mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 17:53:35 +03:00
Backport work from review-unused
This commit is contained in:
@ -277,20 +277,29 @@ exposedElements nodes =
(\node ->
case Node.value node of
Exposing.FunctionExpose name ->
Just <| ( name, { range = Node.range node, exposedElement = Function } )
Just ( name, { range = untilEndOfVariable name (Node.range node), exposedElement = Function } )
Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
Just <| ( name, { range = Node.range node, exposedElement = TypeOrTypeAlias } )
Just ( name, { range = untilEndOfVariable name (Node.range node), exposedElement = TypeOrTypeAlias } )
Exposing.TypeExpose { name } ->
Just <| ( name, { range = Node.range node, exposedElement = ExposedType } )
Just ( name, { range = untilEndOfVariable name (Node.range node), exposedElement = ExposedType } )
Exposing.InfixExpose name ->
Exposing.InfixExpose _ ->
|> Dict.fromList
untilEndOfVariable : String -> Range -> Range
untilEndOfVariable name range =
if range.start.row == range.end.row then
{ range | end = { row = range.start.row, column = range.start.column + String.length name } }
@ -592,6 +592,34 @@ type alias B = A.OtherType
, test "should report the correct range when exports are on multiple lines" <|
\() ->
[ """module A
exposing ( Card
, Link
, init
, toElement
type Card = Card
type Link = Link
init = 1
""", """
module Exposed exposing (..)
import A
a = A.Card A.init A.toElement
""" ]
|> Review.Test.runOnModulesWithProjectData package_ rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrorsForModules
[ ( "A"
, [ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Exposed type or type alias `Link` is never used outside this module."
, details = details
, under = "Link"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 7 }, end = { row = 3, column = 11 } }
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ module NoUnused.Variables exposing (rule)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration exposing (Declaration(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Exposing exposing (Exposing(..), TopLevelExpose(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (Expression(..), Function, FunctionImplementation, LetDeclaration(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration)
import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing exposing (Exposing)
import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression, Function, FunctionImplementation)
import Elm.Syntax.Import exposing (Import)
import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module)
import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..))
import Elm.Syntax.Pattern as Pattern exposing (Pattern)
import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation(..))
import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation)
import NoUnused.NonemptyList as NonemptyList exposing (Nonempty)
import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix)
import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Direction, Error, Rule)
@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ import Set exposing (Set)
{-| Report variables or types that are declared or imported but never used.
**NOTE**: Since `elm-review` only works in the scope of a single file, this rule
will not report variables that are exposed but not used anywhere in the project.
If you wish those to be reported, check out [`elm-xref`](https://github.com/zwilias/elm-xref).
config =
[ NoUnused.Variables.rule
@ -232,25 +228,25 @@ fix declaredModules { variableType, rangeToRemove } =
moduleDefinitionVisitor : Node Module -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
moduleDefinitionVisitor (Node _ moduleNode) context =
case Module.exposingList moduleNode of
All _ ->
Exposing.All _ ->
( [], { context | exposesEverything = True } )
Explicit list ->
Exposing.Explicit list ->
names =
(\(Node _ node) ->
case node of
FunctionExpose name ->
Exposing.FunctionExpose name ->
Just name
TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
Just name
TypeExpose { name } ->
Exposing.TypeExpose { name } ->
Just name
InfixExpose name ->
Exposing.InfixExpose name ->
-- Just name
@ -260,13 +256,33 @@ moduleDefinitionVisitor (Node _ moduleNode) context =
importVisitor : Node Import -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context )
importVisitor ((Node _ { exposingList, moduleAlias, moduleName }) as node) context =
case exposingList of
importVisitor ((Node _ import_) as node) context =
errors : List (Error {})
errors =
case import_.moduleAlias of
Just moduleAlias ->
if Node.value moduleAlias == Node.value import_.moduleName then
[ Rule.errorWithFix
{ message = "Module `Html` is aliased as `Html`"
, details = [ "The alias is the same as the module name, and brings no useful value" ]
(Node.range moduleAlias)
[ Fix.removeRange <| moduleAliasRange node (Node.range moduleAlias) ]
Nothing ->
case import_.exposingList of
Nothing ->
( [], registerModuleNameOrAlias node context )
( errors, registerModuleNameOrAlias node context )
Just declaredImports ->
( []
( errors
, List.foldl
(\( name, variableInfo ) context_ -> register variableInfo name context_)
(registerModuleAlias node context)
@ -324,19 +340,19 @@ moduleAliasRange (Node _ { moduleName }) range =
expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> Direction -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context )
expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
case ( direction, value ) of
( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionOrValue [] name ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue [] name ) ->
( [], markAsUsed name context )
( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionOrValue moduleName name ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.FunctionOrValue moduleName name ) ->
( [], markModuleAsUsed (getModuleName moduleName) context )
( Rule.OnEnter, OperatorApplication name _ _ _ ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.OperatorApplication name _ _ _ ) ->
( [], markAsUsed name context )
( Rule.OnEnter, PrefixOperator name ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.PrefixOperator name ) ->
( [], markAsUsed name context )
( Rule.OnEnter, LetExpression { declarations, expression } ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.LetExpression { declarations, expression } ) ->
letBlockContext : LetBlockContext
letBlockContext =
@ -351,7 +367,7 @@ expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
(\declaration context_ ->
case Node.value declaration of
LetFunction function ->
Expression.LetFunction function ->
namesUsedInArgumentPatterns : { types : List String, modules : List String }
namesUsedInArgumentPatterns =
@ -365,7 +381,7 @@ expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
|> registerFunction letBlockContext function
|> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInArgumentPatterns
LetDestructuring pattern _ ->
Expression.LetDestructuring pattern _ ->
{ context | scopes = NonemptyList.cons emptyScope context.scopes }
@ -373,7 +389,7 @@ expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
( [], newContext )
( Rule.OnEnter, LambdaExpression { args } ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Expression.LambdaExpression { args } ) ->
namesUsedInArgumentPatterns : { types : List String, modules : List String }
namesUsedInArgumentPatterns =
@ -383,10 +399,10 @@ expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
( [], markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInArgumentPatterns context )
( Rule.OnExit, RecordUpdateExpression expr _ ) ->
( Rule.OnExit, Expression.RecordUpdateExpression expr _ ) ->
( [], markAsUsed (Node.value expr) context )
( Rule.OnExit, CaseExpression { cases } ) ->
( Rule.OnExit, Expression.CaseExpression { cases } ) ->
usedVariables : { types : List String, modules : List String }
usedVariables =
@ -401,7 +417,7 @@ expressionVisitor (Node range value) direction context =
, markUsedTypesAndModules usedVariables context
( Rule.OnExit, LetExpression _ ) ->
( Rule.OnExit, Expression.LetExpression _ ) ->
( errors, remainingUsed ) =
makeReport (NonemptyList.head context.scopes)
@ -545,7 +561,7 @@ getUsedModulesFromPattern patternNode =
declarationVisitor : Node Declaration -> Direction -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context )
declarationVisitor node direction context =
case ( direction, Node.value node ) of
( Rule.OnEnter, FunctionDeclaration function ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function ) ->
functionImplementation : FunctionImplementation
functionImplementation =
@ -579,7 +595,7 @@ declarationVisitor node direction context =
( [], newContext )
( Rule.OnEnter, CustomTypeDeclaration { name, documentation, constructors } ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration { name, documentation, constructors } ) ->
variablesFromConstructorArguments : { types : List String, modules : List String }
variablesFromConstructorArguments =
@ -610,7 +626,7 @@ declarationVisitor node direction context =
|> markUsedTypesAndModules variablesFromConstructorArguments
( Rule.OnEnter, AliasDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation, documentation } ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.AliasDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation, documentation } ) ->
namesUsedInTypeAnnotation : { types : List String, modules : List String }
namesUsedInTypeAnnotation =
@ -627,7 +643,7 @@ declarationVisitor node direction context =
|> markUsedTypesAndModules namesUsedInTypeAnnotation
( Rule.OnEnter, PortDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation } ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.PortDeclaration { name, typeAnnotation } ) ->
namesUsedInTypeAnnotation : { types : List String, modules : List String }
namesUsedInTypeAnnotation =
@ -644,10 +660,10 @@ declarationVisitor node direction context =
(Node.value name)
( Rule.OnEnter, InfixDeclaration _ ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.InfixDeclaration _ ) ->
( [], context )
( Rule.OnEnter, Destructuring _ _ ) ->
( Rule.OnEnter, Declaration.Destructuring _ _ ) ->
( [], context )
( Rule.OnExit, _ ) ->
@ -764,10 +780,10 @@ registerFunction letBlockContext function context =
collectFromExposing : Node Exposing -> List ( String, VariableInfo )
collectFromExposing exposingNode =
case Node.value exposingNode of
All _ ->
Exposing.All _ ->
Explicit list ->
Exposing.Explicit list ->
listWithPreviousRange : List (Maybe Range)
listWithPreviousRange =
@ -807,27 +823,60 @@ collectFromExposing exposingNode =
{ range | start = previousRange.end }
case value of
FunctionExpose name ->
Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedVariable, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } )
Exposing.FunctionExpose name ->
( name
, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedVariable
, under = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
InfixExpose name ->
Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedOperator, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } )
Exposing.InfixExpose name ->
( name
, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedOperator
, under = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } )
Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name ->
( name
, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType
, under = untilEndOfVariable name range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
TypeExpose { name, open } ->
Exposing.TypeExpose { name, open } ->
case open of
Just openRange ->
-- TODO Change this behavior once we know the contents of the open range, using dependencies or the interfaces of the other modules
Nothing ->
Just ( name, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType, under = range, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove } )
( name
, { variableType = ImportedItem ImportedType
, under = range
, rangeToRemove = rangeToRemove
|> List.filterMap identity
untilEndOfVariable : String -> Range -> Range
untilEndOfVariable name range =
if range.start.row == range.end.row then
{ range | end = { row = range.start.row, column = range.start.column + String.length name } }
collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> { types : List String, modules : List String }
collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation node =
{ types = collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node
@ -838,10 +887,10 @@ collectNamesFromTypeAnnotation node =
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> List String
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node =
case Node.value node of
FunctionTypeAnnotation a b ->
TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation a b ->
collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation a ++ collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation b
Typed nameNode params ->
TypeAnnotation.Typed nameNode params ->
name : List String
name =
@ -854,34 +903,34 @@ collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation node =
name ++ List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation params
Record list ->
TypeAnnotation.Record list ->
|> List.map (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation
GenericRecord name list ->
TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord name list ->
|> Node.value
|> List.map (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation
Tupled list ->
TypeAnnotation.Tupled list ->
List.concatMap collectTypesFromTypeAnnotation list
GenericType _ ->
TypeAnnotation.GenericType _ ->
Unit ->
TypeAnnotation.Unit ->
collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation : Node TypeAnnotation -> List String
collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation node =
case Node.value node of
FunctionTypeAnnotation a b ->
TypeAnnotation.FunctionTypeAnnotation a b ->
collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation a ++ collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation b
Typed nameNode params ->
TypeAnnotation.Typed nameNode params ->
name : List String
name =
@ -894,24 +943,24 @@ collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation node =
name ++ List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation params
Record list ->
TypeAnnotation.Record list ->
|> List.map (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation
GenericRecord name list ->
TypeAnnotation.GenericRecord name list ->
|> Node.value
|> List.map (Node.value >> Tuple.second)
|> List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation
Tupled list ->
TypeAnnotation.Tupled list ->
List.concatMap collectModuleNamesFromTypeAnnotation list
GenericType _ ->
TypeAnnotation.GenericType _ ->
Unit ->
TypeAnnotation.Unit ->
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ import Foo
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Imported type `C` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "C\n ,"
, under = "C"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (d)
import Foo
@ -591,6 +591,41 @@ import Foo
, a
, test "should report unused imported functions (multiple imports on several lines, function first)" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (d)
import Foo
( a
, b
d = 1"""
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Imported variable `a` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "a"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed
"""module SomeModule exposing (d)
import Foo
( b
d = 1"""
, Review.Test.error
{ message = "Imported variable `b` is not used"
, details = details
, under = "b"
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (d)
import Foo
( a
d = 1"""
, test "should report unused operator import" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
@ -738,6 +773,23 @@ import Html.Styled exposing (Html)
a : Html
a = ()"""
, test "should report import alias if the name is the same thing as the module name" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
import Html as Html
a = Html.div"""
|> Review.Test.run rule
|> Review.Test.expectErrors
[ Review.Test.error
{ message = "Module `Html` is aliased as `Html`"
, details = [ "The alias is the same as the module name, and brings no useful value" ]
, under = "Html"
|> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 2, column = 16 }, end = { row = 2, column = 20 } }
|> Review.Test.whenFixed """module SomeModule exposing (a)
import Html
a = Html.div"""
, test "should not report import that exposes a used exposed type" <|
\() ->
"""module SomeModule exposing (a)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user