mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 17:53:35 +03:00
Add new visitors for let declarations and case branches
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module Review.Rule exposing
, withImportVisitor
, Direction(..), withDeclarationEnterVisitor, withDeclarationExitVisitor, withDeclarationVisitor, withDeclarationListVisitor
, withExpressionEnterVisitor, withExpressionExitVisitor, withExpressionVisitor
, withCaseBranchEnterVisitor, withCaseBranchExitVisitor
, withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor, withLetDeclarationExitVisitor
, withFinalModuleEvaluation
, withElmJsonModuleVisitor, withReadmeModuleVisitor, withDependenciesModuleVisitor
, ProjectRuleSchema, newProjectRuleSchema, fromProjectRuleSchema, withModuleVisitor, withModuleContext, withModuleContextUsingContextCreator, withElmJsonProjectVisitor, withReadmeProjectVisitor, withDependenciesProjectVisitor, withFinalProjectEvaluation, withContextFromImportedModules
@ -192,6 +194,8 @@ Evaluating/visiting a node means two things:
@docs withImportVisitor
@docs Direction, withDeclarationEnterVisitor, withDeclarationExitVisitor, withDeclarationVisitor, withDeclarationListVisitor
@docs withExpressionEnterVisitor, withExpressionExitVisitor, withExpressionVisitor
@docs withCaseBranchEnterVisitor, withCaseBranchExitVisitor
@docs withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor, withLetDeclarationExitVisitor
@docs withFinalModuleEvaluation
@ -334,6 +338,10 @@ type ModuleRuleSchema schemaState moduleContext
, declarationVisitorsOnExit : List (Visitor Declaration moduleContext)
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, expressionVisitorsOnExit : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, finalEvaluationFns : List (moduleContext -> List (Error {}))
-- Project visitors
@ -956,6 +964,10 @@ newModuleRuleSchema name initialModuleContext =
, declarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter = []
, expressionVisitorsOnExit = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = []
, finalEvaluationFns = []
, elmJsonVisitors = []
, readmeVisitors = []
@ -1016,6 +1028,10 @@ newModuleRuleSchemaUsingContextCreator name moduleContextCreator =
, declarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter = []
, expressionVisitorsOnExit = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = []
, finalEvaluationFns = []
, elmJsonVisitors = []
, readmeVisitors = []
@ -1273,6 +1289,10 @@ mergeModuleVisitors initialProjectContext maybeModuleContextCreator visitors =
, declarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter = []
, expressionVisitorsOnExit = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = []
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = []
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = []
, finalEvaluationFns = []
, elmJsonVisitors = []
, readmeVisitors = []
@ -1301,6 +1321,10 @@ fromModuleRuleSchemaToRunnableModuleVisitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
, declarationVisitorsOnExit = schema.declarationVisitorsOnExit
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter = List.reverse schema.expressionVisitorsOnEnter
, expressionVisitorsOnExit = schema.expressionVisitorsOnExit
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = List.reverse schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = List.reverse schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnExit
, finalEvaluationFns = List.reverse schema.finalEvaluationFns
@ -2838,6 +2862,207 @@ withExpressionExitVisitor visitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
ModuleRuleSchema { schema | expressionVisitorsOnExit = visitor :: schema.expressionVisitorsOnExit }
{-| Add a visitor to the [`ModuleRuleSchema`](#ModuleRuleSchema) which will visit the module's
case branches when entering the branch.
The visitor can be very useful if you need to change the context when inside a case branch.
The visitors would be called in the following order (ignore the expression visitor if you don't have one):
x =
case evaluated of
Pattern1 ->
Pattern2 ->
1. Expression visitor (enter) for the entire case expression.
2. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `evaluated`
3. Case branch visitor (enter) for `( Pattern1, expression1 )`
4. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `expression1`
5. Case branch visitor (exit) for `( Pattern1, expression1 )`
6. Case branch visitor (enter) for `( Pattern2, expression2 )`
7. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `expression2`
8. Case branch visitor (exit) for `( Pattern2, expression2 )`
9. Expression visitor (exit) for the entire case expression.
You can use [`withCaseBranchExitVisitor`](#withCaseBranchExitVisitor) to visit the node on exit.
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern exposing (Pattern)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)
rule : Rule
rule =
Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnusedCaseVariables" ( [], [] )
|> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor
|> Rule.withCaseBranchEnterVisitor caseBranchEnterVisitor
|> Rule.withCaseBranchExitVisitor caseBranchExitVisitor
|> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema
type alias Context =
( List String, List (List String) )
expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )
expressionVisitor node (( scope, parentScopes ) as context) =
case context of
Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ->
( [], ( name :: used, parentScopes ) )
_ ->
( [], context )
caseBranchEnterVisitor : Node Expression.LetBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> Context -> List ( Rule.Error {}, Context )
caseBranchEnterVisitor _ _ ( scope, parentScopes ) =
-- Entering a new scope every time we enter a new branch
( [], ( [], scope :: parentScopes ) )
caseBranchExitVisitor : Node Expression.LetBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> Context -> List ( Rule.Error {}, Context )
caseBranchExitVisitor _ ( pattern, _ ) ( scope, parentScopes ) =
-- Exiting the current scope every time we enter a new branch, and reporting the patterns that weren't used
namesFromPattern =
findNamesFromPattern pattern
( unusedPatterns, unmatchedUsed ) =
findUnused namesFromPattern scope
newScopes =
case parentScopes of
head :: tail ->
( unmatchedUsed ++ head, tail )
[] ->
( unmatched, [] )
( List.map errorForUnused unusedPatterns, newScopes )
For convenience, the entire case expression is passed as the first argument.
withCaseBranchEnterVisitor : (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )) -> ModuleRuleSchema schemaState moduleContext -> ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } moduleContext
withCaseBranchEnterVisitor visitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
ModuleRuleSchema { schema | caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = visitor :: schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter }
{-| Add a visitor to the [`ModuleRuleSchema`](#ModuleRuleSchema) which will visit the module's
case branches when exiting the branch.
See the documentation for [`withCaseBranchEnterVisitor`](#withCaseBranchEnterVisitor) for explanations and an example.
withCaseBranchExitVisitor : (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )) -> ModuleRuleSchema schemaState moduleContext -> ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } moduleContext
withCaseBranchExitVisitor visitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
ModuleRuleSchema { schema | caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = visitor :: schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnExit }
{-| Add a visitor to the [`ModuleRuleSchema`](#ModuleRuleSchema) which will visit the module's
let declarations branches when entering the declaration.
The visitor can be very useful if you need to change the context when inside a let declaration.
The visitors would be called in the following order (ignore the expression visitor if you don't have one):
x =
declaration1 =
declaration2 =
1. Expression visitor (enter) for the entire let expression.
2. Let declaration visitor (enter) for `( declaration1, expression1 )`
3. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `expression1`
4. Let declaration visitor (exit) for `( declaration1, expression1 )`
5. Let declaration visitor (enter) for `( declaration2, expression2 )`
6. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `expression2`
7. Let declaration visitor (exit) for `( declaration2, expression2 )`
8. Expression visitor (enter then exit) for `letInValue`
9. Expression visitor (exit) for the entire let expression.
You can use [`withLetDeclarationExitVisitor`](#withLetDeclarationExitVisitor) to visit the node on exit.
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule)
rule : Rule
rule =
Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoUnusedLetFunctionParameters" ( [], [] )
|> Rule.withExpressionEnterVisitor expressionVisitor
|> Rule.withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor letDeclarationEnterVisitor
|> Rule.withLetDeclarationExitVisitor letDeclarationExitVisitor
|> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema
type alias Context =
( List String, List (List String) )
expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context )
expressionVisitor node (( scope, parentScopes ) as context) =
case context of
Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ->
( [], ( name :: used, parentScopes ) )
_ ->
( [], context )
letDeclarationEnterVisitor : Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> List ( Rule.Error {}, Context )
letDeclarationEnterVisitor _ letDeclaration (( scope, parentScopes ) as context) =
case Node.value letDeclaration of
Expression.LetFunction _ ->
( [], ( [], scope :: parentScopes ) )
Expression.LetDestructuring _ ->
( [], context )
letDeclarationExitVisitor : Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> Context -> List ( Rule.Error {}, Context )
letDeclarationExitVisitor _ letDeclaration (( scope, parentScopes ) as context) =
case Node.value letDeclaration of
Expression.LetFunction _ ->
namesFromPattern =
findNamesFromArguments letFunction
( unusedArguments, unmatchedUsed ) =
findUnused namesFromPattern scope
newScopes =
case parentScopes of
head :: tail ->
( unmatchedUsed ++ head, tail )
[] ->
( unmatched, [] )
( List.map errorForUnused unusedArguments, newScopes )
Expression.LetDestructuring _ ->
( [], context )
For convenience, the entire let expression is passed as the first argument.
withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor : (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )) -> ModuleRuleSchema schemaState moduleContext -> ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } moduleContext
withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor visitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
ModuleRuleSchema { schema | letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = visitor :: schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter }
{-| Add a visitor to the [`ModuleRuleSchema`](#ModuleRuleSchema) which will visit the module's
let declarations branches when entering the declaration.
See the documentation for [`withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor`](#withLetDeclarationEnterVisitor) for explanations and an example.
withLetDeclarationExitVisitor : (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )) -> ModuleRuleSchema schemaState moduleContext -> ModuleRuleSchema { schemaState | hasAtLeastOneVisitor : () } moduleContext
withLetDeclarationExitVisitor visitor (ModuleRuleSchema schema) =
ModuleRuleSchema { schema | letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = visitor :: schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit }
{-| Add a function that makes a final evaluation of the module based only on the
data that was collected in the `moduleContext`. This can be useful if you can't or if
it is hard to determine something as you traverse the module.
@ -3550,6 +3775,10 @@ type alias RunnableModuleVisitor moduleContext =
, declarationVisitorsOnExit : List (Visitor Declaration moduleContext)
, expressionVisitorsOnEnter : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, expressionVisitorsOnExit : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, finalEvaluationFns : List (moduleContext -> List (Error {}))
@ -4111,13 +4340,28 @@ visitModuleForProjectRule schema initialContext module_ =
{ expressionVisitorsOnEnter = schema.expressionVisitorsOnEnter
, expressionVisitorsOnExit = schema.expressionVisitorsOnExit
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter = schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit = schema.letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter = schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit = schema.caseBranchVisitorsOnExit
|> (\( errors, moduleContext ) -> ( makeFinalEvaluation schema.finalEvaluationFns ( errors, moduleContext ), moduleContext ))
type alias ExpressionRelatedVisitors moduleContext =
{ expressionVisitorsOnEnter : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, expressionVisitorsOnExit : List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.LetBlock -> Node Expression.LetDeclaration -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
, caseBranchVisitorsOnExit : List (Node Expression.CaseBlock -> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression ) -> moduleContext -> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext ))
extractSourceCode : List String -> Range -> String
extractSourceCode lines range =
@ -4144,37 +4388,87 @@ visitImport :
-> moduleContext
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitImport importVisitors node moduleContext =
visitNodeWithListOfVisitors importVisitors node ( [], moduleContext )
visitWithListOfVisitors importVisitors node ( [], moduleContext )
visitDeclaration :
List (Visitor Declaration moduleContext)
-> List (Visitor Declaration moduleContext)
-> List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
-> List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
-> ExpressionRelatedVisitors moduleContext
-> Node Declaration
-> moduleContext
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitDeclaration declarationVisitorsOnEnter declarationVisitorsOnExit expressionVisitorsOnEnter expressionVisitorsOnExit node moduleContext =
visitDeclaration declarationVisitorsOnEnter declarationVisitorsOnExit expressionRelatedVisitors node moduleContext =
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitNodeWithListOfVisitors declarationVisitorsOnEnter node
|> accumulateList (visitExpression expressionVisitorsOnEnter expressionVisitorsOnExit) (expressionsInDeclaration node)
|> visitNodeWithListOfVisitors declarationVisitorsOnExit node
|> visitWithListOfVisitors declarationVisitorsOnEnter node
|> accumulateList (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors) (expressionsInDeclaration node)
|> visitWithListOfVisitors declarationVisitorsOnExit node
visitExpression :
List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
-> List (Visitor Expression moduleContext)
ExpressionRelatedVisitors moduleContext
-> Node Expression
-> moduleContext
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitExpression onEnter onExit node moduleContext =
visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors node moduleContext =
-- Is there a way to make this function TCO?
case Node.value node of
Expression.LetExpression letBlock ->
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitNodeWithListOfVisitors onEnter node
|> accumulateList (visitExpression onEnter onExit) (expressionChildren node)
|> visitNodeWithListOfVisitors onExit node
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnEnter node
|> accumulateList (visitLetDeclaration expressionRelatedVisitors (Node (Node.range node) letBlock)) letBlock.declarations
|> accumulate (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors letBlock.expression)
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnExit node
Expression.CaseExpression caseBlock ->
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnEnter node
|> accumulate (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors caseBlock.expression)
|> accumulateList (visitCaseBranch expressionRelatedVisitors (Node (Node.range node) caseBlock)) caseBlock.cases
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnExit node
_ ->
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnEnter node
|> accumulateList (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors) (expressionChildren node)
|> visitWithListOfVisitors expressionRelatedVisitors.expressionVisitorsOnExit node
visitLetDeclaration :
ExpressionRelatedVisitors moduleContext
-> Node Expression.LetBlock
-> Node Expression.LetDeclaration
-> moduleContext
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitLetDeclaration expressionRelatedVisitors letBlockWithRange ((Node _ letDeclaration) as letDeclarationWithRange) moduleContext =
expressionNode : Node Expression
expressionNode =
case letDeclaration of
Expression.LetFunction function ->
functionToExpression function
Expression.LetDestructuring _ expr ->
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitWithListOfVisitors2 expressionRelatedVisitors.letDeclarationVisitorsOnEnter letBlockWithRange letDeclarationWithRange
|> accumulate (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors expressionNode)
|> visitWithListOfVisitors2 expressionRelatedVisitors.letDeclarationVisitorsOnExit letBlockWithRange letDeclarationWithRange
visitCaseBranch :
ExpressionRelatedVisitors moduleContext
-> Node Expression.CaseBlock
-> ( Node Pattern, Node Expression )
-> moduleContext
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitCaseBranch expressionRelatedVisitors caseBlockWithRange (( _, caseExpression ) as caseBranch) moduleContext =
( [], moduleContext )
|> visitWithListOfVisitors2 expressionRelatedVisitors.caseBranchVisitorsOnEnter caseBlockWithRange caseBranch
|> accumulate (visitExpression expressionRelatedVisitors caseExpression)
|> visitWithListOfVisitors2 expressionRelatedVisitors.caseBranchVisitorsOnExit caseBlockWithRange caseBranch
{-| Concatenate the errors of the previous step and of the last step.
@ -4306,14 +4600,18 @@ expressionsInDeclaration node =
visitNodeWithListOfVisitors :
List (Visitor nodeType moduleContext)
-> Node nodeType
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
-> ( List (Error {}), moduleContext )
visitNodeWithListOfVisitors visitors node initialErrorsAndContext =
visitWithListOfVisitors : List (a -> context -> ( List (Error {}), context )) -> a -> ( List (Error {}), context ) -> ( List (Error {}), context )
visitWithListOfVisitors visitors a initialErrorsAndContext =
(\visitor -> accumulate (visitor node))
(\visitor -> accumulate (visitor a))
visitWithListOfVisitors2 : List (a -> b -> context -> ( List (Error {}), context )) -> a -> b -> ( List (Error {}), context ) -> ( List (Error {}), context )
visitWithListOfVisitors2 visitors a b initialErrorsAndContext =
(\visitor -> accumulate (visitor a b))
@ -4381,12 +4679,12 @@ accumulateWithListOfVisitors visitors element initialErrorsAndContext =
accumulateList : (Node a -> context -> ( List (Error {}), context )) -> List (Node a) -> ( List (Error {}), context ) -> ( List (Error {}), context )
accumulateList visitor nodes initialErrorsAndContext =
accumulateList : (a -> context -> ( List (Error {}), context )) -> List a -> ( List (Error {}), context ) -> ( List (Error {}), context )
accumulateList visitor elements initialErrorsAndContext =
(\node -> accumulate (visitor node))
(\element -> accumulate (visitor element))
{-| Concatenate the errors of the previous step and of the last step, and take the last step's context.
@ -5579,7 +5877,7 @@ scope_popScopeExit node context =
scope_expressionEnterVisitor : Node Expression -> ScopeModuleContext -> ScopeModuleContext
scope_expressionEnterVisitor node context =
case Node.value node of
Expression.LetExpression { declarations, expression } ->
Expression.LetExpression { declarations } ->
newContext : ScopeModuleContext
newContext =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user