NoUnusedExports: Report unused types

This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Engels 2020-01-14 12:50:07 +01:00
parent 511db00e29
commit acd63f22dd
2 changed files with 385 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module)
import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
import Scope2 as Scope
import Set exposing (Set)
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ type alias ModuleContext =
, exposesEverything : Bool
, exposed : Dict String { range : Range, exposedElement : ExposedElement }
, used : Set ( ModuleName, String )
, typesNotToReport : Set String
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ fromGlobalToModule fileKey moduleName globalContext =
, exposesEverything = False
, exposed = Dict.empty
, used = Set.empty
, typesNotToReport = Set.empty
@ -142,7 +145,10 @@ fromModuleToGlobal fileKey moduleName moduleContext =
{ fileKey = fileKey
, exposed =
, used = moduleContext.used
, used =
|> (Tuple.pair <| Node.value moduleName)
|> Set.union moduleContext.used
@ -155,13 +161,20 @@ foldGlobalContexts newContext previousContext =
error : ( ModuleName, { fileKey : Rule.FileKey, moduleNameLocation : Range } ) -> Error
error ( moduleName, { fileKey, moduleNameLocation } ) =
Rule.errorForFile fileKey
{ message = "Module `" ++ String.join "." moduleName ++ "` is never used."
, details = [ "This module is never used. You may want to remove it to keep your project clean, and maybe detect some unused code in your project." ]
registerAsUsed : ModuleContext -> ModuleName -> String -> ModuleContext
registerAsUsed moduleContext moduleName name =
( realModuleName, realName ) =
Scope.realFunctionOrType moduleName name moduleContext.scope
if realModuleName /= [] then
{ moduleContext
| used =
Set.insert ( realModuleName, realName ) moduleContext.used
@ -195,54 +208,6 @@ elmJsonVisitor maybeProject globalContext =
declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> ModuleContext -> ( List Error, ModuleContext )
declarationListVisitor declarations moduleContext =
if moduleContext.exposesEverything then
( [], moduleContext )
declaredNames : Set String
declaredNames =
|> List.filterMap (Node.value >> declarationName)
|> Set.fromList
( []
, { moduleContext | exposed = Dict.filter (\name _ -> Set.member name declaredNames) }
declarationName : Declaration -> Maybe String
declarationName declaration =
case declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
|> Node.value
|> .name
|> Node.value
|> Just
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.PortDeclaration port_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.InfixDeclaration { operator } ->
Just <| Node.value operator
Declaration.Destructuring _ _ ->
@ -259,8 +224,21 @@ finalEvaluationForProject globalContext =
|> Dict.toList
(\( name, { range, exposedElement } ) ->
what : String
what =
case exposedElement of
Function ->
"Exposed function or value"
TypeOrTypeAlias ->
"Exposed type or type alias"
ExposedType ->
"Exposed type"
Rule.errorForFile fileKey
{ message = "Exposed function or type `" ++ name ++ "` is never used outside this module."
{ message = what ++ " `" ++ name ++ "` is never used outside this module."
, details = [ "This exposed element is never used. You may want to remove it to keep your project clean, and maybe detect some unused code in your project." ]
@ -312,8 +290,7 @@ exposedElements nodes =
Just <| ( name, { range = Node.range node, exposedElement = Function } )
Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
Just <| ( name, { range = Node.range node, exposedElement = TypeOrTypeAlias } )
Exposing.TypeExpose { name } ->
@ -326,6 +303,135 @@ exposedElements nodes =
declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> ModuleContext -> ( List Error, ModuleContext )
declarationListVisitor declarations moduleContext =
if moduleContext.exposesEverything then
( [], moduleContext )
declaredNames : Set String
declaredNames =
|> List.filterMap (Node.value >> declarationName)
|> Set.fromList
typesUsedInSignature_ : List ( ModuleName, String )
typesUsedInSignature_ =
|> List.concatMap typesUsedInSignature
contextWithUsedTypes : ModuleContext
contextWithUsedTypes =
(\( moduleName, name ) context -> registerAsUsed context moduleName name)
( []
, { contextWithUsedTypes
| exposed =
(\name _ -> Set.member name declaredNames)
, typesNotToReport =
|> List.filter
(\( moduleName, name ) ->
(Scope.realFunctionOrType moduleName name contextWithUsedTypes.scope
|> Tuple.first
|> List.isEmpty
&& isType name
|> Tuple.second
|> Set.fromList
isType : String -> Bool
isType string =
case String.uncons string of
Nothing ->
Just ( char, _ ) ->
Char.isUpper char
declarationName : Declaration -> Maybe String
declarationName declaration =
case declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
|> Node.value
|> .name
|> Node.value
|> Just
Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.AliasDeclaration alias_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.PortDeclaration port_ ->
Just <| Node.value
Declaration.InfixDeclaration { operator } ->
Just <| Node.value operator
Declaration.Destructuring _ _ ->
typesUsedInSignature : Node Declaration -> List ( ModuleName, String )
typesUsedInSignature declaration =
case Node.value declaration of
Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ->
|> (Node.value >> .typeAnnotation >> collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
_ ->
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> List ( ModuleName, String )
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node =
case Node.value node of
TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation a b ->
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation a ++ collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation b
TypeAnnotation.Typed nameNode params ->
Node.value nameNode :: List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation params
TypeAnnotation.Record list ->
|> (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation
TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord name list ->
|> Node.value
|> (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation
TypeAnnotation.Tupled list ->
List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation list
TypeAnnotation.GenericType _ ->
TypeAnnotation.Unit ->
@ -333,12 +439,7 @@ expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Rule.Direction -> ModuleContext -> ( List
expressionVisitor node direction moduleContext =
case ( direction, Node.value node ) of
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName name ) ->
( []
, { moduleContext
| used =
Set.insert (Scope.realFunctionOrType moduleName name moduleContext.scope) moduleContext.used
( [], registerAsUsed moduleContext moduleName name )
_ ->
( [], moduleContext )

View File

@ -64,26 +64,37 @@ details =
tests : List Test
tests =
[ test "should report an exposed function when it is not used in other modules" <|
\() ->
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnusedExports"
[ functionsAndValuesTests
, typesTests
-- TODO Add tests that report exposing the type's variants if they are never used.
functionsAndValuesTests : Test
functionsAndValuesTests =
describe "Functions and values"
[ test "should report an exposed function when it is not used in other modules" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (a)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or type `a` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "a"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 20 }, end = { row = 2, column = 21 } }
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (qualified import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `a` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "a"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 20 }, end = { row = 2, column = 21 } }
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (qualified import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (a)
a = 1
""", """
@ -91,11 +102,11 @@ module B exposing (main)
import A
main = A.a
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using an alias)" <|
\() ->
[ """
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using an alias)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (a)
a = 1
""", """
@ -103,11 +114,11 @@ module B exposing (main)
import A as SomeA
main = SomeA.a
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using `exposing` to import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using `exposing` to import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (a)
a = 1
""", """
@ -115,11 +126,11 @@ module B exposing (main)
import A exposing (a)
main = a
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using `exposing(..)` to import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an exposed function when it is used in other modules (using `exposing(..)` to import)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (a)
a = 1
""", """
@ -127,66 +138,198 @@ module B exposing (main)
import A exposing (..)
main = a
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report an exposed function when it is not used in other modules, even if it is used in the module" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report an exposed function when it is not used in other modules, even if it is used in the module" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (exposed)
exposed = 1
main = exposed
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or type `exposed` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "exposed"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 20 }, end = { row = 2, column = 27 } }
, test "should not report anything for modules that expose everything`" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `exposed` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "exposed"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 20 }, end = { row = 2, column = 27 } }
, test "should not report anything for modules that expose everything`" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (..)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report the `main` function for an application even if it is unused" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report the `main` function for an application even if it is unused" <|
\() ->
module Main exposing (main)
main = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report the `main` function for a package when it is never used outside the module" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should report the `main` function for a package when it is never used outside the module" <|
\() ->
module Main exposing (main)
main = text ""
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or type `main` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "main"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 23 }, end = { row = 2, column = 27 } }
, test "should not report a function that does not refer to anything" <|
\() ->
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed function or value `main` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "main"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 23 }, end = { row = 2, column = 27 } }
, test "should not report a function that does not refer to anything" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (b)
a = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
all : Test
all =
describe "NoUnusedExpor" tests
typesTests : Test
typesTests =
describe "Types"
[ test "should report an unused exposed custom type" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (Exposed)
type Exposed = VariantA | VariantB
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed type or type alias `Exposed` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "Exposed"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 20 }, end = { row = 2, column = 27 } }
, test "should not report a used exposed custom type (type signature)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (Exposed)
type Exposed = VariantA | VariantB
""", """
module B exposing (main)
import A
main : A.Exposed
main = VariantA
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report a used exposed custom type (type alias)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (ExposedB, ExposedC)
type ExposedB = B
type ExposedC = C
""", """
module Exposed exposing (B, C)
import A
type alias B = A.ExposedB
type alias C = A.ExposedC
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's part of the package's exposed API" <|
\() ->
module Exposed exposing (MyType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's present in the signature of an exposed function" <|
\() ->
module A exposing (main, MyType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
main : () -> MyType
main = 1
|> Review.Test.runWithProjectData application rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's aliased by an exposed type alias" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (MyType, OtherType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
type alias OtherType = MyType
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
type alias B = A.OtherType
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's present in an exposed type alias" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (MyType, OtherType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
type alias OtherType = { thing : MyType }
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
type alias B = A.OtherType
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's present in an exposed type alias (nested)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (MyType, OtherType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
type alias OtherType = { other { thing : ((), MyType) } }
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
type alias B = A.OtherType
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's present in an exposed custom type constructor's arguments" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (MyType, OtherType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
type OtherType = Thing MyType
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
type alias B = A.OtherType
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors
, Test.skip <|
test "should not report an unused exposed custom type if it's present in an exposed custom type constructor's arguments (nested)" <|
\() ->
[ """
module A exposing (MyType, OtherType)
type MyType = VariantA | VariantB
type OtherType = OtherThing | SomeThing ((), List MyType)
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
type alias B = A.OtherType
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectNoErrors