module Tests.NoInconsistentAliases exposing (all) import NoInconsistentAliases as Rule exposing (rule) import Review.Test import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) all : Test all = describe "NoInconsistentAliases" [ describe "preferred aliases" preferredAliasTests , describe "noMissingAliases" noMissingAliasesTests ] noMissingAliasesTests : List Test noMissingAliasesTests = [ test "reports missing alias when one should be used" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html import Html.Attributes view = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> Rule.noMissingAliases |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ missingAliasError "Attr" "Html.Attributes" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 8 }, end = { row = 4, column = 23 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Page exposing (view) import Html import Html.Attributes as Attr view = Html.div [ Attr.class "container" ] [] """ ] , test "does not report missing aliases when not used" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html import Html.Attributes exposing (class) view = Html.div [ class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> Rule.noMissingAliases |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "does not report missing aliases when the option is not set" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html import Html.Attributes view = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] preferredAliasTests : List Test preferredAliasTests = [ test "reports incorrect aliases" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Html import Html.Attributes as A main = Html.div [ A.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Attr" "Html.Attributes" "A" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 27 }, end = { row = 4, column = 28 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Main exposing (main) import Html import Html.Attributes as Attr main = Html.div [ Attr.class "container" ] [] """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in a function signature" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as E import Page main : Program E.Value Page.Model Page.Msg main = Page.program """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Json.Encode", "Encode" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Encode" "Json.Encode" "E" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 23 }, end = { row = 3, column = 24 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as Encode import Page main : Program Encode.Value Page.Model Page.Msg main = Page.program """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in a type alias" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as E import Page type alias JsonValue = E.Value main : Program JsonValue Page.Model Page.Msg main = Page.program """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Json.Encode", "Encode" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Encode" "Json.Encode" "E" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 23 }, end = { row = 3, column = 24 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as Encode import Page type alias JsonValue = Encode.Value main : Program JsonValue Page.Model Page.Msg main = Page.program """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in a custom type constructor" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as E import Page type JsonValue = JsonValue E.Value main = Page.main """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Json.Encode", "Encode" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Encode" "Json.Encode" "E" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 23 }, end = { row = 3, column = 24 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as Encode import Page type JsonValue = JsonValue Encode.Value main = Page.main """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in case expressions" <| \_ -> """ module Visitor exposing (expressionVisitor) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as ESE import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN expressionVisitor : ESN.Node ESE.Expression -> List (Error {}) expressionVisitor node = case ESN.value node of ESE.FunctionOrValue _ _ -> [] _ -> [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Elm.Syntax.Expression", "Expression" ) , ( "Elm.Syntax.Node", "Node" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Expression" "Elm.Syntax.Expression" "ESE" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 33 }, end = { row = 3, column = 36 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Visitor exposing (expressionVisitor) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN expressionVisitor : ESN.Node Expression.Expression -> List (Error {}) expressionVisitor node = case ESN.value node of Expression.FunctionOrValue _ _ -> [] _ -> [] """ , incorrectAliasError "Node" "Elm.Syntax.Node" "ESN" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 27 }, end = { row = 4, column = 30 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Visitor exposing (expressionVisitor) import Elm.Syntax.Expression as ESE import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node expressionVisitor : Node.Node ESE.Expression -> List (Error {}) expressionVisitor node = case Node.value node of ESE.FunctionOrValue _ _ -> [] _ -> [] """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in function arguments" <| \_ -> """ module Visitor exposing (getRange) import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN getRange ((ESN.Node range _) as node) = range """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Elm.Syntax.Node", "Node" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Node" "Elm.Syntax.Node" "ESN" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 27 }, end = { row = 3, column = 30 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Visitor exposing (getRange) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node getRange ((Node.Node range _) as node) = range """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in let blocks" <| \_ -> """ module Visitor exposing (shiftRange) import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN shiftRange : ( ESN.Node String, Int ) -> { node : ESN.Node String } -> { a | node : ESN.Node String } -> Range shiftRange input _ _ = let asList : ( ESN.Node, Int ) -> List ESN.Node asList ( node, _ ) = [ node ] ( ESN.Node range1 value1, length1 ) = input [ ESN.Node range2 value2 ] = asList input ESN.Node range3 value3 :: [] = asList input in range """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Elm.Syntax.Node", "Node" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Node" "Elm.Syntax.Node" "ESN" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 27 }, end = { row = 3, column = 30 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module Visitor exposing (shiftRange) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node shiftRange : ( Node.Node String, Int ) -> { node : Node.Node String } -> { a | node : Node.Node String } -> Range shiftRange input _ _ = let asList : ( Node.Node, Int ) -> List Node.Node asList ( node, _ ) = [ node ] ( Node.Node range1 value1, length1 ) = input [ Node.Node range2 value2 ] = asList input Node.Node range3 value3 :: [] = asList input in range """ ] , test "fixes incorrect aliases in a lambda function" <| \_ -> """ module NoCode exposing (visitor) import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN import Review.Rule as Review visitor : List (ESN.Node String) -> List (Review.Error {}) visitor list = (\\ESN.Node range value -> Review.error value) list """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Elm.Syntax.Node", "Node" ) , ( "Review.Rule", "Rule" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ incorrectAliasError "Node" "Elm.Syntax.Node" "ESN" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 27 }, end = { row = 3, column = 30 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module NoCode exposing (visitor) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node import Review.Rule as Review visitor : List (Node.Node String) -> List (Review.Error {}) visitor list = (\\Node.Node range value -> Review.error value) list """ , incorrectAliasError "Rule" "Review.Rule" "Review" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 4, column = 23 }, end = { row = 4, column = 29 } } |> Review.Test.whenFixed """ module NoCode exposing (visitor) import Elm.Syntax.Node as ESN import Review.Rule as Rule visitor : List (ESN.Node String) -> List (Rule.Error {}) visitor list = (\\ESN.Node range value -> Rule.error value) list """ ] , test "does not offer a fix when there's an alias collision" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as A import Svg.Attributes as Attr view = div [ A.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ aliasCollisionError "Attr" "Html.Attributes" "A" "Svg.Attributes" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 27 }, end = { row = 3, column = 28 } } ] , test "does not offer a fix when there's a module collision" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as A import Attr view = div [ A.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectErrors [ aliasCollisionError "Attr" "Html.Attributes" "A" "Attr" |> Review.Test.atExactly { start = { row = 3, column = 27 }, end = { row = 3, column = 28 } } ] , test "does not report when there's a collision with another preferred alias" <| \_ -> """ module Page exposing (view) import Html.Attributes as A import Svg.Attributes as Attr view = div [ A.class "container" ] [] """ |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) , ( "Svg.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "does not report modules imported with no alias" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Html.Attributes main = 1""" |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "does not report modules with the correct alias" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Html.Attributes as Attr main = 1""" |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors , test "does not report modules with no preferred alias" <| \_ -> """ module Main exposing (main) import Json.Encode as E main = 1""" |> (Rule.config [ ( "Html.Attributes", "Attr" ) ] |> rule ) |> Review.Test.expectNoErrors ] incorrectAliasError : String -> String -> String -> Review.Test.ExpectedError incorrectAliasError expectedAlias moduleName wrongAlias = Review.Test.error { message = "Incorrect alias `" ++ wrongAlias ++ "` for module `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , details = [ "This import does not use your preferred alias `" ++ expectedAlias ++ "` for `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , "You should update the alias to be consistent with the rest of the project. Remember to change all references to the alias in this module too." ] , under = wrongAlias } aliasCollisionError : String -> String -> String -> String -> Review.Test.ExpectedError aliasCollisionError expectedAlias moduleName wrongAlias collisionName = Review.Test.error { message = "Incorrect alias `" ++ wrongAlias ++ "` for module `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , details = [ "This import does not use your preferred alias `" ++ expectedAlias ++ "` for `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , "Your preferred alias has already been taken by `" ++ collisionName ++ "`." , "You should change the alias for both modules to be consistent with the rest of the project. Remember to change all references to the alias in this module too." ] , under = wrongAlias } missingAliasError : String -> String -> Review.Test.ExpectedError missingAliasError expectedAlias moduleName = Review.Test.error { message = "Expected alias `" ++ expectedAlias ++ "` missing for module `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , details = [ "This import does not use your preferred alias `" ++ expectedAlias ++ "` for `" ++ moduleName ++ "`." , "You should update the alias to be consistent with the rest of the project. Remember to change all references to the alias in this module too." ] , under = moduleName }