module Docs.ReviewAtDocs exposing (rule) {-| @docs rule -} import Dict import Docs.Utils.ExposedFromProject as ExposedFromProject import Elm.Project import Elm.Syntax.Declaration as Declaration exposing (Declaration) import Elm.Syntax.Exposing as Exposing exposing (Exposing) import Elm.Syntax.Module as Module exposing (Module) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range exposing (Range) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Rule) import Set exposing (Set) -- TODO Report @docs Thing(..) like in: -- -- -- TODO Report -- TODO Report -- TODO Report @docs in README? {-| Reports problems with the usages of `@docs`. config = [ Docs.ReviewAtDocs.rule ] The aim of this rule is to report problems for documentation in packages that the Elm compiler doesn't report but that break documentation, and to replicate the same checks for applications so that you can write documentation without worrying about them getting stale. The rule will report issues with malformed `@docs` directives that will cause the documentation to not be displayed properly once published. - `@docs` on the first line ```elm {-| @docs a -} ``` - Indented `@docs` ```elm {-| @docs a -} ``` Once there are no more issues of malformed `@docs`, the rule will report about: - Missing `@docs` for exposed elements - `@docs` for non-exposed or missing elements - Duplicate `@docs` references - Usage of `@docs` outside of the module documentation If a module does not have _any_ usage of `@docs`, then the rule will not report anything, as the rule will assume the module is not meant to be documented at this moment in time. An exception is made for exposed modules of a package. ## When (not) to enable this rule This rule will not be useful if your project is an application and no-one in the team has the habit of writing package-like documentation. ## Try it out You can try this rule out by running the following command: ```bash elm-review --template jfmengels/elm-review-documentation/example --rules Docs.ReviewAtDocs ``` -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "Docs.ReviewAtDocs" initialContext |> Rule.withElmJsonModuleVisitor elmJsonVisitor |> Rule.withModuleDefinitionVisitor moduleDefinitionVisitor |> Rule.withModuleDocumentationVisitor moduleDocumentationVisitor |> Rule.withDeclarationListVisitor (\nodes context -> ( declarationListVisitor nodes context, context )) |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema type alias Context = { exposedModulesFromProject : Set String , moduleIsExposed : Bool , exposedFromModule : Exposing , hasMalformedDocs : Bool , docsReferences : List (Node String) } initialContext : Context initialContext = { exposedModulesFromProject = Set.empty , moduleIsExposed = False , exposedFromModule = Exposing.All Range.emptyRange , hasMalformedDocs = False , docsReferences = [] } -- ELM.JSON VISITOR elmJsonVisitor : Maybe Elm.Project.Project -> Context -> Context elmJsonVisitor maybeProject context = let exposedModules : Set String exposedModules = case maybeProject of Just project -> ExposedFromProject.exposedModules project _ -> Set.empty in { context | exposedModulesFromProject = exposedModules } -- MODULE DEFINITION VISITOR moduleDefinitionVisitor : Node Module -> Context -> ( List nothing, Context ) moduleDefinitionVisitor node context = ( [] , { context | exposedFromModule = Module.exposingList (Node.value node) , moduleIsExposed = Set.member (Module.moduleName (Node.value node) |> String.join ".") context.exposedModulesFromProject } ) -- MODULE DOCUMENTATION VISITOR moduleDocumentationVisitor : Maybe (Node String) -> Context -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Context ) moduleDocumentationVisitor moduleDocumentation context = case moduleDocumentation of Just (Node range comment) -> case String.lines comment of firstLine :: restOfLines -> let ( linesThatStartWithAtDocs, linesThatDontStartWithAtDocs ) = restOfLines |> List.indexedMap (\index line -> ( index + range.start.row + 1, line )) |> List.partition (Tuple.second >> String.startsWith "@docs ") misformedDocsErrors : List (Rule.Error {}) misformedDocsErrors = List.append (reportDocsOnFirstLine range.start.row firstLine) (List.concatMap reportIndentedDocs linesThatDontStartWithAtDocs) in ( misformedDocsErrors , { context | docsReferences = List.concatMap collectDocStatements linesThatStartWithAtDocs , hasMalformedDocs = not (List.isEmpty misformedDocsErrors) } ) [] -> ( [], context ) Nothing -> ( [], context ) reportDocsOnFirstLine : Int -> String -> List (Rule.Error {}) reportDocsOnFirstLine lineNumber line = (Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.keyword "{-|" |= docsWithSpacesParser lineNumber) line |> (\range -> [ Rule.error { message = "Found @docs on the first line" , details = [ "Using @docs on the first line will make for a broken documentation once published. Please move it to the beginning of the next line." ] } range ] ) |> Result.withDefault [] reportIndentedDocs : ( Int, String ) -> List (Rule.Error {}) reportIndentedDocs ( lineNumber, line ) = (docsWithSpacesParser lineNumber) line |> (\range -> [ Rule.error { message = "Found indented @docs" , details = [ "@docs need to be at the beginning of a line, otherwise they can lead to broken documentation once published. on the first line will make for a broken documentation once published. Please remove the leading spaces" ] } range ] ) |> Result.withDefault [] docsWithSpacesParser : Int -> Parser Range docsWithSpacesParser row = Parser.succeed (\startColumn endColumn -> { start = { row = row, column = startColumn }, end = { row = row, column = endColumn } } ) |. Parser.spaces |= Parser.getCol |. Parser.keyword "@docs" |= Parser.getCol collectDocStatements : ( Int, String ) -> List (Node String) collectDocStatements ( lineNumber, string ) = (docElementsParser lineNumber) string |> Result.withDefault [] docElementsParser : Int -> Parser (List (Node String)) docElementsParser startRow = Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.keyword "@docs" |. Parser.spaces |= Parser.sequence { start = "" , separator = "," , end = "" , spaces = Parser.spaces , item = docsItemParser startRow , trailing = Parser.Forbidden } docsItemParser : Int -> Parser (Node String) docsItemParser row = Parser.succeed (\startColumn name endColumn -> Node { start = { row = row, column = startColumn } , end = { row = row, column = endColumn } } name ) |= Parser.getCol |= Parser.variable { start = Char.isAlpha , inner = \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' , reserved = Set.empty } |= Parser.getCol -- DECLARATION LIST VISITOR declarationListVisitor : List (Node Declaration) -> Context -> List (Rule.Error {}) declarationListVisitor nodes context = if context.hasMalformedDocs || (List.isEmpty context.docsReferences && not context.moduleIsExposed) then List.concatMap errorsForDocsInDeclarationDoc nodes else let exposedNodes : List (Node String) exposedNodes = case context.exposedFromModule of Exposing.All _ -> List.filterMap declarationName nodes Exposing.Explicit explicit -> topLevelExposeName explicit exposed : Set String exposed = Set.fromList ( Node.value exposedNodes) ( duplicateDocErrors, referencedElements ) = errorsForDuplicateDocs context.docsReferences in List.concat [ errorsForDocsForNonExposedElements exposed context.docsReferences , errorsForExposedElementsWithoutADocsReference referencedElements exposedNodes , List.concatMap errorsForDocsInDeclarationDoc nodes , duplicateDocErrors ] errorsForDocsForNonExposedElements : Set String -> List (Node String) -> List (Rule.Error {}) errorsForDocsForNonExposedElements exposed docsReferences = docsReferences |> List.filter (\(Node _ name) -> not (Set.member name exposed)) |> (\(Node range name) -> Rule.error { message = "Found @docs reference for non-exposed `" ++ name ++ "`" , details = [ "I couldn't find this element among the module's exposed elements. Maybe you removed or renamed it recently." , "Please remove the @docs reference or update the reference to the new name." ] } range ) errorsForExposedElementsWithoutADocsReference : Set String -> List (Node String) -> List (Rule.Error {}) errorsForExposedElementsWithoutADocsReference allDocsReferences exposedNodes = exposedNodes |> List.filter (\(Node _ name) -> not (Set.member name allDocsReferences)) |> (\(Node range name) -> Rule.error { message = "Missing @docs reference for exposed `" ++ name ++ "`" , details = [ "There is no @docs reference for this element. Maybe you exposed or renamed it recently." , "Please add a @docs reference to it the module documentation (the one at the top of the module) like this:" , """{-| @docs """ ++ name ++ """ -}""" ] } range ) errorsForDocsInDeclarationDoc : Node Declaration -> List (Rule.Error {}) errorsForDocsInDeclarationDoc node = case docForDeclaration node of Just ( declarationType, Node docRange docContent ) -> indexedConcatMap (\lineNumber lineContent -> lineContent |> (docsWithSpacesParser (lineNumber + docRange.start.row)) |> (\range -> [ Rule.error { message = "Found usage of @docs in a " ++ declarationType ++ " documentation" , details = [ "@docs can only be used in the module's documentation. You should remove this @docs and move it there." ] } range ] ) |> Result.withDefault [] ) (String.lines docContent) Nothing -> [] docForDeclaration : Node Declaration -> Maybe ( String, Node String ) docForDeclaration node = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> (Tuple.pair "function") function.documentation Declaration.AliasDeclaration typeAlias -> (Tuple.pair "type") typeAlias.documentation Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration customType -> (Tuple.pair "type") customType.documentation Declaration.PortDeclaration _ -> -- TODO Support port declaration in elm-syntax v8 Nothing Declaration.InfixDeclaration _ -> Nothing Declaration.Destructuring _ _ -> Nothing errorsForDuplicateDocs : List (Node String) -> ( List (Rule.Error {}), Set String ) errorsForDuplicateDocs docsReferences = List.foldl (\(Node range name) ( errors, previouslyFoundNames ) -> case Dict.get name previouslyFoundNames of Just lineNumber -> ( Rule.error { message = "Found duplicate @docs reference for `element`" , details = [ "An element should only be referenced once, but I found a previous reference to it on line " ++ String.fromInt lineNumber ++ ". Please remove one of them." ] } range :: errors , previouslyFoundNames ) Nothing -> ( errors, Dict.insert name range.start.row previouslyFoundNames ) ) ( [], Dict.empty ) docsReferences |> Tuple.mapSecond (Dict.keys >> Set.fromList) declarationName : Node Declaration -> Maybe (Node String) declarationName node = case Node.value node of Declaration.FunctionDeclaration function -> function.declaration |> Node.value |> .name |> Just Declaration.AliasDeclaration typeAlias -> Just Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ -> Just Declaration.PortDeclaration signature -> Just Declaration.InfixDeclaration { operator } -> Just operator Declaration.Destructuring _ _ -> Nothing topLevelExposeName : Node Exposing.TopLevelExpose -> Node String topLevelExposeName (Node range topLevelExpose) = case topLevelExpose of Exposing.InfixExpose name -> Node range name Exposing.FunctionExpose name -> Node range name Exposing.TypeOrAliasExpose name -> Node range name Exposing.TypeExpose { name } -> Node range name indexedConcatMap : (Int -> a -> List b) -> List a -> List b indexedConcatMap function list = List.foldl (\a ( index, acc ) -> ( index + 1, List.append (function index a) acc )) ( 0, [] ) list |> Tuple.second