module NoExtraBooleanComparison exposing (rule) {-| Forbid the use of boolean comparisons that can be simplified. # Rule @docs rule -} import Elm.Syntax.Expression as Expression exposing (Expression(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node) import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule) {-| Forbid the use of boolean comparisons that can be simplified. config = [ NoExtraBooleanComparison.rule ] ## Fail if someBooleanValue == True then a else b if someBooleanValue == False then a else b ## Success if someBooleanValue then a else b if not someBooleanValue then a else b # When not to use this rule You should not use this rule if you - prefer the explicitness of expressions like `value == True` - dislike the use of the `not` function - do not see the value in simplifying boolean comparisons -} rule : Rule rule = Rule.newModuleRuleSchema "NoExtraBooleanComparison" () |> Rule.withSimpleExpressionVisitor expressionVisitor |> Rule.fromModuleRuleSchema error : Node a -> String -> String -> Error {} error node operator comparedValue = Rule.error { message = "Unnecessary comparison with `" ++ comparedValue ++ "`" , details = [ "You can simplify this expression by removing the `" ++ operator ++ "` operator and the value `" ++ comparedValue ++ "`." ] } (Node.range node) expressionVisitor : Node Expression -> List (Error {}) expressionVisitor node = case Node.value node of Expression.OperatorApplication operator _ left right -> if isEqualityOperator operator then List.filterMap isTrueOrFalse [ left, right ] |> (error node operator) else [] _ -> [] isEqualityOperator : String -> Bool isEqualityOperator operator = operator == "==" || operator == "/=" isTrueOrFalse : Node Expression -> Maybe String isTrueOrFalse node = case Node.value node of FunctionOrValue [] functionOrValue -> if functionOrValue == "True" || functionOrValue == "False" then Just functionOrValue else Nothing _ -> Nothing