module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, id, style) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) import Lint exposing (Rule, Severity(..), lintSource) import Lint.Rule.DefaultPatternPosition import Lint.Rule.NoDebug import Lint.Rule.NoExtraBooleanComparison import Lint.Rule.NoImportingEverything import Lint.Rule.NoUnusedVariables import Lint.RuleError exposing (RuleError) -- LINT CONFIGURATION config : List ( Severity, Rule ) config = [ ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoDebug.rule ) , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoUnusedVariables.rule ) , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoImportingEverything.rule { exceptions = [ "Html" ] } ) , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.DefaultPatternPosition.rule { position = Lint.Rule.DefaultPatternPosition.Last } ) , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoExtraBooleanComparison.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoConstantCondition.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoDuplicateImports.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoExposingEverything.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoNestedLet.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoUnannotatedFunction.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoUselessIf.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.NoUselessPatternMatching.rule ) -- , ( Warning, Lint.Rule.NoWarningComments.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.SimplifyPiping.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.SimplifyPropertyAccess.rule ) -- , ( Critical, Lint.Rule.ElmTest.NoDuplicateTestBodies.rule ) ] -- MODEL type alias Model = { sourceCode : String , lintResult : Result (List String) (List ( Severity, RuleError )) } init : Model init = let sourceCode : String sourceCode = """module Main exposing (f) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import NotUsed import SomeModule exposing (notUsed) f : Int -> Int f x = x Debug.log 1 g n = n + 1 """ in { sourceCode = sourceCode , lintResult = lintSource config sourceCode } -- UPDATE type Msg = UserEditedSourceCode String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of UserEditedSourceCode sourceCode -> { model | sourceCode = sourceCode , lintResult = lintSource config sourceCode } -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "wrapper" ] [ div [ id "left" ] [ p [ class "title" ] [ text "Source code" ] , div [ style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "row" ] [ textarea [ id "input" , onInput UserEditedSourceCode , style "height" "500px" , style "width" "60%" ] [ text model.sourceCode ] , div [ style "margin-left" "2rem" ] [ p [ class "title" ] [ text "Linting errors" ] , ul [ id "lint" ] (lintErrors model) ] ] ] ] lintErrors : Model -> List (Html Msg) lintErrors model = let messages : List String messages = case model.lintResult of Err errors -> errors Ok errors -> if List.isEmpty errors then [ "No errors." ] else (Tuple.second >> errorToString) errors in (\message -> li [] [ text message ]) messages errorToString : RuleError -> String errorToString { rule, message, range } = let location : String location = "(line " ++ String.fromInt range.start.row ++ ", column " ++ String.fromInt range.start.column ++ ")" in rule ++ ": " ++ message ++ " " ++ location main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = init , update = update , view = view }