Don't report errors if the version is 1.0.0

This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Engels 2023-06-02 21:54:16 +02:00
parent 20a42e35f8
commit aa7d289e99
2 changed files with 60 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ extraFilesVisitor changelogPath files context =
Nothing ->
( [], context )
Just "1.0.0" ->
( [], context )
Just elmJsonVersion ->
if String.contains elmJsonVersion content then
( [], context )
@ -130,33 +133,42 @@ extraFilesVisitor changelogPath files context =
Nothing ->
case changelogPath of
case context.elmJsonVersion of
Nothing ->
( [ Rule.globalError
{ message = "Could not find the file"
, details =
[ "I was looking for the file next to your project's elm.json file but couldn't find it. Please make sure that the spelling is correct."
, "If your changelog is named differently or is in a different location, then you can configure this rule to look for it in a different location:"
, """ config =
( [], context )
Just "1.0.0" ->
-- TODO Report an error with a changelog skeleton
( [], context )
Just _ ->
case changelogPath of
Nothing ->
( [ Rule.globalError
{ message = "Could not find the file"
, details =
[ "I was looking for the file next to your project's elm.json file but couldn't find it. Please make sure that the spelling is correct."
, "If your changelog is named differently or is in a different location, then you can configure this rule to look for it in a different location:"
, """ config =
[ Docs.NoMissingChangelogEntry.defaults
|> Docs.NoMissingChangelogEntry.withPathToChangelog "path/to/your/"
|> Docs.NoMissingChangelogEntry.rule
, "Note that the path is relative your project's elm.json file."
, context
, "Note that the path is relative your project's elm.json file."
, context
Just customPath ->
( [ Rule.globalError
{ message = "Could not find the " ++ customPath ++ " changelog file"
, details =
[ "I was looking for the " ++ customPath ++ " changelog file but couldn't find it. Please make sure that the path you specified through Docs.NoMissingChangelogEntry.withPathToChangelog is correct."
, "Also note that the path you specify has to be relative to your project's elm.json file."
, context
Just customPath ->
( [ Rule.globalError
{ message = "Could not find the " ++ customPath ++ " changelog file"
, details =
[ "I was looking for the " ++ customPath ++ " changelog file but couldn't find it. Please make sure that the path you specified through Docs.NoMissingChangelogEntry.withPathToChangelog is correct."
, "Also note that the path you specify has to be relative to your project's elm.json file."
, context

View File

@ -114,6 +114,30 @@ a = 1
, details = [ "This rule only supports Elm packages, but doesn't support Elm applications as they don't have a version number. I recommend that you remove this rule from your review configuration." ]
, test "should not report an error when the version is 1.0.0 (no changelog)" <|
\() ->
"""module A exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData (package "1.0.0") (rule defaults)
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an error when the version is 1.0.0 (empty changelog)" <|
\() ->
project : Project
project =
[ { path = ""
, content = ""
(package "1.0.0")
"""module A exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData project (rule defaults)
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors