> Range
untilEndOfVariable name range =
if range.start.row == range.end.row then
@ -572,8 +687,8 @@ typesUsedInDeclaration moduleContext declaration =
Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ ->
( collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext alias_.typeAnnotation, False )
Declaration.PortDeclaration _ ->
( [], False )
Declaration.PortDeclaration signature ->
( collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation moduleContext signature.typeAnnotation, False )
Declaration.InfixDeclaration _ ->
( [], False )

View File

@ -1,86 +1,9 @@
module NoUnused.ExportsTest exposing (all)
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Version
import Json.Decode as Decode
import NoUnused.Exports exposing (rule)
import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project)
import Review.Test
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
application : Project
application =
|> Project.addElmJson applicationElmJson
applicationElmJson : { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
applicationElmJson =
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = """{
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"elm/core": "1.0.2"
"indirect": {}
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"indirect": {}
, project =
{ elm =
, dirs = []
, depsDirect = []
, depsIndirect = []
, testDepsDirect = []
, testDepsIndirect = []
package : Project
package =
|> Project.addElmJson (createPackageElmJson ())
createPackageElmJson : () -> { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
createPackageElmJson _ =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder rawPackageElmJson of
Ok elmJson ->
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = rawPackageElmJson
, project = elmJson
Err err ->
Debug.todo ("Invalid elm.json supplied to test: " ++ Debug.toString err)
rawPackageElmJson : String
rawPackageElmJson =
"type": "package",
"name": "author/package",
"summary": "Summary",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {},
"test-dependencies": {}
import TestProject exposing (application, lamderaApplication, package)
details : List String
@ -97,6 +20,7 @@ all =
, typeAliasesTests
, duplicateModuleNameTests
, importsTests
, lamderaTests
-- TODO Add tests that report exposing the type's variants if they are never used.
@ -242,6 +166,72 @@ exposed2 = 2
module A exposing (exposed1)
exposed1 = 1
exposed2 = 2
, test "should propose to remove the @docs entry in the module's documentation along with the removed export" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (exposed1, exposed2, exposed3)
@docs exposed1, exposed2
@docs exposed3
exposed1 = 1
exposed2 = 2
exposed3 = 3
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `exposed1` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "exposed1"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 1, column = 20 }, end = { row = 1, column = 28 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module A exposing (exposed2, exposed3)
@docs exposed2
@docs exposed3
exposed1 = 1
exposed2 = 2
exposed3 = 3
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `exposed2` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "exposed2"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 1, column = 30 }, end = { row = 1, column = 38 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module A exposing (exposed1, exposed3)
@docs exposed1
@docs exposed3
exposed1 = 1
exposed2 = 2
exposed3 = 3
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `exposed3` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "exposed3"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 1, column = 40 }, end = { row = 1, column = 48 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module A exposing (exposed1, exposed2)
@docs exposed1, exposed2
exposed1 = 1
exposed2 = 2
exposed3 = 3
, test "should not report anything for modules that expose everything`" <|
@ -514,6 +504,28 @@ main =
""", """module B exposing (Type1)
type Type1 = Type1
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed type if it is used in a port (input)" <|
\() ->
[ """module Main exposing (main)
import B
main = somePort
port somePort : (B.Type1 -> msg) -> Sub msg
""", """module B exposing (Type1)
type alias Type1 = { user : String }
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed type if it is used in a port (output)" <|
\() ->
[ """module Main exposing (main)
import B
main = somePort
port somePort : B.Type1 -> Cmd msg
""", """module B exposing (Type1)
type alias Type1 = { user : String }
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
@ -806,3 +818,44 @@ b = 2
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
lamderaTests : Test
lamderaTests =
describe "Lamdera support"
[ test "should report an exposed `app` function in packages" <|
\() ->
"""module Main exposing (app)
app = foo
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `app` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "app"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 1, column = 23 }, end = { row = 1, column = 26 } }
, test "should report an exposed `app` function in applications" <|
\() ->
"""module Main exposing (app)
app = foo
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `app` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "app"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 1, column = 23 }, end = { row = 1, column = 26 } }
, test "should not report an exposed `app` function in Lamdera applications" <|
\() ->
"""module Main exposing (app)
app = foo
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData lamderaApplication rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module NoUnused.LamderaSupport exposing (isLamderaApplication)
import Elm.Package
isLamderaApplication : List ( Elm.Package.Name, b ) -> Bool
isLamderaApplication depsDirect =
List.any (\( name, _ ) -> Elm.Package.toString name == "lamdera/core") depsDirect

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import)
import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import NoUnused.LamderaSupport as LamderaSupport
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -80,22 +81,32 @@ type alias ProjectContext =
, moduleNameLocation : Range
, usedModules : Set ModuleName
, isPackage : Bool
, projectType : ProjectType
type alias ModuleContext =
{ importedModules : Set ModuleName
, containsMainFunction : Bool
, isPackage : Bool
, projectType : ProjectType
type ProjectType
= Package
| Application ElmApplicationType
type ElmApplicationType
= ElmApplication
| LamderaApplication
initialProjectContext : ProjectContext
initialProjectContext =
{ modules = Dict.empty
, usedModules = Set.singleton [ "ReviewConfig" ]
, isPackage = False
, projectType = Application ElmApplication
@ -103,7 +114,7 @@ fromProjectToModule : Rule.ModuleKey -> Node ModuleName -> ProjectContext -> Mod
fromProjectToModule _ _ projectContext =
{ importedModules = Set.empty
, containsMainFunction = False
, isPackage = projectContext.isPackage
, projectType = projectContext.projectType
@ -119,7 +130,7 @@ fromModuleToProject moduleKey moduleName moduleContext =
, isPackage = moduleContext.isPackage
, projectType = moduleContext.projectType
@ -127,7 +138,7 @@ foldProjectContexts : ProjectContext -> ProjectContext -> ProjectContext
foldProjectContexts newContext previousContext =
{ modules = Dict.union previousContext.modules newContext.modules
, usedModules = Set.union previousContext.usedModules newContext.usedModules
, isPackage = previousContext.isPackage
, projectType = previousContext.projectType
@ -138,18 +149,30 @@ foldProjectContexts newContext previousContext =
elmJsonVisitor : Maybe { a | project : Project } -> ProjectContext -> ( List nothing, ProjectContext )
elmJsonVisitor maybeProject projectContext =
( exposedModules, isPackage ) =
( exposedModules, projectType ) =
case maybeProject |> .project of
Just (Elm.Project.Package { exposed }) ->
case exposed of
Elm.Project.ExposedList names ->
( names, True )
( names, Package )
Elm.Project.ExposedDict fakeDict ->
( List.concatMap Tuple.second fakeDict, True )
( List.concatMap Tuple.second fakeDict, Package )
_ ->
( [], False )
Just (Elm.Project.Application { depsDirect }) ->
elmApplicationType : ElmApplicationType
elmApplicationType =
if LamderaSupport.isLamderaApplication depsDirect then
( [], Application elmApplicationType )
Nothing ->
( [], Application ElmApplication )
( []
, { projectContext
@ -158,7 +181,7 @@ elmJsonVisitor maybeProject projectContext =
|> (Elm.Module.toString >> String.split ".")
|> Set.fromList
|> Set.union projectContext.usedModules
, isPackage = isPackage
, projectType = projectType
@ -205,24 +228,39 @@ moduleNameForImport node =
declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> ModuleContext -> ( List nothing, ModuleContext )
declarationListVisitor list context =
if context.isPackage then
( [], context )
case context.projectType of
Package ->
( [], context )
containsMainFunction : Bool
containsMainFunction =
(\declaration ->
case Node.value declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
(function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value) == "main"
Application elmApplicationType ->
mainName : String
mainName =
mainFunctionName elmApplicationType
_ ->
( []
, { context | containsMainFunction = containsMainFunction }
containsMainFunction : Bool
containsMainFunction =
(\declaration ->
case Node.value declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
(function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Node.value) == mainName
_ ->
( []
, { context | containsMainFunction = containsMainFunction }
mainFunctionName : ElmApplicationType -> String
mainFunctionName elmApplicationType =
case elmApplicationType of
ElmApplication ->
LamderaApplication ->

View File

@ -1,86 +1,9 @@
module NoUnused.ModulesTest exposing (all)
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Version
import Json.Decode as Decode
import NoUnused.Modules exposing (rule)
import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project)
import Review.Test
import Test exposing (Test, describe, test)
application : Project
application =
|> Project.addElmJson applicationElmJson
applicationElmJson : { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
applicationElmJson =
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = """{
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"elm/core": "1.0.2"
"indirect": {}
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"indirect": {}
, project =
{ elm =
, dirs = []
, depsDirect = []
, depsIndirect = []
, testDepsDirect = []
, testDepsIndirect = []
package : Project
package =
|> Project.addElmJson (createPackageElmJson ())
createPackageElmJson : () -> { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
createPackageElmJson _ =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder rawPackageElmJson of
Ok elmJson ->
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = rawPackageElmJson
, project = elmJson
Err err ->
Debug.todo ("Invalid elm.json supplied to test: " ++ Debug.toString err)
rawPackageElmJson : String
rawPackageElmJson =
"type": "package",
"name": "author/package",
"summary": "Summary",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {},
"test-dependencies": {}
import TestProject exposing (application, lamderaApplication, package)
details : List String
@ -89,168 +12,200 @@ details =
tests : List Test
tests =
[ test "should not report a module when all modules are used" <|
\() ->
[ """
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnusedModules"
[ test "should not report a module when all modules are used" <|
\() ->
[ """
module NotReported exposing (..)
import OtherModule
main = text ""
, """
, """
module OtherModule exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report a module when it is never used" <|
\() ->
[ """
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report a module when it is never used" <|
\() ->
[ """
module NotReported exposing (..)
main = text ""
, """
, """
module Reported exposing (..)
a = 1
, """
, """
module Other.Reported exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules
[ ( "Reported"
, [ Review.Test.error
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules
[ ( "Reported"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, ( "Other.Reported"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Other.Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Other.Reported"
, test "should report a module even if it is the only module in the project" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (..)
import Something
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, ( "Other.Reported"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Other.Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Other.Reported"
, test "should report a module even if it is the only module in the project" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (..)
import Something
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should not report an application module if it exposes a main function" <|
\() ->
, test "should not report an application module if it exposes a main function" <|
\() ->
module NotReported exposing (..)
main = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an application module if it contains a main function even if it is not exposed" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an application module if it contains a main function even if it is not exposed" <|
\() ->
module NotReported exposing (a)
main = text ""
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a module with main function if we don't know the project type" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a module with main function if we don't know the project type" <|
\() ->
module NotReported exposing (a)
main = text ""
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a module if it imports `Test`" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report a module if it imports `Test`" <|
\() ->
module NotReported exposing (..)
import Test
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report the `ReviewConfig` module" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report the `ReviewConfig` module" <|
\() ->
module ReviewConfig exposing (config)
config = []
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report modules exposed in a package" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report modules exposed in a package" <|
\() ->
module Exposed exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used modules from a package" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used modules from a package" <|
\() ->
module NotExposed exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `NotExposed` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "NotExposed"
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used package modules that expose a `main` function" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `NotExposed` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "NotExposed"
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used package modules that expose a `main` function" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (main)
main = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used package modules that define a `main` function" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should report non-exposed and non-used package modules that define a `main` function" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (a)
main = text ""
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnusedModules" tests
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should report modules that contain a top-level `app` function in packages" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (app)
app = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should report modules that contain a top-level `app` function in Elm applications" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (app)
app = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Reported` is never used."
, details = details
, under = "Reported"
, test "should report modules that contain a top-level `app` function in Lamdera applications" <|
\() ->
module Reported exposing (app)
app = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData lamderaApplication rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Report useless patterns and pattern values that are not used.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove all the reported errors.
config =
[ NoUnused.Patterns.rule
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ report context =
errors =
[ singleErrors
, recordErrors
, List.concatMap (recordErrors context) records
, simplifiablePatterns
@ -217,51 +219,6 @@ report context =
recordErrors : List (Rule.Error {})
recordErrors =
|> List.concatMap
(\{ fields, recordRange } ->
( unused, used ) =
List.partition (isNodeInContext context) fields
case unused of
[] ->
firstNode :: restNodes ->
first : String
first =
Node.value firstNode
rest : List String
rest = Node.value restNodes
( errorRange, fix ) =
case used of
[] ->
( recordRange, Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange "_" )
_ ->
( Range.combine ( Node.range unused)
, Node Range.emptyRange (Pattern.RecordPattern used)
|> Writer.writePattern
|> Writer.write
|> Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange
[ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = listToMessage first rest
, details = listToDetails first rest
[ fix ]
( errors
, List.foldl
@ -274,6 +231,58 @@ report context =
( [], context )
recordErrors : Context -> { fields : List (Node String), recordRange : Range } -> List (Rule.Error {})
recordErrors context { fields, recordRange } =
if List.isEmpty fields then
[ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = "Record pattern is not needed"
, details = [ "This pattern is redundant and should be replaced with '_'." ]
[ Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange "_" ]
( unused, used ) =
List.partition (isNodeInContext context) fields
case unused of
[] ->
firstNode :: restNodes ->
first : String
first =
Node.value firstNode
rest : List String
rest = Node.value restNodes
( errorRange, fix ) =
case used of
[] ->
( recordRange, Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange "_" )
_ ->
( Range.combine ( Node.range unused)
, Node Range.emptyRange (Pattern.RecordPattern used)
|> Writer.writePattern
|> Writer.write
|> Fix.replaceRangeBy recordRange
[ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = listToMessage first rest
, details = listToDetails first rest
[ fix ]
findDeclaredPatterns :
@ -328,7 +337,7 @@ findPatterns use (Node range pattern) =
Pattern.TuplePattern [ Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern ] ->
[ SimplifiablePattern
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantDetails
@ -339,7 +348,7 @@ findPatterns use (Node range pattern) =
Pattern.TuplePattern [ Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern, Node _ Pattern.AllPattern ] ->
[ SimplifiablePattern
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantDetails
@ -367,7 +376,7 @@ findPatterns use (Node range pattern) =
if use == Destructuring && List.all isAllPattern patterns then
[ SimplifiablePattern
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantDetails
@ -489,7 +498,7 @@ errorsForPattern use (Node range pattern) context =
errorsForUselessNamePattern : Range -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )
errorsForUselessNamePattern range context =
( [ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantDetails
@ -502,7 +511,7 @@ errorsForUselessNamePattern range context =
errorsForUselessTuple : Range -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )
errorsForUselessTuple range context =
( [ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantDetails
@ -600,7 +609,7 @@ errorsForAsPattern patternRange inner (Node range name) context =
else if isAllPattern inner then
( [ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed"
, details = removeDetails
(Node.range inner)
@ -618,7 +627,7 @@ findPatternForAsPattern patternRange inner (Node range name) =
if isAllPattern inner then
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed"
, details = removeDetails
(Node.range inner)

View File

@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed"
, details = [ "This pattern is redundant and should be removed." ]
, under = "_"
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed."
{ message = "Pattern `_` is not needed"
, details = [ "This pattern is redundant and should be removed." ]
, under = "_"
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "Singular _"
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ foo =
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "Pair _ _"
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "Singular _"
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ foo =
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Named pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "Pair _ _"
@ -918,6 +918,35 @@ foo =
, test "should report empty record values" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
foo =
{} =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Record pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "{}"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
module A exposing (..)
foo =
_ =
, test "should report highlight the least amount of values possible" <|
@ -1012,7 +1041,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "( _, _ )"
@ -1041,7 +1070,7 @@ foo =
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed."
{ message = "Tuple pattern is not needed"
, details = redundantReplaceDetails
, under = "( _, _, _ )"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module NoUnused.RangeDict exposing (RangeDict, empty, fromList, get, insert, member)
module NoUnused.RangeDict exposing (RangeDict, empty, fromList, get, insert, insertAll, member, singleton)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
@ -18,6 +18,19 @@ insert range =
Dict.insert (rangeAsString range)
insertAll : List ( Range, v ) -> RangeDict v -> RangeDict v
insertAll list dict =
(\( range, v ) -> insert range v)
singleton : Range -> v -> RangeDict v
singleton range value =
Dict.singleton (rangeAsString range) value
fromList : List ( Range, v ) -> RangeDict v
fromList values =

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Syntax.Type
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAlias exposing (TypeAlias)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import NoUnused.NonemptyList as NonemptyList exposing (Nonempty)
import NoUnused.RangeDict as RangeDict exposing (RangeDict)
@ -32,6 +34,8 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Report variables or types that are declared or imported but never used.
🔧 Running with `--fix` will automatically remove all the reported errors.
config =
[ NoUnused.Variables.rule
@ -697,7 +701,18 @@ expressionEnterVisitorHelp (Node range value) context =
namesUsedInPattern =
getUsedVariablesFromPattern context pattern
( []
( if not (introducesVariable pattern) then
{ message = "Pattern doesn't introduce any variables"
, details =
[ "This value has been computed but isn't assigned to any variable, which makes the value unusable. You should remove it at the location I pointed at." ]
(Node.range pattern)
[ Fix.removeRange (letDeclarationToRemoveRange letBlockContext (Node.range declaration)) ]
:: errors
, List.foldl markValueAsUsed foldContext namesUsedInPattern.types
|> markAllModulesAsUsed namesUsedInPattern.modules
@ -913,72 +928,138 @@ getUsedModulesFromPattern lookupTable patternNode =
getUsedModulesFromPattern lookupTable pattern
introducesVariable : Node Pattern -> Bool
introducesVariable patternNode =
case Node.value patternNode of
Pattern.VarPattern _ ->
Pattern.AsPattern _ _ ->
Pattern.RecordPattern fields ->
not (List.isEmpty fields)
Pattern.TuplePattern patterns ->
List.any introducesVariable patterns
Pattern.UnConsPattern pattern1 pattern2 ->
List.any introducesVariable [ pattern1, pattern2 ]
Pattern.ListPattern patterns ->
List.any introducesVariable patterns
Pattern.NamedPattern _ patterns ->
List.any introducesVariable patterns
Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern ->
introducesVariable pattern
_ ->
declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> ModuleContext -> ( List (Error {}), ModuleContext )
declarationListVisitor nodes context =
(\node ( errors, ctx ) ->
case Node.value node of
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration { name, constructors, documentation } ->
typeName : String
typeName =
Node.value name
( []
, List.foldl registerTypes context nodes
constructorsForType : Dict String String
constructorsForType =
|> (Node.value >> .name >> Node.value)
|> (\constructorName -> ( constructorName, typeName ))
|> Dict.fromList
customType : CustomTypeData
customType =
{ under = Node.range name
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemoveForNodeWithDocumentation node documentation
, variants = (Node.value >> .name >> Node.value) constructors
( errors
, { ctx
| localCustomTypes =
(Node.value name)
, constructorNameToTypeName = Dict.union constructorsForType ctx.constructorNameToTypeName
registerTypes : Node Declaration -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext
registerTypes node context =
case Node.value node of
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration customType ->
registerCustomType (Node.range node) customType context
Declaration.AliasDeclaration { name, documentation } ->
contextWithRemovedShadowedImports : ModuleContext
contextWithRemovedShadowedImports =
{ context | importedCustomTypeLookup = Dict.remove (Node.value name) context.importedCustomTypeLookup }
( []
, if context.exposesEverything then
Declaration.AliasDeclaration typeAliasDeclaration ->
registerTypeAlias (Node.range node) typeAliasDeclaration context
{ typeName = "Type"
, under = Node.range name
, rangeToRemove = Just (rangeToRemoveForNodeWithDocumentation node documentation)
, warning = ""
(Node.value name)
_ ->
registerTypeAlias : Range -> TypeAlias -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext
registerTypeAlias range { name, typeAnnotation } context =
contextWithRemovedShadowedImports : ModuleContext
contextWithRemovedShadowedImports =
case Node.value typeAnnotation of
TypeAnnotation.Record _ ->
{ context | importedCustomTypeLookup = Dict.remove (Node.value name) context.importedCustomTypeLookup }
_ ->
( errors, ctx )
( [], context )
-- TODO Rename
typeAlias : CustomTypeData
typeAlias =
{ under = Node.range name
, rangeToRemove = untilStartOfNextLine range
, variants = []
case Node.value typeAnnotation of
TypeAnnotation.Record _ ->
if context.exposesEverything then
{ typeName = "Type"
, under = Node.range name
, rangeToRemove = Just (untilStartOfNextLine range)
, warning = ""
(Node.value name)
_ ->
{ contextWithRemovedShadowedImports
| localCustomTypes =
(Node.value name)
registerCustomType : Range -> Elm.Syntax.Type.Type -> ModuleContext -> ModuleContext
registerCustomType range { name, constructors } context =
typeName : String
typeName =
Node.value name
constructorNames : List String
constructorNames = (Node.value >> .name >> Node.value) constructors
constructorsForType : Dict String String
constructorsForType =
|> (\constructorName -> ( constructorName, typeName ))
|> Dict.fromList
customType : CustomTypeData
customType =
{ under = Node.range name
, rangeToRemove = untilStartOfNextLine range
, variants = constructorNames
{ context
| localCustomTypes =
(Node.value name)
, constructorNameToTypeName = Dict.union constructorsForType context.constructorNameToTypeName
@ -1025,7 +1106,7 @@ declarationVisitor node context =
{ typeName = "Top-level variable"
, under = Node.range
, rangeToRemove = Just (rangeToRemoveForNodeWithDocumentation node function.documentation)
, rangeToRemove = Just (untilStartOfNextLine (Node.range node))
, warning = ""
@ -1034,8 +1115,8 @@ declarationVisitor node context =
newContext : ModuleContext
newContext =
{ newContextWhereFunctionIsRegistered | inTheDeclarationOf = [ functionName ], declarations = Dict.empty }
|> (\ctx -> List.foldl markAsUsed ctx namesUsedInSignature.types)
|> (\ctx -> List.foldl markValueAsUsed ctx namesUsedInArgumentPatterns.types)
|> markAllAsUsed namesUsedInSignature.types
|> markAllModulesAsUsed namesUsedInSignature.modules
|> markAllModulesAsUsed namesUsedInArgumentPatterns.modules
@ -1128,19 +1209,6 @@ foldUsedTypesAndModules =
List.foldl (\a b -> { types = a.types ++ b.types, modules = a.modules ++ b.modules }) { types = [], modules = [] }
rangeToRemoveForNodeWithDocumentation : Node Declaration -> Maybe (Node a) -> Range
rangeToRemoveForNodeWithDocumentation (Node nodeRange _) documentation =
case documentation of
Nothing ->
untilStartOfNextLine nodeRange
Just (Node documentationRange _) ->
{ start = documentationRange.start
, end = nodeRange.end
finalEvaluation : ModuleContext -> List (Error {})
finalEvaluation context =
@ -1335,24 +1403,13 @@ registerFunction letBlockContext function context =
Nothing ->
{ types = [], modules = [] }
functionRange : Range
functionRange =
case function.signature of
Just signature ->
(Node.range function.declaration)
(Node.range signature)
Nothing ->
Node.range function.declaration
List.foldl markAsUsed context namesUsedInSignature.types
|> markAllModulesAsUsed namesUsedInSignature.modules
|> registerVariable
{ typeName = "`let in` variable"
, under = Node.range
, rangeToRemove = Just (letDeclarationToRemoveRange letBlockContext functionRange)
, rangeToRemove = Just (letDeclarationToRemoveRange letBlockContext (Node.range function.declaration))
, warning = ""
@ -1592,47 +1649,6 @@ untilStartOfNextLine range =
{ range | end = { row = range.end.row + 1, column = 1 } }
{-| Create a new range that starts at the start of the range that starts first,
and ends at the end of the range that starts last. If the two ranges are distinct
and there is code in between, that code will be included in the resulting range.
range : Range
range =
(Node.range node1)
(Node.range node2)
mergeRanges : Range -> Range -> Range
mergeRanges a b =
start : { row : Int, column : Int }
start =
case comparePosition a.start b.start of
LT ->
EQ ->
GT ->
end : { row : Int, column : Int }
end =
case comparePosition a.end b.end of
LT ->
EQ ->
GT ->
{ start = start, end = end }
{-| Make a range stop at a position. If the position is not inside the range,
then the range won't change.
@ -1664,13 +1680,3 @@ positionAsInt { row, column } =
-- 1.000.000 characters long. Then, as long as ranges don't overlap,
-- this should work fine.
row * 1000000 + column
comparePosition : { row : Int, column : Int } -> { row : Int, column : Int } -> Order
comparePosition a b =
case compare a.row b.row of
EQ ->
compare a.column b.column
order ->

View File

@ -353,15 +353,18 @@ letInTests =
[ test "should report unused variables from let declarations" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = let b = 1
a = let
unused : number
unused = 1
in 2"""
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "`let in` variable `b` is not used"
{ message = "`let in` variable `unused` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "b"
, under = "unused"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 9 }, end = { row = 4, column = 15 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = 2"""
@ -468,6 +471,26 @@ a = let () = b
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = 2"""
, test "should report () destructuring even if something comes afterwards" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = let () = b
{c} = 1
in c"""
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Unit value is unused"
, details =
[ "This value has no data, which makes the value unusable. You should remove it at the location I pointed at."
, under = "()"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed ("""module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = let$
{c} = 1
in c""" |> String.replace "$" " ")
, test "should report parenthesized wildcard assignments" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
@ -483,6 +506,45 @@ a = let (_) = 1
, under = "_"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = 2"""
, test "should report pattern match of data-less constructor" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
type Foo = Foo
a = let Foo = Foo
in 2"""
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern doesn't introduce any variables"
, details =
[ "This value has been computed but isn't assigned to any variable, which makes the value unusable. You should remove it at the location I pointed at."
, under = "Foo"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 9 }, end = { row = 3, column = 12 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
type Foo = Foo
a = 2"""
, test "should report pattern match that doesn't introduce any variables" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
type Foo = Foo
a = let ( Foo, (Bar _), _ ) = x
in 2"""
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Pattern doesn't introduce any variables"
, details =
[ "This value has been computed but isn't assigned to any variable, which makes the value unusable. You should remove it at the location I pointed at."
, under = "( Foo, (Bar _), _ )"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
type Foo = Foo
a = 2"""
@ -584,15 +646,6 @@ a =
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
type Baz = Baz String
a =
\\(Baz value) -> []"""
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report type alias when it is deconstructed in a function call" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
type alias Baz = { a : String}
a =
\\(Baz value) -> []"""
|> rule
@ -776,8 +829,8 @@ a = Html.Styled.Attributes.href"""
\() ->
[ """module SomeModule exposing (a)
import B
a = let (B.B ()) = x
in 1
a = let (B.B y) = x
in y
, """module B exposing (B)
type B = B ()"""
@ -914,7 +967,7 @@ type C = C_Value
|> Review.Test.runOnModules rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report open type import when the exposed constructor is shadowed by a local type alias" <|
, test "should report open type import when the exposed constructor is shadowed by a local type alias when it is a record" <|
\() ->
[ """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
@ -939,6 +992,71 @@ a = C_Value""" |> String.replace "$" " ")
, test "should report open type import when the exposed constructor is NOT shadowed by a local type alias when it is not a record" <|
\() ->
[ """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
type alias C = B.C
a = C"""
, """module B exposing (C(..))
type C = C
|> Review.Test.runOnModules rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules
[ ( "A"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Type `C` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "C"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 12 }, end = { row = 3, column = 13 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
a = C"""
, test "should report open type import when the exposed constructor is shadowed by a custom type constructor" <|
\() ->
[ """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
type Type = C
a = C"""
, """module B exposing (C(..))
type C = C
|> Review.Test.runOnModules rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules
[ ( "A"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Imported type `C` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "C(..)"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed ("""module A exposing (a)
import B$
type Type = C
a = C""" |> String.replace "$" " ")
, test "should not report open type import when a constructor is used but the type is locally shadowed" <|
\() ->
[ """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
type alias C = A.C
a : C -> String
a (C s) = s
, """module B exposing (C(..))
type C = C String
|> Review.Test.runOnModules rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report open type import when none of its constructors is used (imported dependency)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (a)
@ -969,7 +1087,7 @@ import UnknownDependency exposing (C(..))
a = 1"""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData packageProject rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report open type import when at least one of the exposed constructors are used in a pattern" <|
, test "should not report open type import when at least one of the exposed constructors is used in a pattern" <|
\() ->
[ """module A exposing (a)
import B exposing (C(..))
@ -1570,7 +1688,7 @@ outer arg =
inner arg
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
@ -1940,7 +2058,7 @@ outer arg =
inner arg
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report unused type alias when it is used in a function call in a let expression" <|
@ -1952,9 +2070,26 @@ outer arg =
inner = Baz range
inner arg
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report unused type alias when it aliases something else than a record" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
type alias UnusedType = String
a = 1
|> rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Type `UnusedType` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "UnusedType"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
a = 1

tests/Simplify.elm Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
module Simplify.Normalize exposing (Comparison(..), areAllTheSame, compare, getNumberValue)
import Dict
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern)
import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range)
import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable as ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable)
areTheSame : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Bool
areTheSame lookupTable left right =
normalize lookupTable left == normalize lookupTable right
areAllTheSame : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> List (Node Expression) -> Bool
areAllTheSame lookupTable first rest =
normalizedFirst : Node Expression
normalizedFirst =
normalize lookupTable first
List.all (\node -> normalize lookupTable node == normalizedFirst) rest
normalize : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression
normalize lookupTable node =
case Node.value node of
Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
normalize lookupTable expr
Expression.Application nodes ->
toNode (Expression.Application ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes))
Expression.OperatorApplication string infixDirection left right ->
toNode (Expression.OperatorApplication string infixDirection (normalize lookupTable left) (normalize lookupTable right))
Expression.FunctionOrValue rawModuleName string ->
moduleName : ModuleName
moduleName =
ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameFor lookupTable node
|> Maybe.withDefault rawModuleName
toNode (Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName string)
Expression.IfBlock cond then_ else_ ->
toNode (Expression.IfBlock (normalize lookupTable cond) (normalize lookupTable then_) (normalize lookupTable else_))
Expression.Negation expr ->
toNode (Expression.Negation (normalize lookupTable expr))
Expression.TupledExpression nodes ->
toNode (Expression.TupledExpression ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes))
Expression.LetExpression letBlock ->
{ declarations =
(\decl ->
case Node.value decl of
Expression.LetFunction function ->
declaration : Expression.FunctionImplementation
declaration =
Node.value function.declaration
{ documentation = Nothing
, signature = Nothing
, declaration =
{ name = toNode (Node.value
, arguments = normalizePattern declaration.arguments
, expression = normalize lookupTable declaration.expression
Expression.LetDestructuring pattern expr ->
toNode (Expression.LetDestructuring (normalizePattern pattern) (normalize lookupTable expr))
, expression = normalize lookupTable letBlock.expression
Expression.CaseExpression caseBlock ->
{ cases = (\( pattern, expr ) -> ( normalizePattern pattern, normalize lookupTable expr )) caseBlock.cases
, expression = toNode <| Node.value caseBlock.expression
Expression.LambdaExpression lambda ->
{ args = normalizePattern lambda.args
, expression = normalize lookupTable lambda.expression
Expression.ListExpr nodes ->
toNode (Expression.ListExpr ( (normalize lookupTable) nodes))
Expression.RecordAccess expr (Node _ field) ->
toNode (Expression.RecordAccess (normalize lookupTable expr) (toNode field))
Expression.RecordExpr nodes ->
|> List.sortBy (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, _ )) -> fieldName)
|> (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, expr )) -> toNode ( toNode fieldName, normalize lookupTable expr ))
|> Expression.RecordExpr
|> toNode
Expression.RecordUpdateExpression (Node _ value) nodes ->
|> List.sortBy (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, _ )) -> fieldName)
|> (\(Node _ ( Node _ fieldName, expr )) -> toNode ( toNode fieldName, normalize lookupTable expr ))
|> Expression.RecordUpdateExpression (toNode value)
|> toNode
expr ->
toNode expr
normalizePattern : Node Pattern -> Node Pattern
normalizePattern node =
case Node.value node of
Pattern.TuplePattern patterns ->
toNode (Pattern.TuplePattern ( normalizePattern patterns))
Pattern.RecordPattern fields ->
toNode (Pattern.RecordPattern ( (\(Node _ field) -> toNode field) fields))
Pattern.UnConsPattern element list ->
toNode (Pattern.UnConsPattern (normalizePattern element) (normalizePattern list))
Pattern.ListPattern patterns ->
toNode (Pattern.ListPattern ( normalizePattern patterns))
Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef patterns ->
toNode (Pattern.NamedPattern qualifiedNameRef ( normalizePattern patterns))
Pattern.AsPattern pattern (Node _ asName) ->
toNode (Pattern.AsPattern (normalizePattern pattern) (toNode asName))
Pattern.ParenthesizedPattern pattern ->
normalizePattern pattern
pattern ->
toNode pattern
toNode : a -> Node a
toNode =
Node Range.emptyRange
type Comparison
= ConfirmedEquality
| ConfirmedInequality
| Unconfirmed
compare : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Comparison
compare lookupTable leftNode right =
compareHelp lookupTable leftNode right True
compareHelp : ModuleNameLookupTable -> Node Expression -> Node Expression -> Bool -> Comparison
compareHelp lookupTable leftNode right canFlip =
fallback : Node Expression -> Comparison
fallback rightNode =
if canFlip then
compareHelp lookupTable rightNode leftNode False
else if areTheSame lookupTable leftNode right then
case Node.value leftNode of
Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
compareHelp lookupTable expr right canFlip
Expression.Integer left ->
compareNumbers (Basics.toFloat left) right
Expression.Floatable left ->
compareNumbers left right
Expression.Hex left ->
compareNumbers (Basics.toFloat left) right
Expression.Negation left ->
case getNumberValue left of
Just leftValue ->
compareNumbers -leftValue right
Nothing ->
fallback right
Expression.OperatorApplication leftOp _ leftLeft leftRight ->
if List.member leftOp [ "+", "-", "*", "/" ] then
case getNumberValue leftNode of
Just leftValue ->
case getNumberValue right of
Just rightValue ->
fromEquality (leftValue == rightValue)
Nothing ->
fallback right
Nothing ->
fallback right
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.OperatorApplication rightOp _ rightLeft rightRight ->
if leftOp == rightOp then
[ leftLeft, leftRight ]
[ rightLeft, rightRight ]
fallback right
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.Literal left ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.Literal rightValue ->
fromEquality (left == rightValue)
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.CharLiteral left ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.CharLiteral rightValue ->
fromEquality (left == rightValue)
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.FunctionOrValue _ leftName ->
right_ : Node Expression
right_ =
removeParens right
case Node.value right_ of
Expression.FunctionOrValue _ rightName ->
( Node.range leftNode, leftName )
( Node.range right_, rightName )
fallback right_
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.ListExpr leftList ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.ListExpr rightList ->
if List.length leftList /= List.length rightList then
compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.TupledExpression leftList ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.TupledExpression rightList ->
compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.RecordExpr leftList ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.RecordExpr rightList ->
compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.RecordUpdateExpression leftBaseValue leftList ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.RecordUpdateExpression rightBaseValue rightList ->
if Node.value leftBaseValue == Node.value rightBaseValue then
compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList ConfirmedEquality
compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList Unconfirmed
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.Application leftArgs ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.Application rightArgs ->
compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable leftArgs rightArgs
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.RecordAccess leftExpr leftName ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.RecordAccess rightExpr rightName ->
if Node.value leftName == Node.value rightName then
compareHelp lookupTable leftExpr rightExpr canFlip
_ ->
fallback right
Expression.UnitExpr ->
Expression.IfBlock leftCond leftThen leftElse ->
case Node.value (removeParens right) of
Expression.IfBlock rightCond rightThen rightElse ->
[ leftCond, leftThen, leftElse ]
[ rightCond, rightThen, rightElse ]
_ ->
fallback right
_ ->
fallback right
isSameReference : ModuleNameLookupTable -> ( Range, String ) -> ( Range, String ) -> Bool
isSameReference lookupTable ( leftFnRange, leftFnName ) ( rightFnRange, rightFnName ) =
if leftFnName == rightFnName then
Maybe.map2 (==)
(ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable leftFnRange)
(ModuleNameLookupTable.moduleNameAt lookupTable rightFnRange)
|> Maybe.withDefault False
compareNumbers : Float -> Node Expression -> Comparison
compareNumbers leftValue right =
case getNumberValue right of
Just rightValue ->
fromEquality (leftValue == rightValue)
Nothing ->
getNumberValue : Node Expression -> Maybe Float
getNumberValue node =
case Node.value node of
Expression.Integer value ->
Just (Basics.toFloat value)
Expression.Hex int ->
Just (Basics.toFloat int)
Expression.Floatable float ->
Just float
Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
getNumberValue expr
Expression.LetExpression { expression } ->
getNumberValue expression
Expression.OperatorApplication "+" _ left right ->
Maybe.map2 (+)
(getNumberValue left)
(getNumberValue right)
Expression.OperatorApplication "-" _ left right ->
Maybe.map2 (-)
(getNumberValue left)
(getNumberValue right)
Expression.OperatorApplication "*" _ left right ->
Maybe.map2 (*)
(getNumberValue left)
(getNumberValue right)
Expression.OperatorApplication "/" _ left right ->
Maybe.map2 (/)
(getNumberValue left)
(getNumberValue right)
Expression.Negation expr ->
getNumberValue expr
|> negate
_ ->
compareLists : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression) -> List (Node Expression) -> Comparison -> Comparison
compareLists lookupTable leftList rightList acc =
case ( leftList, rightList ) of
( left :: restOfLeft, right :: restOfRight ) ->
case compareHelp lookupTable left right True of
ConfirmedEquality ->
compareLists lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight acc
ConfirmedInequality ->
Unconfirmed ->
compareLists lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight Unconfirmed
_ ->
compareEqualityOfAll : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression) -> List (Node Expression) -> Comparison
compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable leftList rightList =
case ( leftList, rightList ) of
( left :: restOfLeft, right :: restOfRight ) ->
case compareHelp lookupTable left right True of
ConfirmedEquality ->
compareEqualityOfAll lookupTable restOfLeft restOfRight
ConfirmedInequality ->
Unconfirmed ->
_ ->
type RecordFieldComparison
= MissingOtherValue
| HasBothValues (Node Expression) (Node Expression)
compareRecords : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List (Node Expression.RecordSetter) -> List (Node Expression.RecordSetter) -> Comparison -> Comparison
compareRecords lookupTable leftList rightList acc =
leftFields : List ( String, Node Expression )
leftFields = (Node.value >> Tuple.mapFirst Node.value) leftList
rightFields : List ( String, Node Expression )
rightFields = (Node.value >> Tuple.mapFirst Node.value) rightList
recordFieldComparisons : List RecordFieldComparison
recordFieldComparisons =
(\key _ -> Dict.insert key MissingOtherValue)
(\key a b -> Dict.insert key (HasBothValues a b))
(\key _ -> Dict.insert key MissingOtherValue)
(Dict.fromList leftFields)
(Dict.fromList rightFields)
|> Dict.values
compareRecordFields lookupTable recordFieldComparisons acc
compareRecordFields : ModuleNameLookupTable -> List RecordFieldComparison -> Comparison -> Comparison
compareRecordFields lookupTable recordFieldComparisons acc =
case recordFieldComparisons of
[] ->
MissingOtherValue :: rest ->
compareRecordFields lookupTable rest Unconfirmed
(HasBothValues a b) :: rest ->
case compare lookupTable a b of
ConfirmedInequality ->
ConfirmedEquality ->
compareRecordFields lookupTable rest acc
Unconfirmed ->
compareRecordFields lookupTable rest Unconfirmed
fromEquality : Bool -> Comparison
fromEquality bool =
if bool then
removeParens : Node Expression -> Node Expression
removeParens node =
case Node.value node of
Expression.ParenthesizedExpression expr ->
removeParens expr
_ ->

tests/SimplifyTest.elm Normal file

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tests/TestProject.elm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
module TestProject exposing (application, lamderaApplication, package)
import Elm.Package
import Elm.Project
import Elm.Version
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Review.Project as Project exposing (Project)
application : Project
application =
|> Project.addElmJson applicationElmJson
lamderaApplication : Project
lamderaApplication =
|> Project.addElmJson lamderaApplicationElmJson
applicationElmJson : { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
applicationElmJson =
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = """{
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"elm/core": "1.0.0"
"indirect": {}
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"indirect": {}
, project =
{ elm =
, dirs = []
, depsDirect = [ ( unsafePackageName "elm/core", ) ]
, depsIndirect = []
, testDepsDirect = []
, testDepsIndirect = []
lamderaApplicationElmJson : { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
lamderaApplicationElmJson =
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = """{
"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"elm/core": "1.0.0",
"lamdera/core": "1.0.0"
"indirect": {}
"test-dependencies": {
"direct": {},
"indirect": {}
, project =
{ elm =
, dirs = []
, depsDirect =
[ ( unsafePackageName "elm/core", )
, ( unsafePackageName "lamdera/core", )
, depsIndirect = []
, testDepsDirect = []
, testDepsIndirect = []
unsafePackageName : String -> Elm.Package.Name
unsafePackageName packageName =
case Elm.Package.fromString packageName of
Just name ->
Nothing ->
-- unsafe, but if the generation went well, it should all be good.
unsafePackageName packageName
package : Project
package =
|> Project.addElmJson (createPackageElmJson ())
createPackageElmJson : () -> { path : String, raw : String, project : Elm.Project.Project }
createPackageElmJson () =
case Decode.decodeString Elm.Project.decoder rawPackageElmJson of
Ok elmJson ->
{ path = "elm.json"
, raw = rawPackageElmJson
, project = elmJson
Err err ->
Debug.todo ("Invalid elm.json supplied to test: " ++ Debug.toString err)
rawPackageElmJson : String
rawPackageElmJson =
"type": "package",
"name": "author/package",
"summary": "Summary",
"license": "BSD-3-Clause",
"version": "1.0.0",
"exposed-modules": [
"elm-version": "0.19.0 <= v < 0.20.0",
"dependencies": {},
"test-dependencies": {}