This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Engels 2023-04-15 08:00:54 +02:00
parent 378fd4cbf9
commit c3fee90359
4 changed files with 8 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ computeHelp cacheKey moduleName module_ project =
deps : Dict ModuleName Elm.Docs.Module
deps =
-- TODO Invalidate all the lookuptables if elm.json has changed? Or be smarter about it, but at least
-- avoid outdated results
-- TODO Only invalidate the lookup tables the dependencies in elm.json have changed?
case projectCache.dependenciesModules of
Just cache ->
if elmJsonContentHash == cache.elmJsonContentHash then
@ -685,11 +684,11 @@ registerExposedCustomType constructors name innerContext =
{ name = name
, comment = ""
-- TODO Get the args from the type. Not useful now but useful when we will provide type information
, args = []
, tags =
-- TODO Constructor args?
-- TODO Get the constructor args from the type. Not useful now but useful when we will provide type information
|> (\constructor -> ( Node.value (Node.value constructor).name, [] ))
:: innerContext.exposedUnions

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@ -28,13 +28,7 @@ shouldApplyFix : ReviewOptionsData -> Maybe ({ ruleName : String, filePath : Str
shouldApplyFix reviewOptionsData =
case reviewOptionsData.fixMode of
Enabled _ ->
-- TODO Breaking change: Re-add this condition (for performance)
-- Right now enabling this makes it so that some fixes get ignored
-- when the rule hasn't annotated that it would make fixes.
--if not providesFixes then
-- Nothing
-- TODO Breaking change: Only look for errors in rules that mention they will provide fixes.
if Dict.isEmpty reviewOptionsData.suppressions then
Just (\err -> not (reviewOptionsData.ignoreFix err))

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@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ addParsedModule { path, source, ast } maybeModuleZipper (ValidProject project) =
case Graph.checkAcyclic graph of
Err _ ->
-- TODO Breaking change: Add a new kind of FixProblem about introducing import cycles
Ok acyclicGraph ->
@ -448,6 +449,7 @@ addParsedModule { path, source, ast } maybeModuleZipper (ValidProject project) =
Nothing ->
-- We don't support adding new files at the moment.
-- TODO Support creating a new file (only in known source-directories?)

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@ -5171,7 +5171,8 @@ findFixHelp project fixablePredicate errors accErrors maybeModuleZipper =
, error = errorToReviewError (Error headError)
-- TODO This is a dummy value. Figure out what makes sense
-- TODO Breaking change: This is a dummy value. We should report
-- an import cycle problem, or whatever else that might be the problem.
|> Result.fromMaybe FixProblem.Unchanged